HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-06-07, Page 7r••�...•.1••Yo.n.q..eldiw..eM.9«W�e.,�.»A«4:�»i»�, li THE HAND ,1 • HOW PALMISTS READ IT 4 d. ,sae,.:,.a.w.....«........,.«.».,,.«...».«...:..p... Everyone knows that the generaa characteristics may be told by the shape, texture and general lines of the hand. The following directions will aid anyone in practising and acquiring considerable knowledge of the character of another without reading through long works or sev, eral volumes on the subject. If the texture of the skin is aoarse and rough you may be sure that such a person does manual labor. if delicate and smooth he does only clerical work or something akin to it. If the flesh is pink and the lines clearly marked this denotes good health. If the 'skin becomes yellow when the hand is pressed back this denotes poor circulation and bad health. If the fingers are long and thin and tapering this is an indication of an artistic aesthetic temperament. If they, are square and rather thick this denotes. the practical and com- mon-sense person, with a taste for mechanics and similar pursuits. If the first finger curves inward toward the second finger this indi- cates a money -loving nature. It is the "grasping" tendency. If the second joint of the thumb (that is, the one nearest the hand) is thin, having a small waist, this denotes great tact. . If this joint is very long it denotes great reasoning and logical powers. If the first joint (the one contain- ing the nail) is long, that denotes 'great strength of will. If the space between the first and second finger is large this denotes independence of action. If the space between the third and fourth fingers is very large this denotes in- dependence of thought. These are good signs. If the mount at the base of the thumb is large and full this is indic- ative of a loving, passionate disposi- tion. If it i,s small and flat it de- notes a cold. hard nature. if the mount, or cushion, on the opposite side of the palm—,that is, near the wrist on the side of the little finger—is large this denotes a pugnacious, aggressive disposi- tion. The Mount of Jupiter is at the base or root of the index finger. Excessively developed, an arrogant, overbearing disposition; undevel- aped, lack of self-esteem; normally developed, a happy, successful life. The Mount of Saturn, at the base of the second finger. If absent it denotes a mediocre life; if exces- sively developed, a morbid activity and excitement in dealing with things; if normally .developed it in- dicates extreme sensitiveness and the love of solitude. The Mount of the Sun, at the . base of the third finger. If abnor- • mally large, a sign of vanity; if very small, a dull, inartistic personality; if normally developed, success and fame. The Mount of Mercury, at the root of the little finger. If very large, it denotes a. crafty and deceitful dis- position ; if very small, it denotes inability to.cope with situations and undertake business of any kind suc- cessfully ; if normal, a very gifted individual, excelling in the sciences, in art, and in the literary world.. The line of life is the most im- portant line in the hand. It lies around the Mount of Venus, the mount .at, the base of the thumb. If long and thin a life of healthy activity may be looked for, unin- terrupted by illness, and terminat- ing in a, happy old age. If the line rises, near the line of head this means that the life is gov- erned by the head. In short, a short life is indicated. If the life line is all broken up and chained this means manly trou- bles and illnesses. The line of'heed is the first of the two great lines running across the palm of the hand—the one nearest the wrist. If long and straight it denotes a fine mentality; a good head for science, literature, etc. If short and broken it indicates either mental troubles, or a lack of good brain power. The line of heart lies about half lin inch above the head line, also crossing the palm and nearer the fingers. If this is straight, deep and well defined a strong, lasting love will mule the life. If it is short the lover will be cut short by some unforeseen accident. • . If chained this denotes a number of small "affairs" --love affairs of your early life,. etc. The inability to bend back the thumb shows obstinacy. The line of fate runs straight up the centre of the palm, from the wrist, to the third finger (usually). If long and straight a splendid fu- ture is' assured. If lacking in the hand not much fame will be yours. RINGING THROUGH QUEBEC PROVINCE ANOTHER, MARVELLOUS CURE BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Ludgor Cote's Backache had level. oped into Bright's !Disease, and pains and aches Ivere his portion —Dodd's Kidney rills cured him. St. Yvon, Gaspe Co., Que., May 27 (Special)—Once more a wonder- ful cure has sent the name of the old Canadian Kidney Remedy ring- ing through the Province of Quebec. Mr. Ludger Cote, a well known re- sident of this place, is . the man cured and the story of his euro in his own words is as follows: "For four years I suffered from Backache; stiffness of the joints and finally Bright's Disease. I could not bend my right leg on account of the pain in my hip and knee. I had terrible pains in the region of the bladder. My eyes were swollen. I was always tired and nervous and took no pleasure in life. "Finally, I decided to try Dodd's Kidney Pills and the effect was marvellous. Six boxes cured me completely." Backache, neglected, develops in- to Bright's Disease. The one sure; way to escape its tortures is to cure the Backache when it first starts with Dodd's Kidney Pills. MINOR IMPERFECTIONS. Wifey—What do you think of my new hat? Hubby—Very pretty. I hope it'll satisfy you for a while. Wifey—Of course it will. The color is not quite what I like and the trimming doesn't come up to my expectations, and the shape is not as good as it ought to be, but otherwise the hat is a splendid bar- gain, and I like it awfully well. Cucumbers and melons are "for- bidden fruit" to many persons so constituted that the least indul- gence is followed by attacks of cholera, dysentery, griping, etc. These persons are not aware that they can indulge . to their heart's content if they have on hand a bot- tle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysen- tery Cordial, a medicine that will give immediate relief, and is a sure euro for all summer complaints. Counting both steamships and sailing vessels of one hundred tons and upwards, their total in the world's mercantile marine exceeds 30,000. Minard's LInlment Luinbsrman's Friend. EXCITEMENT. Husband (cheerfully)—Well, love, have you had a pleasant day? Wife—Oh, splendid 1 After I dressed the children and got them off, washed the dishes and made some pies, cleared away the lunch- eon table and answered some let- ters, I still had time enough left to darn my stockings. RI Cured of isfiguring Pimples By Cuticura Ointment, Broke Out on Face when Twelve or Thirteen. Were Most Embarrassing. Had Tried Everything, A Nova Scotia girl, Miss Mabel Morash; of Dover West, writes; "When I was about twelve or thirteen years of age, my face broke out with pimples, and 1 tried every- thing to get Yid of them, but failed. The pimples were the worst on my forehead and chin. They camp out in groups and developed later into sores. tieing on my face they caused great disfigurement, and were most embarrassing. After trying so many remedies without success, X saw the Cuticura Ointment adver- tised, and I sent for a box. 1 then applied it to the pimples, and in a week I sawa great change in my face. I kept using it, and in a few months it rendered a complete cure. Now you cannot tell 1 ever had pimples, thanks to the Cuticura Ointment." (Signed) Miss Mabel Morasia, Mar. 81, 1911. Baby's Face Like Raw Beef "My baby boy had a large pimple come on his forehead. It burst and spread all , over his face which soon looked like a piece of raw beef, all smothered with bad pimples. It was awful to look at. The poor little thing used to scratch it and cry terribly. I took him to a doctor but he only got Worse until I was quite frightened that he would always be disfigured. Then I got two tins of Cuticura Ointment, together with Cutioura Soap, and in two months had quite cured Trim. Now of course I use Cuticura Soap for. all nay children (Signed) Mrs. E. Perry, 99, Waterloo Rd., Aldershot, Eng- land, May 21, 1910. Cutioura Soap and Ointment are sold throughout the world, but to those who have suffered much, lost bope and are with- out faith in any treatment, a liberal sample of eaeh with a 32-p. booklet on the skin and scalp will bo mailed free, oh application. Address Pettet Drug 4 Chem. Corp., 89 (;olumbusAve.. Boston. U. p. A. FRENCH'S sib VICE. When Sir John French was in command of the cavalry at Can- terbury, he chanced one day to meet a rather slouching young recruit, "Tell me, my lad," said the new General French. Chief of the General Staff, "does this city belong to you?" The military fledgling saluted and blushingly replied: "No, sir." "Never mind," said French, geni- ally, "straighten yourself up, pull yourself together, and look as though it did." 34 CURE FOR CONSUMPTION. Such is the recuperative power contained in Copeland's Cure for Consumption that even the most advanced cases have • been cured by its beneficial action. It can be taken by the weakest patient, to whom it gives a fighting strength as nothing else will. The appetite comes back. That weakening perspiration is stopped. The lungs and respiratory organs are healed at the same time. Its efficacy to fight consumption, weak or bleeding lungs, lingering coughs and bronchitis i9 proven beyond doubt not by what I state, but by what is stated by those who have taken it for those ailmen*,.s..;and. have been ear Copies of testimoniale of t time who �l being given up by doeto d special as only staving a feel' 9 to Iive, are alive and well to -day. are seulr request. Price $1 per• bottle at your dr gist, or direct from Win. Copeland,., Pape Ave., Toronto, Canada. She—"I did not think much of• the close of the sermon." He— "Probably you were thinking more: of the clothes of the congregation;" The Beauty of a Clear Skin.—The condition of the liver regulates the condition of the blood. A dis- ordered liver causes impurities in the blood and these show them- selves in blemishes on the skin. Parmelee's Vegetable. Pills in act- ing upon the liver act upon the blood and a clear, healthy skin will follow intelligent use of this stand and medicine. Ladies, who will fully appreciate this prime quality of these pills, can use them with the certainty that the effect will be most gratifying. Nearly one hundred million acres of land in Alberta are suitable for cultivation. Keep Minard's Liniment In the house, ECONOMICAL SUGGESTION.. "We must begin to economize, my dear." "All right. Suppose you learn to shave yourself." NoT Smarting -reels la Eye Remedy Yy Try l t r `ted, Weak, Watery i',Ses ■ �® ✓� Granunlated Lyelids. illustrated nook;• Ey in each Package. b1Un.1NE is com• etF'p pounded by our Oetelsts-nota"Patent efediclne" but Used In successful Mid. e e d clans' Practice for many years. Now 6� dedicated to the Public and sold by Ilrugglstsat 210.60c per bottle. Merino q 1, a eat (3, Tye Salve In Aseptic Tubes, et,e400. Murifle Eye Remedy Co., ChiCsdo A prisoner was being tried in an English court for murder; evidence. against him purely circumstantial'; part of it a hat found near the scene of the crime—an ordinary, round, black hat, but sworn to as the pris- oner's. Counsel for the defence of course, made much of the corn` 1 Bess of the hat. "You, gentlelz ..U,. no doubt each of yon possesslefeh a hat, of the most ordinary make and shape, Beware how you ctl?l' demn a fellow -creature to a shame- ful hame£ul death on such a pieoe of evi- dence," and so on. So the Liao' was acquitted. Just as he was leav- ing the dock, with the most touch- ing humility and simplicity, he. said: "If you please,. my Lord, may i 'ave my 'at?" a, PIPES AND 'PERSONS. Chaa'actor can be determined in various ways. Some hold that the handwriting is the surest test; some that characters .can be .sum- med from the shape of fingers and hand; others that people's faees tell their own tame. A Paries doctor, however, declares that the pipe is the best indicator of a person's ha- bits. The cigar and cigarette are too restricted to cities to signify much, but the activity of a person, according to this doctor, can be de- termined by the length of his pipe The shorter the stern, the more in- dustrious the person. Inversely, the longer the ,stem, the lazier the person. If the stem of a pipe shows deep teethmarks, the possessor of that pipe is, as a rule, a man of strong character; but it does not hold that a man whose pipe has no marks upon it has little self-con- trol. HAVE YOU A BAD SORE? If so, remember these facts—Zam- I3uk is by far the most widely `sed balm in Canada! Why has it be- come so popular? Because it heals sores, euros skin diseases, and does what is claimed for it. Why not let it heal your sore? Remember that Zam-Buk is alto- gether different to the ordinary ointments. Most of these consist of animal fats. Zam-Buk contains no trace of any animal fat, or any mineral matter. It is absolutely herbal. Test how different and su- perior Zam-Buk really is. AU druggists and stores at 50e. box. Use also Zam-Buk Soap. Relieves sunburn and prevents freckles. Best for baby's bath. 25c. tablet. WIFELY SARCASM. Mrs. Gadder—"I saw your hus- band to -day coming out of a sa- loon." Mrs. Gayburrd—"Probably go- ing out to get shaved !" Sores Heal Quickly.—Have you a persistent sore that refuses to heal ? Then, try Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil in the dressing. It will stop sloughing, carry away the proud flesh, draw out the pus and pre- pare a clean way for the new skin. It is the recognized healer. among oils and myriads of people can cer- tify that it healed where other oils failed utterly. BORR'Y HE, ASKED. mate -e -"When he fired the pistol at you what did you do, Captain 7" . Captain—"`I moved to one side and 'the bullet sped harmlessly by and buried itself in the thick part of the mate's head." At the Yarmouth Y. M. C. A. Boys' gamy', held at Tusket Falls in August. I fiitind MINARD'S LINIMENT most bene- ficial for sun burn, an immediate relief for colic and toothache. ALFRED STOKES. General Secretary. Pigeon -shooting has been prohi- bited throughout Swiss territory. Minard's Liniment used by P'hysiofans. Russia's Army has a peace estab- lishment of over 1,200,000 men; its approximate war strength exceeds 5,000,000 men. Worms in children, if they be not attended to, cause convulsions, and often death. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator will protect the chil- dren from these distressing afflic- tions. WAS A SHAME. Re—"So you lost that handsome little dog you had?" She—"Yes, in a railroad acci- dent. I was saved, but the dog was killed." - Re—"What a pity 1" lC n. ISSUE 23-12 FOR '"` i:l ..n ".:' 'rr •, E DISTEMPER " 9 , CATARRHAL FEVER AND ALL NOSE AND THROAT DISEASES Cures the sick and acts as a preventative for others. Liquid given on the tongue. Safe for brood mares and all others. 'nest kidney remedy; 50 cents a bottle; $0.00 -the dozen. Sold.by all druggists and harness houses. Distributors—ALL WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. SPORN MEDICAL CO., Chemists, Goshen, Ind„ D. S. A. Seaga I ternati nal Poultry F o Prevents Cholera and Saves the Little Chicks A little chick is just like a little baby its health depends on its food. Improper feeding opens the way for disease. Chicken Cholera. Roup, Apoplexy, can be prevented and cured by feeding INTERNATIONAL POULTRY FOOD. My chickens had Cholera until some of their combs were turning black. After using a few feeds of "International Poultry Food," I never lost another fowl, and Cholera has left my premises.—J. F. B»RNSTr. Give all your chickens a daily feed of "International." It keeps them well—fattens up the broilers—makes hens lay all the year round -keeps the cocks vigorous—and insures raising the little chides.. If you want to make money out of your fowls, feed "International Poultry Food." 25e., 50e, and $1.00 a box. At dealers everywhere. „1 Write for free copy of our $3,000.00 Stock Book, the l a �L, greatest book ever written for Farmers. INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD COMPANY • �(I Limited TORONTO I,. ,sty �..,.. U/, '/'•iir.li' i" �p°.�•Su�•c °��-�iR� — 70 erateleerealtelWeleateeNtiliet ;Aces-. CHENILLE CURTA/NSP and all kinds of house hangings, also LACE CURTAINS DYED IKE0YEWANEEC Write to us about yours. Gold Medalist. BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO., Box233,Montreal THE ARLINGTON 00. Of Canada, Ltd. lt6 Fnaze. AVCNUC TORONTO (GE ECOLLAR3 Aeinowl.asedte 6 tbe[ineetcrea- tion of Water- proof Coll aro ever made. Ask to see. nod buy no other. All etoree or direct for 25e. -Comfort i3 positively guaranteed to keep Flies 1 ,f your Cattle. WRITE NOW FOR PARTICULARS TO MacLaren Imperial Cheese Co., Limited, W00DSTOCK, ONTARIO FOOLISH QUESTIONS. He—Madam, you promised to obey me. Do you do it? She—Sir, you promised me your worldly goods. Do I get 'em 7 A Pill for Brain Workers.—The man who works with his brains is more liable to derangement of the digestive system than the man who works with his hands, because the one calls .upon his nervous energy while the other applies only his muscular strength. Brain fag be- gets irregularities of the stomaeh and liver, and the best remedy that can be used is Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. They are specially com- pounded for such cases and all those who use them can certify to their superior power. TIME TO GIVE IT BACK. "Here's an umbrella I've kept for three years," he said proudly. "Isn't it about time you returned it," she replied. Countless have been the cures •worked by Holloway's Corn Cure. It has a power of its own not found in other preparations. CLEVER. Mrs. Muggins—"I hear your hus- band is quite versatile." Mrs. Buggins—"Why, he can ac- tually stay oat late every night in the week and not give the salve ex- cuse twice." rinard's Ltntmont Cures Distemper. H. W. OP.WSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. EIGIIIT :fOUS AND DOLLARS WILL buy dreautiful hundred acres is Northumberland County, including Stock and Implements. There is in the stock 4 horses. 10 cows, etc. This is a snap. and can be had on easy terms. Possession at once. CI OOD FARMS IN LINCOLN, WELLAND. 7 Balton, Peel, York, Durham, North- umberland, Prince Edward counties ,a reasonable priees. 44LBERTA, SASKATCHEWAN AN , 'Manitoba lands in large or sma blocks. I RTIIT FARMS—ALL SIZES. IN T Nips ere Fruit Belt. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. (i, NE HUNDRED ACRES IN Oxroa l! County; soil clay loath; three erre orchard. Brick house. C•tood out-builein` Will exchange for city, town or vrl'ag property, or for smaller farm. The We ern Real Estate, London, MALE HELP WANTED, anal AILWAY AGENTS, TELEGRAPHER e.nel Clerics in groat demand through eur Ontario and North West. Six month will qualify you. Day and Mail courses Pngitions secured. Free Book 19 explains Doceinion Sphere Telegraphy, Toronto. % TANTED — FOUR FIRST -CL AS milkers. Must be quick and clean Wages, $25 00 per month and hoar Steady emnlovment win*er and summer. Apply: S. Price & Sons, Erinclale, Ontario. MISCELLANEOUS. ,TI It'E FOXES WANTED—YOUNG OR old. Wm. Pearson. Guelph, Ont. AY and FARM SOALES.Wifeon's ' 1.. Wnrkv 9 P',w„innndr•. T,,rnnto. + "(`f ANGER, TUMORS, LUMPS, etc. In• 'V ternal and external, cured without pain by onr home treatment. Write us before too late, Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited, Collingwood. Ont, ,fa TON SCALE GU9IiANTEGD, wilson'9 V Scale Werke. 0 Esplanade, Toronto. flROBATTO TRICE TIiRF,E years' courseIONERS in training at Atrttman Hospital, Canton, Ohio. Address, Supt. P(1 HE MANHATTAN EYE, EAR AND Y Throat hospital, will give to young women who desire, one year's training in their special hospital. After one year's service they may be promoted to a posi- tion on salary or recommended to a gen. eral hospital where they can take the complete course of training school for nurses; reforennes required. For further information address Miss Eugenia D. Ayres, Superintendent of Nurses, No. 210 East 64th St.. hew York City . WRITE FOR PROOF CURES CANCER AND TUMOR Canadian Branch: Purifioo Oo., Bridgeburg, 0112. �A -1'�'S..a . IV C77�. • Mg/ -l� . Z 'r7► CREOSOTE Protect -- Preserve -- Beautify Samples and Booklets on Application JAMES LANCMUIR & CO., Limited 18741 Eathursl• Street TORONTO Maypole Soap DVSs so EASILY With Maypole Soap there is no trouble and no muss in home dyeing, Dyes cotton, wool, silk or mixtures, 24 colors -will give any shade. Colors 10c. Black 15c --at your dealer's or postpaid with booklet "Flow to Dye” from F. 1. BENEDICT & 00.