The Herald, 1912-06-28, Page 81TheT(e)" lit Big Clearing Sale ofSummer Goods FOR 3 DAYS We will offer bargains in all lines of goods to clear. Below is a te'v of the many bargains we are offering. Call and be convinced that this is a genuine money saving sale, Dress Goods, ail lines, reg, 60c for 450 yd. All other Dress Goods in proportion Summer Dress Goods Repps regular 25e....20c a yard, Voils regular 30c , tor 200 a yard Rajah Stripes reg n•1 ;r 150 for 120 a yard Shanting Stripes reenter 25c for 20c a yard Colored Mulls , . , . 25c for 200 Fancy Dress Linens . ... ...... .... 20c for 150 Fanny Vestings 20c for 15c White Lawn Waists Trimmed with embroidery, also lace and insertion Regular $1.50 for $1 10 Regular $1,25 for 90c 1 00 for .65 .75 for 45c Corset Covers Regular 500 for 40c. Special line at 25c each Prints All cur regular 121%,,c prints and ginghams to go at loo the yard 10 pieces special print at 5o the yard. Towellings 5c a yard and up. 6 pieces Art Muslin, regular 10c for 5c yard 8.4 twilled Bleached Sheeting at 25c a yard 8 4 twilled special Unbleached Sheeting at 25c a yard. Millinery The balance of our Trimmed flats, Shapes, Flowers, eto, at halt regular price. All our 4 yard wide Linoleums, Lancaster and Nairns, regular $2 and $2 25 a yard, for $1.50 a yard. Tapestry Floor Coverings Rugs size 3x3 regular $ 9 00 for $ 6 50. 3sl regular 12 00 for 8 00 3xl ,regular 13 50for 9.75 3x4 regular 14 00 for 10.00 31x1 .... ....regular 15,00 for 11.00 31x1 .... ....regular 16.00 for 12.00 Wall Papers at Bargain Prices to clear Men's Suits Regular $11,00 for $8 00 teg. $9 00 for $6.50 10.00 for 7 00 8 00 for. 5.50 Boys Snits from $1.25 up, Men's and Boys' Straw Hats $1.25 for $1.00 750 for 600 500 for 40c 35c for 250 250 for 20o All Spring Caps 35o to 600 for 25c each Fancy Vests Regular $1.75 and $1 50 each, to clear at $1,00 Men°s Collars Men's stand up Linen Collars, 14,1 to 17 size, 5o each, slightly soiled. Groceries Best roasted Rio Coffee 20c lb Royal Yeast 3 boxes for 10c Acme Gloss Starch 4 boxes for 25o Snow White Corn Starch 4 boxes 250 5 lbs best 26c Japan Tea for $1.00 10 bars Merner's Laundry Soap 25c Canadian Coal Oil 12o a gallon. Fine Sarnia Salt, new, in 280 pound barrels, $1.25 barrel. Highest prices paid for all kinds of Farm Produce J. J. ThIRN GENE'. `AL r1ERCUANT Zurich, m- Ontario Telephone 28 HEADQUARTERS OF CeIebrate r r;dway C THINii GHTEB A laugh is just like mucic; 'It lingers in the heart, • And where its 'Melody is heard ai The ills of life depart ; And happy thoughts come 'ern ing Its joyful notes to greet. Alaugla is just like music For making living sweet. ABOUT ASBESTOS. Asbestos is a physical paradbt, one of nature's most marvellous iil4; .ductions. It has been called a mine elogicalvegetable; it is .both .flbroij and crystalline; elastic, yet brittle ` floating stone which can be 3.30c carded, spun and woven into tissue,"..;,, Germ any it is known as stein (s to flax) and the milers of Quebec gr it quite an expressive name—pier cotton (cotton stone). The ashes minas in Quebec are the most fairirii in the world yielding 95 per cent the entire output, Italy being the on cog petiting country, and there tTi industry is decling, Althou_ Charlemange rs said to have had tablecloth of asbestos, which he eleali ed by throwing it into the fire, it wpll practically unknown ofM 1850 Th!'V. Italiauanineral was then experiment ', with and some years later put en tire,; market. Asbestos is flexible, non -Ceuta bustible, and a non-conductor of Jieal and electricity, and of these properties its -increasing use depends. It is spurs;, into yarn from which cloth is woven for drop curtains in theatres, clothing for firemen, acidworkers, , etc. made into lampwicks and gloves for stokers, and ropes for fire-escapesTt is felted into mill -board, to he used'' as an insulator iu dynamos, and:, as fireproof lining for wires and ' rls a covering to:prevent loss of heat foul steam pipes. Mixed with rubber it is used to pack points.. UNDERTAKING a�• THE WESTERN PAIR' London, Ontario The management of the Western. Fair, London Ontario. are sending, out this week their Prize List, Entry Forms and other kind of advertising, matter announcing their coming Rir' hibition in September. The dates are. September 6th to.l4tb. This - the oldest Exhibition in Canada: and it is1 becoming snore and more popular -deb year. The' prize list anntails so very valuable information_for illte is ing Exhibitors. From the• 'bieeder'a. standpoint this is ono of the best ex bition held, as a large number of buy- ers always attend in order to secure;" the best animals that can be obtained The parade of the Live Stock daily is. something of great interest and at-, tracts large crowds. Stockmen should include this Exhibition in their list.. Write the Secretary, A, M. 'aunt,'. London. for prize lists and all infor- mation. Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonofreostoresproper every nerve in; the body tits on vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual' weakness averted at once. Phosphene' will; make you a new man. Price SO a box, or two for 15. Mailed to any address. The Scobell Drug: Co., St. Ct therinea. Ont. CREDITON 11Ir. Jacob Schwarz who bas been taking treatment for rheulntism at: the hot springs, of Mt. Clemens,+ returned home on Friday last. The Ladies Aid of the Evangelical: church, will hold their monthly ineet' ing in theirchurch on Tuesday, the, 2nd July 1912. Mr. and Mrs. I . Rapley, of Ohio, are at present the guests of the ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lewis. Mr. A. Haist and daughter Mrs. T,y lIawhinney, spent Thursday in Long don. Mr. Haist is at present in a very precarious condition. The Messrs. Harry Sweitzer, II•. Either, 13. Brown and Ezra Paist' antoed to London on Friday last,° when they took in the Ringling Bros,`. circus. Ms. A. ?J. I-Ioltzman of Naperville; and sister Pearl of Chicago, returned. home on 'Saturday last, were ihey, intend spending their summer Vaca-:' Lion. The Evan. Sunday school held their annual Children 1)ay entertain, meat on Sunday last. . The 171.0.:= gramme and the music was of t1i highest order.^ - A largo number of hiss Olio 1 m 1Iiltzuian's friends, pleasantly sur' prised her to a linen Shower 00 Fri., Iclay evening last. The evening \ias sport in a sociable manner. Hefei i dispersing ail. parbeipated 10 • t nein (prepared lunch, Miss Holtzman 1Vlt8 ''•' r::' 'f . thy acs ciful ata.: Prompt Service Moderate, Cha roes anuerscamcvsn W. Ha HOFFMAN Zurich. - Otltario1 Wirt airymaid Cream. Separator No heavy lifting up of Milk Easy Running Deering Machinery All makes of Plough Points always on hand Louis Prang.. ZURICH Now Ready Stylish_ Buggies If yoil want to see the big - est and finest lot of Buggies That our wareroom. If you i, ,1. to buy we are corfid_ent can, satisfyyour taste. Iso Carriages and - Waggons Prices Right All kinds of Repairs prom - ply attended. F. lless & Son Any person having 20 to 25 acresof standing hay to sell will please notify this office. Buyer will cut and remove it himself. Mrs. Harvey Wind and children Miss Olene and Thelma of Detroit Mich, are visiting for a few weeks, the guests of the former's father, Mr. Chits.' Wolfe. A very happy event took place in Zion Evangelical church on V'4 ed- nesday, June 26th, when Miss C)livta, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Holtzman, became the bride of Bev': -M. M. Whiting of Parkhill, missionary under .•a.ppointment to ppan At high noon the bride, le'ning on the arm of her father, entered the auditorium of the ehuroh as Mr. £Jerb Eilber played ;tohengrin's wend] ngmarch,closing with Mendelsohns . Miss Elva ,tlotigers of London, a cousin of the ;groom., sweetly rendered "Because" 'bv G;iv D'Hartleot The ceremony ,wasperformed by Rev. E. Burn eater of the church, assisted by ev. Miller of Auburn, in the pre ,sence of a large number of assemb. lees guests and friends The bride, oarrying a bouquet of bridal roses, looked obtaining in a dainty gown ',df liberty satin with pearl trim. :tni.ngs..an:d bridal veil adorned with `orange blossoms, The little Misses ;Laura Foster and Hilda Burn made Pretty' little flower girls, Messrs A. M' l .oltzniann and Roy Whiting acted as usbers After the cere. iMony was performed a dainty dire leer was served at the home of the: ride, otter which Rev. Mr. and Its. Whiting left for Niagara Fitlls and - other eastern points. The 'br`ide's going away gown was of ,a oy'al .blue . 'ladies . costume cloth ith"lief to snatch. The bride was i`e recipient of many chitty and valuable gifts • The Star joins with )ieir alittny friends in wishing them 1arty years wedded happiness. n largo number of pupils wrote on In,entrance exams .during the Bast IIARTLIEB'S BIO STORE One Price the year round and that the lowest. Parties intending to buy a good Karnes this Spring should not . fail to call on us, as we areheaclquartors in Zurich.for the best at lowest prices every one guaranteed, because best leather always used. See our Team Harness with Collars at $25.00, Single Harness at $9.00 up Stoves and Hardware If you want the best at lowest prices call and see what a big Bargain you can get here. A full stock of all kinds of FURNITU In Furniture we lead the trade as we buy in car loads this enables its to cheaper and our customers get the benefit. Terms Cash ors Trade at Cash Price e. I-IlRTLEIB, �URic HURON'S LARCEST COMBINATION STORE Gat Best Shing1e,. Just to hand. Bring in your orders. Close price F � 0. KALBFLEISC11C PHONE 19 _ —.ZURICH few:-Soect Bargains 1 One year has now passed since we started in business and we wish to thank our customers for the liberal patronage accorded as and we hope for a continuance of the sauce. In taking stock we came across several lines which we must sell regardless of cost. Here ar a few of thews. Summer Dress Goods Pongetta in white, cream, champagne, light blue, pink, dark blue. Regular price 25e, now for 19c a yard. Muslin 6 pieces Muslin Flowered and plain designs. Regular price 15c, now 12?:c. Men's and Boys' Suits We have a fine assortment of Men's and Boys' ready- to-wear Suits. Prices as low as 1 ossible. Men's and Boys' Hats Warmer. weather is coming and ,you will need a Straw Hat. We have a complete range and price are right. In- spect our stock before buying elsewhere. Overalls A lice of Bltie Overalls to clear at GOc- Linoleum and Floor Oilcloths (i 1, yards Linoleum, 4 yards wide, regular price $2 a yard, whole piece $10.75. 6) yds Floor Oilcloth, 2 yds wide, regular price 60e a yard, now for .$1,00. • 8+ yds Floor Oilcloth, 2 yds wide, regular price 75c a yard now for $1.90. Salt at $1.40 a Barrel Remember we give Coupons with every purchase, cash or trade. Fresh Groceries always.' 1s.ept oi,, liana Produce Taken n Exchange PIIONE 17