HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-05-31, Page 7f RtM BONNIE • SCOT1ANO NO I7PERATION WAS VER _ NE �D _ ED ER DE NOTES LS Ok' INT]GIi,EST FR BANES AND . BRAE an HER S. ighlands uld Tr last ut to be ion mer - $100 for ate were he other n Edin- ean and an Ed- dedn£72 Gaelic - t know ctor. Alexan- Clyde amers, d com- old or re-edn- of Ab- s 163,- 10,388 School pool at tion of to Are- a half s hos- and ed in uch a n on well - own, dred on ough twin ion - were hills the Wm. der en.- hip - an ank of to at nt- een of SS- wn th r- nd Id ay n n y y 'What Is Going on in The 31 and Lowlands of .A, Scotia. The death rate in Tr quarter was 10.4 per 1,000. A labor exchange i,s abo established in Wick. Charles Falconer, provis chant, Gorbals, was fined selling margarine as butter About 3,000 quarters of o shipped from Macdliff th The death has occurred i burgh of Alex. Kerr, •a Crim Indian Mutiny veteran. ,In -recovering £67 IOs. 6d. inburgh man recently expen 8d, in legal expenses. Glasgow possesses 14 speaking citizens who do no the language of the tax co•lle A new steamer, Queen dra,, has been built for the service of the Turbine• Ste Limited. In Fife and West of Scotian plaint is being made that Weak miners are not being ployed. The population of the city erdeen on the census day wa 891. This is an increase of over 1901. Kirkaldy and Dysart Board ardC to erect a new sc Pathhead for the accommoda 11,050. pupils. The ke of sent a site of about one and acres for an infectious disease pital in Dalkeith. Not, since the Lanarkshire nfrewshire foxhounds hunt anarkshire, has there been s rop of foxes as now. Peter Sloan, chief electricia he Titanic, was a Scotsman nown in the shires of Wigt irkcudbright and Ayr. At Dundee several hun unds of damage was done and a German steamer thr e bursting of a paraffin lamp To celebrate the birth of ys to the Marquis and March s of Linlithgow, bonfires hted on the Hopetoun, Lead d Drem estates. ne of those; on the Titanic at of the disaster was. s, ,e son of Mr,.. Alexan es, head -master of the Elem or t Dundee h School, Stirling. S lding Company, have booked er for a twin-screw oil -t ame"r, with carrying capacity '0 tons, to steam 10% knots. ie works formerly belonging Armadale Iron Company hville, Armadale, which rete oeaseal 'chased by Mr. taameshWood, llhouse. ide-spread regret was expre in AIIa when it became kno t Robert Millar, engineer, Nor eet, Alloa, was on the engine staff of the ill-fated Titanic, a lost. here was unearthed in an o den in Jedburgh the other d Iptured Stones which had bee rrod off from Jedburgh Abbey i days when its loose masonr frequently "looted" by need ghers, 'ORLD'S BIGGEST STONES. it'.Temple Has Ono Seventy Feet Long. robably the largest stones ever d in any building are ,seen in the tern wall of the great temple•, of Ibek, in Syria, and the problem i11 unsolved as to the methods in conveying them from the :.ries and of placing them in 4on. The quarries from which ClIbloeks were undoubtedly cut e seen about half .a mile to the h -west of the temple. The et stones lie horizontally, and i' part of the outer wall of the ung. They are not on the low - ort of the masonry, but are ty-throe feet above the first of stones. Each stone is over feet long, thirteen feet high, ten feet thick. The most won - 1 block of all still lies in the les, for something must have red to stop the work' of sepa- g it completely from the rock, le he great stone has lain there an erlturies awaiting completion. tS' stone is seventy feet long, en feet high, and thirteen de, The three sides and part fourth have been beautifully la led, and are smooth and even, 1f uc he rules of the air, two air - e ting each other must Steer right, and pass at least 110 apart. BECAUSE MRS. GO.ODINIC USED DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. ,' Doctor said she would have to undergo operation, but J)odd's Kidney Pills cured her. Central Kingsclear, York Co., N. B., May 20 (Special).—"The doc- tor said I would have to undergo an operation," So'said Mrs. J. V. Goodine, of this place. But she smiled as she made the remark, for all need of the dreaded operation had vanished. Mrs. Goodine used. Dodd's Kidney Pilus and is a well woman. Given in brief and in her own words, Mrs. Goodine's experi- ence is as follows : "I was very miserable with Kid- ney Disease and unable to do my own work. The doctor said I would have to undergo an operation. Af- ter using three boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills I was all better and , able to do my work. This state- ment is true, as you can easily prove by�� enquiring among my neighbors, Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the Kid- neys; cured kidneys strain all the outpoidisease s ofsthe blood.Thus d other ca uses f Dodd's Kidney Pills are a natural cure for all Kidney diseases and all ills caused by diseased kidneys. GREAT SCHEME. ' Knicker—So Jones has a great in- vention Bocker—yes, an umbrella handle hat retains the finger prints. Away With Depression and Mel neholy,—These two evils are the ccompaniment of a disordered sto ach and torpid liver and mea retchedness to all whom th sit, The surest and speediest way combat them is with Parnaelee's egetable Pills, which will restore le healthful action of the stomach d bring relief. They have proved eir usefulness in thousands of ses and will continue to. give re- f to the suffering who are wise ough to use them, • t a a m w vi to V tl an th ca lie en n ey Five men's strength is equivalent to that of one average horse. Ask for Minar'd's and take no other. A USEFUL FOWL. "Why don't you get rid of that hen? You say she never lays." But she is an incessant cackler, and that keeps the other hens at a high mark." Landlord—You owe me now for four months' rent, and the first three months you paid so promptly. Tenant --Yes, I know; I shouldn't have done it. "So you want me to raise your salary ?" said the stern employer. "Can ou masons t evenwhy I should do so ?ive me but two " "Yes, sir," answered the meek em- ployee sadly. "Twins !" Warm Baths With Curr cures Soap and Gentle Ap4p1f- ea ons of Cutl- et= ®int- Kent Although Cittleura Soap And Ointment ars Sold by druggist§ and dealers everywhere, a liberal sample of each, with 82 -page booklet on the ears Bbd treatmebt of the skin, will be tent post-frde, oh. applloatloa to "Ctitloura," Dept, CM. Beaten', .A, A E1NEROUS PA NCE. The big Empire fancy dress bal. supper which was arranged to take pat the Savoy Hotel, London, on the 23rd of May, in aid of the Middlesex Hospital, was under rite immediate patronage of Prince. Al- exander of Teck. Prince Alexander is the third :sol of the late Duke of Tock, ancl has taken up the philanthropic work with which :his lamented brothel' was ` so closely associated. He is deeply interested in the welfare of the Middlesex Hospital, and is ever ready to assist in charitable under- takings. Prince Alexander served in the 7th Hussars, and saw war service }.. HOW A BEAR FISHES; 4 bear, is about thelast s t a ' nI 1 u would: credit with being able to but in it he nslhe amount of pa aenee and I that is amazing, He will `lie rte -still upon an overhanging log 91 ba' with paw uplifted and ,eyes at cetivelyy. scanning the water, aloon. and trout are his chief de - ,ht, and should one come near € nt ugh to the surface he is snapped eat on the bank with" a flip ana twit, and vanishes in bruin's big ins v Simple and Cheap Medicine.-- A.'sirnple, cheap and effective eiedi- rs eineis something to be desired The rex Pett ,I ar xle, they are cheap, they eon' be , gol, anywhere, and their bene;Reral action will prove their re- commendation. They are the medi- cine•,"�t.f the poor man and those who wish‘to escape doctors' bills will do well in giving them a trial. VALUATION, "Politeness cost nothing," said the ready-made philosopher, "Yes," replied Mr. Growricher, "If .it had .a market value there would be more of it." Prince Alexander of Teck. in Matabeleland and South On both occasions he was mention- ed in despatches and was rewarded with the D.S.O. for gallantry dis- played during the South African 'campaign, In 1904 he married the Princess of Albany, and the royal couple reside at Henry III. Tower, Windsor Castle-.'' Though only thirty-eight, PrinceAlexan his life. He his aa captain of the .Roy- als crowded a deal Horse Guards, and a Knight of Justice of St. John of Jerusalem, and his amiable disposition has made him a great favorite. We have no hesitation in Baying that Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial is without doubt the best medicine ever introduced for dysen- tery, diarrhoea, cholera and all summer complaints, sea sickness, etc. It promptly gives relief and never fails to effect a positive cure. Mothers should never be without a bottle when their children are teething. "How many kinds of flowers are there in the world?" "Really, I have no idea. Some day I'll ' get hold of my wife's spripg hat and count 'em up." • Keep Minard's Linintent In the' house. "What will you women 4o with the vote when you get it'. asked the man sarcastically, "Wen," re- plied the bright woman, "we'll try not to be too busy to go to the polls to use it." cm" P RUBBER Tread softly — Sfep safely. VI oacvmda lomat CAT'S PAW RUBBER SOLES Embody the patented features of Cat's Paw Heels. 1st, HIS LIBRARY. "What a splendid library you have 7 "Yes, indeed," he said, proudly. The collection of a lifetime, I presume. "Exactly." it?"Have you read everything ' in "Well, hardly. I don't expect ever to read all the books I have." • "You don't 7". "No. You see, the books I read I keep upstairs in my den. These books are all volumes that some clever agent has succeeded in con- vincing me that I ought to read." held annually a1'0horse-racing at has been psoin England. ED. 7 is no medicine so effective a ter of the digestive system as Vegetable Pills. They ler Atinarrx`S Liniment Co. Limited. Lini- ment in My family andoalsor Minnmi' st stables for years and consider it the best medi- cine obtainable. Yours truly, Proprietor Roston Pond Roel andHLi ery Stables. VERY MUCH ALIKE. "Did you ever get a kiss bytele- phone?" "No, what's it like 7" ,e"It'.•s like dreaming about some- thing tr'' eat' when you go • to bed hungry," When Your Eyes deed Care Try Aiurine Ey* Remedy. No Smarting—Peels Eine---Acts qurekly, Try It for Red, Weak,. Watery Eycs and Granulated Eyelids.. Illus- trated Sook in each Package. Murine is compouhtled, by our OculIats—not a "Patent Med- icine b „ ed In successful Physicians' Prac- tice for % g q rs. Now dedicated to the Pub- 1I1Jr1t andit, saiaNl l ru ists at 25e 'and e per Bottle. amity t� t cblca Murine o Aeeptio;Tubes, 26e and 6pr,.- g© €1OD TRAINING. "Nothing serious the matter with your father's ; lungs, is. there Jerry?" "I should say' not. Re's been coughing for 37 years, and he can cough louder than ever." A Ready Weapon Against Pain. -There is nothing equal to Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil when well rubbed in. It penetrates the tissues and pain.disa•epears before it. There is no knowll preparation that will reach the -spot quicker than this magic Oil. In consequence it ranks first among Iiniments now offered to the public and is accorded first place among' all its competitors. Of the 237,722 non-commissioned officers and men in the British Army, 167,281 belong to the Church of England, Hard mid soft corns both yield to Holloil 25 Corn Clue, which is entirely s4 e to use, . and certain and satisfitetory in. its action. India pi4educes twelve million tons of 004 Pei' annum. Minard's Llt11111e t used by Physicians. A BAD SIGN. 1'erey"--I have reason to think my wife has ceased to love me." Harold "Is it possible?" Percy "Yes, she hasn't jumped on me for nearly a week." Nearly one million cases of ap- ples have been exported from Tas- mania as-mania,this season, the majority be- ing sent to the United Kingdom. • 1SSUlE1 X2-12 ‘1,1:,.,,,,,„",,,:,k,::.'"' T�Z i 1k J�...,f:'1 ZS .over. there *: .:,.a ; , . Ler e r,�. rad aces .her eu' ' i �a .. �,. • p ES -,FARTHEST FOR'tH,E MNF_Y AA COLT DISTEMPER Can be handled *very easily. The sicicaro eured,andanotberp ' in save stable, no matter bow "exposed,"kept from having the disease, by tieing/SPORES ;L14UWD DISTEMPICR CURS, Give on the tongue or In feed. Acts on the blood and expels Corms of ail forms of distemper, hest remedy ever known lfor mares in foal. 50e' and Sl a bottle; 20 and Ili dozen, of druggists and harness dealers. Out show how to' poultice throats. Our free Booklet gives everything. Largos nsailing horse remedy In existence -15 years, Distributors--ALr, SPOHN MEDICAL CD., hemists and Bacterologist lr' @tI.'Iloahon, Ind., U. S. A. Than Heart of a Piano is the Actio. Insist on the e.OTTO IG ° L.o Piano Action THE ARLINGTON 00. of Canada, Ltd. 68 FnazER AVGNOC TORONTO CHALLENGE COLLARS Acknowledsedto bethefiaesterea- tion of Water- proof Collars ever made. Ask to see, and buy no other. All stores or direct for 25e, Maypole 5©$� THE CLEAN DYE Givees, rich, even rotors, tree from F. L. BENEBICT & CO. Montreal streaks andabsotut- Ly fast. Does not atnhandsorkettles 4 colors, will give c, s blck Sri atur dealer's orst - paid withoklet "How to re" horn ARTS, a 'DUC7rT1oN, *THEOLOGY, MEDICINE. SCIENCE, including ENGINEERING Arts Summer Session July 3 to Aug. 17 NIV KINGSTON The Arta course may . be taken by correspondence, but students desir- ing to graduate must attend ono session. Short Course for Teachers anden- eral students July loth to 3rst. for calendars write the Registrar G. Y. CROWN Kingston, Ont. 20 SIT ONTARIO H. W. DAWSON, Niney Comtlborne Street, Toronto. TIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS WILL iJ buy beautiful hundred acres in Northumberland County, including Stock an4 horses, Implements. ow, etc. Thisisa the stock nd can be had on easy. terms. Possession at once. (fit OOD FARMS IN LINCOLN. WELLAND, VI rlandn'P York,ur North- umberland, Prince Edward counties et reasonable prices. LBERTA, SASKATCIrEWAN • AND Manitoba lands in large or small blocks. rj RUiT FARMS—ALL SIZES, IN THE aN,tTo.H. W.DAWSOornto tIe5 ACRES IN PERT}: COUNTY — 1 Soil, clay loam; 8 acres timber; brick house: good outbuildings; school on farm; rural mail delivery. The Western Real Estate, London. FOR SALE. Tsons B RRY PLANTS—EARLY nsnd Williams,ligrarpss; carefully nropseated Order at .-.rice. *4.00 1,000, R2.50 500. 55.00 300. L. M. Bender, Southend P. 0., Ont. MALE HELP WANTED. AILWAY AGENTS, TELEGRAPHERS and Clerks in great demand through. out Ontario and North West. Rix months will qualify you. Day and Mail courses. Positions secured. Free Book 18 explains. Dominion School Telegraphy, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. T IVE FOXES WANTED—YOUNG OR old. Wm. Pearson. Guelph, Ont. HAY and FARM SCALES. Wilson's Seale Work.. o psntannrtt. Tnr++uta. 1'1 ANCER,- TUMORS, LUMPS, etc. In. �J ternal and external, cured. without pain by our home treatment. Write ns before too late. Dr. Hellman Medical Co.. Limited, Collingwood, Ont. i TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson's V Scale ^works. 9' Esplanade, Toronto. FEATHER DYEING Cleaning and Curling and Kid Gloves cleaned. These can be sent by post, 10 per oz. The best p BRITISH AMERICANe isDYEINGGe. MONTRIGAL. •:t`.O. CY' 3E CR. ilOSOTE 2.4 Protect—_ Preserve— Beautify Sarnples and Booklets on Application JAMES LAHCrAflin & C13., Lion:tett 13744 Bathers. Street TORONTO is positively guaranteed t beep Flies ®`r year Guile. wRITL: NOW FOR PARTICULARS TO 1 MacLaren Imperial Cheese Co„ Limited, W00DSTOCK, ONTARIO ONE REASON. He (sneeringly)—Many women prefer their dogs to their hus- bands." She (bitterly)—"Why shouldn't they 7 The dogs growl only occa- sionally." Worms sap the strength and un- dermine the vitality of children. Strengthen them by using Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator to drive out the parasites. ANSWER WAS EASY. Gibbs—`You say you werewrong in quarrelling with your wife; then why don't you go home and admit it?'x Dibbs—"The price of admission is too high." "Row did you get that fine spring overcoat 7" "I had a sure tip on a horse race." `tI never knew one of those sure tips to pan out." "Neither did 1, so l didn't play it. Put the money into an overcoat' in- stead." Mlnard's Liniment Lumberman" Friend, 'I TWO CRUISES —ON THE— VICTORIA LUISE (16,510 Tons) From New York Nov. 1912 From San Francisco Feb.27,1913 Will visit Madeira, Spain Italy, Egypt, India, Ceylon, Straits Settlements, Java, Philippines China, Japan, Sandwich hinds, with Overland American Tour. INLAND EXCURSIONS AND SIDE TRIPS OPTIONAL f 17 Days in India TOURS 14 Daysin Japan Duration 110 Days Each 6E, and tncludins all See. �dy9 npnhoard nd a pore "Ask a upon who bas made the Cruise." Wale for f$cokler. HAMBURG - AMERICAN LINE 41-45 BROADWAY, N. Y. or Ocean Steamship Agency, 63 Yonge St., Toronto, Canada, ra Nothing can equal the deli- ciously dainty, appetizing and nutritious "RING 0 S O.A.It" Sardines. Caught in the cold, deep waters of Norway, and packed in the world's biggest factory, they are an absolutely safe food. Alone, or in combination, they will he found a welcome addi- tion to the lunch basket. Try this for Sandwiches: With °ICING OSCAR" Sardines mix one teaspoonful of vinegar, Donee, - and salt to taste, small piece of green onion and a pinch of chop. ped parsley, ray ,between two rounds of thin buttered broad or toast, With lettuce leaves. FROM YOUR GROCER ASK FOR "KING OSCAR" BRAND SARDINES Trade supplied by .ioux W. $ICICLE GREENING, Ilaniliton, Canada.