The Herald, 1912-06-21, Page 2FROM MERRY OLD ENGLAND NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOI BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. Occurrences in The Land Thal Edens Supreme in the Ceni- l:lercial World. Dockyard hands to a total of 50, 000 are employed by. the. British Ad miralty. Publishers of the United Kingdon• issued 8,530 new books and 2,38•` new editions during 1911. At Marylebone 400 people arr daily provided with electrically cooked three -course luncheons at 44. a. head. Home safes, which, as aids to thrift, have proved a success in London, are to be supplied over the country. At the British Titanic inquiry it was brought out that one of the lifeboats left the sinking liner with eight women and children aboard and sixty-one men. Among the subscribers to the London fund for the Titanic suf. ferers are the Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyle, ;8100; Mr. As- quith, £50, and Lord Roiebery, £100. The death took place on the 30th ult. at his residence, 15 Rawlinson Road, Oxford, of Dr. Henry Sweet, who since 1901 had been reader in Phonetics in the University of Ox- ford. Earl Stanhope will place under the hammer his Derbyshire edstates of 2,500 acres at Stanton -by -Dale, Dale Abbey and Ilkeston, includ- ing the historic manors of Stanton and Dale Abbey. It has been decided that the long Ross rifle, with any sights issued by the Dominion Government, and au- thorized for use by Canadian troops, may be used by Canadian competitors at Bisley. "Nearer, my God, to Thee," which has been raised to the dignity of a classic, was first contributed to Mr. W. J. Fox's "Hymns and An- thems" (about 1846). Its author, Sarah Flower Adams, was a friend and confidant of Browning in his youth. The longest time that land traffic was suspended by the raising of • .I er. Bridge in 1911 was 29% min- utes, and • the shortest time 134 minutes. • The . bridge was raised 8836 times during the year, giving a daily average of 24.21 suspensions of traffic. The exhaustion of the coal supply of Great Britain, often declared to be imminent, will be deferred some- what by the vast deposits of the pre- cious mineral discovered in Kent, in the neighborhood of Dover, where mining operations are now in progress. A gentleman saw the following advertisement in a paper :—"The Road to Wealth. Send twelve stamps to " The gentleman sent twelve stamps. and in return for his outlay received minute in- structions how to get to the Bank of England from any part of Lon- don ! The April statement of the Bri- tish Board of Trade shows an in- crease of $42,820,000 in imports and a decrease of $24,026,000 in ex- ports. The principal increase in the imports were $17,500,000 in American cotton, $6,250,000 in wool, and $10,000,000 in foodstuffs. Coal, iron, steel and manufactured goods showed the largest decreases in exports. Hart Street, London, which is now protesting against the pro- posed absorption into Crutched Friars, was onee the site of the mansion of Sir Richard Whitting- ton, It was built entirely of carved oak, had cats' heads for knockers, and on the ceilings were carved cats. The last occupant of this fe- line abode was a carpenter, who bad sunk a sawpit at the north end of the court -yard. +p RESISTANCE TO SOUND. Experiments have recently been carried out in Germany with the object of discovering methods and means for rendering walls and ceil- ings capable of effective resistance to sound transmission. One of the more recently devised methods in- volves the use under the ceiling, or parallel to the wall as the case may be, of a network of pulleys secured into adjacent walls and not touch- ing at any point the surface to be protected against sound. Upon the wire network is plastered a compo- sition omposition formed of , strong glue, plas- ter of par. is and granulated cork, so as to make a flat slab, between which and the wall or ceiling is a cushion of confined air, The meth- od described is said to be good in two respects; first, absence of con- tact between the protected surfaces, and, secondly, the colloid nature of the composition recommended.— London Globe. Safeguarding Investors It is only" • the wealthy investor who can afford to jeopardize his princi- pal m the hope of secur- ing unusually large returns. To the man whose investment repre- sents all or most of his available capital, security of principal is a prime necessity. The value of a Bond de- pends upon several con- ditions, including : safety, which can be ascertained only after an investigation of the properties which are security for the Bond—rate of interest —readiness with •which the Bond can be sold—probable stability or appreciation of market price. These and other facts should be ascer- tained before investing. We maintain in the interests of investors a statistical de- partment which contains complete information regard- ing all reputable Canadian and the leading British and American securities. A re- quest to any one of our offices in person, by mail or wire. will secure any desired information. Such a request carries no obligation what- ever. DOMINION BOND COMPANY, Limited TORONTO MONTREAL OTTAWA LONDON, ENG. MOST POWERFUL POISON. A. Grain Would ]fill a Million and a Half Guinea Pigs. The most powerful poison known is reported to have been extracted by a German chemist from the seeds of the ricinus, the familiar castor nil plant, and has been attracting much attention on account of its remarkable properties. Its power is estimated to be so great that a gram—about a thirtieth of an ounce—would kill a million and a half guinea pigs. If admin- istered so as to cause illness without death, it •gives immunity against a larger, quantity, and the dose can gradually, be inereased, until rnoare than a thousand times as much can be endured as would kill an un- treated animal. Though arsenic, morphine, and other poisons can be taken in larger and larger quantity, nothing approaching this marvellous increase in dose can be .borne. The ricinus poison has effects much like those of living germs, and in immunized animals an anti- toxin is formed, so that injections of their blood serum may cure ani- mals that are already in danger or have become ill from ricinus poison- ing. g A MASTER OF FICTION. Mr. Thomas Hardy is the grand nld mai of literature. Though he is no longer able to do much crea- tive work he maintains a very keen interest in current problems, and is alive to the literary tendencies of the age. He is undoubtedly Eng - Baby's Rash Became a Mass of Humor Parents Decided He Could Not Be Cured, "Cuticura" Soon Made His Skin Perfectly Cigar. A Toronto man, Mr. Robert Mann, of 758} Queen St. East, says: "Otlr,boy was born in tomato .' on Oct: 13, 1908, and When three Months old a slight rash appeared on his cheek. What appeared to be a water blister would form. When It broke, matter would run out starting now blisters until his entire face, head and shoulders were a mass of scabs and you could not see a particle of clear akin. We did not know what to do for him and tried about every advertised remedy without avail, In- deed some of them only added to his suffering and one in particular, the -- Remedy, almost put the infant Into convulsions. The family doctor pro- scribed for him. This did not do any good so we took him to a. good, He was treated as an out-patient twice a 'week and he got worse, if anything. We then called in another doctor and inside of a week the boy was, to all appearances, cured and the doctor said his work was done. But the very next day it broke out as bad as ever. "We decided that it could not be cured land must run its course and so we just kept his arms bandaged to his side to prevent his tearing his flesh. The Cutieura Remedies were recommended. We started using them In May, 1900, and soon the care was complete. Cuticura made his skin perfectly clear and lie is entirely free from the skin disease." (Signed) Robert Mann, May 3, 1910. In another letter, dated June .29, 1911, ho adds: "lily, boy has never had any more trouble since using Cutieura." For more than a generation Cutieura Soap and Ointment have afforded the most suc- cessful treatment for skin and scalp troubles of infants, children and adults. A single set Is often sufficient. • Although sold by drug- gists and dealers throughout the world, a liberal sample of . each, with 32-p. book on the skin . will he sent free, on application t6 Potter $nig do Chem. Corp., b8 Colutubrla Ave., Boston, U. S. A. .laud's greatelst llvixlg ,ala<t? sand at least one of his, n.ov+llin�lclwt. �o endure as long as the ll;uglls ll ; ,an- guage. Originally intended for „au ti hi- ' teat, he devoted his attention tr erature, and scop create a 'ip eat impression by his wvtaderful d ; ne- ations of Dorset life: $ll +h boot as "Tess of the D'Urbervii s," t'l';Lr From the Madding Crowd," ..nd "The Return of the Native," are treasured by lovers of literature throughout the civilized woi).d, and Thomas Hardy enjoys an intcr::ta- tional reputation. King George is a very grca,t t,-l- rnirer of Mr. Hardy's wosies, and it Hr. Thomas Hardy. was largely owing to his influence, when Prince of Wales, that the novelist was enabled to obtain the Crown lands near Dorset upon which he erected his house. Every spot of the surrounding country has been rendered famous by his novels, and enthusiastic admirers come from all parts of the globe to, view the original sites which are' depicted with such masterly skill in:the nov- els. GET ACQLTAINTTD WITH YOUR NEIGHBORS. If you are genteel in appearance and courteous in your mangier; you will be welcomed in every hoefre. your locality, when you arc t ing : sainples.:o€ o'ur :stip ! goods, household neeessitie reliable remedies. The s,atiefaactirIi which our goods give, plaetis..the users under an obligation bio you, which wins for you the same.. re- spect, esteem, and intiniete friend- ship given the priest,- physician•,•or pastor, and you will make more money from your spare time than you dream of, besides a host of friends. Maurice West, of Toronto, says: "The first day I showed your sam- pies I made three dollars, I have since made as high as ten. and have averaged five dollars daily for the year. Your, goods give perfect sat- isfaction, and I receive repeat or- ders in every home." This is your opportunity for a pleasant, profitable and perman- ent business. Address, The Hoze Supply Co., Dept 20, Merrill ing, Toronto, Ont... WHALE BOAT CATCHES 13 Monster harpooned Off Van. Coast. While scouring the ocean for whales one of the little- steamers working from the Kyuquot staiition landed a thirty-foot shark, says the Vancouver Sun. The "wolf of the sea" is claimed to be one of the' largest ever seen in nol„thern waters and weliehed ;tip proximately eight tons, The whaling steamer had been searching vainly for whales for sev- eral days and the look out had grown tired of scanning tete surface of the ocean. He was suddenly aroused to action by observing the dorsal fin of a monster shark cut- ting the water about 200 yeards on the port bow. As the bigi. sharks yield considerable oil, the ship's officers decided to try for this one in view of the lack of wheat. Runningto within '' gds of the shark with the boat, the gunner fired the harpoon from the gun and struck the monster at the first shot. After a terrific fight to hold the struggling sea animal it was hauled aboard and cut up, the steamer re- suming her search for • the larger mammals, Officers of the Tees declare that the shark seas the Iarg 'st• they had ever seen. 'It was of .12ee epeeies common to the Pacific 1,oaitst, islet not quite so far north. R Minard's Liniment Lumberinan'4 Frlli'd. Never bear more than cue ,kind of trouble at a time, Sarno ' people bear three—all they have, had, all they have now, and all they expect to have, SOURCE OF ETERNAL YOUTH. Microbe in Dog Might Prevent Old Ago iit Hunan Beings. Where is considerable discussion among lseientis4ts in France in re- gard to the announcement by Prof. Metchnikoff, of the Pasteur Insti- tute, that he is studying the effec- tiveness` of .a microbe called "gly- cobactor," as a preventive of old age. Prof, Armand Gautier, who is a member of the Academy of. Sciences as well as the Academy of Medicine, and Prof, Berillon, while admitting interest in Prof. Matchnikoff's study, are inclined to doubt its pracitcability. Prof. Metchnikoff says he has found a beneficent mierobe in the intestines of a dog, which, if im- planted in the intestines of man, would probably generate sufficient sugar to destroy the human intesti- nal microbes which are responsible for the maladies of old age. ABSOLUTELY SAFE FOR LITTLE ONES Mrs. Nelle Steeves, Hill Grove, N.B., writes :—"I know Baby's Own Tablets are an absolutely safe medicine for little ones and they are the only medicine I would give child without first consulting a doctor." The Tablets are guaran- teed by a government analyst to be absolutely safe and free from opiates and narcotics and cannot possibly do harm—but always good. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.., Brockville, Ont. NOT ON HAND. Student—"I told you last night to wake me at 7 this morning. Why the dickens didn't you do so?" Landlady—"Well, sir, at 7 o'clock you hadn't come home." It is a Liver Pill, --Many of the ailments that man has to contend with have their origin in a disorder- ed liver, which is a delicate organ, peculiarly susceptible to the dis- turbances that come from irregular habits or lack of care in eating and drinking. This aecounts for the great many liver regulators now pressed .on. the attention of suffer - e: »:fli'"t'1sese -there .is none super- ior to Parmelee's •Vegetable ?ills., Their operation though gentle is af- fective, and. the most delicate can use them. A girl isn't half as humiliated to make her own dresses as she is to wear them. Koch Minard's Liniment In the houso. EASILYEI2.+MEDIED. Cashier—"I cannot cash this check, madam. You have over- drawn your account." Haughty Lady—"Oh, that is all right! Just make me out a new account." For years Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator has ranked as the _nrenaration mann- not but Ask lot Minard's and„takb no other. ARTISTIC STYLE. "That girl's face is a chrome.” "I beg your pardon—it's hand - painted." If attacked with cholera or sum- mer complaint of any kind send aft once for a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Dysentery Cordial and use it according to directions. It acts with wonderful rapidity in subduing that dreadful disease that weakens the strongest man and that destroys the young and delicate. Those who have used this cholera medi- cine say it acts promptly, and never fails to effect a thorough cure. Professional story -tellers, who wander from house to house and ply their trade for five cents per hour, exist in large numbers in Tokio, Japan. For Burns and Scalds. --- Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil will take the fire out of a burn or scald more rapidly than any other preparation. It should be at hand in every kit- chen so that it may be available at. anytime. There is no preparation required. Just apply the oil to the burn or scald and the pain will abate and in a short time cease al- together. Bad advice is the only kind heed- ed. Minard's Liniment used by PhysIelan . e • e_\9\-'at\�\n\%\ \. \-\, t.-.:.a:Aw\•:#'4 U?, \:\., .\ \M\ 1 \r��,.\'.A•.•,\:i1•l�.:1. STOPS SHOES CREAKING. ' H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Every woman knows how annoy- ing it is when her shoes begin to creak. Probably she has hardly noticed it in her usual walking, but just as soon as she would walk quietly they set up a most distress- ing squeak. To remedy this soak the ,sole in linseed oil, using a plate or shallow pan, allowing the sole only to come in contact with the oil. The creak will disappear after a few hours and the shoe will last much longer on account of this treatment, CURE FOR CONSUMPTION. Such is the recuperative Hower contained in Copeland's Cure for Consumption that even the most advanced cases have been cured by its,, beneficial action. It can be taken by the weakest patient, to whom it gives a fighting strength as nothing else will. The appetite comes back, That weakening perspiration is stopped. The lunge and respiratory organs are healed at the same time. Its efficacy to fight consumption, weak or bleeding lungs, lingerinrr'ooughs and bronchitis is proven beyond doubt not by what I state, but by what is stated by those who have taken it for those ailments and have been eared. Copies of testimonials of those who, after beim, given up by doctors and specialists. as only having a few days to live, and are alive and well today, are sent on request. Price 31 per bottle at your drug. gist, or direct from Wm. Copeland, 611 Pape Ave., Toronto, Canada. VACATION. Vacation is a term of woe -- We should be glad to end it; For, till it's over, none can know How, when or where to spend it. .A Cure for Fever and Ague.—Dis- turbance of the stomach and liver always precede attacks of fever and ague, showing derangement of the digestive organs and deterioration in the quality of the blood. In these ailments Parmelee's -Vegetable Pills have been found most effec- tive, abating the fever and subdu- ing <the ,.ague in a few days.' There are many whoare subject to these distressing disturbances and to these there is no better Prepara- tion procurable as a means of re- lief. A PACT. About the hardest man in the world to control is the man who is too easily led. I was ^cared of Bronchitis and Asthma by MINARD'S LINIMENT. )JRS. A. LIVINGSTONE. Lot 5, P. E. I. I was cured of a severe at.tnrk of Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Mahone Bay. JOHN MADER. It was cured of a severely sprained leg by MINARD'S JOSHUA A. WYNACHT. Bridgewater. • OCCASIONALLY HAPPEN. "The age of miracles has past." "No, it hasn't. My wife told me last night she would be ready in a minute and so she was." ""i�'p?® Try Murine Eye Remedy ��" " '� NeSmarting—I eelsFlne—Aet,Quickly, Try i t for Itcd, Wouk, Watery Byyes o.nd Y®� r Granulated Eyelids, Illustrated Hook .In each Package.. MURINL. Is coni- �6 •pc.ugend b otu Oeuhete—nota"Patent dy �'� Mediclne"butusedlnnticcoaahtlPh,ysi- L clans' Prnctico for many year.. haw dedicated to tho Pnbilo and sold by Lruggistn at ste-see per bottle 3lurine Eyy a p e Eye Satre In aseptic Tabes, £6eteo. Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicano NOT WORTH IT. "I hear °hotly has lost his mind." "Has he 2 Then don't offer a re- ward to anybody to find it." The ease with which corns and warts can be removed by Holloway's Oorn Cure is its strongest recom- mendation. It seldom fails. ITS ONLY PURPOSE. "0, Willie, Willie," cried a tea- cher to a hopelessly • dull pupil, "whatever do you think your head is for Z" Willie, who evidently thought this another of the troublesome questions that teachers were always asking, pondered it deeply. "Please, Miss," he replied at length, "to keep my collar on !" Of the States, New York is the most densely populated; its popu- lation exceeds nine millions. The population of Pennsylvania exceeds seven millions. Toronto. EIGIT THOUSAND DOLLARS WILL' buy beautiful hundred acres In ^y Northumberland County, including •Stook. and Implements, There is in the stock'. ) 4 horses, 10 cows, ete. This is a snap, and',' can be had on easy terms. Possession at once. OOD FARMS IN LINCOLN. WELLAND. 71- Halton. Peel, York, Durham, North- umberland, Prince Edward counties at ±'; reasonable prices. Street.::'; ALBERTA, SASKATCHEWAN AND 111. Manitoba lands in large or small blocks. 1,RUIT FARMS—ALL SIZES, IN TH i 1 Niagara Fruit Belt. N. W. DAWSON, Toronto. MALE HELP WANTED. Tl AILWAY AGENTS, TELEGRAPHERS 1lir and Clerks in groat demand through- out Ontario and North West. Six months will qualify you. Day and Mail conrsee.. Positions secured. Free Book 18 explains. Dominion School Telegraphy, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. T IVE FOXES WANTED—YOUNG OR .1-4 old. Wm. Pearson, Guelph, Ont. TIAY AND FARM SCALES. Wilson's 1 Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. (y ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, eto. In. ternal and external, cured without pain by our home treatment. Write ns before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. C,ollingwnnd, ant. ££a TON 'SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson's I) Scale Works. 9 Esplanade, Toronto. ROBATIONERS TO TAKE THREE years' course in training at Auitman Hospital, Canton. Ohio. Address, Supt. LISTEN I—MANY CHAUFFEURS EARN 330.00 a week. Special reduced rates to learn automobiling and repairing., Campbell College of Motoring, 426 Bloor Strrot West, Toronto. PURIM) '"PROOF CURES CANCER AND TUMOR' Canadian Branch: Pur ftoo Co.. tiridgoburg, Ont. !, CLEANING LADES' WALKING OR OUTING SUITS Can be:done •perfectly by our Prenoh groom. • Ter it, British Arnorloan Dyeing Co. Montreai,• Toronto, Ottawa and•Quebet. is .iii-- - "'"C7 3.'6 CREOSOTE i 621t.1. 13.1,l4e, -t.zatt,1.3ta_res Protect — Preserve— Beautify Samples and Booklets on Application JAMES LANCMUIR & CO., Limited 1374} Bathurst Street TORONTO THE di1LI1ITCH CO. of Canada, Ltd. ea Fnwxcit AVENUE TORONTO CHALLENGEA RS Aekuowled.edto le the fineetcrea- tiou of Water- proof Co11.r. ever made. A.k to see. and hu no other, All more. or direct for 25c. • COW COMFOR is guaranteed to keep Fifes off your Catt $9.00 PER GALLON Dilute with 4 gallons of water, write fnr a gallon now to THE MACLAREN IMPERIAL CHEESE 0 LTD.. WOODSTOCH, ONTARIO. Sole Mfrs.—The Sapho Manufacturing. Co Limited, Montreal. SHE WILL SOMETIMES AD "Does your wife ever admit she is wrong in an argument'' "No, the nearest she ever co to it is to say that Fin not as a chump as I look." °®Basra lora —,- is an enemy within the camp, It w undermine the strongest constitute and ruin the Most vigorous heal It leads to indigestion, biliousne impure blood, bad complexion, sl headaches, and isone of the in frequent causes of appendicitis. neglect kis slow suicide. Dr. Mor Indian Root Pills, positively e Constipation. They are entir vegetable in cotnposrtion and do sicken, weaken or gripe. Prese your health by taking Dr.Morse's soot P' TCDD. 7. ISSUE a t a a n d h o. w ti a a m it of 1S al al. gi m th be ad mt an% 46( stir ere ter on $9, fac ing pax T alst 1st ball fun In i heir end min rate Inv( cent sides She ita,gei Smote, %Ural the