The Herald, 1912-07-19, Page 3Dashwood r District parnitureStorel EXETER Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines Singer $30 New Williams $27 Raymond $25 Model $25 Cabinet. $23 A large stock of furniture always On hand. Undert4king • We carry the largest stock in this line in. Western• Ontario. Calls day or night -will get you prompt atten- tion. Call central. P. McISAAO Furniture and Undertaing SUBSCRIPTION CONTEST The following is the standing in our prize Circulation Contest up to Sikurday evening last .. .. -- .. MiSsIlettie Gaister ..... ,5000 'Miss Alia, W111111 4800 Akt Miss Bla .„e Laporte 18200 ' ;IC,Iiss Sadie jasaac....94100 'Miss Victoria Aliss Gladys A . Nevin .3400 . Mrs. Jas. Hum ireys.50000. Mise Tillie johns. 126200 Miss Mary Gallus. ,g000 -- Usle4c/e4er---- 72800. • issIclapPple- „500 s' .. s'• w. p. T U. . TEL INSIDIOUS, EVIL , , •„ • 4t' A W. e'Iboke in the breezy, bluff .Old Captain Gibson, as he entered the • smoke -room of the Baltic, preceded by a huge cigar. On board his ship he . was monarch of all he surveyed, even - the winds and the waves appeared to obey him. His officers respecte& and trusted him. His men feared and obeyed him. He looked the sea -dog every inch -sturdy, thick -set, grizzly - haired. His imperious will fairy ooz- ed from him, and in 'his presence everyone, passenger, officer. A B alike instinctively examineel himself from a dread suspicion that be might not be "in order" Inexperienced passen- le1;§1Yere Ore Of him, Those wha lia sniffed the sea air often - liked to parade their familiarity with him. while every one appreciated the privi- lege of his notice. To ladies he was gracious, condescending; and kind, and met all their endless little inquir- ies as to "Where they were now?" "When they would be in?" How could he tell where they were?" with merry, more .or less evasive, explana- tions that had satisfied a constant stream of similar inquiries for many years. In the smoke -room he was con- spicuous, noisy, emphatic, dogmatic, overbearing. He knew a little about everything, and everything about navigation, Buthe was as impatient in the presence of contradiction in the one region as he Was in the other As he entered the smolie-roona there was n, general diversion of attention . amongst the little 'groups, each of Which readjusted 'itself to find him "-room; and attract the herpof a, hund- red, voyages to its midst. The enjoy-, ment of a smooth passage had not lessened their anxiety , to arrive in. porb at an early hour on. the morrow; and the cherry news was wel coine to them all, "Well, doctor have you had a good time? he asked, as he took a seat by the table where Dr O'Sullivan • had been having a game of bridge with some fellow -passengers, but • which they readily abandoned for a creek with the captain. Amidst the ' good-nahnred banter of which the hearty commander was the chief pur- veyor, young Simpson called for driiiks. 'What will you have. captain introduced the subject as the steward approached. "What'll you have, Dr? Give your orders, gentlemen." • To be continued • Ethel M. Williams, Pres New• Rev. W. McMartin of London, oc- cupied the pulpit in Owen Presbyter- ian church, on Sunday evening last - His former parishioners were pleased to hear him again. Mrs. W. W. Taman returned last week frona a pleasant visit with friends in Woodstock. She was ac- companied. by Miss Jean Thornton, who will spend some time here and at Grand Bend. . • Miss Clara toss of CalgaryAlta., is ;visiting her uncle Mr. D. A. Ross, and other friends in town. Will Gould and on of Miami Man. are here spending a few weeks with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gould. • . Mrs. T. M. White and grandson C. White, of Memphis Tenn., are guests of Mrs. John White. ' Miss Cunningham of Clandeboye, is vrsiting Mrs. Yager. Dr. L, Gill and family, of Gibson- Ohioonotored here this week to spend a few days with his father, Dr. S. Browning. CREDIT ON A, Haist continues very low. The many friends of F. Young, •ate pleasedto see him on the street again, • Mr. G. K. Brown is spending,a week visiting sons and daughters in Michigan. Miss Sarah Smith of Pittsburg is spending her vacation with her mother, Mrs. H, Motz, Mr, and Mrs. G Oestreicher of Dashwood spent Sunday visiting 1 brothers and sisters in and about the village. Dont forget the social held on the Evangelical • church- lawn to- night. Ice cream and cake in abundance. .A. Morlook autoed to Exeter on Wqdnesday last, accompanied by Mr and Mrs. M. Morlock and Mr O. Motlook to visit the latter's sister, Mrs"J Morlock Miss Clara Rol-VE.33am after spend- ing aciation at her ho • 0.2 • .1414?1Q11. 4.54*". 4.16 `-'* 1".;t 7•"h. %. 1 ketitg theangek cal Deaconess Hospital, Ey A- Kuhn is spending his holidays at his home. F. Irish is spending his holidays at his home. , Miss Alma Hill is spending her vacation with friends in Detroit. Mrs. Limbach, of Waterloo is spending a. few days with friends in town. Mr. Bob Dinney of London, spent Sunday in town visiting friends, Mr. and Mrs. S. Brown and Mrs, G. Geiser, autoed to Berlin -on Sun. clay last, Mr.and Mrs. T.Wind of Detroit are spendinsbhis vacation with his parents Mr. and Mrs. 3. Wind. C. Morlock of Morristown, is visit- ing friends and relatives in and about the village. Miss ,Ella Beaver and brother Herb are spending a few weeks in Detroit, visiting their sister Mrs, H. Dyer. Mrs C. Brown of Cleveland Ohio, is spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mre, G Brown. On Friday evening a severe eleetric storm passed through and around Crediton, doing consider. able damage. pe te Normal sehools; 39 Clark, Christina P. 'holl)Gertrude 3. Currie, Jean Rosetta Durst, Harvey Hall- util.E. Jackson, Jessie, John- uriel 0, jolinson'John E. ($1:3,.:G,IlticEwan, Jessie Mc - Pollock, May Rogerson A. Smith (hon.) and Mary g. •ter Public School -Part 1. of ice to Normal Schools; 16 wrote Brown, Madeleine P. Carlin g, in Case, Josph G. Davis, Mary rtion. Archie M. Morgan, Sarah (hon), Florence Triebner and y H. Wood. ashweod Pnblio School -Senior ghschool entrance; five wrote: nth. E'. Grenzebach, Enoleen V. 'aenther, Letts, R. Guenther, Milton „. Oestreicher. Zurich Public School-Senicir nblicschool graduation: five wrote 'lora I. Hess, Olive M. O'Brien. D.A.SHWOOD A number frem Oreditoti aj ed. the ball game here on Tn.' Quite a number • from tended the Children's Dat '• tainment at the 14 Qon Surd, Miss Laura Preeter spent• days in Zurich last weelf„ , guests of Mrs J Preeter. 3. Ehlers left Wednesday • ing for 13erlin to attend the lel bration. • • M. Oestreicher is spending • t week in Berlin, attending the celebration • Mr and Mrs W.L. Siebert spending a few days in Berlin t week. T. Duroharme of the Bran Line, is learning the blacksmith with P. Fassold. Mr and Mrs J. Routledge • family left on. Wednesday for e days visit with MrRoutledge's moth at Hyde Park. • There was no service -in t Evangelical church on Sunday err ing owing to the childrens day -ser 'which was held on the 14th. service was well attended. F. Deering has commenced Wow. MONTE CARLO Everyone heard of Monte Carlo ith its gambling tables where 'ttlines,are made and lost. the gather- bg place for the wealthy and titled meal and women from every nation lio play for high stakes. Few know that the gambling tables support sovereign prinicipality and furnish the Income pf a prince. To be sure, Monaco i a very small principality, on his new bake shop just in only eight square miles, with only two rear of the store recently bougi t towns Monte Carlo and Condamine, by him. Fred is a hustler, maim besides monco, the Capital city. But good bread and is working upfa. .the prince is not the less extravagant good business. • `..% on that account nor needs to be. He Mr. and Mrs. J, Routledge hi. ' has refurnished the palace, costly reci-ived word from their sO< roads have been cut through the cliffs Archie, who is in Regina. Durnsg•Iand the deep valleys spanned with the big storm which passed ovtg-great arches, the mountain sides that city recently he was. in the, .covegrapes Parliament building, when tug.: ed with olives, emo"Thefirst n llaaCa0 1 ns. r Bishop of Mo roof was blown off, but escaped; was appointed in 1878, for until that without injury. He saYs that ihel t noise caused by the storm and fa1ime Charles had no funds to spare4. ling buildings was terrible. for Bishops. But after the gambling Mr and Mrs, G. Edighoffer drovA ables hadbroaglit him a flood of tgolcl he not only got a bishop but demolished the small 18th century church and built on its site the impos- to Blake on Tuesday, to visit tlre former's father, who is at present very ill. Messrs Geo Shore P.Alasaac, avps, ing cathedral." "Monaco shines out Miller and Herman Eidt autoed.to boldly above bad Monte Carlo; love - London on Friday and took iRest little city that ever inhabited the n ,the races. face of the rock, the tiniest and clean - A friendly game of baseba1lj¼as est city in Europe" Monaco and played between Parkhill and, .0 h• beautiful Pisa, celebrated for the wood on Tuesday evening. ' e Leaning tower, are described in "two score being„.6 to 9 in favor of e Historic European towns in July Ceala.41ea ome 'jcurnat. The ,artiele (AStifte *ha his the ; isIlhistrated by' excellent Photographs. ing of the real Hay Township - telephone line has completed some of the spur lines, which. were start- . Right in your busiest season when ed last fall, Mr. MoIsaae,in all, has you have the least time spare you are built over fifty miles, the lines are most likely to take diarrhoea and lose the best built in Ontario. several days' time, unless you have Mr, and Mrs. Louis Rolland of Aft Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Carmel spent Tuesday in town -on Diarrhoea Remedy at hand and take a business, dose on the first appearance of the Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hall of Mt disease. For sale by all dealers. Carmel spent Tuesday in town on Voters List 1912 Township of Stephen,County of Huron. , • Notice is hereby given that 1 Dave transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in section 9 of "The Oiitario Voters' Lists Act" the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the lists, made pnrsuant to said act, of all per- sons Appearing by the last revised As- sessment Roll of the said municipal- ity to be entitled to vote in the said 'Municipality at elections for Members of the Legislatiye Assen3bly and at Munic4a1 Elections; and that the said list was first posted up at iny office at Credit= on the 8111 day of July, 1912, and remains there for inspection, And, I hereby call upon all voters to take iromodiate proceeding to have any errors or omissions reorrected according to law. HENRY EMBER Clerk of Stephen Township, Orediton, Ont. Dated Crediton, July Bill, Tf.)12. business. Mrs Fred Bien and daughter Edna of MUNICIPALITY OF HAY TOWN - Rochester N. Y. is visiting her COUNTY OP HURON mother Mrs 0.W. Miller of the 14th. WEST HUROI4 HIGHSCHOOL EXAMINATIONS The following have passed the low- er school examinations, held ,the second week in June: Goderich Collegiate Institute -part 1011•11MAIMANA.A. Gent'sFurnishing Department Where you can get Ready -Made Clothing or Suits Made -to -Order, A splendid selection of Fancy Shirts, Collars, Ties, Hats and. Caps at very reasonable prices. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in section 9 of The Ontar- io Voters' Lists Act the copies requir- ed by said section to be so transmit- ted or delivered of the list, made pur- suant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised assess- ment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Munici- pality at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Muni cipal Elections; and that the said list was first posted up at ray office at Zurich on the 17th day of July 1912. and remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law. Dated this 17th day of July 1912. Fred Hess Sr. Clerk of Hay. FOR SALE Splendid two hundred acre farm in the Township of Tuckersmith County of Huron, within two miles ot Seaforth, on G. T. R, in one of the best farming districts in On- tario. Soil best clay loam,- seventy- *fiVe acres under crop, in excellent state of cultivation, well tile drain- ed, never -failing spring creek near Substantial two storey ojt dwelling, beautifully situa. i.leated by furnace'bath room ith hot and cold water, divided ellar, cement floor Long dis- 'haa telephone. Orchard with tie wind brake on west -and h. Good barns with stone ging,- All in firstolass repair. it in splendid shape to raise •xey making crops, or would ke good dairy farm or stook An ideal country home. Tone looking for 'a good :wonld. do well to see this, to JNO. T. DICXSON. Seaforth P. 0. Ont. See our Children's Wash ,Snit Romper Suits. Butter and Eggs taken ag :Ei APP General Merchant, e tioti 4otitest We want to increase the SubscriPtion List of our three papers., The Herald, Zurich; Pioneer, Dashwood, and Star, Orecliton, to 2000, and to, accomplish this quickly we are offering some handsome prizes for the most ,papuLar ladies, married or single. It will pay you to "get busy." Someone is going to get a hanclsonie $800.00 piano. First Prize 4 Beautiful Mendelssohn. Piano H. tells, Agent, Zurich. See it at his store. • Second Prize Ladies' Fur Lined Coat Value $75.00. May be seen at Z-ecker's store Crediton. 1hird:Prize New Williams Drop-HeadiSewing Machine See it at P. McIsaac's furniture store, Dashwood. Fourth Prize Ladies' Gold Watch Fifth Prize Set best Plated Knives and Forks 4th and 5th prizes, See at F. W. Hess Jewelery store, Zurich, Al.•11111•111111•01•1=11 NOW LADIES, "GET BUSY" Subscription Values New Subscriptions 1000 votes Renewal 500 votes Arrears for each year 200 votes Standing of candidates up to Saturday evening of each week will be pub. lished the following week. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++1++++++++++++++++++++++ Voting Goupon 4. 4. 4, 4. Amount Paid 9 4. 4. I Vote for As the most Popular Lady 41‘ 4. 4. 44 Arrears Renewal o0 tti reee sss New Subscription ° 4. +7. Sentby 4. 4. Name of paper sudscribed for 4.44+++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++;fr Address The Herald. Office, Zurich.