The Herald, 1912-06-14, Page 8sistwortissAssisAdialla•M•san MOIM13.111.116=02/1m MIMIUMP.R111•••.•1•MJCOMO. Brings for Your Benefit the Latest .Styles and the Best Materials to Prepare you for Suminer Comfort 1 Summer Dress Goods, Voiles, Amsriean Silks, Repps. Cotton Voiles, Linens Muslins, etc. Special values in 45 inch Elmbroid- ersd Skirting, Ladies Vests special nt .10o, 12;11, 15c, 20o, find 25c each Ladies' Hose, regular $ ts, to size, special 2 pair for 25o Ladies' Waists, Corset Covers. Skirts, Gowns, eto 11111111 NI Men's Furnishings Tvvo.pieoe Underwear 25o eaeh and up Fanoy Sox in Cashmere, Lisle, Cotton at 10c and up Fancy Negligee Shiris with soft collars Fancy Soft. Collars isc each Soft Welt Hats, Straw Hats, at bargain prices Men's Paramntta Rain Coats Gloves Belts, Invisable Braces; Ties Men's Summer Fancy Vests, also Summer Coats to clear at bargain prices A large assortment of Men's awl Boys' up to date Ready Made Suits at prices as low as the lowest. Fresh Groceries always kept on Hand Highest prices paid fir all kinds of Farm Produce (1) 41.4 el" •`,-4 GENERAL 11ERCHANT Zuric fIRMEISI 9 Telephone 28 HEADQUARTERS FOR Cele , ated Broadway CL It111% • •. • • ^•-_^.- ANNUAL MEETING NESIMMIESEMENIMIIIIIMMINNO The Annual meeting of th Huron Reform Association, UNDERTA held at Dixon's Hall Brucef Tuesday June 18th at 2 o'olo for the eleotion of officers a, other business, as may be before the meeting. All are requested to attend, H. Smith, J. G. S1 pm Pres. 11% INC The annual S School convey the Crediton District, Evan. will be held in Salem church, •,Col- borne Tp., next Wednesdif Thursday June 19 and. 20. Tom Longboat the famous Indian runner, beat the world's reeord at Toronto on Saturday by running, 15 miles in 1 hour, 18 minutes and 10 3-5 seconds. Wood of NOW York'was 2nd by less than a yard. The G. T. R. station, Ilensalli WAS burnt on Saturday last.. There were very few tears shed over the las; as the building was a very old ()no and out-of-date. A new station "wil be constructed at once. it is stated. apparently on aath ority, that John D Rockfoller, the great American oil king, fe now worth more than )000,000. The dissolution of the standard Oil Company, it is said, has„ added more than i00.000.000 to thAivattie of the oil king's stock holdings in the past year. The sole object of adverMsieg is to draw custom and it was desig tied for no other purpose, so when the dull Sf3aSOLI comes along and there is no trade it is the level headed merchant who schemes to put in a better advertisement than ever to scoop in all the trade while his neighbors are making mort- gages to pay the electric light bill. The merchant who waits until his store is full .of onstomers before he thinks he gill2 afford to ad ertise will not attain the best results Write this down wheie von will fall over it every &ay The time to draw business is when you want business and not when you already have more than, you OHM attend to, THE WESTERN PAM London, Ontario The management of the, tern 4 , Fair, London Ontario.. at. ding out, this -week their Priv ,L Forms and other hint:Val matter announcing their dc., EX: hibitcion in September. The dA s . are September Gtb to 14th. This'1.6 the oldest Exhibition in Canada and. it is becoming more and more popular each year. The prize list contain.. some very -valuable information for intend- ing Exhibitors. From the breeder's standpoint this is one of the best ex- bition held, as a large number efbuy ers always attend in order to 'Seenre the best animals that can be obtained The parade of the Live Stock daily is something of great interest and at- tracts large crowds. Stockmen Should inch -ale this Exhibition in their list. Write the Secretary, A. 11. 'Hunt, London, for prize lists and all infor- mation. TO BOOST HURONH.:. The Goderich Board of Trade has started a movement to bring our splen did county into the limelight, Iand more worthy object could scintely be undertaken. Our County has t crea- sed very materially hi populatian the past ten years and any moyeinent to arrest the exodus should be heartily endorsed. From our viewppink about the first steps necessary is. to procure better railway facilities tis -we believe there are vey few sections, othpOise so highly favored by nature, wiai such inadequate transportation facilities. The villages of Craton' Zatrich, Dashwood and Bayfield andfarming lands surrounding are completely .cub. off from the railways and a line 'touch- ing these points would do more to boost Huron than anything els6., '\Vs Would suggest that another meeting be called in the near future vith a view to having the advantages a,,this section laid before the tranFlpo*tion companies. Our business inert Will do their part in assisting, any ove meet for the betterment nsrtin County. DASHWOOD The Misses E. Guenther ai Long were in Zurich Sunday, Miss :r Buchanan spent Suni her home. in Hensall, Tim "Misses Rath Grenzebac and I Vera Siebert., were in/lunch SO day iss P,l line r.,mg. who htFIfen rnfl sr for Tiern ni ev lorugh tor, !this part seapon left for her owe P. • Prompt Service Moderate rharges W. H. HOFFMAN Zurich. — Ontario M331:31,996MIC Bought out F. HESS& SON Implements and. Repairs and moved them to my shop Pulper knives, straw knives, exten- sion ladders, step ladders, galvanized troughs, cutters Mclaughlins best make, buggies, Deering machine re- pairs, blacksmith repairing, onion seed- ers and garden tools, piping all sizes, corn shellers, plows Fleury and Perc- ival and all kihds of plow repairs, axle greese, ropes all sizes, wheel barrows, barn scales. Louis Prang. 60111113=1111...C.I.I2 5. ZURICH Now Ready ty1is odes If you want to see the big - est and finest lot of • Buggies call at our wareroom. If you wish to buy we are confident we can satisfy your tastei, Also.Garriages and Waggons Prices Right .All kinds of Repairs prom - ply attended. F. Hess & Son CREDITON A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Flaist on Wednesday of this week 11then their daughter, Clara, was unit- ed in marriage to Mr. Wm. R. Nier- garth, a prosperous merchant of Boyne City, Mich, The ceremony was per- formed by the Rev. J. R. Niergarth, brother of the groom, and assisted by the Rev. E. Burn, in the presence of over one hundrnd invited guests. The bride entered the par- lor as the wedding march was being "played by Miss Neta Niergarth,. a cousin of the groom. and WAS beanti- fully gowned in a robe of Swiss em- broidered voil, with a sash of duchess satin and carried a shower bouquet of bridal roses. The bridesmaid was Miss Pearl, a sister of the bride, being gowned in pink voil and OUT] Ga. fit bouquet of pink carnatio n 3. Mr. Sini- on Sweitzer, a cousin of the bride, assisted the groom. Little Miss El - Donna Niergarth, niece of the groom, made a pretty ring bearer. The cer- mony took place under a flying dove suspended from the ceiling by pink and.white ribbons, while the room was tastily decorated with ferns and flowers, the other parts of the house being decorated with green, Limed- iately .after.the ceremony the wedding dinner was served on the lawn which was decorated. with Chinese lanterns, ftag ana bunting. Mrs. Albert Mor - lock was Matron of honor. The bride's going away dress was a suit of navy blue with large tusean hat trim- med with flowers. Mrs. Niergarth was .a valued member of the choir of the Evangelical church and will be greatly Missed. The happy couple will leave Thursday evening fora trip to Toledo, Washington and other cities amid the best wishes of a host of friends. Mr. and Mrs11. Clark of Exeter, Were. the gneets of the former's parents ?'„Ir. -:c zv:11. ;UE 9 ,..`,...'„1., I,.,.., ..,,.. 111 ST RE One Price the year round and that .the lowest. Parties intending to buy a good limes this Spring should not fail to on us, as we areheadquarters in Zurich for the best at lowest pricesevery one guaranteed, because best leather always used. See our Team Harness' with Collars at $25.00, Single Harness at $9,00 up Stoves and. Hardware If you want the best at lowest prices call and see what a big Bargain -yo can get here. A full stock of all kinds of FURNITURE In Furniture we lead the trade as we buy in car loads this enables us to cheaper and our.customers get the benefit. Terms ..Cash or Trade at Cash Price e. 1-124RTLE1139PHONE 3 HURON'S LARCEST COMBINATION TORE cat `44:4444444414444.7444444`4444444, est gua, is ea Just to hand. Bring in your orders. Close price 7F;y, xi" e C• iiL PHONE t. LB LNISCR ZURICH 444 Our Stock of Wall Paper is very large, and in order to re- duce it we are offering it at prices so low that it should sell itself. - Call in soon, as these bargains are only lasting a short time, and we are sure we can please you. Remember we give Coupons with every purchase, cash or trade. Fresh Groceries always kept on na Produce Taken n Exchange PHONE 17 GASCH