HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-06-07, Page 8The Qu fifty' STORE 11 ilhinery Ope We extend a, cordial invitation to all the Ladies of Zurich and vicinity to attend. our Spring Millinery Opening on Fridayand Satur- day March 29th and 30th„ when you will be shown all the Newest and. Latest ftyles in Spring and Summer Millinery by Miss Holmes, who is in charge. COME AND SEE TI±E NEW GOODS Every person who buys their Spring and Summer Goods here are going to get the best value for the least money. We are going to give every customer v.Tho trades here this spring such good value for every dollar they leave here that it would be impossible to get bet- ter values elsewhere. New spring Dress Goods New silks, New Trinan-lings New Prints, New Cingharns New Embroideries New Wall Paperc Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Lace Curtains and Curt:tin Goods in Madras, aungal07.7 Netting, co:n spots &c. Our Dress Goods Dep= artment is filled with the latest and best in Spring Dress Goods and Trimmings. Oent's Furnishing for Spring A. large and well assorted Stock of New Spring Snits for Men and. Boys, all made in the Latest Styles and Fashionable • Cloths, also New Trousers, d Bays'. Kniaand and Hats, Caps Ties, Gloves, SoCks &c. Special value in Bleached Sheetinds. Also Circu- lar Pillow Cottons, Towellings, Table Linen. fun Eupply of Groeeries Highest prices paid for all kinds of Farm Produce smurtnntomemessapeonoaratnroacs. GENERAL le CRCHANT aro Telephone 28 rio ••.••00.,•00•0000000,...$0000.2000,0•0•000.00.00,00,0., HEADQUARTERS FOR Cei:Port 1 ••••,••••,, ;u Jji CI ad V v,13, liZr.6700"1.57k,CP,40" "7•ZZ: • lear atlit BEE DEMONSTRATION A meeting of Beekeepers .to have a Bee demonstration in the A.piary:of Haberer. was held in the afternoon on. May 28th. It happened to be a rainy day again the same as It year. How wonld it be in future. if rain is needed to have a Bee•demen- stration at his Apiary? The Bee in- spector Mr- Schrank of Port Elgin,,: had charge, of the demonstration. The. attendance of interested visitors num- bered about 20, among them were from outside, J. Guinan, Mt Carme1. and his daughter, a lady quite inte.-:, Gated in bees, D. N. Leitch Bayfield; L. Beatty Varna. Mr. Fisher D, Brintnell of Chiselhurst, M. Fink- beiner of Crediton, Mr. Lawson of Kippen, M. Smith and sister, Kippen, T. Stinson Varna. The rest were bee- keepers from the neighborhood. But our Zurich beekeepers? Well they, found it too far to wallt,nob enough to drive, why did they not hire one of these autos in Zurich. They woulcl be just the. thing to go to Bee demon- stration they are sting proof. The demonstration in the yard was mit little short by the rain, yes and the'. hoes, well it should not be told, got' a little mad about the Inspector, bnt he stood his ground like a Gentian, soldier. No' this alone 'would have been well worth to attend. the Meet- ing, besides all the information that. could be got on Bee culture. During the rain they all enjoyed, et least wi hope .so, a good conversation and discussion, of course all on bees.- But don't think this was outside, 130 nice dry. but of course not Inc sill,. a room. .1. Hauer hopes that every one enjoyed the few hours as well as he did with his bee keeping friends although he had to use a stick ali clay, but not to keep his company 111 order, lait 'to support himself. Ile su rely was not drunk. lir. Sch rank assisted IT the writer also held a sate cessful Dee Demonstration in Clinton, on May 28rd. on May May Blst, they will hove ono in Winghttin and on June ist one in Blyth. Since these meetings started bees aro doing -well in fi pito of the heavy loss they sus- taim,c1 during the hard cold -winter [Ind spring. Tbey also did their best to give you a good prospect for fruit crop. -• J. J. -Haberer, CIIED19201,\T • Miss Siisie, Kuhn spent the: pa. week in London. We are glad to see that A. INA is able tobe out again. Miss Clara Kienzle is spending the holidays under the parental roof. Miss T. McNabb, spent the holidays: in Detroit. Miss Oliva Holtzman spent the past week with friends in Parithill, Mr. L. Cary, spent the holiday at his home in Goderich. Mr. A. Wuerth, was the guest of ..Al day. J and Mrs. J. Schwarz over Sun .i - Miss Hilda Burn is spending the holidays with her teacher, Miss Lulu, Snider of Drysdale. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mcisaac ancl family, spent Sunday with friends and relatives in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Sweitzer of Har'n. burg are the guests of the latter's parent, Mr. M. Finkbeiner. Miss Mildred Browv. who iS toneh ought out ESS 'SON Implements and Repairs and moved them to my shop Pulper knives, straw knives, exten- 9ion ladders, step ladders, galvanized troughs, cutters Mclaughlins best niake, buggies, Deering machine re- pairs, blacksmith repairing, onion seed- .;ers and garden tools, piping all sizes) corn shellers, plows Fleury and Pere Aval and all kihds of plow repairs, axle greese ropes all sizes, wheel barrows, barn scales. rang, ZURICH Now Ready t gie If yon -want to see the l)ig- t finest lot of Buggies oar waierown. If you. ih to buy we Are confident Ite can satisfy your taste. Also Carriages and Waggons Prices. Right All kinds of Repairs prom - ply attended. F. B.ess & Son toilt..Cona. a's sy__s-- Line.) gran.massiMMINIMMINNOINM Fast Muskoka Express. -- Leaves Toronto 10,15 a m., daily except Sunday, making direct con- nection at Muskoka Wharf for i1Insk ohm, Lake points. Homeseekers' Excursions to Western Canada HARTLIE13'S Blfi STORE One Price the year round and that the lowest. Parties intending to buy a -good Haines this Spring should not fail to call' on us, as we are headquarters in Zurich for thebest, at lowest prices every one guaranteed, because best leather always used. See our Team Harness with Collars at $25.00,. Single Harness at $9.00 up Stoves and Hardware If you want the best at lowest prices call and see what a big Bargain you can get here. A full stock of all kinds of In Furniture we lead the trade , as we buy in car loads this enables us to cheaper and our customers get the benefit. Terms Cash or Trade at Cash Price HURON'S L Ew tok.„ 9 z PHONE, 3 it RCEST COMTOf bTORE ing school at Petersburg, is spending -El and 25, July 9 and 23, and the holidays at her home here. every second. Tuesday thereafter watil Sept, 17, via Sarnia or ,Chica• Mr. Paget, manager of the staii! of. go, ‘v•inni., g and return $3.1 00. the bank of Cammerce, spent the holi-,,,,,..,-h:OTOiat---o-n-aPne-d return $42 00 Tick. days at his home in St. Catharines. •,- yets good for sixty. days. Special will leave Toronto 10130 p m. 'Nfrs. O. Fritz and the Misses Pearf1":14 Wnrtz Mill Agnes Kaercher of zarieb:,en above dates, carrying Through t sioaclies arid. Prillmau 'I ourist spent Saturday with friendin s town,:'': 1 ceri g Sh' i r in-NCoalC•siande of Cars. Miss T. Finkbeiner of I . ipoi, , . spent a few days the guest of Mr. awla.t : . ..,:••lr ., tets \NM also be on sale via Mrs, W 13 Geiser for a few clays 1'10, '.-Sit' rt., i a and Nor thorn Navigatt on weak. t 0, inpany Full 'particulars and 111-1.. P. -Rauch of Zurich, spent a.1: T:eke ts from A. E, DuFF. t). L'. A .. few,days with his brother, mr....),,.4 (4 T.EL Union Station, Toronto. IlAuch, of this place. , The Misses S. Watson and Lull: . Mr' and Mrs• Ganleb Bah' of who Wevn the guests of Mr. Snider,..spent the holidays n,t; ..thei' 1-'91.0", respective homes in. Bayfield 0nd,...001rs' C. 13eavel'' for a few days T)rysdalo. i ,..,•,1a,,it Week, returned home on Wednes- Alitifi aNi, Fialiboiner, who htt5'. reci(lav' last. Tihoetre nb r \(lroening,o this week lialet. is now busy ilnproVing n • c, vstoads a.nd the 1118c1,.• ' ' .. li:''t..liteffitcin Stars. This will be a , . . 'Air, J. Tavcrson has ...agitili niik:'.:1,' tt v 6 eg i n tOrasting game as the Grey. f ttkit ball. , Irk iee :11111parlors and ever,t1:%; ;fl'oarla play I found Lilo ie., cream it great treat cal 1Di7, E. Burn, was suddenly called At tl,,,,;1;;;;.4. veiling la:•t, ' ,1 ti; ht; brano in I plei , owing to the Invitations a; e_.. mit 5nn,.10.,s,L.; i?,1 very serious illin ss of his faahor and t he roarriage of' M i.;A (la i a. f t ',.-i.! in V.,,' al.cs(hp ,l.tev.111-r. Ileeso of that 6 r w•tiii,,m .N, .1 '(1 L t 11. i r:44yli• I il ilAtT, 0, Malleted bah services in the wednegch.v, il tine 12= - 1 Evan Church on' Sunday last, Mr Harry Trick V. hi or.s becali A i , 13 0 v. l',, I II (A S is this week cvo,klug iii 1;,:tratf, 0 d tor 1/ the ''''11 a.; tepaing tho 1Vietliodtst • confer- ,- if),,41 fironptrql as Positi'•al: 114','ence whioh is being held in St. ore lu To.iron to. Avhoratta this /ear,. 1 Just to hand. Bring in your orders. Close price MSC PliONE 19 ZURIJ Our Stock of Wall Paper is very large, and in order to re- duce it we are offering 11 at prices so low that it should sell itself. Call in soon, as these bargains are only lasting a short time, and we are sure we can please you. Remember we give Coupons with every purchase, cash or tra.de, BLR td. GKOOSTIN alwayo kept on End, Produce Taken n Lollop RUBY PRONE 17 0 A A- 'V2.70" jak. .(17,4,,,: