HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-05-31, Page 1The Official Organ .0
Hay Township!
ot3E 3fueleesm3ei3�Ei�3E#3+ euro escarecases e3Ei£
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Have you. purchased your supply of Shirts and
Collars for spring and summer wear ? We handle
-116 -dell known• . ;
.GEN BRAN 1) •
of Shirts and Collars• and we i'irihl r ' believe they
are made as good. and fit as couifortable as any on
the market. We have just opened up a large ship-
ment of 'the
Lounge Collars and. Shirts
-.bast the: thing ,fcir,b usiness',or. pke cure.. They are -eo nfor
table,. made plenty large enough and come in'"White"'`'and.•
oheoked patterns. The price of theme ones are from $1,00
up, and we have cheaper priced ones at 75 Cts.
Soy's Shirts in large variety at 500,
We also have a nice selection of Men's Ties to pick
from. Derbys, Four in-hapds, knitted, etc., from 250 U. j�
Samson Farm and Garden
tioc trot wca,r .re s.7s-eir
ire,ea mQat;•okees.4 , s.4ese
Mr. T,, L. Wnrm • visited Teeswate
over the holidays.
Mr. and ribs: II. Yungblut spent
Victoria Day with relatives in Anburu
Mr. and Mrs; J'i Preeterspent Sun-
day with Crediton relatives:
Mr: Alfred'Peine of London, was a
visitor in town,. over the holiday.
Miss Elia Link visited her home at
Crediton, on Stin1ay.
Ruby & Gaseho are selling salt a
$1.40 a.barrel. , sail'
Miss Madeline Bertrand. ;and Mrs, cion,
Dan Siveitzer of Crediton, .visited
A.nth Mrs. Ed Wurin,iati • Saturday.
Mrs. Harry Weber is visiting
friends in Berlin and St. Jacobs; this
Mrs. Julius Thiel entertained her
mother and sister from Kincardine
over the holidays. •
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Preeter of near
Dashwood galled on relatives in `town
on Thursday last.
Mr. Fraser Brown of Crediton is
spending the week with Mr. and Mrs.
J, Preeter.
Mrs. McCormick Miss Pearl and-
ndblaster Albert visited the former's
sister, near Dublin, over Sunday, .
Mrs. Dan Koehler 'visited her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Witwer at
Exeter, over the holiday.` -
Y 31 1912, '
Hardy of Exeter visit-
tanees in town on Sunday.
es Bechtel and their broth-
visited at 'the home of
Tule, over Sunday,
Mrs Harry Guenther and:
ashwoocl spent Sunday at
We are snle.sellers for Zurich for Samson 7.00ls of all
kinds. We oavo no hesitation insaving that the highest t�[[j
point of perfsotion in every detail hes been reached in the
makind of them. Toey are made utm to a-cluality,' not down
to a price. Every tool is maoe or tie.- best steel and select-
ed. white ash handles are used fhrori,�hout. The thorough
-worktuanship anct satisfactory resul¢4i have put the Samson
line in a plane reaooed by few.
Absolnte Satisfactionat a
a flc.derate Cost.
pleaseWe like selling these tools because we know they will
you. We absolutely guarantee every Samson fork,
shovel, hoe, rake, .etc
See Paint advt. on 'age 5.
Favetroughi'n , Etc,.
Miss Eleanor Hartleib of Toronto,
and Mr. Jack Centelcu of Axnlierse-
berg, visited at the home.of Mr. C.
Hartleib over Sunday.
Found, on. ,Friday last on, the
streets of •Zurich, a purse contain
.;J. Maass.. rz attending
I. Synod of the Lutheran
New Hamburg,. this week.
Jacob and William
ho were in Mild!may,. over -
returned hone last
d Mm. T. Murdock of Hen -
daughter Miss Vera of Lon -
it Sunday with Dr. incl ]S'frs.
. .
adios Aid of the Evangeli-
:,oh wilt hold ,their monthly
on Tuesday the 4th of
the' church, , at 2.30 o'clock
14 4.43
sTosehine Howaldof Berlin
Mies eine of London and Mr.- Herb.
fro `n
l Cfoat
ing a sum of mi
money. Owner calk .
on C. Fritz, " Ira
Mr. Charles Fritz won the gun
case given „o 'the Rensall Gun
Club; by the Nobles Powder Ce ,
--et s rn .Afe. QUt. c4 .,n, 341
Auto marker No. 12464, lost .be
tween Zurich, and Crediton. Finder -
please leave at Herald office Zurich:
or Star office Crediton•
Mr. G. Holtzman visited. Mildmay
Next Su idap will be Y. P. .A
and Teeswater, over the Holidays. 'Rally Dal, in the Evangelical
While there he arranged for the church In the morning an ap
agency of anew aluminum lightning; prigr'ajite'. service will be held in
rod. the interest of the Y P A. In the
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greb, thesis,evening the meeting will be in
charge of the Y P A. when a suit-
`alile programm will be rendered,
consisting ' in readings, essays,
music etc,- A cordial invitation is
exOnded to all
of Stratford visited: their par-
otid: Mrs, ' 'acob Howald,.
and Mrs. Hopkins. of St-
Mr: • and las. Ings and
A. Horner and McKenzie of
visited with ¥r.; and Mrs. J'
iter 14th Con:, 'on: Sunday..
:L.,Faust and Bolds Eilber
u;rieh,and illiam Edi -
14th ~Con. ti. Schools were
;delegates to the S. School
-tion and Pearl Wurtz,
Lless and Henry Pale. as'
Janoh Howald is very poor-
esent. She was operated
Dr, Gunn of Clinton, and
he operation was success•
erforniecl, her vitality is so
act. that her recovery is
loon' 'Koehler, son of l2r
er had the misfortune `m•i
The Cook Fitzgerald Cola
pnays favesrs Astoria's Cart
ad .x's leadirn Shoes for Meng
'lie produot'ofthe most up-to-date
Factory in the Country. Nothing
newer or better made anywhere Style,
Quality, Fit and:Comfort combined
No breaking in required, Put them
on and forget your Footwear troubles.
. See them at Fausts Sole Agent for
Zurich and vicinity..
We do Repairing Butter and eggs taken. in exchange
Misses Josephine and Lena
Denommie left Wednesday to•visit
friends and relatives in Chatham,
Windsor, Courtright. The latter
intends to be away for a couple of
months, for the benefit of her For two weeks we will offer Gentle -
heath. mens' Solid Gold Signet rings at very
Mr. James aauve who has been Special Prices, See that you get one.
confined to the housefor a few
days last week, is getting better.
Their is a good- prospect of •a
bountiful fruit Crop this season.
Mies Stroeder of Zuric)a. was a
visitor at Mr.: George Denommie•,.
last Sripdity. . •
Dr. Campbell was a'visitor to
?n huteday
►i ' ,'°)�'3 repairs on his traction
!`he accident was caused by
one- , the ;'lags cog wheels falling
over; and catching Koehler before he
hail a chance to get out of the way.
son Erwin and a lady friend of Ber-
lin were in town on Victoria Day:
They, came in Mr. Greb's auto, and
returned the next day.
The King's birthday celebration to
be held at Dashwood on Monday;
promises to be a big event. Takethaic
day off and spend it with your neigh-
boring town. The outing wilt do you
The trustees have started Paying.
side -walk. bur. Louis Weber is fore-
man and finisher. The work is dont
by day labor which is eonsidered'the
cheapest and best.
It is reported that Mrs.' Nicholson
of Blake, intends moving the Blake
hotelbuildin,g-toZu ich and convert it
into a boarding house. This would
be a good move And would fill along
felt want.
For soreness of the muscleswhether
induced by violent exercise or injury,
Chamberlain's Liniment is excellent.
This liniment is also highly esteemed
for the relief it affords in cases of
rheumatism. Soled by all de users.
Word. was received on Mond) y aeti
ing announcing the death of Alm
Joseph Smith, .at Crosswell, Mich,
',Pit 2:45 Saturday fia.,e•was dh'scevered
in Cook's notion store, Clinton end be-
fore it was extinguished the stock was
practically destroyed. The stook of
11L`rss Cantelon milliner; A. 3. Greigg,
jeweler, and C. Fink, photographer,
\v i%danlaged somewhat by smoke. Mr.
Cook -had $1,800 insurance on stocic.
John Jackson is owner of the build.
*V, Sans Tiatta, editor of the
Geivau, •(Sask) Prairie flews is again
the:'Liberal candidate in Last Mount -
9n, for the coming elections in Sask-
t'tliewan.:"Satu," is a native of Huron
Coul.tyandl was formerly principal of
nriclt school end for a number of
years cleric of Hay Township. He
was defeated in the 1908 election but
'win this time. Here's hoping
A riumber from here attended the
,hall ame at Crediton on Friday last.
re„locals played their renal snappy
garner while the London team was a
sad : dissappointment. The morning
tame was taken by Crediton 8 to 1,
'The deceased ivas formerly a resicleat : runts:,the afternoon one by about the
of this Township and was lug*"'-4nie, although the visitors threw.up
spected by all her acquaintrnces the :g'aine before the 91b innings. Out
11Ii s. 1 rn. O'Brien, her cdau'liter, left' erode of the battery and 1st baseman
he London team should never again
ave the .city. '
on .Tuesday morning to attend 'til
Ii there anything in all this t!
that is of more iuiportanco to.
than good digestion?' Food roue
eaten to sustain life and inns
digested and converted into 1>
When the digestion fails the \e'
body suffers. Chamberlain's' Tal!
are a rational and reliable cure
indigestion. They increase Lhc
of bile, piti•ify the blood, strengia+i i
thestomach, and tone up the W'iole
digestive apparatus, to a natmei1 tut ri
healthy action, For sale ,r alt
Mr Cann d Simon met with
1i, ci accident on Wednes
i uy evening, on the Zurich
ltd. Ile was driving one of Mr,
rill's livery horses and leading
'cher he had bought, when Mr.
4$el er's flog ra.n Ont. Simon wits
rigged ont of the rigg and landed
'irs head. Both horses got away,
dict livery ',horse wrecking the
lattg,y. Mr. Sieinon wits carried
into Declaer's house and niedioal
aid., summoned, hie soon revived
r.. d was able to be taker home in
Campbell's auto.
j olid ixii`tt e a"'ma
visit, oh W dnesday,
Miss Alvada Weseloh of London;:
arrived here on Wednesday even-
ing, for a visit with her parents.
J. J. Merner M. P. has returned
from a three weeks trip to Western
.Mrs. Gumbelton of Detroit, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Laporte, of the Sauble Line.
A report of Bee Demonstration
field at Mr. Haberer s on Tuesday,
is held over until next week.
Close Prices on.
T itclien Clocks
Thousands of our Watches are in
wearers pockets, and hundreds of
Clocks on shelves throughout the
country and each one of them says,--
Wind.tvi. itin4as'N4w411...4,•,
to+ Al;tiy�'tq'
her�rcious;iihs`oft oda;
xt if farolia:4 1 e, •I chance lo' stop''
And fail to gx+ie' the hour;
Just take me to Messrs Jewellery Shop
And hewill give xne•power.
How About a Violin
Everything Guaranteed..
Mr. and Mrs. Fred ICehn return-
ed to Berlin on Monday. after a
ahort'stay with Mr, and Atm Jaecb
Brown, Goshen Line.
Invitations are out for the wedd-
ing of Mr. 'Roland Geiger to Miss
Melissa Pfile, to take place on
Wednesday next, June 5th. -
Banns were called air DrysCale
church, on Sunday last, by Father
Stroeder, for the marriage of Miss
Florenee Laporte to Mr. Louis
Benetean of Canards River, the
wedding to take plaee.on June 11th
AU business places will be closed
on the Ring's Birthdays, Monday,
June 3rd.. Dashwoodl will be the
place of interest for a good many
if the weather is ilaivorable.
Jeweller, - ZLURICH
The new Flour
Feed and Grocer
All kind of. Field and Garden :See
Cash pearl. fen Potatoes and
Orion Seed.
Bring:: your Produce Here for
Best Prices.
Lots Jeffrey
We are making a special of Ladies' and Mens` 9D.te s
Shoes. for Spring embodying, all the fine points of St
and of Reliable Quality. L•
We never had a better or nic
Stock of Shoes than we are sho
in, D now.
� e want youi to see for Yourself.
if miry to see the fine Assortment, SPeaks
All we ask i a chane to show you the very
Spring Styles.
I3uttor and Eggs Wanted
Ffry ry v Z. OdR
Horn,: of Oo., `31-•(