HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-05-24, Page 51 i•4.4;;•:-.a.a.re 4.4. • ••b•1•+•I'•3••i +++.44a -i -a +14+++++++++++++++++++++++ THE MOLSONS BANK Incorporated 1855 ' RECORD OF PROGRESS FOR FIVE YEARS—i906-1011 Ilas 88 Branches hi Canasta, and Agents iyncl Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the World. 1906. Capital `Reserve Deposits 1911 $ 3,000,000 $ 4,000,000 3,000,000 4,600,000 23,677,730 35,042,311 Loans and Investments 27,457,090 3848,254;8o1 01 Total Assets , 4 A General B9,nk>_ng Busin.ess Transacted SAVINGS BANK DEPA.R 'M.LENT at alI Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Zurich Branch - J. A. CONSTA.NTINE, Mgr. Parmets That Want THE BEST. Call at The Massey- Harris .Shop. Our Machines ,spea for themselves. We also handle Olds Gasoline Engine. Jas. Whyte, Ag't MASSEY-HARRIS C;0 • ...ZURIC rrro MEAT MARKET SIE keep in stock a i'1' full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. ur aim. is to keep iothing but the best: e make liar own sausages. Give us a call. s Y UNCTBLUT & BEICHERT. ' FOR SALE Town lots for sale. :Apply .to Louis Schilbe or Louis Prang, Zurich. Sick headache results from a dis- ordered condition of 'the stomach,.and can be cured, by the rise of Chamber- lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Try it. For sale by all dealers. MEETING OF . THE HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The council of the corporation of the County of Huron Will- meet in the council chamber in the Town - of Goderich, on Tuesday Jolie 4th, at 3.. o'clock. Accounts against the county will be considered, if placed with the Clerk before this date. W. Lane, Clerk Dated May 20,.1912. HIGHWAY POST IS STOLEN BY BB'ALS Vandals uproot sign planted with great ceremony. Criminal action to be taken. New Westininister,B,C.May22. The I bitter spirit of rivalry' ,existing ill ( the towns' of Altierni,and Port Al1;arni, on the west coal;,t Cif Vancou,er 'Latt2liid, culminated a few days ago in tin act of vandalism, the uprooting of the first post of the Canadian- Highway, planted with imposing ceremony on Saturday May 4, by W. J. Kerr, president of the Canadian Highway Association, in the presence of an as- sembly including many of the pro- minent figures of British Columbia and the state of Washington. Port Alberni has been a keen aspir- ant for the honor of providing the site of the post, but, because of the ammemeeoleYSIRO advantages of location, this has been awarded to the old town. A few days after the post had been planted, in the dead of night, three of the residents of Port Alberni stole out go 37IO1I1I your from their town, arrecl i axes, shovels, and crowbarswith, pinclek- proceeded to the old town, where they ciuiekly uprooted the initial signpost :e mit Coyne and E. M. F. 80 5 Passeligt' M' `1'ouring Car, $1400 Top Windshield And Sp loliieet•er $110 Extra. Flanders 20-3 Speed 5 Passenger '.pouring Gar $1000 Top Wind -Shield _and Speedometer $110 Extra. Agent, (Jrecli•ton, Ont. Circulars mailed. Frei on request post of the Canadian Highway as an 1,;t1;] DEMONSTRATION act of desecration, in every way tis 1 objectable as would be th-6 removal of 1.. .k'J1 beer keel)ers will be pleased to the corner stone of a sacred edifice )1}titi�i 'ilist a demonstration will be This post was planted with slue tesla l' c,17 its 1Ti. T. Haberer's Apiary on and ceremony: in the presence of over { RTtxe.0,i. fiexi, 78th inst..at one o'clock. 1,200 people, men of prominence fro: r ,sr_] should attend. Ladies all the coast cities and from :Seett11 �R r2* ' 4 y+ all d...ea., ,.:: Tacoiea and Portland`' taking par hftiIt etinly is humiluM' te uncon• cra of the Canadian Highway, and carried it in triumph to Port' Alberni. The disappearance of the sign was the one At Zurich's Leading !subject of conversation in Alberni the 'following morning, and early in the Tailor Shop the only Place, any ars emergency meeting of the where the Newest is . always' prominent men was called, and lin- , mediate aotion decided upon. Con - shown first and satisfaction centrated suspicion pointed due south,. but even before a definite plan of guaranteed. action was decided upon a group of hien was seen approaching from Port Laundry in ConnectionAlberni, bringing with them the desecrated sign, The bearers of the W' o��`l �T s'gapost. tendered the old town pro- ' YY ■ . fuse apologies from the Mayor A. E. fiail or ' 111DICH Waterhouse incl the members of his Thus the matter ended in ao far as '0 SIGNS OF SPRING The arrival of the songsters and the arrival of Holtz - mamas New Spring Suitings, The little songters are ready to build their spring and summur homes, we ready are ready to build you a Spring and Summer Suits, with Goads that will meet your utmost ' ap- proval. If you anticipate buying a spring suit yen. will do well. to come and see our Fancy,Suitings they are different than. other: tailors are showing. Different because they are Moltzmanns Holtzmanns bacause they are different ing to these gentloiueu to think that, after the expense and inconvenience to. which they were ' put, such an,, unfortunate thing should hdppen. I only trust that the incidentwill'ivark the culmination of the feeling be tweeze the towns of Alberni and Port' Alberni, and that from now on these two places will cultivate a more friendly spirit and some of that sweetness of disposition 'rind charity which makes for the betterment of all council. the Albernis are concerned, but it is TO OUR CANVASSERS probable that more will be heard of .,....e.. it, as the officers of the Canadian. By special arrangement we are Highway Association are extremely ble to offer to new subscribers annoyed at the liberty taken. The either of our papers and your tampering with signposts is a criminal Choice of the Weekly Globe or the offence in Canada, and liable to severe Weekly Mail and Empire for only punishment. Several prosecutions $u s to Jan, i will 1913.Each new have been instituted by the Pacific Subscription . count 1000 votes as formerly. Arid fifty -gents if Highway Association in the past few aper are to be mailed" to United' months; when proof could be adduced States addresses. things. Electric Restorer for Men Pboephonolsestores everynerveinthe body to its proper tension; restores vitn and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will make you a new man, Price S5 a box. or two for 35. Mailed to an" ".i;iress, The Seobon Drug 00.1. Ste'Cathar tss 8s. Ont. Now is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. You will find Chamber- lain"s Liniment wonderfully effective. One application will convince you of merits. Try it. For sale by all Smart Swing Sumo to or t$15.00 J. H. HOLTZMANN, Merchant Tailor BUSINESS CARDS. 13. S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms seasonable. Orders left at this office will be promptly attended to. against some party or parties Ivho had wilfully tampered with or inial. Farm for Sale or Rent.—Good 50' Iated their signs' In order to mitigate against the;pos ere farm, cleared, well drained and '"sibility of the repetition of this fool ugoodstate of cultsvatian, on Lot 8 trick' it is the intention of the officers on. 4, Stephen:, just east of _Credit- + n East. On the property is - a good; of 'the association to take proceedings iouse and barn, 1 acre of good Droll- "against the Port . Alberni men ' who rd, all ploughing clone, 16 acres of tore up the post, and to make this an Mass, 2 good wells, spring creek, example that Will serve as a warning . or particulars apply to WM. Ilea. ,.to others. Speaking on this subject' +'ttn, Shiplca.' i yesterday, . Pres, W. J. Kerr said "I look upon the tearing up of the first Paints k Varnishes t; Stains Enamels Colors A best quality a product for every 'f kind of :;surface j or finish. That's my advice to you; You've seen it in our windows. Now you see it here. It means paint and varnish and everything that makes the home bright_outside and. inside, It means "Spring" and "cheerfulness" and "boost," and finally SRERWIu WILL/AMS - PAINTS ANO VARNISHES the real "Brighten -Up" stuff. The Little Paint Matt. We want to help make easy much of your work of cleaning and renovat- ing this Spring. We can save you much of the back -breaking labor of Spring cleaning and improve the ap- pearance of your property, both inside and out, at small expense. No matter what you want' to. "brighten up," we can supply you with a Sherwin-Williams specialty for that exact purpose. If you have not tried our way , of "bright- ' eningup," there is, a surprise in store for ou. Come in and see us. We are pleased to talk paint and varnish at any time, especially now. Poi. Sale by J. PETER, Zurich.. 7'o ANDREW 1'. HESS, FIRE IN'SURAN- oe agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monareh, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. LODGE MEETINGS f'i Court Zurich No. 1240 f • k.7 • • meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. in. Conveyancers, General Insurance hi the A. O. U. W. Ball. Agents - MONEY TO LOAN At Lowest Rates of Interest Telephone Office 1a; House 1b. 4 -+++++.1 -1 -lo r . :: ti § ,g ; r..:. q•ar i ;+ FRED.. ` ITWk:R ,11. W LEGAL CARDS, �R. T. P. McLAUG•HLIN,..,jorm- erly Assistant Surgeon at 11foor field's (Royal London Opthalmic) Eye Hospital and Golden Square Nose and Throat Hospital, London, England. Also spent time at Berlin and other Continental Hospitals. General Practice with special attent- ion to. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes tested (Retinoscope and Op- thalmoscope used) and ;lasses sup- plied and properly adjusted. Office Dashwood, Ontario. r •r1-'eelei 4.:-4.4-1-1:.;.+4-1..l4.9..l.ard++II• H. EMMBER & SON .I. J. \hatNEit, C. R, A® TT• �S 7 Rickheil Lodge r . _ �+'� • N u. 8 93, meets the 2nd and 4th Friday el every month at 8 o'clock, in their Hall, Merner Block. 2ROUDPOOT RAYS & KILLORAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Gotlerich, Canada W. Proudfoot. K. C. R. 0. Bays. J. L. Killoran. R. F. A. SELLEIiY , DENTIST, G1iA- duate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraetion of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Znarich,; every 11Ion= day. • 7-26111. B. VT.1 .BE{A��VJ R.S EXETER • Licensed Auctioneer for County of Huron. Sales conducted in the most approved winner. Satisfaction guar- anteed. hates can be made, at the Crediton Star or at the Bargain Store, Exeter. E. ZELLER.':CtiNVEYANCE3 'AND Pru Aso•-, y .De oras, Mortgages,- Nottir � Wills and oaber L al Docnnients care fully and promptly prepared:., Office Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. MARKET REPORT MARKET REPORTS—T110 following is the market report, corrected to Wednesday noon of each week. CREDITON Oats45c 'a bush . Barley 80c a bush Wheat 95c a bush Shorts $28 a ton Bran $26 a ton White Rose Flour $2.70 Feecl Flour $1.65 Butter 80cts Eggs 20 cts a doz. Potatoes $1.50 a bag Dried apples 7c. Beans $1.50—$2.00 a bushel Timothy $ 9.00 a bush Red Clover $12 to 14.00 Alsyke $10 to 14,00 Alfalfa $12.00 HENSALL Wheat 95 to 96 cts. a rbus Barley 92 to 95 cts. Oats 46 to 48 cts. a bus Man. Seed Oats 65 cts. a bus Ground Corn $30.00 per ton EXETER Oats 500 a bush Barley 65 to 850 a bush Wheat, Standard, 95c,a bush Shorts $28.00 per ton Bran $26.00 a ton Family flour $2.70 Feed flour $1.65. Hay $16 to $17 a ton Hogs live weight, $8.50 Peas 90c to $,1,10 pA.Sitwoon Oats 45c a bush Barley 80e a bush Wheat 95 to 96c a bush Shorts $28 a ton Bran $26 a ton Feed flour $1:65 Butter 28c a Ib Eggs 22c a dos Potatoes $1.50 a bag Dutch sets 8c a lb CREDITON eat Mmuf ET We keep 3: atoek, it, flai.•.. line of frob. meats, etc. etc. Our nuts are not, ed £or_thcir tenderness and wholesoinness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our sausage. Give us a call.. I3ioioloon&Larwoon CREDITON. ; ro i on Flour Mills Manufacturer of all grades of Roller Flour. We also:sell the Five Roses Flour Gristing and Chopping prom' ptly done. Oats Rolled and Chopping done at 5 cents a bag. J. M. Rowell, a popular druggist of Greensburg, Ly., says, "We use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in our own household and know it is ex- cellent. For sale by all dealers. SWEITZER HOMESE ERS' EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Trains leave Toronto 2.00 p.m. on APRIL 2, 18, 30 MAY 14, 20 JUNE 11, 28 JULY 8, 23 AUG. 6, 20 SEPT. 9, 17 Secoad clan ttekats hero Ontario stations to principal 'l.%tlhweet points at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES Winnipeg and retsina $34.00• Edmonton and return $42.00, and to other point* to proportion. Tickets good to return within 60 days from going date. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS throw h to mo�a} oavia Saskatoon, also to Winnipeg,. end Calgaryia Main Lino a11 excursions. Cont. iostatle beitltsy,EuMMr ennippa with bedding, can be scented ntmtderata tales throuplt local Agent. tarty aptilication roust be made. ASK FOR HOMESEEKERS' PAMPHLET coals mina rates and (u0 inforntation. Apply to nearest C.P.R. Arent ar M. G. MURI'l'Y,1aut, Pea. Age, Toronto. ONLY DIRECT LINE Na Cl1ANIE Ot CARS