The Herald, 1912-07-26, Page 5+f+ ++++++++++4.+*+•+++ ++++++++++++,11++++;14+0144+++ THE MOLSONS BANK Incorporated 1855 RECORD OF PROGRESS FOR FIVE YEARS -1906-I911 Has_83 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the World. 1906 1911 Capital $ 3,000,000 4,000,000 Reserve 3,000,000 4,600,000 Deposits 23,677,730 35,042,311 Loans and Investments 27,457,090 38,854,801 Total Assets 33,090,192 48,237,284 A General Banking Business Transacted SAVINGS .HANK D H; PAR TMENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Zurich Branch - J. A. CONSTANTINE, Mgr. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ +a•++* .++++++++++++++++..++• Farmer s That Want THE BEST Call, at The Massey - Harris Shop. Our Machines spea for themselves. We also handle -Olds Gasoline .Engine. Jas. Whyte, Ag't MASSEY-HARRIS CO ■.•ZURICH■ay MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and ,thholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make otic own sausages. Give us a call. YUNGBLUT Sc DEICBERT. Core and get your sorts in Highlands of Ontario, in - chiding ' Muskoka Lakes e nit l Lake of Bays "A PASS MASTER" Seventy per cent of passes is said by a local official to be a satisfactory result of the entrance examinations in Hannilton• What would he say to 45 successful pupils in a class of 46? That is what a Port Hope teacher, Mr Gillies. is able to show. In the last ten years more than 500 of. Mr. Gillies' pupils haye written in the entrance examinations, and of these only four have failed. HAPPIEST GIRL IN LINCOLN A Lincoln, Neb., girl writes, "1 had been ailing for some time with (chronic constipation and stomach trouble. I began taking Chamberlain's stomach and liver tablets and in three clays I was able to be up and got better right along. I am .the proudest girl in Lincoln to find such a good medicine." For sale by all dealers. REIIIEMI3ERED VACATION'S Lake vacations a joy to the children. Please teacher,Jenuie Allen Moore is holding up her hand and this is what she is asking, when school closes for midsummer vacation do not suggest that your classes read such and such an anther through the holidays, books that to their youthful minds rare dry and. musty, especially whsn out of sehool and in ' the glorious 'Sinn- - vier days when eierything invites -theins to the wood and water, to the singing of birds and bright sunshine why do I ask it? Because to nine tenths of the class it will rest Hke a pall over the weeks that should be lesson free, and the eleventh hour they will race through the volume's ,dis- gusted with the task and a hatred for the books forever after as the cowd:itiitn under which the were forced to read 11111111111111111111 �R-o "�°KDoublarea Cane a• Line/ At Zurich's Leading ailor Shop the only Place, here the Newest is always hown first and satisfaction uaranteed. aundry in Connection W. H. H0rFMAN' ilor ZURICH TO OUR CANVASSERS By special arrangement we are le to offer to new subscribers ther of our papers and your oioe of the Weekly Globe or the eekly Mail and Empire for only .00 to Jan. let 1913. Each new bscription will count 1000 votes formerly. Add fifty -cents if pers are to be mailed to United ates addresses. Algonquin Park Maganetawan River French River Texnaganai Kawartha Lakes Full summer service now in effect to all of above resorts. Write for full particulars and illustrated folders to any Grand Trunk Agent. Homeseekers' Excursions July 23 Au4ust 6 and 30 September 3 and 17 Via Sarnia or Chicago. Winnipeg and Return w $34.00 Edmonton and Return - $42.00 Tickets good for 60 days No Change of Cars. Special train will leave Toronto 10.80 p. in. on above dates, via Chi- cago and st. Paul, carrying through poaches and Pullman Tourist sleeping cars. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route be- tween Winnipeg,saskatoon, Edmonton New Past Express Service between Winnipeg and Regina. smooth road- bed, Electric lighted sleeping Cars, pberb Dining Car service. Farm for Sale or R icy t. --Good 50 e farm, cleared, well drained and su good state of cultivatian, on Lot 8 n..4, Stephen, just east of Credit - East. On the property is a good; use and barn, 1 acre of.goocl orris- , all ploughing done, 16. acres of fu se, 2 good wells, spring creek. • partieulars apply to Wm. Sea Leave Winnipeg 6 p. m. Arrive Regina, 7 a. m. " Saskatoon 8.30 a. m. " Edmonton 9.00 p. m. Ask any Grand Trunk Agent for ilinformation, or write A. E. DUFF, D. P. A., Union station, Toronto, Ott Paints - Varnishes Stains r Enamels Colors ' A best quality product for every kind of surface • or finish. That's seen it 1 see it here! and eve) ,t,. "Spring". "boost," a e.sto you. You've windows. Now you s paint and varnish makes the home .inside. It means cheerfulness" and ally r. Will-Will/ANS PAINTS VARNI$NES the real "Brigkii en•Up" stuff. a t The Little Paint Man. We wanhelp make easy much of your work . cleaning and renovat- ing this Spring. We can save you much of the ;back -breaking labor of Spring cleaning and improve the ap- pearance of your property, both inside and out, at small expense. No matter what you want 'to "brighten up," we can supply you with a Sherwin-Williams specialty for that exact purpose. If you have not tried our way of "bright- ening up," there is a surprise in store for you. Come in and see us. We are pleased to talk paint and varnish at any time, especially now. For Sale by J. PREETEB, Zurich. • them are recalled the tenth, with.' many were the two greatest Christian sturdy, conscientious resolve will devote the first Clays of their holidays of disposing of the hateful task, and straightway dismiss and forget all about it in tha happy weeks that follcw advise them after this fashion,"Now, children when you take your books home tonight, carry them up stairs, right to the attic if you have one, and put them away carefully in a drawer or deskand bid theta farewell until the day before, school re -opens for the fall terra. Have a good time, and come read3s,for hard work." by.Jenple ,tlll,ei Moore" in JulyCanaaiatn ' "HoYtle Journal. _. . Dr. de Varga Female Pilus A reliable French regulator; never faits. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van's are sold at et a box• or three for $10. Mailed to any address. Scobefl Drug Co.. $t. Catharines, Ont. GOING THROUGII ONTARIO .AS PEACE EVANGEL Montreal July 22 -Declaring that the yellow press of Canada, which talked incessantly about war between Great Britain and Germany, were rtraitors to the empire, Rev Emil Von Jestinsky, pastor of the German Lath- ;eean church here, last night announc- tiVni. MacGregor has rented part ed his intention of travelling through ' of D ;Allen's property, and intends Ontario as au evangel of peace. He moving into she house in the fall, contended R. Pollock is now residing. Mr's. J. Taylor receivcd word from :her daughter Miss Edith, of her Safe arrival in Brandon. . Miss M Ridley visited her cousin Miss 8.' -Pollock, for a fow days. nations in the world, and their peoples were brothers. Mr Jestinsky said he would pro- claim his doctrines in every part of Ontario where there were Germans, whose support Inas needed to correct the misstatements being published throughout Cannan. NARPLEY Mi is May Harlton of Toronto, is !?l,itpig at J. Hickey. .L Sherritt and D. Allen intend leaving for the West this Week, With a load of horses eaob, Miss B. 'Turnbull accompanied by her little :sister Grace, spent the week` with their cousins at the Post Office, At the recent Piano exam instions held at the Music Conservatory, of London, Miss Elia Love was sue. cessfnl in passing with ninety four percent, thereby obtaininn first class honors Much credit 1s due her teacher, Mists Guinan of Khiva, who out of three pupils, two pas- sed with first �cl,ass honors and one with honors. The rural telephone Co , are com- pleting their work of getting their line in running order this week. ended that nothing was more un- likely than war between these two countries, if feeling was not embitter- ed by the publication of scurrilous un truths about their relations in the newspapers- Mr. Jestinsky continued by saying that Great Britain and Ger- WESTE,1 FAIR September 6th to ia+th, 1912. London's Great Exhibition Liberal Prizes • Instructive Exhibits Speed Events ea h Day New Art Building filled with ,Magnificent Paintings ATTRACT Programme Twice Daily. Bees o' the - of Cheltenham, England. ' Bands in the World Aerial Acts, Comedy Acts,;: .Acts; Seabert's EqueStr The Midway'b Fireworks ear SINGLE FARE RATES `b~r Kingston 'to Special Excursion Da 7''� Prize Lists and al �r W. J. REID, President, :k Parade Daily he greatest Brass ers1 others. e and Acrobatic and others. ver. ilroads from 12th, 13th T.1NT, Secretary, TWO SIGNS OF SPRING The arrival of the songsters and the arrival of Holtz - manes New Spring Suitings, The little songters are ready to build their spring and suminur Moines, we ready are ready to build you a Spring and Summer Suits, with Goods that will meet your utmost ap- proval. If you anticipate buying a spring suit yen will do well to come and see our Fancy Suitings they are different than other tailors are showing. Different because they are Holtzmanns Holtzmanns bacause they are different Smart Spring Suits to order $15.00 J. H. NOLTZMANN, _ Merchant Tailor BUSINESS CARDS. B. S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or uo pay. Terms •easonable. Orders left at this office will be promptly attended to. ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSURAN- ee agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. LODGE MEETINGS C. O. F• meets Court Zurich No. 1240 Thursday of each month at every o'clock op. m. 1st and 3rd in the A. 0. TJ. W. Hall. J. J. (VERNER, C. R. � Rickheil Lodge A.O.`'T • No. -3 93, meets the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month at 8 o'clock, in their Hall, r'ierner Block. FRED. WITwER ,M. W rt LEG AL. CARDS. -'ROUDFOOT HAYS 3c KILLORAN, Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries Public, etc. Goderieh, Canada W. Proudfoot. K. C. R. G. Hays, J. L. Killoran. DR. T. P. MOLAUGHLIN, form- erly Assistant Surgeon at Moor - field's (Royal London Opthalmic) Eye Hospital and Golden Square Nose and Throat Hospital, London England. Also spent time at Berlin, and other Continental Hospitals. General Practice with special attent- ion to Eye, Ear, Nose and. Throat. Eyes tested (Retinoscope and Op- thaimoscope used)' and glasses sup- plied and properly adjusted. Office Dashwood. Ontario. ÷+++++++++++++++++++++++++, H. EIL13ER & SON Crediton, - Ontario Conveyancers, General Insurance Agents Telephone -Office 1a, House 1b. +++++++++..'14•+++-:-.1-4-4-+++++++ B. W. F. BEAVERS EXETER Licensed Auctioneer for County of Huron. Sales conducted in the most approved manner. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Dates can be made at the Crediton Star or at the Bargain Store, Exeter. CREDITON 1 R. P. A. SFLLERY, DENTIST, GRA- tivate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At I Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- I day. 7_26 IIMeat i AR We keep ;I stock a full line of fro ra s meats, etc•. etc. Our cuts are not ed for their iendernesr and wholesomness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. lVe,inake our sausage. Give us a call. E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care fully and promptly prepared. Office - Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. MARKET REPORT MARKET REPORTS -The following is the market report, corrected to Wednesday noon of each week. CREDITON Oats58c a bush Barley 75c a bush Wheat 1.08 a bush Shorts $28 a ton Bran $26 a ton White Rose Flour $2.70 Feed Flour $1.70 Butter 20cts Eggs 19 cts a doz. Potatoes $1.75 a bag Dried apples 7c. Beans $1.50-,$2.00 a btishel Timothy $ 9.00 a bush Red Clover $12 to 14.00 Alsyke $10 to 14.00 Alfalfa $12,00 HENSALL Wheat 1.03 cts. a bus Barley 80 Cc 80 ;,ts. " Oats 48 to 48 cts. a bus Man. Seed Oats 65 cts. a bus Ground Corn $30.00 per ton EXETER Oats 500 a bush Barley 65 to 70c a bush Wheat, Standard, 1.03 a bush Shorts .$25.00 per ton Bran $22,00 a ton Family flour $2.70 Feed flour $1.65 Hay $16 to $17 a ton Hogs live weight, $7.555 Peas 90c to $1,10 DASHWOOP Oats 50c a bush Barley 80c a bush Wheati1.02 to 1.03 a bash Shorts $28 a ton Bran $26 a ton Feed flour $1.65 Butter 20c e lb Eggs 19c a clot Potatoes $1,50 a bag 1\Tioholson&Lawsoix CREDITON. Crediton Flour 1Viills Manufacturer of all grades of Roller Flour. We also sell the Five Roses Flour Gristing and Chopping prom ptly done Oats Rolled and Chopping done at 5 cents a bag. IL SWEITZEII HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Trains leave Toronto 2.00 p.m. on APRIL 2,16, 30 MAY 14, 28 JUNE 11, 25 JULY 8, 23 AUG. 8; 20 SEPT. 8, 17 Second clans ticket$ from Ontario nations to priuciaal Northwest' pointe at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES 'Winnipeg and return $34.00; Edmonton and return $42:00 and to Ocher pointe, in proportion. Tickets good to return within 60 days from going date. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS through to Edmontonvia Saskatoon, also toWinniper and Calgary' via Main Line on ell excuniohe. Com- fortable berths, fully equipped with bedding, can be secured at moderate rates through local agent. Early application must be made, ASK FOR HOMBSEEKEt;S' PAMPHLET containing massed full information. Apply to nearest C.P.12, Agent or M: C. MURPHY, Dist. Pass. Age„ Toronto. ONLY DIRECT LINE NO ORANGE OF tuna