HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-07-12, Page 10PRINCE . NOW COMES OF ACE HEIR TO BRITISH THRONE HIS OWN MASTER. Prince of Wales Will Have His Own - Establishment and His Own - Servants'. Curious is the contrast that might be dawn between the approaching legal coming -of -age of the Prince of Wales and the similar event in the life of his grandfather, the late King Edward. The Prixi•ce of Wales is a shy, modest, but lovable youth, who has captured the hearts of all his aubjects-to-be. The late king, when 1 -cached the age of eighteen, was enemy a man of the world, going ateere , ace in acordaaee with the Vic- es!iau idea of the proper progress every scion of a rich and powerful 'temily, writes a London correspon- :'•nt. le remains to be seen, of course, baler the present prince will el at om out into a more gay youth, Keith the loosening of the apron- utring.s to which he has been tied., On June 23rd he reached the age of ighteen-his legal majority -and le is now his own master. Un- oubtedly, he still will be in daily paid almost hourly receipt of moth - and fatherly .advice, and will 1e warned of the pitfalls that exist er an heir to the British throne. ut, legally, he will be free to dis- egard all advice and lead his own ife. To begin with the Prince will have his own establishment. For the present, it is intended that a suite of rooms shall be set aside for him AT BUCKINGHAM PALACE and that he shall continue to occu- py the suite that was some time ago set apart for him at Windsor. In King Edward's case, Marlborough House was assigned to his use, but at the present time Queen Alexan- dra is quartered there and the King and Queen do not feel that they are justified in dispossessing her. Even- tually, however -probably when he marries -the Prince of Wales will move into Marlborough House, where he can have the seclusion and privacy dear to the heart of every man. In eeldition to a separate suite at Bucb:fngham Palace and at Wind - for, the Prince will have his own staff of servants,., a governor of his 1se:hold a:nd at lead' keio equer- ries. He might, if he" wished, ap- oint tradesmen for every one of his ant" sem cigarettes to motor ars, 'liut for the present it is in - ended that the dealers who shall e permitted to sport the three- eather crest of the Prince shall be imited and shall slowly grow with is increasing wants, 'Although the Prince will imme- liately become master of .an, enor- eus annual income, he will spend lit a small part of it, the rest ac- umulating until he has need of it. he exact amount of money that ows into his purse varies from year 0 year, but it is always WELL OVER $500,000. From his duehy of Cornwall pro- perty alone, there is a yearly yield of $400,000, which is augmented considerably by government grants. The tatter will be increased during t,te peat few gears, especially when he tam a wife. Naturally, there is consider able "peculation on the question of the dentity of the future wife of the • rinee. A man who is an intimate riend of both King and Queen re- ently told the writer that he didn't hink either of the parents of the "rinee had formed any opinion as o the suitable mate for their son. sf course, it is largely a matter of tate, and the Prince's hand will e bestowed, sad as it may seem, here it will aecomplish the most nod, There is in existenee a pretty tory of a youthful love affair, in- olving the Prince and the Grand uchess Olga, daughter of the Czar f Russia, but there is no more oundation for this than a. few sling glances cast by the Prince pen his comely little cousin when hey met for the second time in heir lives about two years alio. rineess Victoria, daughter of ' ie wiser, who might be a means of ringing about•,,the approchement f England and Germany, for which e politicians of the former coulee have been so long sighing, is nfortunately too old to be consid- i ed, and the present chances seem favor one of the Fife princesses, = ughters of Princess Louise, sis- �' r of King George. --4.-----••- THE INEVITABLE RESULT. "eJ am eurpr sec' to hepar Oat t,b'i':leigh has broken A<•wri,' said tettbs. "He used to have a splen rl con tittlso." . 'Yes," r' said til igy'esh t2 Cr "brit began amending it." 11 NEW STRENGTH FOR F1U1DERIC HARRISON, Mr. Frederic Harrison, the £am NURSING MOTHERS ous leader of, the Positivists, friend of Ruskin and Carlyle 'was eight: Oiling Beeks and Tired Limbs Need Not be Endured Aching backs, tired limbs, attacks. of faintness, headaches and back, aches, need not be a part of wo- man's life. There are times when her blood needs special attention, and these times are indicated by one or more of the above symptoms. It is at such times that Dr.. Wil- liams' Pink Pills are worth their weight in gold to women, for they actually make the rich, red health - giving blood which makes weak, tired, despondent women, active and strong, and feeling equal to all, their household duties. Such a suf- ferer was Mrs. William Sullivan, Main River, N. B., who says : "I am writing to acknowledge the great good I received through Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. After my baby) was born last summer I was so runt down that life was really a burden. I had to drag myself about to do my housework, and every moment was one of trial. If I went• upstairs I would be breathless and tired out, and my heart would palpitate violently'. and I would have a feel- ing as though I was smothering. My appetite was poor, and my baby was suffering from my weakness. I was advised to try Dr. Willims' Pink Pills and got six boxes, and before they were all quite used I was like a different woman. My appetite re- turned; I regained my strength, and the work about the house no longer bothered me. As the result of my experience I would strongly urge all weak women and nursing mothers to use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." There is no woman, no matter what her station in life, who will not enjoy better health if she occa- sionally fortifies her blood through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or may be had by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $9.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. d- PRINCE OF WALES HUNGRY.. An English actor was a member of a company snowbound in the Sierras while en route- from California to the East. . Blore their: train was. pulled tinj .of the drifts, they.bad been , redui et ta eating .tlie acaarse fare' of the railroad laborers, and' got little enough even' ofthat. So they all had a magnificent hunger on when the train reached a small station at which there was a restau- rant, and the Englishman was the first to find a seat at a table. "Bring me in a hurry," he soil to the landlord, a burly Western man, "a porterhouse steak, some deviled kidneys, a brace of chops, plenty of vegetables, and'two bottles of Bass' bitter beer." The landlord stuck his head out of the dining room door and yelled to somebody in the rear apartment: "Say, Bill, tell the band to play 'Rule Britannia' ; the Prince of Wales has came." WhyShould I Use Cuticura Soap? « There is nothing the matter with my skin, and I thought Cuticura Soap was only for skin troubles." True, it is fo:,' skin troubles, but its great mission is to peeved skin troubles. For more than a generation its dell- cate emollient and prophylactic properties have rendered it the standard for this purpose, while its extreme purity and refreshing fragrance give to it all the advan- tages of the best of toilet soaps. It is also invaluable in keeping the bands soft and white, the hair live and glossy, and the scalp free from dandruff and irritation. While its first cost is a few cents more than that of ordinary toilet soaps, it is prepared with suchcare and of such materials, that it wears to a wafer, often outlasting several cakes of other soap, and making. its use, in practice, most econom- ical. Cuticura Soap it sold by druggists and dealers everywhere, but the truth of these claims may be demonstrated without cost by sending to "Cuticura," Dent. 71111,' Boston, U. S. A., for a liberal sam- plecake, together with a thirty-two page book on the skin and hair, ,tears of age last October; and he came in from an eight -mile walk at tea -time with springy step and alert bearing, It was his ordinary daily exercise, and not at all in the na- ture of a birthday celebration. Mr. Harrison is spending the ev ening of his days near Hawkhurst,,. in Kent, . where he delights in his garden and grounds, which he has. made very beautiful. He rose on his birthday at 7.30; breakfasted at 8.30, and was engaged from 9.30 till luncheon -tine withthe mornin NOW'S THE TIME. Now's the time to bo a -doing, If there's work that must be done, ,While the earth itself is wooing 1. Favors frons the shining sun. ;Not. to -morrow ; you may never Hear the bells of morrow chime. lent for every brave endeavor N w's• the time!. IiIZ'i'¢}cr.sthe time to be a -moving, If in life you've any aim; If you're anxious to be proving What in merit is your claim. Don't -ah, don't to -day postpone it! Is not idleness a crime ? If you have not overthrown it, Now's the tune ! y not even. "I will do it Without failure by-and-by." rat's a time with no date to it - fn the shadows let it lie ! ize the present! It is flying ver from you as you climb. w, if you are bent on trying - 'How's the time A Boon for the Bilious. -The liver a very sensative organ and easily ranged. When this occurs there undue secretion of bile and the id flows into the stomach and rs it. It is a most distressing ent, and many are prone to it. this condition a man finds the st remedy in Parmelee's Vega...4 kyle Pills, whieh are warranted to edily correct the disorder. There o better medicine in the entire of 'pill preparations. WHAT SHE WANTED. Lady in shoe store -"These shoes pinch terribly. Haven't you any- thing larger V' Salesman -"You asked me for number twos, madam. I can give you number threes or number fours, or— Lader ---"the idea! I want some- thing larger in number twos." rx-tlttcrie :i]earedya,lt. +rs- newspapers, his correspondence, and his new book, "Autobiographic Memoirs." His mornings work in- cluded the writing of twelve itetters. Arriving home at five o'clock after his walk, he spent half an hourein showing visitors round his garden. Then there was a little rest before dinner. At eleven it was bedtime. An unbroken sleep of eight hours every night and an interest in every waking hour, that is Mr. :l arrie son's happy lot at eighty. He is engaged on another weer.;' "Among My Books." He writes about 1,500 words a day. r,. CHILDHOOD DANGERS. alto No symptoms that indicate' `iron O of the ailments of childhood Saoi e be allowed to pass wi 1iout 'pro Attention. ' The little admen t . ir11 soon become aserious on., eende er haps a little life passes 'bet If Baby's Own Tablets are kept in til: house minor troubles can be- promptly epromptly cured and serious ones averted. The Tablets are guaran- teed absolutely safe and can be given to the newborn babe as well as the growing child. Mrs. Arthur Drapeau, Mont Carmel, Que., says: "I can give Baby's Own Tablets to my little one without fear, well knowing the beneficial results that will follow their use." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 ,cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. qe 1PifIT sy aartinMutiueleEye nernedNoy ,p Try iUor 1ted, weak, watery P:yeo and �� i�'£ ® Granulated Eeeitde. illustrated Book In each Package, T1L1iRiNE Ie com- es ponnded byy OurUcnllsts-nota"Patent ww ➢icdlcine"butuacd IneuccesefulPb?•si- �,p .o.� ctans'Practice for many years. i,ow CiY q;... derllcgggi�st to the Publlo and Bold by e • • 69-EyoCBalvea InnAseptic c -50c Tubeer s, Mc -60c. m•'bturine Eye Remedy Co., Chicano Y e Norway's coast line, which mea- sures 1,700 miles in a straight line, becomes 12,000 miles if followed round the fjords. In these are over •150,000 islands, True religion never speaks of what it has done or is doing, neither has it any pomps or vanities, but does its work silently and without hope of rewak 1, at least in this life. Nearly all infants re more or less subject to diarrhoea and such com- plaints while teething and as this period of their lives is the most cri- tical, mothers should not be with- out a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial. This medicine is a specific for such complaints and is highly spoken of by those who have used it. The proprietors claim it will cure any ease of chol- era or summer complaint. Not long ago Lord Kinnaird, wlio. is always actively interested in Vie.-, ligious work, paid a surprise visit to a mission school in the east end of London and told a class of boys the story of Samson. In conclud- ing his narrative his Lordship ad- ded, "He was strong, became weak, and then regained his strength, enabling him to destroy his enemies. Now, boys, if I had an enemy, what would you advise me to do V' A little boy after meditating on the. secret of that great giant's strength shot up his hand and exclaimed, "Get a bottle of'air-restorer." All the world loves a cheerful flatterer. Mlnard's Liniment. Curbs, Diphtheria. s.+ A. -"Your husband always o quietly." lers. B. -"He You, ought to hear him es a collar-stud!" nt Cures,.Carget In Cows. tree call be cut down d --into paper stiitable, purposes within 24 sthma and Catarrh. -It is one o the chief recommendations of Da Nomas' Eclectric Oil that it can be used internally with as much suct;ess as it can outwardly. Suf- ferers from asthma and catarrh will find that the Oil when used accord- ing to directions will give immedi- ate" relief. Many sufferers from these- ailments have found relief in the Oil and have sent testimonials. In New South Wales, Australia, any person taking part in a strike is liable to a• penalty of £1,000, or to be imprisoned for two months. Min rd's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. r: oney, you know, is man's wo enemy." "I suppose that's w cme folk Iike him for the ene- m elm made." I RILL YEAR '4T" THE FAIR. is Imperial yedr at the' Cana- dian National Exhibition and H.R. "the Duke of Cexvaaught will p *ern the opening ceremonies on *one; , August 26th. THE KING DINES OUT. rever King George dines, r in the midst of a public ly or in the house of an ie - friend, this own servants ac- ny him. They attend exclu- to him throughout the ban- eceiving the dishes from the Its and handing them to their fi'xiaster. ED. 7 ISSUE 27-12 "king a ing sc Sardines {DELICIOUS, ZESTY, NUTRITIOUS, TASTY. The very thing for a refresh- ing lunch in hot weather. Cat Them From Your Groner Trade supplied by John W. Bickle,LGreening, llamiltsn. COW COMFORT is guarantood to keep Flies off your Cattle $d.00 PER GALLON Dilute with 4 gallons of water. Write for a gallon naw to THE ic9ACLAREN IMPERIAL CHEESE CO., LTD., WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO. Sole Mfrs.—The Sapho Manufacturing Co., Limited, Montreal. WHEN HE DID BEGIN. Father (to his son whom he has reproved for lying) -I never told lie whe eI -was small.. • Band Vell, }iEiv old father, when you began A i Aiway s; Re E i of regular habit .medicin'; eotaeern, butthe fir. a`t men e b .cot. of reg x" habi . worry an.a.tares of business pre* it, and out of the; irregularity of life comes dyspepsia, indigestion, liver and kidney troubles as a protest. The run-down system demands a corrective and there is none better than Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. They are simple in their composi- tion and can be taken by the most delicately constituted. H. W. DA,WSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. T MET THOUSAND DOLLARS WILL iJ buy beautiful hundred acres in Northumberland County, including Stock and Implements. There ie in the stook 4 horses, 10 cows, etc. This is a snap, and can be had on easy terms. Possession at once. ,. OOD PARMA= LINCOLN, WELLAND, 7f Halton, Petal, York, Durham, North. umberiand, Prinee Edward counties at reasonable prices. A LBERTA. SASKATCHEWAN +• AND .t''. Manitoba lands in large or 'small blocks. T1 REIT FARMS -ALL SIZES, IN THE,' It' Niagara Fruit Belt. H. W DAWSON, Toronto. �� ACRES IN ESSEX COUNTY -SOIL el of clay loam; Nineteen.- acres mixed timber; 1 acre orchard: frame house; frame bank barn. Price right Tbo1';; nd Two Hundred Dollars. Will exehanrre fox 50 acre farm. The western Real Estate, London. RAILWAY //DENTS, TELEQRAP € and Clerks in great demand thro h out Ontario and North West. Six Months will qualify you. Day and Mail ,,oate".e Positions secured. Free Book 18 explain! Dominion School Telegraphy, Toronto. MALE HELP WANTED. MISCELLANEOUS. inrAy AND FARM SCALES. Wilson', it it Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. 1 ANGER, TUMORS, LUMPS, etc. In- l� ternal and external, cured without vain bi' our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Cor„ Limited. Collingwood, Ont. . TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson's' O. Seale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. g�1 ARMERS I SEND YOUR NAME AND JL' get valuable information. D. Bell, 93 Argyle Street, Toronto. THE TORONTO HOSPITAL FOR IN. eurables offers two years' training; complete course in Massage; Post Gradu, ate Course in Bellevue and Allied llospi. tats, New York. Applications will be re- eived by Miss Greene, Lady. Superinteu- - 'r130 Dunn Ave., Toronto, Above all things, be on your guard against your temper. It is an enemy that will accompany you everywhere to the last hour of your life. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Dear Sirs, -This fall I got thrbwn on a fence and hurt my chest very bad, so I could not work and it hurt me to breathe. I tried al1 kinds of. Liniments and they did me no good. One bottle of MINARD'S LINIMENT, warmed on flannels and applied on my breast, cured me co O llH. yOSSABOOM. Rossway, Digby Co., N. S. heck -"If I ever marry I'll rule the roost or know why." Peck-. "You'll know why all right." Thousands of mothers can testify to the virtue of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, because they know from experience how useful it is. The man who has something to sell is always an optimist. Mfnardls Liniment Cures Distemper. 'THE BYPLAY MINSTRELS. "Mister . Interclocutor, can you tell me the difference between a, kiss and a sewing machine?" "No, Mr. Bones, I cannot. Please tell us the difference between a kiss and .a sewing machine." "One seems so nice and the other sews seams nice." "Mr. Ogo Soakim will now ren- der that beautiful ballad, entitled `When Mother Found Her Rat in Grandpa's.Beard.' " • She -"Just look at the trouble money can get you . into." He - "Yes, but look at the trouble it out get you•out of." 00 wnrirs, POO, ER AND T itBranoh: PurlfloG Go,, DridgebUrg, On to let ei are ou, ea, and if4 bpi u1 11hal ear .,I ly� imp At "I id uR •o Iw r He At/ tt; ere on reit e9. h. 1 mt it d es n] G4 h 'D. sE u, ttl he nc Jf 11 Your Overcoats,.. and faded Suitt: would look bettor dyed, If no agent of ours In your town write direct to Montreal, Box :88. Gold Medalist. British American Dyeing Co. CREOSOTE! 15.0331xc2. r; Jhae Protect — Preserve— Beautify Samples and Bookiete on Application JAMES LANCM€DIR & CO,, Limited 18744 Bathurst Street TORONTO THE ARLINGTON 00. of Canada, Ltd. ro Featrn ANC9UC TORONTO clALLARGE3 Acknowledge d to );e the aae,tcrea- tioe 01 Water. Traci Collard ever made. A,1 to ace, and hny no other. All stored or direct for 25,. THE LATER THE BETTER. He -Hurry, dear, or we shall be too late for church. She -We can't be too late when I'm wearing this old dress and hat. Warts are disfigurements that dis- appear when treated with Hollo- way's Corn Cure. Hydrophobia is now so rare in Europe that actual cases have only averaged One per annum during the past ten years. "He pretends to be a very busy man." "By jinks, there's no pre- tence about it. He supports a wife and seven children on a salary of $60 a month." Dr. Morse's Indian Root. Pills are made according to a formula in use nearly a century ago among the Indians, and learned from them by De. Morse. Though repeated at- tempts have beet) made, by physi- cians and chemists, it has been found impossible to improve the formula or the pills. Dr. Morse's Indian Root. Pills are a household remedy through- out the world for Constipation rind. all Kidney and Liver troubles. They act promptly and effectively, and 40 Cleanse the System e d co e �e d ed n b 0 e d• ad, a* sal. ph e• ek ot1 t1 so SI Iir on rchi Sm; 0 el, e tt ft v eel I be not u t dr noir ead ick he ov, ' he! Attic r mr t wet folio Our aud, nplie) end, of th d in icil c 51nc ed Z;a orce, Id." o we star *tone You e 5. ee. au r abets end:. e roc tided the h eghr tt e l ere t went pro 5 r