HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-06-07, Page 4Furniture Store
Pianos, Organs
and 'Sewing
Singer $30
New Williams $27
Raymond $25
Model $25
Cabinet $23
A large stock of furniture always on
We carry the largest stock in this
line in Wester\ Ontario. Calls day
or night will get your prompt atten-
tion. Call central.
Furniture and Undertaing
The following is the standing in
our Drize Circulation Context up to
Saturday evening lest.
Miss Lottie Galster.....,5000
Miss Ada Wurm.......... 4800
Miss Blanche Lftporte 18200
:hiss Sadie Melsaac....62800,
Miss Victoria Deters
Miss Gladys 11Ic:�evin .8400
Mrs. Jas. Hmnplireys.49500
Miss Tillie Johnston....5500
Miss Mary Gallman.... 3000
iUrs. Dan Koehler 61400
MissIcla Sipple., - 500
W. C. T. U.
"Prohibition is the greatest blessing
to my race since the emancipation
proclamation of Abraham Lincoln,"
said Booker T. Washington in an ad-
dress before the Eaglewood Law and
Order League, of Chicago. last week,
in which he dealt with the race pro-
blem from a new angle.
"Nine -tenths of the lynchings,"
Dr. Washington declared, "are caused-
rst by idleness, and then by cheap
hfsleey, which clog the brains of
l S vhito me}? led colored niell. Take
Way, whiskey and you' z40ill deer
he�lyziobingi by 90 per cent."
As a practical proposition, econ-
mically, socially, industrially, mor- t
Ily and religiously, prohibition in
he south is a blessing to my race.
ince Atlantic has been prohibition
rritory, colored people have bought
ice the amount of property they
d before. Similar results are ap-
arent everywhere.
"Its opponents will tell yon that
rohibition is a failure in the .south
nd elsewhere and that more whiskey
sold. Well, then, why not keep
ie bar -rooms closed. With my race
is the open saloon, with the physical
traction of whiskey, that leads to
Ethel M. Williams, Pres
District New
The following is the repoiT of 8, S
No. 5, Stanley, for.the month of May
V Elgin McKinley.,
Sr IV a Milton. Pollock.
Sr IV b Maggie Armstrong, Mar
garet McBride,
Jr III JennyMcLinohey.
Sr II Pearl Stephenson, • Lorne
The Dashwood eelehretion on Men -
day •was a splendid success, and the
committee is to be congratulated . for
the manner in which the program of
the day was carried out. It vvas
our lucky clay, not only were we f
tunete in haying fine weather but
having a big crowd. It is estimated
Pt II Elinor lIaFinle MayPot- that there were fully 1500 people oil ,
y, the grounds and although thereohi°ug'
M Li h M It l fatally, want to increase the Subscription .Gist of our three papers, The,
Herald, Zurich; Pioneer, Dashwood, and Star, Cretlxton, to 2000, and to.,
accomplish this quickly we are offering some handsome prizes for the most .
popular ladies, married or single: It will pay you to "get busy." Someone
is going to get a handsome $300.00 piano.
e. following report shows: the
live standing of the pupils of
No 9, Stanley for May
MoBride,'O. Nicholson, MJ
r L Manson, A. Finlay, R. Mo•
ii III G, Douglas, . Zapfe, E.
ly II! A Kennel, J. ; Moyer, L.
Glia eriob.
a. ;Sr:'11 L Oesoh, A Meyers, •8 Erb..
,7r'll'Haevey Moyer, H Moyer, O,
.Pc I1E. Beohler, R. Sohrag, E,
't. °Ta A. Douglas, E. Zapfe, (1
were a feswaccidents which mighthave
resu ec fortunatelyno ono
was seriously injured. The new
track, as would be expected after the
recent heavy rains, was rather spon-
gy and wet in places. The races were
were good with exciting, finishes
especially in the green class. The
calithumpian parade in the mornieg
was one of the best parts of the days
program. Every effort had been put
forth to make the parade attractive;
There were three prizes and were
given as follows: lst, Thos. K.lumpp,`
representating an operating room in a
hospital. 2nd, Ed. Nadiger, represent-
ing Jack Johnson. wife and family.
8rd, Andrew Musser with his troop of
dancers. The game of ball be-
tween Dashwood and Centralia Jun-
iors in the forenoon was well contest -
P i b. E Kennel, E. flinger oli.
t� S H d -T
A few from this neighborhood
wok in the circus in Seaforth on
en's Johnston and Richardson
egbbanged pulpits on Sunday last.
.e. sister•in.law of John Leslie,
frdzu'Engiand arrived in the burg
on8unday last.
Sr pt I Wilmer McLinche Edna r
c no ey, yrtle Armstrong, Leon -
and McBride.
Jr pt I Willie McLinchey, Earnest
MoLinchey. Ethel P. Stevens,
The Misses Agnes and Mabel
Turnbull, visited their cousin at
the Post Office, for the week end.
Miss Graoe Murray entertained
her friend Miss Jessie Webb, on
Miss Watson of carnia is visiting
friends in this vicinity at time of
The deluge of rain on Monday
night of last week caused the
creeks to rise oarrying with them a
amber of bridges. Amongst eel,. with the score 4 to 3 in favor of
them the bridge over the large 1 the visitors. The ball game in the
creek, at Mr. Stones, where they I afternoon between the '`Stars" of
have erected a temporary bridge Crediton and the Fullerton team pro -
intending to build a cement bridge ved an easy victory for the 45tars, al
later on.
Mr, and Mrs. M Bodgins moved i though in the early stage of the game
into their new residence s Sunny- i the odds seemed against them. The.
side" last week. !game was very interesting for the first
Mr, S. Webb held a very success- five innings, but from that out -the
ful barn raising on Saturday last. Fullerton boys went "up in the air
Messrs. Roy Sherritc, Maxima and the Stars.started a merry-go-
Roy Geo. Webb, have raised round- in the eighth that was a fright.
their barns and are intending to IiiugFahner pitched the first five
build walls under them to prepare innings for the Stars and Teddy
more stable room for the coming Brown the remaining four. Both
winter, pitched a fine game. The Fullerton
battery was good but the fielding poor,
the errors being responsible for a good
EXETER .many tallies. Tal Wurm of Zurich
Mrs. W. J.White and daughter Miss and Principal Shore of Dashwood
Olive, of Ottawa are visiting with Mrs made a satisfactory pair of umpires.
J. White. The Exeter Band furnished saitable
music dnring the day.
A quiet wedding took place at the At the close of the base ball game
home of Mr. John Taylor. *hen their in the afternoon the half anile foot
daughter Miss Maud Taylor was unit- race was pulled off and was won by
ed in marriage to Mr. Agnew of I Willie Musser, Mr,Thomas, Fullerton;
j and Milton 0 t � h
Miss May Wood visited in London es neic ei. This zetas;
followed by the races, which., we
the.forepart of lhis,wr k. half,�nilir heats. Theeltistihe, -em..,,
"t' rl .. R ' n, Of r'he' i!o tuna f an male' was 3' 1 G)�r. ' Considering t'he'. ,
easy ba't st or Ottawa for' a few 1 condition of the track this was going
',Mose farmers having their pota
toes planted are wishing they were
yet in the cellar.
Mr, and Mrs,. G S Howard spent
Monday in lensall.
Mr. P. Alanson. sold a horse to F,
S; l,rks. on Tuesday.
Grain and hay crops are Iooking
in this community.
London, Ontario.
. The Western Fair, of London, Ont.,
axle, will be held this year September
6th to 14th. Active preparations are
being made by the management to
n tke this year's exhibition excell any
thing ever attempted by the Associa-
tion. in the past. The Speed program-
me, shows two events each day with
large purses for each; this is always
nn interesting part of the Exhibition.
There will be one of the best program-
mes before the grand stand twice daily
tliathas everbeen presented, includ-
ing aerial acts, comedy bar acts, a
tr,tinbolin act, acrobatic acts, of all
kinds, and an equestrian act, both
single and double with the comedy act
ofHans and his mule that will be
funny that it will cause a laugh for
every second. A fire work's program-
me each evening consisting of sixty
pieces including the wonderful 111otor-
cyele race and concluding with the
bombardment of Tripoli. Full part -
lees. will be given later. The mid
will -be filled with good elean
,avIrich. will ;fie of intere t• ,- o
nd alrl-. There. will be plenty
£iusio and something doing every
mute . Special simple faro railway
encing September 6th over
d all roads in Western Ontario and as
far east as Kingston Special excursion
days September 10th, 12th anb 13th.
All information will be given on app-
lication to the Secretary, A. M. Hunt,
London, Ontario.
weeks vacation,. some.
Harder Than Diamond.
In one respeet the diamond has
ways stood pre-eminent in the min -
al world that of hardness. Other sub -
mem have rivaled it in beauty, and
least one, the ruby, outranks it in
st, but none in the whole list equals
in hardness.
Since the invention of the electric
mace, however, which is capable of
educing r heat equal to 7,000 do-
es Fahrenheit, at least two pro-
ds have been prepared which have
planted the diamond even in
xperimenters have succeeded in
clueing titanium in the electric fur-
e..In its pure form it is much
er than steel or quartz, but when
bined with silicon, to form a sill -
e of titanium, or with boron, to
a boride of titanium it surpasses
diamond itself in this quality.----
per's Weekly.
de Vag. i+ Female Pills
'liable French regulator; never fails. These
ro exceedingly powerful in regulating the
ative portidn of the female system, - Refuse
eap imitations, Dr, de'Van,'8 are sold at
x, oY three for $ic. Mailed to any address.
"obeli Drug to., fit, Catharines, Ont.
e of our candidates in our
Contest are holding back
of new subscribers with the
that we ogre blamed for not
rding their papers. See that
w subscriptions are sent in
st once a week,
Rev. Hobbs and Mr. Powell are
a tending the Methodist conference.
which is being held in St. Thomas,
this week.
The main st Methodist church and
the Presbyterian church. will hold un-
ion services next Sunday. Service
in the Presbyterian church in the
morning and in the Methodist church
in the evening. Rev. Mr. Sharp take
ing charge of both services.
Mrs. D. johns is this week visiting
her daughter Mrs. W. Gooclison, of
Mr. and Mrs. D. McInnes left for
an extended trip through the West.
They expect to go through to the coast
and expect to visit in California.
where they may spend next winter.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Follick leave ;this
week to visit their daughter Mrs, (Rev)
Baker, of West Lorne.
A number of our citizens took in
the celebratien at Dashwood, on Mon-
Mr. and Mrs. W. Hawkshaw left
this week for their cottage at Grand
The young ladies sewing circle met
at the home of Miss Ecdna McCallum,
on Wednesday evening and gave her a
.kitchen shower.
Mrs. Statham and son of Acton is
visiting her father, J. N. Howard.
Mayor George Spotton of Wingham
had a close call from serious injury
when, While out mortoring his car
swerved and crashed into a trey stump.
The accident was caused by Mayor
Spotton losing control of the machine
for a few seconds when he tinned
to close a door which he noticed. lead
got open and was letting a rug fall out.
The force the blow snapped the stump
off, but not before about $50" damage
was done to the car.
The woman of today 'who has
good health, good temper, good
sense, bright eyes and a lovely
cotnplexic+n, the result of eine est
living and good digestion, wins the
admiration of the world. If your
digestion is faulty Chamberlain's
Stomaoh and Liver Tablets will
correct it, For sale by All Dealers
i The big day of sports was followe
by a grand concert in the evening.
Among those who took part was Will
Spencer, comedian. of Toronto, He
furnished the principal part of the
Program and kept the audience con-
tinually laughing. Mr. Spencer may
be sure of a hearty welcome from a
Dashwood audience should he visit
our village again.
Sleepy Joe, W. Schroeder 2 1 1 1
Pat, W. Pollick, Corbet 1 2 2 2
Dilly Tarantum, T. Klumpp 8 3 3 8
Baud S. W. Reid, Lieury, 4 4 4 4
rates comm
2.50 Trot
Road Master, T. Murdock, 1 1 1
Jack Hunter, l;ilber & Son 2 2- 3
Minnie ];ars, F. li,eider 8 3 2
Crediton Fullerton
13 Fahner 1 W Baker 1
11 Schenk 3 J Nairn 1
Fahner J Woodley 1
R Feltner 2 P Haynes 0
E Fahner 1 0 Reid 0
l+' Brown 3 HBothwell 1
H Pahner 2 H Clark 1
A Holtzman 2 • J Brown 0
W Metz 1 H Pomeroy 0
By Innings
Crediton 0 0 1 4 0 21 10 --18
Fullerton 020080000,-5
Mr, Sol, Brubacher, of Berlin, who
is dealing in Western real estate, was
in our village this week.'
Mr. and Mrs, John Bender re-
turned last week from Detroit
where they were visiting friends
and relatives for a few days.
Mr. P, Mclsaac and his gang of
men are busy putting up a new
line from the townline between Step-
hen and Hay to John Sherrits corners.
Miss Marie. Betvelle of Grand
Bend spent the holiday in town
with friends,
Mr. Andy Kennedy of London,
spent Sunday with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. M. Ziler.
Mr. Henry Weiberg is learning the
harness business with Peter Frayne of
The uniform success that has at-
tended the use of Chamberlain's.
Collie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Re-
medy has made it a favorite every.
wliere, It can always be depended
upon . For sale by All Dealers,
Excursion to Port Stanley
- itorrah for Port Stanley on Friday,
Julie 14th, Woodham Council, No 97.
0 0 0 `F., has made arrangements fora
an excursion along the L H r& B from
Clinton- and points south, to Port
Stanley on Friday June 14th, at very
reasonable, rates. Good to return uext
day. Por particulars see big bills and
dodgers. There is no better place
than Port Stanley to spend the day.
Splendid two hundred acre farm
in the Township of Tuokersmith
County of Huron, within twq miles
of Seraforth, on G. T, R , in one of
the best farming districts in On.
tarid. Soil best clay loam, seventy-
five acres under Drop, in excellent
stateof cultivation', well tile drain-
ed. iaever•failing spring creek near
build gs. Substantial two storey
briol welling; beautifully situa-
ted., acid by furnace, 'bath room
with oft... and cold water, divided
colla l Dement floor Long dis-
taiaed elephone. Orchard with
sprue wind brake on west and
art 'Good barns with stone
staib:gg, All lin firstcitiss repair.
Par tti `n splendid shape to raise
mon e� making crops, or would
nnaheorrd dairy farm or stock
fare A;n ideal country home,
Aziyro,te looking for a good.
fa,rin •. onld do well toseethis.
-p i,' to JNO, T. DICKSON',
44.-4p; Seaforth P. 0, Ont.
..................... un.a.SWunao
Beautiful Mendelssohn Piano
H. Wells, Agent, Zurich. See it at his store.
Second Prize
Ladies' Fur Lined Coat
Value $76.00. May be seen at Zwicker's store Crediton.
New Williams Drop -Head Sewing
See it at P. Mclsaac's furniture store, Dashwood.
Fourth Prize
Ladies' Gold Watch
Fifth Prize
Set best Plated Knives and Forks
4th and 5th prizes, See at 1?. W. Hess J'ewelery store, Zurich
Subscription Values
New Subscriptions 1000 votes
Renewal 500 votes
Arrears for each year 200 votes
Standing of candidates up to Saturday evening of each week will be pub.
lishecl the following week.
eee+€+++i++�++�+ 7+-: 7�+e. ++F++II++A✓i++ +b+'r+F +:�+t+ + +r+ e-e-e+;++l ee+l+e ee +1..;..,..}.,l F++b eeeee e.
Voting GOUpIn
+ I Vote for +
+ As the most Popular Lady
• Amount Paid New Subscription Votes
lteuewal., Votes
+z+ 4.• $
Arrears... dotes
Seat by
Address • ,
• Name of paper sudscribed for..
4.+++ ++++++++++++++` +++++ ��'•, +++++++++++II+++++++++.4''
The Herald Office, Zurich,