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The Herald, 1912-06-28, Page 3
OntheFarm MAKE THE SOIL FIT THE CROP There is no use in trying to achieve success with a soil not fit- ted to the crop, We must make a more intelligent study of the selec- tion of crops that are better adapt- ed to our soils and that can be made to return' larger and more certain profits. There is something that is very interesting about the prefer- ence of crops for certain soils and climates, writes a farmer. One of the first things for a far- mer to learn is to find out which crops aro best adapted to his soil and grow them on his farm. He needs to study the requirements of the various crops that he grows and plan his rotation of crops so that each crop may be grown under the most favorable conditions. While T am a staunch friend of stable manure and constantly urg- ing the keeping of more and better farm stock, yet I can see the neces- sity of facing the situation in a prac- tical manner. The average farmer has reached a point where stable manure will not supply the adequate amount of ;;plant food to produce the maximum ,geld of grain and other farm crops, 4nd the only sensible thing to do is supply the deficient elements. The generality of soils on our tock farms are deficient in mineral ertility, especially phosphorous, .and it is clearly to our interest to ,supply this one element to our soils if we fit the soils to the needs of our crops. On soils possessing abundance of humus and nitrogen we may pur- chase the phosphorus in the form of the raw ground phosphoric rock and mix it with stable manure, but on soils that are lacking in humus and nitrogen better results will be obtained by using acid phosphates, which is readily available to the growing crops. With clover and manure plowed inder, to liberate potash, and sup- plemented with this perches ree-quarters of a pound they ould be penned for ten or twelve ys and fed all they will eat of rn chop or wet mash composed two parts cornmeal, one 'part an and one part low-grade flour. this mixture can be dampened th skirft milk, it will add much to fattening and bleaching quail- s. Birds that are being fattened ould befed in troughs rather than litter, as exercise at this time is t conducive to rapid gains in ight. The birds should be kept quiet as possible. urkey poults are not especially rd to raise if they are from vig- ils stock and are properly taken e of. Above all things else, don't rfeed them, see that they are t free from lice, keep them from ting wet when small and make m "rustle" for their living. To them of lice, should they become y, paint the bottom of a deep with liquid lice killer and put poults into it. Cover the top he box with a cloth, but be very ful not to smother the birds. It ell to leave a part of the top eked, as the fumes of the lice r are pretty strong. After they been in the box for a short , take them out anc'I dust with good lice powder. Eternal` twee is the price of success in y culture. many as 57,000 persons of Scot- ationality left Seettish ports ear. SEVERE NEURALGIA Cured Through. the The of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills There is an excellent reason why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured the most severe cases of neuralgia, sciatica and other complaints in the group known as disorders of the nerves. This group also includes St. Vitus dance, partial paralysis and the common state of extreme nervousness and excitability. Each of these complaints exists because there is something the matter with the nervous system. If the nerves have tone and are strong and heal- thy you will not have any of these complaints. The reason why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure nervous disorders is, that they restore weak, run down nerves to their proper state of tone. They act both directly upon the blood sup- ply; and the nerves. The highest medical authorities have noted that nervous troubles generally attack people who are bloodless and that the nerves are toned when the blood is renewed. It .is thus seen that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure nerv- ous disorders by curing the cause of the trouble. The following ;s an instance. Miss Annie Jones, Lon. don, Ont., says :—"For over a year I was an intense sufferer from neu- ralgia, which located in my face and head. The pain at times was so intense that I could scarcely keep from screaming, and nothing I was doing for the trouble seemed to help me. As time went on my whole nervous system was affected. At last when I felt that my case was almost hopeless I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The result of this treatment was that I am now enjoying such comfort as I had not known for years, and only those who have suffered from neu- ralgic pains can realize what a blessing the Pills have been to Inc.' If -you are suffering from any blood or nervous disorder begin to cure yourself to -day with Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, which you can eel get from any medicine dealer or by De mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes ak for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. AND ALSO. of Now also doth the charming bride th Completeher splendid trousseau; d While father hustles, to provide e The coin, that she may dousseau. 1- k. at t, s - n he n k e 0 s e s s e phosphorus, the fertility, proble will be solved on the average sto farm. RAISING POULTRY. The general purpose breeds oultry, such as the Plymou ks,. Wyandottes, Rhode Islan Ind Orpingtons, should b ept ern -the farm, rather than sinal gg breeds or small mongrel stoc t should also be remembered th he dark -plumaged varieties do no s a rule, look as well when dres as poultry of other colors. Usually more interest is take ith a flock of fowls that are of t ame breed and color, and it is a stablished fact that such a floc reduces a more uniform product high invariably secures to th wner higher prices than can b erived from the product of a mon rel flock. As soon as the hatching season i ver all male birds should be mar eted, they having no influent hatever on the number of egg id, and eggs produced by flock mposed of females only keep much tter than eggs from hens that are lowed to run with males. As soon as the cockerels weigh THE SEA IS CALLING YOU. Much interest :s being taken in the district contiguous to New Lon- don, Conn., by the summer resident if requests for literaeare and inf. r- mation is any criticism. Thousands of copies of the booklet, "The Sea- shore," which may be had for the asking from Grand Trunk Agents, have been distributed. The book- let is profusely illustrated and also contains valuable information as to names of hotel, rates, etc. New London is only twelve hours from Montreal and a new through train service will be inaugurated from Montreal on June 23rd. Features of this district: warm sea bathing, deep sea fishing and splendid hotel or eottage accommodation. Calcutta, with its population of 1,300,000, is the second city in the British Empire. For Frost Bites and Chilblains. —Chilblains come from undue exposure to slush and cold and frost -bite from the icy winds of winter. In the treatment of either there is no better preparation than Dr. Thomas' Ec- lectric Oil, as it counteracts the in- flammation and relieves the pain. The action of the oil is inrta,ntane ous and its application is extremely simple. Nearly 100,000 women in York City consume no fewer 35,000,000 cigarettes a year. Niinard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend. New than HE KNEW. "Can you tell me, my boy," said the prim teacher, "why the raee is not always to the swift?" r'Yes'm," said the Iittle - boy, promptly, `tit's because sometimes their tires bust." RUSHER EE AcvEMI SLIM* Tread soffilte - rn', tel` safely =1" -nn CAT'S PAW RUBBER SIliYLES Embody the patented features of Cats Paw'lleels. Iso NEW DISCOVERY IN A.VIATIOI French Military Believe They Can• Flovent Many Accidents. What promises to be a scientific discovery of the highest importance in aviation is new being investigat- ed by the French military authori- ties. It will be remembered that Lieut. Seville lost his life while flys ing at Pati a few weeks ago. Exam- ination of the wrecked machine, proved that the wing of Seville's monoplane broke downward in- stead of upward,, showing that'the pressure of air came from above in- stead of from underneath, as has been hitherto supposed was the case in fatal accidents. Experi- ments have now corroborated the theory that a downward dip of a monoplane throws a greatly in- creased air pressure upon the sur- face of the wing. Heretofore the main strength of the wire. stays has been devoted to preventing.the wing buckling from pressure on the un- der surface, while no stays have been thought necessary to counter- act pressure from above. The offi- cial commission. believes many acci- dents have been due to insufficient protections from air preteure on. the upper surface of the wings, and this is now being remedied in all French army aeroplanes. .r. ENGLAND WARRING ON FLIES. Campaign Started Now in Hope of Preventing Plague. War, determined and grim, is be- ing waged in England against the house ,fly. This is the time of year, it is said, that war, if it is to be successful at all, may prevent ..a plague in the autumn. The house fly, it has been urged by "experts," carries'more disease from house to house than any other living thing in existence. The fly, they say, serves no useful purpose whatever ; it is a pest, and nothing more. Its breeding powers are enormous. The fly to -day may yield »millions by the autumn, and so everybody is asked to help in its extermination, In schools the pupils are being taught all about the dangers of the fly and how to kill it, and house- holders are warned by the sanitary authorities that no labor expended upon its extermination will be thrown away. No person should ;o from home without a battle of Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Dysentery Cordial in their possession, as change .. of water, cooking, climate; 'etc., fregiiubtly brings on "summer eoreplenet, and" there is nothing like being• ready with a sure remedy at hand, which oftentimes saves great suffering and frequently valuable lives. This Cordial has gained for itself a wide- spread reputation for affording prompt relief from all summer complaints. Great Britain's present National Debt exceeds $3,620,000,000. Minard's Liniment used by Physicians, DIDN'T WANT TO ARGUE. Saxon --It's a fine morning, San- dy. (Sandy grunts.) Saxon—I said it was a fine morning, Sandy. Sandy —Verra weel, verra wee.. I dinna want tae argue. As a vermifuge there is nothing so potent as. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, and it can be given to the most delicate child without fear of injury to' the constitution. Lots of people stir up strife by preaching harmony, Keep M!nerd's Liniment lit the louse. • Practically the whole of the tea grown in India is disposed of by auction in Calcutta. Pills of Attested Value.—P.arme- lee's Vegetable Pills are the result of careful study of the properties of certain roots and herbs, and the ac- tion of such es sedatives and laxa- tives on the digestive apparatus. The success the compounders have met with attests the value of their work. These pills have been recog- nized for many years as the best cleansers of the system that can be got. Their excellence was recog- nized from the first and they grow. more popular daily. BANKS REPLACE SALOONS. We are abolishing public houses, but we are increasing banks. A writer has put a question as to the number of banks between the Bus - ton Road and St. Albans, and on the south aide between the Elephant and Croydon. Half a century ago there was not one. It was the Lon- don and Westminster that first set tip a bank for the small mall`, And now you can hardly pass a street corner without the appeal 'of the bank. The change of the street corner site is suggestive of other changes, ---London Chronicle; ECIVILIZING RAILWAY. eiiegal and Southern Nigeria, an r] the other French - and English tiles of Weat Africa that lie be - them, there are now 11 mil- e -area either running or building. Neer'ly all lead into the hinterland fie come port on the coast. In every instance the introduction of the r Tway has not only increased the f ade, of the colony, but has ex- ercfeed a ,beneficial effect upon the WeekAfrican natives. Those who fo ,inexly were often engagesl in irt.• to;rtiibal warfare have become leace fu1 traders or farmers, and many of the nativesare filling sub- ordinate positions upon the various Hume., The railways have accom- plished; the ,complete pacification of colonies that were once warlike and quarrelsome. ZA4i-Elul{ AND OuffJ)OOR LIFE. Every tennis or ball player, every swimmer, every canoeist, every men or woman who loves outdoor life axil exercise, should keep a box of Zara -Bilk handy. Zara-Buk is a purely herbal pre- patteiun, which, as soon as apnliecl to . cuts, bruises, burns. sprains, blisters, etc.; sets up highly bene- ficis,i,operations. First, its antisep- tic x5vc perties render the wound free from all danger from blood *poi -lining. Next, its soothing pro- perties relieve and ease the pain. Bard wire scratches, insect stings, skin diseases, such as ooze - ma,' Leat rashes, ringworm, babies' heatsores, chafed places, sore feet —are all quickly cured by Zanl- Buk•druggists .All and stores. Use Gam-Buk Soap also ; 25c. per tablet. THE DREAD OF OBSCURITY. "Do you think it possible to love your enemies f" "Not exactly," replied Miss Cayent:r. "Yet many of us ought to feel rather grateful to our ene- mies a; the only people who take a real interest in us." They Cleanse While They Cure. —The vegetable compounds of which. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are composed, mainly dandelion and mandrake, clear the stomach and intestines of deleterious matt - ter and restore the deranged organs to healthful action. Hence they are the hest remedy for indigestion available to -day. A trial of them will: tablish the truth of this as - se . I..iC do More to convince t, •than anything thea can be 'these pills INDEPENDENT. Chief Perk (to office boy)—Whv on ,earth don't you laugh when the hose tells a joke Z Office Boy—I don't have to; I quit on Saturday. I was cured of Bronchitis and Asthma by MINARD'S LINIMENT. MRS A. LIVINGSTONE. Lot 5, P. • E. L I was cured of a severe attack of Rheumatism by M]N-ARD'S LINIMENT. Mahone Bay. JOHN MADER. It was cured of a severely sprained Ieg by MINARD'S LINIMENT. JOSHUA A. WYNACHT. Bridgewater. IN OUR VILLAGE. Stranger (in Lonelyville)—What's all the.: excitement? Native—Rube Perkins jest put $35 in the savings bank ! When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Rye'1temedy, No Smarting --Feels Floc—Ants Quickly. Try It for Rad, Weait, Watery 3iyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus- trated Book in each Package Murine is eompon elect by our Oculists—not a "Patent Med- icine' —but used in successful Physicians' Prac- tice forany years. Now dedicated to tho Pub- lic and Bold by Druggists at 1fic and 60o per Bottle. Murlen aye salve in Aseptic Tubes, 2,,e and hoc MVftur'ine Eye Remedy t:o., Chlcagr IMPOSSIBLE. "I would rather be happy than rich," he declared. "Oh, yes, so would I," she re- plied; "but one might as well try to be happy without being rich as to be an angel without having to die."` Inter. x,F7n.I Poultry Prevents Cholera and Saves the Little Chicks A little chick is just like a little baby—its health depends on its food. Improper feeding opens the way for disease. Chicken Cholera, Roup, Apoplexy, can be prevented and cured by feeding INTERNATIONAL POULTRY FOOD. My Aftechickens tmi gafev feeds ora f "Internationaltheir Poullttry were o d,^u Inneverblack. lost another owl, and Cholera has left my premises.—J, F. BAaxsxr, Give all your chickens a dtiily feed of "International." It keeps them well—fattens up the broilers—mattes hens lay ad the year round—keeps the cocks vigorous—and insures raising the little chicks. If you want to make money out of your fowls, feed "International Poultry Food." 25c., 50c. and $1.00 a box. At dealer everywhere. Ai Write for free copy of our $3,000.00 Stock Book, the greatest book ever written for farmers. INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD COMPANY nee ^\ Limited tea Lk., VI ,p, e.,F..• l/1 I Olt iRcNGH-GLEANED Rest work in Canada, 00.1(1medalist BRIMS 'l. A' E !CAN OYy9NC CO. P 0 BOX, 233, MONTR-AL enne. Inn* nen lean en 31C -nee CRV OSOTPI Protect — Presery©— Eteau•tify Sample.; and Booklets on Appl'cation JAMES LAPICMUIC & CO., '.1f11 tad 1374 Bnrhtire` Strnnt 7 110NTO Tllx ARLINGTON CO of 0anade, Ltd. -P.IEEf AVENUE RONT0 CHALLENGE COLLARS Acknewledpedto betire finestcres- tion of Water- proof aterproof Collnrn ever made. Ask to see, and buy no other. All stores az direct for 25c. School Mochas ]VM have a splendid position to offer in ouch Town in On- tario, t,t bright, active men, to EARN $500 DURING VAf;t'1•Io, , by spending a part of their time each week. Apply at once for particulars. MANAGER, 33 W. ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO TORONTO ( I. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. E MILT THOUSAND DOLLARS WILL Northumberland Countyul , includingndred res in Stook and Implements. There is in the stock 4 horses, 10 cows, etc. This is a snap, and can behad on easy terms. Possession at once. el OOD FARMS IN LINCOLN. WELLAND, I Halton, Peel, York, Durham, North. umberland, Prince Edward counties at reoont', l,lP prices. ^4 LBERTA, SASKATCHEWAN AND Manitoba lands in large or small bineks. T" RUIP FARMS—ALL SIZES. IN THE Nis earn Fruit Belt. 14 W nAtarenkt. Toronto, MALE HELP WANTED. 13 AILWAY AGENTS, TELEGRAPHERS 11, and Clerks in great demand through. ont Ontario and North West. Six months will qualify you. Day and Mail. courses. Positions scoured. Free Book 15 explains. pnmintnn School Teicera.phv, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. }TAY AND FARM SCALES. Wilson's aeale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. el ANCER, TUMORS,. LUMPS, eta Ira `l./ terual and external, cured without Hain by our borne treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Beliman Medical Co.. Lin'ite l.,:Cn1t!»t",pnni, tmnL �r t'QN $CIALE GUA15ANTDED Wilacn's � S'cale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. lop ROBATIONERS TO TAKE THREE .R. years' course in Hospital, Canton, Ohio raAddrres9 Suptt.. ap (Chen buying your Piano insist on having an I• OTTO E aL" Piano Action COW CON' ' FORT is g(aranteed to keep Files oif your Cattle 52,00 PER (GALLON Dilute with 4 gallons of water. Write for a gallon now to THE INACLAREN IMPERIAL CHEESE CO., LTD., WOUDSTuCK, ONTARIO. Solo Mfrs,—'1'he Stpho Manufacturing Co„ Limited, Montreal. Balloonists at an elevation of four miles can hear the barking of adog on the earth below. No one need endure the agony of Corns with Halloway's Corn Cure at hand to remove them. HIS BOOK. "Now here is a book," exclaim- ed the seedy than as he clashed into the banker's private office. "Don't want any books," grunted the banker, "But this one you can't help being interested in.""haven'$ time to react books, and—" "But I am sure you will take this book," persisted the seedy man, "Look here, sir, do you intend to leave this room, or must 'I—" "Don't need to call the porter; I'll go. This is your book, ehauoh." "My book?" "Yes; your '3ocketbook. I found it in the hall." Then he van- ished. In area theUnitedStates exceeds 3,000,000 square miles. Ask for Minard's and tako no other, ==1 - r; m..saq TWO CRUISES —ON THE— VICTORIA LUISE (iC,500 Tenn) From New York Nov. 12, 19I2 From San Francisco Feb.27,1913 Indiil visit a, Ceylofn,ISt Madeira, Settlements, Arai. Philippines, China, Japan, Sandwich Islands, with Overland American Tour. INLAND EXCURSIONS AND SIDE TRIPS OPTIONAL j I y Days in India TOURS t 14 Days inAnon Duration 110 Days Each &ei � t ,, (iucludina all nee- (;)30 ee- (cesary expense• aboard. nod nehore. "Ash; anyone who has made (he Cruise." Wrtk for 23ookfef. HAMBURG - AMERICAN LINE - 41-45 BROADWAY, N. Y. or Ocean Steamship Agency, 63 Vongo St., Toronto, Canada. 14C SCA E WHOLESOME NOURISHING APPETIZING For an added tasty touch to luncheon, picnic, or garden party nothing can excel these fine. flavored, carefully packed, delicious little fisll— "RING OSCAR" SARI;)INES, Put up in uanitary packages. Cet 'ahem From Youi' Crooer Trade supplied by John W. Bickla ,b Greening, Ilainilt )n.