The Herald, 1912-05-31, Page 4Dashwood
Furniture Store
Pianos, Organs
and Sewing.
Singer $30
New Williams $27
Raymond '$25
Model $25
Cabinet $23
A large stock of furniture always on
We carry the largest stock . in this
line in Western Ontario. Calle day
or night will get your prompt atten-
tion. Call central.
Furniture and Undertaing
The following is the 'standing In
our, prize Circulation Contest up to
Saturday evening Last.
Miss Lottie Galstor 5000
Miss Ada Warm... 4800
Miss Blanche Laporte 17500
Miss Sadie McIsaac....02600
Miss Victoria Deters •
Miss Gladys McNevin .3400
Mrs. Jas. Humphreys.47000
Miss Tillie Johnston5500
Miss Mary Gallman3000
Mrs. Dan Koehler 60700
Miss Ida Sipple. ,+.,,..... 500
W. C. T . u .
- A man may drink for years and
stop, but the effects of the drinking
cil<1a ueY er bo repaired, except in f4
fay slight degree. The Misconcep-
tion that a moderate drinker is un-
affected and is the same as before is a
very serious one. Moderate drinkers
do not always die as drunkards or
"inebriates. , The degeneration.: which
follows is �een tn„,.,,,;��.d: r_
the kidkeys,. of
the stomach arn liver., which Comes
ou ‘ suds -:y, and always ends fatally
in a very brief time. The normal
forces of vitality have been diminish-
ed and the resisting power to disease
The moderate drinker is preparing
the grotand and promoting the con-
ditions of sudden death by the con-
tinuous poisoning process of small
quantities of spirits taken daily. In
reality the most diseased, degenerate,
and incompetent persons are moderate
A Sad Reaping.
Slight injuries and shocks of all
kinds end in death. Failures of both
body and mind follow from the most
trifling causes. Such persons may
live for years and may seem to be
well, but examination and experience
shows the contrary. This delusion is
recognized in business circles where
moderate drinkers are not employed,
particularly in work that requires
exactness of mental and bodily ac-
Scientific teachings are constantly
accumulating, showing that these
three great delusions are responsible
for the beer drinker, the whisky
drinker, the wine drinker, and the
army of men and women who live on
the faith that the theories which have
come down from the past are veri-
table and real to -clay. The greatest
efforts of to -day should be to dispel
these and other delusions which have
grown up and settled about the alco-
holic problem. The teachings of the
twentieth century call for the facts and
their recognition, and a study of the
laws which govern them.
Ethel M. Williams, Pres
Dr.'di 'Van' i; Female Pills
A reliable 1?roncb regulator; never falls. 'these
pilfs•AYe t:*cdeditrgly powerful in regulating the
ge>t rdtf p port'4nof the female system. Refuse
all c cape finita idi1s: Dr, de vae'rt are sold at
eat dgf ei- time. fat $10. Mailed to any address.
C3ar �Regbell+itrus Co;,,. $to Catharines, Oiat+
grie.of our , candidates in our
ane; Contest are holding back
ames of new,subsortbers with the
esult that We are blamed for not
orwarding their papers. See that
11 new subscriptions are sent in
t least once a weep.
It will take some big hustling to
ose our Piano Contest by the lst
July. We need quite a number
new snbsoriptions before ,the.
losing date can be set.
Mr, Cary spent Sunday at his home
in Goderich.
Just received a new line of Velvet
Squares, reel, fawn. and green shades,
beantiful designs, size 3x4, 3? -x4. Do
not fail to look them over, Zwickers.
Miss Ella Link of .Zurich, spent
the past few days at her home here.
Mr. Wm Redden spent the holiday
with friends in Crediton East.
A load of young people of Dashwood
spent the holiday in town.
Mr: August Haist is again on the
sick list. -
The Stephen council niet in the
town hall on Monday.
Misses Clara and Martha Wind,
spent Saturday with friends in Exeter
Mr, W. Ran of London spent Sat-
urday at his home in Crediton East.
Mr.' Fraser Brown spent Sunday
witlirelatives and friends in Zurich.
Albert Morlock has his garage al-
most completed. He is busy this
week putting in a cement floor.
Mrs Jas Lawson visited with friends
in London on Friday and Saturday,
of last week.
Just received at Zwickers a stock of
Bamboo Verandah Shades. All sizes.
Get a set for that verandah of yours.
Miss Lockerer of Shipka, is visiting
at the home of Mrs. Sheardown, tor a
few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Webb of Lon-
don, spent the holidays with the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
The Messrs 0. Zwicker and E.
Fahner, and the Misses Adeline Ratz
and Ella Beaver autoed to London,
on Sunday last,
Friday the 2411i of May:was observ-
ed here as a holiday, and arrangements
were made with a London team for
two games of ball. A.large crowd was
present t0 enjoy the penes, but owing
tothe London team shipping a cargo
of fire water in the morning, neither
of the games were very interesting.
The Stars as usual put up a good
game. The management regret very
much the. way the game turne out
medial the fitttire will; endea ygi . t
N w�u.a❑ all only won nrsr `e:ta'sfi'
Five innings were played in the morn-
ing and resulted in a score of $-1 for
the Stars. In the afternoon only
seven innings were played and the
London team were so pickled they did
not know whether they were playing
marbles or base ball. The score was
11-0 in favor of the home team. Fol-
lowing is the line up for the morning
Fahner E. 2
Brown F. 1
Schenk H 0
Fanner H. 0
FahnerKing 0
Holtzman A. 0
Fahner R. - 2
Motz W. 0
Fanner L 2
Wilson R. 0
Anderson J, 0
Jackes F. 0
Joyce W. 0
Bloxen H. 1
Crawford W. 0
Baker A. 0
Pike W. 0
Burns L. 0
Mr. and Mrs. P. Hooper and Miss
Ruth Hooper of London, spent the
holidays at their home here.
Mrs. Kent cf Toronto, is,the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. John Hawkshaw, for
a few days this week.
Voting on the money by law author-
izing the council to borrow money to
put down a drain on Main street and
carried by 198 to 11.
Miss Leila Gould visited friends in
London, over the holiday.
Mr. Will White spent the holiday
with his grandmother, Mrs John
Mr. and Mrs. Chas Adams, who
have been visiting with Mrs. Adams
mother, Mrs. D. Johns for some. time,
left on Monday for their home in
Miss Louise Sweet is confined to
her bed through illness.
Messes S. G. and J., Bawden have
purchased a new Reo auto.
Friday, May 2th was quietly Ob-
served in our town. A number took
in the races at Mitchell, while others
took advantage of the cheap rates on
the railroad to visit friends out of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Adams of Sarnia.
were visitors in town, over the holi-
day. .. .
Considerable indignation was felt
among the peopl.a along Main street
last week, When the heavy rain flooded
the cellars, the ;eoutic ty jj z'ently
making no effort to a.ehe* tli situs
tion. Water was four awl.' ,'::feet
deep in some cellars ancl;Was� i pit
out the windows or, t'ituli.4lig
foundations, ,
Manager of Crediton bz's
Bank of Commerce and who
manager for the Crediton Sts
f tl e
Mrs. Burn and family of ndon,
is visiting her mother Mrs.'Witzel.
Mr. O'Brien of Zurich was °in town
Saturday on business.
Miss B. Graybeil of Tay,lo• Grove,
spent 24th at her home.
Earl Neeb and E Melsase" ere in
Crediton on the 24th.
Mr. C. Guenther was in London
Saturday with the motor'bu. ,..
C. Fanner and daughter Lily, spent
Saturday in town visitingfrds.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Hamacher of
Khiva spent Sunday with,their daugh-
ter, Mrs. W. Sehroeder.
Messrs. J. Kellerman auid E Tiernan
are making some improvements by
building new fences
Mr. and Mrs. H. G,> and
family visited Mrs. Rann" ur,ich,
4Fek Sung 4,,
on t forgetthah"e o .the
Evangelical church, is goio serve
a supper on the 3rd of June' from '5
to 7.30 inthe new Bank building.
J. K. Goetz and daughter' Ida, at
tended the funeral of Mr. Goetz's
mother -at Sebringville.
The postoffice is opening a' savings.
bank here for the convenience of ' the
citizens, on June lst,
Mrs. L Preeter and Elda and
Lorne spent a few flays in Stratford
visiting Mr. L. Preeter, who is
working there.
The Misses Nora Siebert, Ruth
Grenzebach, Vera Siebert, Lula Sie-
bert and Lottie Guenther spent the
24th at Crediton.
H. Guenther's motor buses were
both to Mitchell on the 24th of May.
They took a bus of people from Zurich
and one from Dashwood to the horse
All citizens are asked to decorate
for the King's Birthday celeb.tion,
and make the -village look as; iice.'as
Fred Dearing baker has xmived to
the Wambold stand, and he asks for
the support of all. patronize your,
home man.
The Police Trustees have delared
Monday June 3rd a Civic Rbliday
and all places of business willbe
Milton Ehlers and 'Milfrecit ?1\ c -
Isaac were to Crediton ma the 24t ,
Mr, John Kraft visited frie ds'
on the Town line, Sunday eteniztg.
Mr, and Mrs. Skinner and : fraeh`ds:
of Parkhill motored to Dashwood,. on
A friendly game of •bttll vas
played between Crediton and D h -
wood juniors, on Monday ave. ii°ng
resulting in a victory for the 4.6tYile
team Following is the line hl,
Dashwood exedite*t
i3 Gaiser 2 Punch Brew; ,' th;
W Musser 1 M Iloltztaxa,
W Siebert 0 H Scllp^1i
W. Pfaff 2
(, Gentner 1
W Zizn.rner . 1
E Neeb t
N Kellerman 0
A Saliabr001 : 4
Wnertl► 0
pi 13urxi
Oestreicher 0 M'Brawxi:' b
Battery Gaiser-Neeb, Strlke o'ute
for Neeb 9. '
Battery Holtzman -Schenk Strik
outs for -Schenk 3.
(Intended for last week)
Mr, Ezra Hohner, yoi,ingest son of
Mrs. Rohner pf the Bronson Line,
died at his bonne in Brupe#iield after
,,.lingering -: illness of nearly two
:yealrs, , Besides his widow and ''little
,son he leaves an aged mother, one
sister and four brothers to mourn his
Mr. "'hos. Robinson was connected
by telephone recently,
A meeting of thea members of the
Goshen line telephone circuit was
beld on Friday evening, to discuss the
necessity of dividing the circuit. The
officers were 'favored with a good at-
tendance and decided that a division
should be made at once.
Mr. James Stephenson is engaged
in drawing lumber for his new re-
An old resident of Stanley, in the
person of Mrs. Ed Talbot. died at the
home of her son Henry, on Tuesday
Mrs. John Stephenson and clangh-
ter Mrs. D. Stephenson are visiting
friends in Wingham.
R. MeLlinchey was in Michigan a
few days, last week.
The heavy rainfall during the past
week will benefit the hay crops.
Mr. Robert Elliott is .recovering
from his recent serious illness.
Ml'. W. Armstrong is engaged in
cutting Wood with his gasoline engine.
By A. W. Campbell, C. E. formerly
Instructor in Road making.
1—Carefully plan and lay out the
work before calling out the men.
2—When preparing plans keep the
work of succeeding years in view.
3—Call out for each day only such
a number of men and teams as can
be properly directed.
4—In laying out the work estimate
on full day's work from every man
and see that you get it. ; s ce Ir'
5—See that gravel hauled is clean
6—Measure each wagon box and
See that it shall hold a quarter of a
cord of gravel.
7—Specify the number of yards of
gravel or stone which shall constitute
a day's work.
8—Properly grade and crown the
road before putting on the gravel.
crown fhrtgravel roads 'is
one inch of a raise to each foot of
width from the side to the centre.
10—Give the roadway on hills a
higher crown than 011 the level ground
otherwise water will follow the wheel
tracks. One and one-half inches to
the foot from side to the centre will
be sufficient.
11—Spread the gravel evenly over
the road and keep it raked into the
wheel and horse tracks until consoli-
dated. A roller should be used for
compacting gravel.
12—On all gravel roads crown the
roadway by cutting off the sides
putting new material in the centre.
Do not cover the old gravel founda-
tion with earth from the side.
13—Make the width of the road as
uniform and the grade as level and
easy as possible.
14—Remember that good drainage
is absolutely necessary.
15 -When water stands on the
roadway or by the side of road, or when
ever the ground is seen to remain
moist, better drainage is needed.
16—See that the drains are free from
obstruction, that they have a good fall
and proper outlets.
1.7 --Surface water • should de dis-
posed of in small quantities. Great
accumulations are hard to handle.
Obtain outlets into natural water cour-
ses as often as possible.
18—Insterd of having deep open
ditches to underdrain the road use tile.
19 -Give culverts a good fall and
free outlets so that water will not free-
ze in them.
20 -2 -Make early arrangements for
having on the ground when ,required
and in good repair, all machinery and
implements to be used in perfor mance
of Statute Labor.
21—Do all the work with a view to
permanence and durability.
It would be well for all interested in
road'making to clip and paste it up for
r.ira 'n
Now is the time to get rid of your
'rheumatism. You will find Chamber-
lain's Liniment- wonderfully effective.
'One .application will 'convince you of
lbs :. merits. Try it. For sale by all
Electric Restorer for Men.
P osphonoll restores every nerve in the body
to its proper tension 'restores
*lei ,-and vitality+ Premature detay and all sexual
tvdekness everted at once,' Phoephonol will
pi kr otY heW Matt : Pride $8itbox or two for
Mailed to 'env address. The scoibeli Drug
Ito Catitartionso Out.
We want to increase the Subscription List of our three papers, The,
Herald; Zurich Pioneer, Dashwood, and Star, Crediton, to 2000, and to
accomplish this quickly we are offering some handsome prizes for the most
popular ladies, married or single,- It -will pay you to "get busy." Someone-,
is going to get a'handseme $300.00 piano.
First Prize
Beautiful Mendelssohn Piano
H. Welts, Agent, Zurich. See it at his store.
Second Prize
Ladies Fur Lined Coat
Value $75.0. May be seen at Zwicker's store Crediton.
Z hird Prize -
New Williams Drop -Head Sewing
See it at P. Mclsaac's furniture store, Dashwood.
Fourth Prize
Ladies' Gold Watch
Fifth Prize
Set best Plated Knives and Forks
4th and 5th prizes, See at F. W. Hess Jewelery store, Zurich,
Subscription Values
New Subscriptions 1000 votes
Renewal 500 votes
Arrears for each' year 200 votes
Standing of candidates up to Saturday evening of each week will be
lished the following week.
+5-+€+3++E++i++II++S+✓r+++++F+ F++++++4.4'+3++I+++ 4` ++++✓o+++.++$+++ri+ +f4+6++F++3++1+✓r44 '
Votino Goupon
0 4.
* I 'Vote for4.
•1- +l'
J. 4-.
4 4. As the most Popular Lady
A4.mount Paid New Subscription Votes + . .
4. Renewal ..Votes 4.
Arrears Votes 4
pub -
Sent by
+l+ • "
Name of paper sudscribed for.:....,..+,...... .... . .......
The lleraldQffioe, :Zurich.: