HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-07-19, Page 6THE 4444++ +444.444.44+4444+44+++++++++ ILSONS BANK Inco ,,\itttecl 1855 RECORD OF PROGRESS F VE YEARS -190.04911 Has 83 Brandies in Canada, and A &,,,, , ilia Correspondents in all the'; Principal Cities in told. l,; 1911 Capital 3, 00.,000 $ 4,000,000 Reserve 8,06,000 4,600,000 Deposits 23,67,730 35,042,311 Loans and Investments 27`,:6.,.090 38 854,801. Total Assets 33,0992 48,237,284 A General Banking Business Txs a sacted • SAVINGS BANK D h+J.PA1W"'_ 'ENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Zurich Branch – J. A. CONSTA.NTINE, Mgrs .'4'4°.x4''4.4'4.4' 44+'++4'4.4.4.+++44'4.4.+++++ Farmer s That Want THE BEST Call at The Massey - Harris Shop. Our Machines spea for themselN es. We also handle Olds Gasoline 'Engine. Jas. Whyte, Ag't 1.1ASSEY-HARRIS CO ,.ZURICH .o�, MEAT MARKET WE keep in stack a " full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our ,cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. keep aim is to nothing but tj e best. We make OUT own sausages. Give us a call. V UN6BLUT & DEICHERT. mesommillIOMMOIMI Come and gel your new Sint At Zurich's Leading Tailor Shop the only Place, where the Newestas always shown first and 5 isfaction guaranteed.. Laundry in Connection W. H. Ho'FMAN failor - ZURICH TO OUR CANVASSERS By special arrangement we are able to offer to new subscribers either of our papers and your ahoiee of the Weekly Globe or the Weekly Mail and Empirefor only $1.00 to Jan. 1st 1913, Each new subscription will .count 1000 votes as formerly. Add fifty.cents if papers are to be mailed to United States addresses • Farm for Sale or Rent.—Good 50 acre farm, cleared, ~yell drained and in good state of cultivatian, on Lot 8 Con. 4, Stephen, just east of Credit- = East. On the property is a good house and barn, 1 acre of good orch- ard, all ploughing done, 16 acres of grass, 2 good wells, spring creek. For particulars apply to Wm. Ma- in An; Shipka. Entrance Exams. There were 320 canditates at the centres in this inspecorate and 204 of those were successful. Many -who fail- eb dict not obtain 40 per cent in Arith- metic or in Geography. Few were be- low the 40 per cent in any of the other subjects. Quite a number failed to make the 60 per cent. required on the total. In accordance with the policy of the Educatiou Department the H. S, Entrance standard is being 'gradually raised. The well prepared pupils macre a good mark in every sub jec,t. while the weak Candidates could not reach the 60 per cent. total, The standing required to pass 40 per cent. on eacli subject and a total of 89,0 mails and for honors 487 marks. A card giving the marks in each suiflject will be sent to every unsuccess- ful candidate. The certificates of the successful candidate will be sent to the teacher or to the .secretary of the School board. The following candidates were pass- ed by the Entrance Board and approv - ed by• the Minister. The highest marks obtained in each subject are as follows: The total—Loris Mackay 11 years of age), .540 Composition.—Grabens Ross.., 98 Reading—Elsie Dunne, Liellta: Finalyson, Frank McLeainon, Bain Stewart, Mina Ehlers 45 ,_ Writing—Katie Z restend. 58 Spelling—May Hodgort, Alberta Knight, Re&ta Powe, Ala Roadhouse, 74Tinnie Cudinnre, :`.Louis�'.11'Iaicktia}, 'Evelyn Brophy, Cyril Dalton, James Rugs 50 Writing, Reading or Literature— Lawrence Work advice to you. You've windows. Now you e.ns paint and varnish that makes the home and inside. It :means ,.t6icber'fulness" and finally 98 Arithmetic—Louis • Mekay, Allan Sinclair 100 Grammer ---Elsie Dtulinadge 92 Geography---Essie Hume... ......87 TOWN OF Cronna:feu. Helen Giifith 488, Ettta Halliday Olt K. RSYt+ Line.) Cady line reaching all Summer Re- sorts in Highlands of Ontario, in- cluding .Volar re.ck Muskoka Lakes Lake of Bays Algonquin Park Maganetawan River French River Temagami Kawartha Lakes Full summer service now in affect to all of above resorts. Write for full particulars and illustrated folders to any Grand Trunk Agent. Homeseekers' Excursions July 9 and 23 August 6 and 30 September 3 and 17 Via sarniaaor Chicago. Winnipeg and lketurn - $34.00 Edmonton and Return $42.00 Tickets good for 60 clays No Chance of Cars. Special train will leave Toronto 10.30 p. m. on above dates, via Chi- cago and st. Paul, carrying through coaches and Pullman Tourist sleeping ears. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route be- tween Winnipeg,saskatoon, Edmonton New Fast Express service between Winnipeg and Regina. smooth road- bed, Electric lighted sleeping Cars, supberb Dining Car service. Leave Winnipeg 6 p. m. Arrive Regina, 7 a. m. " Saskatoon 8.30 a. m. " Edmonton 9.00 p..yn. Ask any Grand Trunk Agent for full information, or write A. E. DUFF, D. P. A., Union station, Toronto, Out t. Paints Varnishes 5 Stains Enamels Colors R best quality product s for every kind of surface or finish. see and e bright "Spri "boos; PAIN the real If: We r t to help make easy much bf your wog . of cleaning and renovat- 'ing this s ung. We can save you much. of `,` back -breaking labor of Spring c1-° 'ng and improve the ap- pearance our property, both inside and out, a ;n 'mall expense. ,No matter what you =',,u - nt to "brighten up," we can supply ;''t+u with a Sherwin-Williams specialty ` ` that exact purpose. If you. have not, tried our way of "bright- ening bright ening up,rr not, is a surprise in store for you. Cone in and -see us. - We are pleasecl,to"talk paint and varnish at any time, especially now. RWIN-WILLIAMS • AND VARNISHES ghten-Up" stuff. The Little Paint Mau. • For Sale by J P I.EETER, Zulic11. 444, Essie Hume 408, Lily Joluistclia` Ada. Joh nstott 4f38, Bellme. Johust i •Vercla Kudob 475, Gladys Kernigliai to ;1 414, Etta McDonald 413, Lotti4r. Murray- 447, Elizabeth Proudfoot 16 r Mande Pinder 420, Eva 'Walker 418,- ICatie "Weston 424, (Trace Wootty ,a 476, Bert Cutt 485, Roy Huui 809;. Morris Swanson 403, Allan Sinclair: Lawrence Wali 5.28. Benson Bell 45(4" Philip Carey 408, Frank McArthu> . 403, Leonard llacldiu 456., Geral Newton 497, G.ralaruai Ross 5120 James Ross 400, Clifford. Williams' 445, Elsie Dunnage 5t3, Edith Willa Tams 489, Mary 13areliler 479, .Annie Moss 450, Cyril Dalton 407, Manrica ,.Griffin 1532,-. J:osc111,i itn4cv ,i, ,5 EXETER~ Anna Bell 407, Anna Day 425, Par jerie Houston 112, Alma Mack '434. Rota Rowe 478, Marjorie Seldom. 422, Lila Znefle 425, Oliver Davis 428, Joe Follick 453, Melville Gladman 477, Willie 1Mlanson 467, Carman Powell Harry Parsons 396, Maurice Senior 449, Marvin Vincent 896, Karl Weld- enlaammer 411. HENSALL Mary Ingram 436, Matilda Mittel-'' holtz 479, Ida Outlunore 469, Winnie Cuchnore 485, Louis Mackay 540, Wilfred Dow 439, Ira Geiger 896, Lloyd Hudson 418, Earl Palmer 397; Bert Redmond 468, Clarence Johnston 478, Earl McEwen 393, William. Dougall 488. BAYFIELD Dorothy Fowlie 492, James Pergu :- son 479, Dolly Ross 458, Kethleen Elliott 406, Bella Parker 422, Kenneth Smith 410, FloyEdwarcts 430. CREDTTON Herbert Brown 435, Raymond Eng- lish 462, Clara Oestreicher 403, Karl Switzer 412. DASHWOOD Lloyd Edighoffer 892, Mina Ehlers 459, Ada Grenzebach 430, CoraHaugli '449, Ida Wambold 426, Ervan Me. Isaac 394, Jelin Routledge 491. ZURICH Alma Axt 440, Erna Fritz 457, Theodore Foster 446, Elva Hayrick 513, Louis Zettel 404, Russell.. Zeller 471, Hazen Zeller 518. CENTRALIA Leonard Abbott 415, Della Brooks 401, Rose Hanlon 462, Gerald Hanlon 892, Label Heaman 419. KINGSBRIDGE Theodore Foley 450, Mary Grafin 429, Mary O'Conner 425, Percy O'- Reilly 891, Madeline Sullivan 451, , - LOCEALSH Liell'i Fn>layson 508, Bain St wart 440, Rhoda McKentlrielc 491, Frank MacLennan 431, D. A. Maes 892, Kenneth MacLeod 802, '.0 Connell 890, DUNGANNON Fred Errington 484; Liiif e] son 890, Melinda Culbert 80 ASHFIELD TOwNS';€i Na. S ---Ida Hackett 400<i No. 6 ---Harry M. Sliaeli No. 9-'--F dith Johnston Twamley 442. "* A. No. 10 ---Rae Alton 426, V ney 406, Laura Johnston Scott 418. 'No. 12 ---Isabel Walker Johnston 464. No. 18 ---Basil Melte No. 15 ---Maria Long 506, Florence Madeay 865. COLBORNE TOwNSBIP No. 1 --Violet illacDonagh 406, ,lean .Bellows 891, Millie Young 804. No . 5- -Reggie McCann 431. ,* No. 8-. willie Feia.gan 407. GODJi3RICII `TTOwNSIIIP No. 1 ---Nina Driver -100, +'lla Bich§ 480, Harold illoutgomc. y 452. - . No. 6 ---McKee L'ulconner 423, Har- vey McClusky 407, George Ross 414. No, 10 ---Harold whituore 419. HAY lrOwNSIIIP No.- 2 ---Earl Cainpbel1422, Ralph II;I,,t lclii e 894, John. Murray 402, willie itli 4113. Y:.el3,aae ilienf :T€amei Forrest, No, 10 Maggie'Armstrong 303 John dillaOr 446, Alva Ingram 395. No. .14 ---Anna Datars 454, Antic Graham 483. Hia,zel Ha,,}' 477.. No. " 15 ---Gladys Turnbull 403, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP U. No. 1 ---Irene l'ollock 903, Anna McDonald 442. No. 8 ---Clara E. Reid 480. No. 4--- (north) ---Florence Scotch - mea: 465, Lloyd Scotchmer 430, Eva Dewar 404. No. 5 ---Milton Pollock 451. No. 6 ---Geo. H. Beatty 413, Lee , AleConiiell 419. No. 7 ---James A. Love 463. No. 10 wafter O,11IcBeath 394. No. 14 ---Grace G. Ross 408. Sep. School No- 1---Bertine Mireau 391.. - STANLEY TOWNSHIP No, 8 ---Lela Sanders 488, Leonard', Schroeder 435. No. 4 ---Edna Amy 401, Ila Silber 392, Lavinia, Smith. 899. No. 6—Ella willtelm 415.' No. 7—Roy Ratz 428. No. 8—Eldon Green 397, Russel Mollard 421. No. 10 pearl Aayton 422, Hector Murray 444, Minnie Ridley 458. tIS11O1tN TOWNSHIP No. 1—wilfred Dougal 390, John Dougal 891, Elva Harvey 401. •No..2—•Alberta Knight 521, Rose Lamport 502, - John Hodgert 392, EaEold Turnbull 403. No. 3 -Donald Balfour 479, May Hodgert 434, Tena McCui:rdy 425 Ahura Roadhouse- 497. , No. 6-41erne Francis 409, No. 7—wellington Brook 437, zvil- lie penrice 411. No. 10--Boxie Cann 428, Glenn FlEntoff 895. No. 12--Jo1in wheliham 898. 'PIES'1 GIRL IN LINCOLN Lincoln, Neb., girl writes, "I ad been a ailing for some time with Chronic constipation and stomach 'able. I began taking Chamberlain's aeli and liver tablets and in three 1 was able to be un . and got Otter right along. I am the proudest girl ie Lincoln to find such a good nedroineY" For sale by all dealers. de gang's. Female Pills liable French regulator; never fails. These exceedingly ppowerful in regulating the ve portion of the female system. Refuse p imitations. Dr. de Van's are sold at fy or three for $1(1. Mailed to any address, ben Drug' Co.. St, tlatharlxteA; Drat. TWO SIGNS 01'.' SPRING'I The arrival of the songsters ' and the " arrival 'of Holtz - maims New Spring Suitings. The. little songters are ready to build their spring and. sulnmurhomes, we ready are ready to build you a Spring and- pprovSummer Suits, with Goods that will meet your utmost ap- proval. al, If you anticipate buying a spring suit you will. do well! to come and see our Fancy Suitings they are different than"': other tailors, are showing. Different because they are H®ltzmanns;, Holtzmanns bacause they are differer', Smart Spring Suits to ord,or 815.00 J. H HOLTZ]V.[ANN, e Merchal>t Tailo BUSINESS- CARDS. B. S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all ,parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. .Terms .easonable. Orders left at this office will be promptly attended to., ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSURAN- ee agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. LODGE MEETINGS e(, Court Zurich No. 1240 • v • F• meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. m. in the A. 0. U. W. Hall. J. J. '.1nn zR, C. R. IT -IR. T.eU;.NIcLAUG?<TLIN, foina,?• erly istant Surgeon at Moor; field's (Royal London Optlialmie) Eye Hospital and Golden Square ;I Nose and Throat Hospital,. Loncle ;;' England. Also spent time at Berlt and other Continental Hospitt General Practice with special "atteiil ion to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Eyes tested (Retinoscope and Op-', thalmoscope used) and glasses sup- plied and properly, -adjusted. Office Dashwood. Ontario. AsOa T` . W Rickbeil Lodge,l V V r i No. 3 93, • meets 4 the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month at 8 o'clock, in their Hall,�rM�erner Block. FRED. rY xTw ee ,141, W • G. LEG AL CARDS. •'ROUDFOOT RAYS & KILLORAN Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Goderich, Canada W. Proudfoot. K. C. R. G. Hays. J. L. Killoran. CRE IT�T O q.+4.4-:.4.++++++4.÷4÷:.÷++++++++ H. EILBER SON Crediton - Ontario Conveyancers, General Insurance Agents Telephone—Office. la,. Hgnse 1b. +++++++.:-4-1,-1.4-1-1-;-14+++++++++ B. W. FA SAVER'S EE TER Licensed Auctioneer for touuty of Huron. Sales conducted.' in the most approved manner. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Dates can be made - at. the Crediton Star or lits the�' Bargain Stoi • Exeter. R. F. A. SELLERS', D.ENT1,37, GRA -1 ilea QJ *MAR UT duets of,the Royal College of Dental - Surgeons, 'Toronto, alio„luouor;.guadu- 1 We kee stock a:ful l r"onto University. Pan -less extraction: lino of frtfl. meals, etc, o C'teet . Plate work a speciality: At 1 Dominion House, Zurich, every M.on- aay. 7-26 I E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary. Public. Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care fully and promptly prepared. Office— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. MARKET REPORT MAIUi T REPORTS—The following is the market report, corrected to Wednesday noon of each week. C1EEDITON Oats53c a bush Barley 75e a bush Wheat 1.08 a bush Shorts $28 a ton Bran $26 a ton White Rose Flour $2.70 Peed Flour $1.70 Butter 20ets Eggs 19 ets a doz. Potatoes $1.75 a bag Dried apples 7c. Beans $1.50—$2.00 a bushel Timothy $ 9.00 a bush Red Clover $12 to°14.00 Alsyke $10 to 14.00 Alfalfa $12.00 UUENSALL Wheat 1.08 ets. a bus Barley 80 tc 80 its. . Oats 48 to 48 ets. a bus Man. Seed Oats 65 cts. a bus Ground Corn' $80..00 per ton EXErpit . Oats 50c a bush Barley 65 to 70c a bush Wheat, °Standard, 1.08 a bush Shorts <$25,00 per ton Bran $22.00 a ton Family flour $2.70 Feed flour $1.65 Hay $16 to $17 a ton Hogs live weight, $7.55 Peas 90c to $1,10 DASHWOOD Oats 50e a bush Barley.80e a bush Wheat' -1.02 to 1.03 a bush Shorts $28 a ton Bran $26 a ton Feed flour ,'1.65 Butter 200 a lb ..Eggs 190 a dos Potatoes $1.50 a bag Dutch sets 8c a lb etc. Our Buts are not- ed for their tendernes. and wholesomness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We,maka our sausage. Give us a call. - Ntiollolson&Lawso CREDITON. Credit= Flour Mills Manufacturer of all grades of Roller Flour. We also" sell the Five Roses Flour Gristing and Chopping pro ptly done Oats Rolled and Choppin done at 5 cents a bag.. ii. SWEITZER HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONSTO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Albert Special Train: leave Toronto 2.00 p.m. on APR11.2,16,80 MAY 14, 28 - JUNE 11, 2 JULY 0, 23 AUG. 6, 20 SEPT. 8, 11 Second class tickets from Ontario stations to princip Notlhwcat points at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATE Winnipeg and return $34.00; Edmonton and rete $42;00 and to other point, in proportion. Ticks good to return within' 60 days from going date. TOURIST SLEEPING CAR through to Elmogton via Saskatoon, afro to Winnipe and celgari via Main Linc of ell cxeurdon,. Com fartable berth:, fully equipped wkh bedding, can secured at moderate rates through local agent. Early ap{illcation must be made. ASK FOR HOMESEEKER$' PAMPHLET containing tams and full information. Apply to nearest C.P.R. Arent or M. G. MURPI;IY, Diss. Pars. fiat., Toronto. ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANCE O2 on -i 'a,.�.;:u:.n i d it 0 V6 ra IP tE Cd, tit ao 1 Mr hi a rEe !1 ire of c can ig