HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-07-19, Page 8Qual.itY\The -
Big Clearing Sale of
Summer Goods
We will offer bareains in all lines bar lids
to clear. 'Below is a l and beof teconvinced gthat
we are offering. covin sale.this is a genuine money saving
Dress (Goods, ail linea, reg. 600 for 450 yd.
All other Dress Goods in proportion
Summer Dress Goods
Reppa regular '?:,a... • 0000 . for 200 a yard 20e a y
Voils regular We; tor 120 a yard
Rajah Stripes reeel tr 15c. .. , for 20 a yard
Shanting Stripes regular 250
Colored 3Iu11s... , • • • • • • .... .. „•25c for 200
25c for 20 200
Fancy Dress Linens .. - • • . . 20C for 150
Fancy Vestings... ....
White Lawn Waists
Trimmed with embroidery, also lace and
Regular til 50 for $1 10 Regular $1,25 for 90c
1 OU for .65 75 for 450
Corset Covers
Regular 500 for 40c. Special line at 25c each
2i pIrints and ginehams
1'',11 ,.ttr regular l�;,a
to go at 10o the yard
10 pieces special print at 50 the yard
Towellings 5c is yard and np.
6 pieces Art :Marlin, regular leo for 5e, yard,
8.4 twilled Bleached Streeting at 25n a y ai d
5 4 twilled special Unbleached Sheeting at
g°icayard. •
The balance of our Tritittiied. Hats, Shapes,
Flowers, etc, at half regular price.
All our 4 yard wide Ltnoleunu u wand ster
and Nalrns, r leer Vetoed
$1,50 a , arc, "..w.,•,PA
Tapestry Floor Coverings
Rags size 3x3 ........regular $ "9 00 for $ 6 50
3:s4 , . ...—regular 12 00 for n,7
3x4 ,regular 1 5I) for
3e4 , , regular 14 00 for 10 00
31x4 . , • • ....regular 15,00 for 11.00
3?,x4 regular 16.00 for 12.00
Wall Papers at Bargain Prices to clear
Men's Suits
Regular $11,00 for it8 00 Reg. $9 00 for $6.50
10.00 for 7 00
8 00 for 5.50
Boys Suits from $L25 up,
Men's and Boys' Straw Hatss c
75o for 0
5005 fore.00 35c for 250
for 40e
250 for 200
All Spring Caps 35c to 600 for 250 each
Fancy Vests
Regular $, .75 and $1 50 each, to clear at .1.00
Mens Collar's
Men's stand up Linen. Collarrs, 14i to 17 sire,
5c each, slightly soiled.
Best roasted Rio Coffee 20c lb
Royal Yeast 3 bores for 100
Aetna Gloss Starch .4 boxes for 250
Snow White Corn Starch 4 boxes 25c
5 lbs best 25c Japan Tea for $1.00
10 bars iMerner's Laundry Seep 25o
Canadian Coal Oil 120 a gallon.
Fine Sarnia Salt, new, in 280 pound barrels,
;1.25 barrel,
1..ighestces pad for all
:® . s of Farm Produc
Telephone 2 3
brated :Broadway
Heroic Indian is .Remembered to
let on a 13o rider.
Ontario has also a past, Of
when one comes to think of .it,
an hour old has a past—in be
too, the Canada West of hal
tury ago—the Canade. West th
soon to- be Ontario—had a p
though it was seldomthought of 11
was not her strong point, `• S1ae.
the land of hope for the dwell
older lands where social' condi
far .brought' from out the St,Qra • past
were used within the present to keel
the lower classes in 'that state tel
which. Providence had called them '4
She vv. 's the land where the I is1'i
ceased from' troubling and got on just
like the rest.
But now she has consciously and
proudly, a past. Indeed, yes 1 Why,,
it is almost twenty years Since she
celebrated the centennial of the be
ginnings of .her first Legislature. And
she is caring for that past and putt1n'
up memorials to show her childfen
when their feet are on historical
The latest of these to be ,erected is
a granite boulder which marks the
battlefield of the Thames. It is an,
Mr. John McDowell's farm in. the;
Township of Zone, and, he believes
about the centre of the battlefield.'
It was erected by the citizens of the
near -by village of Thamesville, two
miles distant, and was in placefor
the 98th anniversary• of the battle
October 5. It stands three feet_ hili
and is of- Victoria grey granite t1:
inscription reading:
"Here on October 5tlr, 1813, wee .
fought the battle of the Thames, arid"
here Tecumseh fell."
It is intended to surround ,it v�tl
a substantial fence of cement block
and otherwise to improve the spol..
The "actual site,' of the.. battle being
thus appropriately marked, it is en-
peeted that the monument to Tecuip-
s;-h which ought to be erected ter
the centennial of the battle will ster,d
in the town park of ThamesviIler•.
Opposite the boulder stands n fine
elm, which, if it could but rise k,
could supply many forgotten elet.ails
el, the battle; and perhaps it 'cols
speak Bond w.' but hear. Eastward
at the brad of the road le the flint
where Proctor's solitary„cannon steel
--a very pretty ornament, no doubt,
hilt, as all the ammunition exctt t
what the nen carried lead been 'cap-
turt'.l by the Americans the day he.
fere, not very useful. At this prat,
in a hastily -dug pit, the, bodies of the
clad 'Wile burried. As lately as .thirty
ears ago skeletons were secured
here, sulnetirnes by searchers for his-
torieal relics, sometimes by rnedieal
students. To the south, or rive vard.,
byzliind their hastily-aorisiirtr$`rrt1 ti t-,
tis. stood the Indian allies, led.. by,
their great chief,
"And be had bound a snow-wltita
plume upon his gallant crest.”
In a few brief minutes all was over
and Proctor galloping eastward.,_ Te
atime h, ere he fell, must have enjoyed
one moment of bitter satisfaction in
seeing his opinion of the "fat squaw"
Our Tient militia—Captain Shaw's
—wore not present in this engage-
ment, though they fought in the- bat-
tle of the Longwood's a little. later.
The roll of the company is still in. ex-
istence., the property of Mr. A. J. C.
Shaw of Kent Bridge, grandson of
Captain Shaw, He possesses also
some old letters relating to the. time.
one from an officer of the British Re-
gulars, asking aid in recovering his
box; for the luggage which Proctor
tried hard to secure fell into the hands.
of the Americans during the pursuit.
The box inquired for contained,
amongst other things, silver spoons,
books and many pairs of "pantaloons,
breeches and trousers." It nas'found
to he forwarded to Anoaster; zit: an
easy thing to do in those days;,,. The
letter helps to prove the cont htion
of Proctor's accusers that unnetssary
and forbidden luggage impede:a" "his
,march. -Katherine B. Coutts illi The
Saturday Globe.__
Prompt Service
.Moderate charges
Znrich. Ontario
No heavy lifting up of Milk
Easy sunning
One Price the year round and that
the lowest.
Ail makes of Plough
Points always on hand
Now Ready
Parties intending to buy a good Harries this Spring should not fail to call
on us, as we areheadquartersin Zurich for the best at lowest prices every
one guaranteed, because best leather always used. See our Team Harness
With Collars at $25.00, Single Harness at $4.00 up
Stoves and Hardware.
If you want the best at lowest prices call and see what a big Bargain you
can get here:"
A full stock of all kinds of
In Furniture we lead the trade as we buy in car loads this enables us tai
cheaper and our customers get the benefit.
Terms Cash or Trade at Cash Price
eie PHONE 3
� t.11�I � H
If you want to see the big -
est auil finest lot of Baggies
call ht ow. =, y gni, xf..you
wish. to lnty"ii we are con id.eut
we eau satisfy your taste.
Also Carriages and. Waggons
Maes Right
All kinds of Repairs prom -
ply attended.
F1IIeBS 86 Bon
Just to hand. r ring in
your order. Close price
You cannot miss hearing thein. The
1Iildwvay will be filled with good clean
shows. Special rates over all railroads
commencing September 6 th. Low
rates for Exhibitors. Write the Secre-
tary, A. 3I, ,lint; London; Ont., for
all information. The dates are Scpt.
6th to 14111.
a �
13'roin indications at tlie .,ldi1?sent
time it would appear as thou( tlxis
old and reliable Exhibition wahl'c., be
more popular than ever this yep" 'The
management are doing eves thisg
possible to elate the Elhibiti�ii. not
only attractive to E�xhibitoitw •and
Visitors, but satisfactory as wol.,.'I'nee
wish to combine education aunt inst-'
Taction as well es alllusetnenf .along
all the different pleases of the 'Fehibi
tioti proposition. 'There 411 be
established on the grounds •tJ yen
an up-to•dete milking mach" tib Plant
in actual operation. :i ery frig , cr
talo comity should ava11 ,1'i , t•l of
the oppOttuttill of seeing l the
In this diy of scarcit
been this mewls a
and see the clews 1
'TThers will Also
g eillt<is as a'
slant hoiti
in alb of,i
are r.
f?.v.,11,'es i't's;
I been 'l
ft tpil',i t 1 poi r,.
ttvit•tas'+slyLi:�.l,ie i;
1.Tj1", 111 Ill?!!`i •il ii
In A report on loan corportions is -
seed by the Government this week it
was shown that there is $28,000 on
deposit in certain loan companies in
Ontirio,.vtzhich has never been claimed
the atubnilts vary from 25 cents up' to
=mints over $1000. Persons wlio
can prove to the satisfaction of the
government that the lvcuey is theirs
undoubtedly can get ib. Some. the
money has piled up from savings
cc0nniS deposited by people who
flare forgotten theui or by people who
have since died. Others are due to nn -
paid dividends where sbareboklers
have not beep located.
The Siege of Delhi will be :the
historic spectacle at the 'Canadian
National Exhibition this year. There
is no more terribly picturesque scene
ill i'nglish history than- this sketch
from the groat Indian mutiny. The
rich and varied costntnes cf the nal-
rves, of different castes mingled with
the uniforms of the English officer
., ve to it color that cannot fail to
delight the cy.e, irhile the tragic.i.raant
canrltt fall.. to be of enthralling in-
terest. Every detail is to receive the
,itriciest attention to make this the
yateat of the many historical sped -
'tees that the Canadian National""rias
give 11e;f;i.nrdlus for.
ctti'c Restorer for Men
'/id nag restores every new a la the body
t+, its proper tension; restores
d vitality. Premature decny al 4 ell sexual
tsa avarted et once )`"b.nteetonoa. tivfitl
i , r to A 1v+11, p r't trh r+r
011e year has now passed since we started. in business
=awe wish to thank our cusdoxners for the liberal patronage
accorded us and we hope for a continuance of the salve. In
taking stock we came across several lines which we must sell
regardless of cost. IIere ar a few of thecal.
Summer Dress Goods
Pongetta in white, creaul, cliampegiie, light blue, pink,
dark blue. Regular price 25c, now for 19c a yard.
6 pieces MuslinFloweredd and plain designs.
price i5c, now 14c.
Men's and Boys' Suits
We. have a fine assortirteilt ofMen's and Boys'
to -wear Suits. l'ricess as low ori rossible.
Men's and Boys" Hats
Warnieo weather is coma,~ end will need a Straw
, Hat. We have a complete lenge and price are right. In-
' spect our stock before buying elsewhere.
A. line of Blue Overfills to deals et 60c -
Linoleum and Floor oilcloths --
(i :l: yards Linoleum, 4 yarils wide, regular price $2 a
Taxa, wl.uile piece $10.76.
es •yds Floor Oilcloth, 2 yds wide, regular. price 60c a
yard;now for ,$8.00.
6l yds Floor Oilcloth, 2 yds wide, regular price 75c a lard
now for .$1.00.
'..Salt at $ 14O a Barrel
Remember we give Coupons with every purchase
cash or trade.
TO$h % roceries always e o a
Nioduce Taken n Exchange'