The Herald, 1912-06-14, Page 41
FurilituTe Btore1
Pianos, r!` rgans
' and ewin .
. M chines
Singer $30
New Williams $27
Raymond $25
Model $25
Cabinet $23
A large stock of furnittue always on
We carry the largest stock in this
line in Western Ontario. Calls day
or night will get your prompt atten-
tion. Call central.
P. .1.1'x..oI AAO
Furniture and Undertaing
'Loa don, Ontario. '
'. The Western Fair, oi' London, Ont-
ario, will be held tris year September
(ifli to 14th. Active preparations are
ing made by the management to
EXETER ( DRYSDALE i e this year's exhibition er.cell any
MrsRoleston and' son, left on ing ever attempted by the Assoeia-
Tuesday for Regina, whore they St. Peter's Church Drysdale,was Wein the past. The Speed program-
will visit for some time. the scene of a pretty and fashion i' ac shows two events each day with
Mrs. Hawkins returned logic Fable wedding, Tuesday morning, p'trge parses for each; this is always
Tuesday after spending a mouth when Louis tietieteau and 1.+'lorenco taxi interesting part of the L hibitiou,
visiting her daughter, Mrs Pollard. 1 Laporte were united in the Holy There will' be one of the best program-
of Windsor. 1I
{ bonds of matrimony. . The cadre lees before the grand stand twice daily
Miss Grigg leaves today (Tlhrlrs•
molly was performed by Fr Brisson Mathes ever been presented, includ-
day) for an extended visit with an uncle of the bride, assisted 'l by lag aerial acts, comc,cly bar acts; "a
friends in Port Hope and Rochester Frs. Stroeder and Loiselle The- tia mbolin act, acrobatic acts, of all
Miss Annie Weekes is visiting bride is one of the most Popular finds. and an equestrian act, both
grls of the parish, her alembic,in *le and double with the comedy act
friends in Guelph. f qualities have endeared her to aL1
3. Handford and Miss A. Hand• 1 The groom is a prosperous well to ':'Hans and his mule that will be
ford. attended the races at Sea• { do young farmer of Canard' I ivei' elle' that it will cause a laugh for
f orth, this week. 1 After the religious ceremony, the ver second. Afire work's program
The death of Lir. John Essery, j members or the family were invit teach oi'ening consisting of sixty1
occurred here on Sunday last at ed to the ever Hospitable home of gee's including the wonderful Motor -
the home of his daughter Mrs. A. John Laporte the bride's father. A ',cele race and concluding with thug;
Hastings. Mr. Essery had been ill ' sumptuous meal had been prepared ,anitlrardmetit of Tripoli. Full part=
all winter and was confined to his , and all were pieiised with the"dain .c'ulatrs will be given later. The nhid-
bed most.of that. time, The de- : ties offered them. Fr, Loiselle in : ray will be filled with goal clean
ceased was a former resident of i.his usnal happy manner meted- tie :41ows 'which will be of interest to
Centralia but had .made his home utast-master. Ele called tips;n F+w ,
with his dangh ter hero.for the past . Brisson, FrStrot:der and Me Hey • e'wing and aid. There will be plenty
fen ears.' to atddrees a fewsoecls which the . of Pinsk: and something; doing every
Mr. and Mrs IT. 11 Verity and did, all agreeing" in wishing ee'iR minute . Special simple fare railway
family, of Brantford autt)en here young; couple suocess and lapid ctrl commencing September Gth over
" �` � on Friday last, and spent a few gess Mr. John Lap rte also slits l nil roads in Western Ontario and as
a k 1 1.8 days with relatives
lcetivei a few Words, he was pleased at tlitA. far east In g t 51 ' 1
wood, of Ingersoll, came u1, in at 111 information will be irtzi on app
"'rite on Sundae visiting f l nen(1- ; ter, he rias glad theft all ryere enes litatit,n railer Secretor ; A: 1T. 11nnt,.
lnr in; the mss lt- He esaured rig ;
(�hnnddtn. (>tataiio.
1j, hers. •that we were. eve: woleome aft I is (-
. itis. and Mrs. 1. A. St t.,,•:.e,. :uid h 1nai. n'ln /1)1 i'S1 c'1 elir'ti�a f'1tr
i Ur :incl i1rs;. Ie Sole i;n, 111cJtored ttfs?it+d vr"r - :+,4,1Nble and piectseseei
- td ttie for the tweeeien, Early -'ii 1
711. i'„ll a'ta; i te(- .:andiiii. iu
our 1•ri�.c• z_Iac.I11 tion ('ontc,at up to
Saturtl r c:v ii' ; last.
o; ttr1.t .l0()tl
?d • 'i,i n a�. a 1 , rte 1 �"?l lO
311,.... Ss,:;..
t; r; 1.),t.i Iii' i, _ t' l Ivo
Canadian Home Joninal
cc .
Fermi ling the Bride'e Hume" " ,s
an article in the .lune Canadi:.:I
Houle Journal that will he of al111o•t
as much interest to other liottekeepers
as to the newly married. There are
suggestions for furniture. decoration:,
Bugs, ete. Sonne ideas on, picture -hang-
ing ere espeeially valuable. Is there
any woinata) rho. llrlsti' :
a tin s'on , )eels excursion
Messrs J sparks and I+, Brick- good wishes and nice remaeks th;tt clay September 10th 1`)t11 anb 1 th.
had been uttered about has dtttt 'ai ,
j = luc » 31' 00 , ie .
se , Eke eeenline e Iti : r;4,111017.1.ex'ti� y orm.4 cottpla Z`i'.e ttcitior ,?tt.':rv' tit:tt h t`t at
i . ,sory lrlitia'1 ii Blanche, 7e t eta?, e1 t1!`t� o, i'of t hen,1 rl..,in'�1
r , ' i0 a+ 1i LOU i'eric'te 1, who wee; '4 d -,i1.", cholera and Diarrhoea 1',t ..
E! i i et .ti Fit°d the
1„0.,!,.,man 'aa:' rued v 1014 made it as f tCL,ri10 e ' 're
1:1011_'tzl: i"1 e.1 tau°i)i11obilt , where, It ("11) al v.-iyrs be 'depended
inset s 1)1C i1 piaci? they left for „.1 np';tl. For sate by All Dealers,
exiendetl •::trtb,irtr trip b,ingin;:I
with the geed wi=phos of their nl.t-ei .i
• r,i zl p i d- > u the
• 11t)intC. J3. ,!..1r .erand.Vit'
t n tits, :+ lfie'i
.1J(J1:Med ii t..�•
A Powell.. of Main st Methodist
church, in the presences of only the
immediate reelat'ivc of the c 1ntre.°
ting parties The 1�ritle was gown
ed in white nlairgesitt') ever rr11ite
silk and carried a'hoquot of white
roses and lily of the valley. The
drawing room was tastefully de•
corated with ferns and white peon
ies. After the ceremony Mr and
Mrs Kingsbury left for an autotm)
bile trip and will spend three
weeks at Grand Bona, after which
they will reside in Toronto. Their
Many friendi:�.liere extend et-ingrate
r iahecl a t
to' lateens,
pictures,,': ' Mr. and
iO1t0 �hory
of almost any home shows the need of
picture education by the Majority of
"'Wedding Forms" and "Wedding
Decorations" are tee, very important
interest to. many people about ths
first of June. There's a half page of
"Appetizing Dishes from Left -Overs"
that 1\i11 hell) keep down the living
cost yet still not prevent Living
high" which Tanis. J Hill says is the
trouble with the present generation.
Music, flowers, recipes, menus, puzz-
lee, toilet suggestions, are interesting
to every woman. as well as the pages
of fashions for all ages and all occas-
ions. The new serial "The Third
Man" secures one's interest right
from the starts It has the unusual
plot of a elan proposing to a girl.
Quite unexpectedly she accepted him
The "villian" loves the girl and wants
revenge, the other's friend loves
• -her, but must suppress his feeling,
and the hero cherishes the memory of
a girl whore he had met for a day
about a year before.. "Lois Rayburn's
Wedding" is an excellently told short
story of a girl who breaks all the eon-
yentions that girls hold most, sacred
and proposes to the lean whom she is
sure loves her but will not ask her to
marry him because he will be a crip-
ple for life. "He. Settled with Joe"
is one of those "wife's birthday for-
gotten" stories, wherein Dave enjoys
the sweet tol:tures of thanks for a pre-
sent he hasn't sent, and buys.Joe off
to keep the -secret. "The Cost Of A
Crime" the notable serial by Annie E
Swan, ends as cleverly, if unsatisfact-
orily, as all of the novels of this most
;popular author.
Ottawa, June 10th ---Victoria 13. C.
is the places and Sept. 4, ii, and 6,
the time selected for holding the next
.Convention of the Canadian Forestry
-Association. The Secretary, Mr.. J.
Lawler, of Ottawa, is now engaged in
arranging the details with Hon W. R.
Ross, Minister of Lands, and Mr. J.
Hendry, of Vancouver, the President
of the Association. The Convention
s beingheld.this time upont he invita-
tion of the Governnn.ent of the Pro-
vince, and Hon R McBride is enthu-.
iiiastically forwarding the project. It
will be one of the largest conventions
of the kind ever held in Western
aantl i?, li11"1 vS F Ts,e'"x u s+F the
of Lnehnow at -dndecl the 3 Ings-
bury-McCalltaiu wedding, on Sat-
terday last.
Miss Tillie '''ager, is visiting Miss
N. Walters.
Mr. Louis Preeter of •Stratford,
vea:, lienee over Sunday
Preeter likes it well in Stratford
and expects to move lila family a.
there shortly,
NEAR tE Port Stai v
1titrrali for Port Stanlov on F'riilay,
Ju110 14tlt, \Vood11ain Council, No 97.
C 0 C F'„ has made arrangement. for
11 eeemeion along the L 11 t1; 13 from
Clinton and points south, to Port
Stanley- on Friday lune 14th; at very
reasonable rates. Good to return next',
lay. For particulars see big; bi11e and
dodgers. There is no better place
hall Port Stanley to spend the day.
A very interesting game of bull
rr as 1)layod between paxe tea -ltd
nshwo'id o11 `Tuesday evening
The game was very exatiting Sl
resulted in a tie of 9.9. Owrn ;e .
the darkness the tie could
;played oft
Ma H x,..^ eltlhpr
We want to increase the Subscription List of our three papers, The
Herald, Zurich; Pioneer, Dashwood, and Star, Crediton, to 2000, and to
accomplish this cl> ;ere offering soino, handsome prizes for the most
popular ladies, nlanricd or single. It will pay you to °'get busy." Someone
is going to get a handsome $800.00 piano.
to help an anto which was
csonittnission. He taok the fray
the Bend and later came ba,
Rhiva, hooked the other auto^�'bn
!behind and then proceeded on to
The many friends of the Evan.
CREDITON Sunday school, Crediton will be
delighted to Iearn that successful
Mrs, G. Lawson sr., is at present arrangements have been grate for,
on the sick list, an excursion to Goderich on June
Mr. seri Mrs. J.Lawson visited in i 24th. Bills and posters will be out
Denfield a d .T,L in,a few days. A ft w of the many
attractions are the volonteers in
Mrs. John Fshner is spending a camp and probably the hottest
few weeks in Detroit visiting relatives, I game of baseball of the season, be.
tween the Crediton Stars and a
(xoderich team., the magnificent
C P R bridge and many other at.
tractions, Mark your calendar-
now for the 24tH, and give your
children an outing. Nothing can
be more educative. 'Trains leave
Centralia nn -the regular time in
the lemming, and -return on 'ea::
special in the evening at 8
Wm. 1llorlock purchased a Flanders
auto from his brother A. MorIock.
H. Sweitzer purchased a Ford
motor car last week.
Miss Oliva Holtzman spent a few
days last week, in St Thomas.
Mrs. G. Holtzman and daughter
Clara, spent Thursday in Exeter.
Mr. J Hoffman spent Wednesday
in town on business.
Mr. E. Gower spent Sunday at his
home on the Goshen Line.
Mr. and Mrs. C, Hey of Babylon
Line, spent•Weclnesday with friends
ill town.
Mr. J. Lovie spent ' Sunday at his
home in Grand Bend.
Mr. John Wein sold a valuable
horse to Mr. Reed of Lucan on Satur-
Rev. J. E. Ford of Clinton has been
elected President of the London Con-
ference, for the coining year.
The Misses S. Watson, L. Snider,
and Idella Brown spent Saturday
with friends in Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bauer spent
Thursday the guests of the former's
sister, of article
Mr. W. Finkbeiner of London, is.
spending a few days with his another,
Mrs C Brown.
Ontario farmers are learning
much relating to a very live
question in connection with Drain•
age demonstrations. No one has
any doubts now of the ready man-
ner in which financial returns.
come back to investments in drain-
age and as the pernanent gives
place to the more crude system of.
the past the results should be more
manifest, The scientific knowledge
of the best methods to be employed
in a system of drainage is time
and money well spent.
Gent' s Furnishing
Where you can get Ready-Mtide
Clothing or Suits Made -to -Order. A
splendid selection of Fancy Shirts,
Collars, Ties, Hats and Caps at yel•y
reasonable prices,
See our Children's • Wash Suits a
Romper Suits.
Butter and Eggs taken as Cash.
- -1
General Merchant, Zuric
Splenridt two hundred acre farm f
in the '1'ow nsiiip of Teckersmith
County of Heron, within two miles
of Setiforth, on G. T. 13 , in 0110 of
tiler best farming districts in On..
tario Soil hest clay loath, seventy-'
five acres under crop, in excellent
state of cultivation, well tile drain -
el. never failing spring oreek near
buildings. Substantial two storey
brick dwelling, beautifully situa-
ted, heated by furnace, bath room
with loot and cold water, divided
cellar, cement floor Long dis-
tanoe telephone. Orchard with
spruce wind brako on west and
north. Good barns with stone
stabling.. A11 in firstciass repair.
Farm in splendid shape to raise
money making crops, or would
make good dairy farm or stock
farm. An ideal country home,
Anyone looking for a good
farm would do well to see this.
Apply to JNO. T. DICKSON,
41-4p Seaforth P. O. Ont.
First Prize
The woman of today' who has
good health, good temper, good
sense, bright eyes and a lovelv
oomplexicn, the result of Dora ect
living and good digestion, wins the Standing of candidates
admiration of the world. If your i lishecl the following week.
digestion is faulty Chamberlain's'
Stomach and Liver Tablets will
correct it, For sale by All Dealers
The following five pupils of the
public school are writing at Dash-
wood this week, on the graduation
exams --Muriel Preeter, Olive O'Brien'
Ada Wurin, Flora Hess and Freda;
I albfleisch. The H. 13. entrance!
exams will bo held here next week'
when nine scholars from the local!
sohoolwill write.
Water is almost as important to
success with stook as feed. Noth
ing fills the want better than a a
spring or running stream, but
many pasture fields are not so sit.
hated. Where this is the case care
should be taken to keep a freq
tiexltly replenished supply pumped
to a clean trough in a shady place
it at all practicable. During the
hot weather the stook enjoys a
cool drink as much as you do
u i\: en cleissohn Piano
11. Wells, .Agent, Zurich. Scr it at his store.
Second Prize
Ladies' m]L1hie
Value' 75,01). May be seen at lrtiiikcr's store Credit ,7i.
T bird Prize
New Williams Drop -Head Sewing
See it at 1'. Mclsaae's f=fruiter+ sit>re, Dashwood.
Fourth Prize
Ladies' Gold Watch
Fifth Prize
Set best Plated Knives and Forks
411i and 5th prizes, See at F. W. Hess Jewolery store, Zurich,
Subscription Values
New Subscriptions 1000 votes
Renewal 500 votes
Arrears for each year 200 votes
KIrrrp,- At Zurioh, on Monday the
lOtli. inst.., to Mr. and Mrs, Solomon
Kipfer, a son,
KA..nrx,uzscH-At Zurich on the 6th
inst., to IVtr, andMrs. P. C. Rath-
fleis0b, a daughter.
to Saturday evening of each week will be
Sent by
I Vote for
As the most ]Popular Lady
Amount Paid New Subscription ' Votes
Renewal Votes
Arrears.., .,Votes
Name of paper sudscribed for. ,.
a +++++++44+++4++++++++++ +++ 4-++++++++++++++++
TheHerald Offioe, Zurich,
in g
on I