The Herald, 1912-05-24, Page 4Dashwood
District News
Pianos, Organs
and Sewing
Ma.chi nes
• Singer $30
New Williams' $27
Raymond $25 •
Model $25
Cabinet $23
A large stock of furniture always on
We carry the largest stock in this
line in Western Ontario. Calls day
•or night will get your prompt atten-
tion. Call central:.
Furniture and Undertaing
The following is the.- standing in
our prize Circulation Contest up to
Saturdayeeyening last.
Miss Lottie Galster • 5000
Miss Ada Wm= 4800
Miss Blanche Laporte 16800
Miss Sadie Meisel= —.54600
Miss Victoria Deters. ......
Miss Gladys Mc:.\.Tevin .3400
Mrs. Jas. Hunapin'eys.46800
Miss Tillie Johnston —.5500
Miss Mary Gallman3000
Mrs, Dan Koehler (30700.
'Miss Icia Sipple 500
W. C. T. U.
Remember, that day, the 24th,
When Credit= will be in a boom;
Old BASEBALL'S to be King of
the day,.
Of whom we'll see quite soon.
More “Veterns" than Soldiers
The expected has happened. When
the D minion goverment, at thO, in'SV
igation of its Minister of Militia0-
idecl to reward the survivors otti/OS6
who were on active service q-ariatetlats
Fenian raids of 1866.70, by E.40316Y
bounty of $100 each, Col. Hug1100ut
the number of those entitled the
bounty at 8,000 to 9,000.
server at the thneventured the:, lretli-
ction that the miniSter would ne a
troublesome time in drawing thiYlhie,
so as to limit the number to s,00:. or
10,000, although we were satisfied:that
those actually entitled to the1gi,ant
won't' not excel the numdee atby
the minister. An Ottawa afilititela
states that already 17,000 applidatibus
haib been sent to the departna*t of
militia for the bounty money. ming
hail some recollection of the way in
which applications for medals and land
sent in and accepted,The Observes felt
that unless a much stricter investi;eati-
on was made into the validity of:clai-
ms sent in, there would be over ;twice
ten thousand to settle with. •Andsuch
is proving to belhe case. TheeOttalva
dispatcli referred to states 'there,. are
already more claims sent in-than:there
were enrolled for -service at tlia.Atime
in Exeter. majority of these an fraudulent' tnul it
Lizzie Wolfe and Boy, spent Tuesday the Fenian raids took placest 'llie
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Garbo of Grand isin contemplation to prosecntethose
Bend, gave our town a flying visit on ,who have sent in applications 'Sworn
Saturday. to as correct, but prove to be Wee and
and fraudulent.,Sarnia ObserYer.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Brown visited
friends and relatives in Dashwood on
•Mrs. J. Heaman of Exeter, spent
a few days last week with. friends at Prize List of Canadian National Ex -
Crediton East.
Mr. Will Kerr of London, spent
Sunday with relatives at Crediton Tho Prize List of the Canadian Association, and also arranged an
East' National Exhibition, Toronth, ugus
A t important dance for the entertain-
ment of' the ladies and •other
Mr. Gordon Truemuer of Detroit, 24th to September 9th. has been issu-
Messrs. Fraser and Ira Brown
spent Tuesday in Exeter.
Mr. Henry Sweitzer shipped a car-
load of flour last week.
Mr. Samuel Brown spent Tuesday
in Toronto on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fahner spent
Thursday in Dashwood.
Mr. B. Cunningham, of Ilderton
spent Tuesday in town on business.
AnsTne—In.Bidaulph on May 19th.
to Mr. and Mrs. T. Austin, a son.
Miss Clara Kinsley was home over
Miss Pearl Haist is spending a few
days with friends in Shipka..
Mr. and Mrs. ja,e.Lawson a,nd. Mas-
ter Willie, spent Sunday with friends;
in Parkhill.
Mrs. Walter Clark'and daughter
Myrtle, spent Wednesday •with rela-
tives in Exeter.
The Misses Mabel Feltner and
Again I shut nay eyes, longing to
escape from the sight of so much
misery; but this time the bitter crying
of little children compelled me to list
• en. floated round in vain to see
them; their voices came from some
.,the aistanee, and I
instinctively understood that they
were crying for their another, and
she ooniti not go to them. Ohl the
horror of it. Even as 1 listened to
these baby wailings, a mother rushed
upon me. She had been my neighbor
and we had been friends. Her hus-
band had died beforeinine middle had
been left with her children to manage
as best she could—not provided for as
I was. For a time she struggled on
braneely, but alas, on one fatal day she
tasted my wine—she was in a tired,
Worriedmood. and it _soothed her.
After that she drank it often, until it
ended, as in the other cases, in the
utter ruin of her little home. Now,
as her fierce eyes burned upon me,
they seemed to scorch my very soul.
Maddened by the sound of those little
voices she cried out, "Yes, von called
yourself my friend; you pretended to
help me, and that is how you did it!
Don't, you hear them crying, crying
for me? And I can't go to them. Oh
the misery! misery! misery! And we
were so happy before. I loved my
babies; but alter that . I didn't care,
and I left them to starve—and they're
crying now!" 1 can tell you no more,
but as her voice ceased, the crowd still
came on. and I recognized each face.
My Goat was it possible that 1 had
known, and ruined in my short life.
se many people? I sank on my knees,
despair took possession of me,
clutched at my httsband, who was
standing calmly beside me; he was
not guilty, and coulcl not see the
crowd or understand my excitement.
I prayed that he would shield me
from them—help me! but he only
looked bewildered; then as another
fierce woman thrust herself upon
me, I shrieked in an agony of despair,
and fell prostrate on the floor. I
awoke and found it was but a dream;
but the memory • of it haunts me
•still, I can see even now those-fieece
women with. dilated eyes; those miser.
able dissappointea men—men whose
homes have been ruinea by drink,
and who lust faith in their wives, and
everything. Despair has taken • pos-
session, and all" because in my mad
hurry to be rich I would sell strong
drink. Ah, God help mel X am not
worthy of forgiveness. I pray that I
may be prevented from doing evil
again, I have done with selling in-
toxicants now; but I shall always be
a saddened woman. But 1 leave it
to God, an d only pray that my
intim may be elenn and pure.
Ethel . 'Williams, Pres.
and throughout Great Britain
rangements having been made
with John H. Turner, British Col.
umbia's representative in London,
to this selfect. '
• The digging of the hole was al.
most as ceremonial as the actual
planting a the pest, The first
'spadeful of earth was turned by A.
E Todd, of Victoria, one of the
vice-presidents of the Canadian
Highway Association, The other
"Laborers" who helped in the
excavating included the Mayors of
five British Columbia °Wes, eight
members of Parliament, three
•millionaree, about twenty alder-
men, and a large number of the
best known society ladies of Van-
couver Island.
J, F. Bledsoe, of Alberni, held
the position of Master of Cere.
monies, and introduced the various
sp3akers. the tirst being Rev. J.
Carruthers, who made the visitors
welcome in a speech brimful of
enthusiasm for the great work in
which they are interested. lin
mediately after planting the 'Post,.
President Kerr delivered a magni-
ficent oration well calculated to
arouse in every man within sound
of his voice a desire to be up and
doing for .the muse of good. roads
Go declared that from now on the
call of the road. would be "East
and Hot" The other speakers in
chided W. W. Foster, Deputy
Minister of Public Works, 'aiiss
Agnes Deans Cameron, one of he
best known Canadian writers, Mr,
Plimpton, President of the Seattle
Automobile Club, Mayor Beckwith
of 'Victoria, Mayor ,,:'Shaw, of
Napalm°, J. G C. NV oOd.. M. P, P:,
for Alberni, and several others. •
Nearly fifty cars left for.
naimo immediately after the cere
mony, other visitors spent the
remainder of the afterncon visiting
Port Albeni, one and a half miles
distant, Sproat Lake, and other
arby points of interest.
In the evening the citizens of
Aberni teedered a banquet to
President and his fellow offi-
tiers of the Canadian Highway
hibition now being distribni,ed
is spenclina a number of weeks with
friends and relatives of Crediton East.
We are glad to hear that Mr. Fred
Young is impressing very repidly,
from his very serious illness.
Mr. Lawrence Irelay of Stratford,
tvai town:Oat•
Mande, Were ir town thursda,y. • ea to provide for the newer bre ds Ob.
ed. Ib shows the usealliberal prizes
in all departments of live atidt,
culture and home work, amounting to
a total of $55,000. It is else', eviddit
that the list has been carefnlly revist
ed to have it in keeping ieith
date conditions.' •
A few of the innotattioneth
be noticed aro provisie0
tionten b,4,e
fl'CfehOiees: nnutber
Alberni has a population of near.
ly 300, although hotel accommoda-
tion was so overtaxed that every
resident was called upon to ao-
commodate two or more guests,
not one of the hundreds of visitors
suffered the slightest inoonveni-
, ence.
. . , .
. , . .
. .
• .
• We want to increase the Subscription List of our three papere, Th
Herald, Zurieli; Pioneer, Dash.wood, and Star, Crediton, to 2000, aucl t
accomplish this quickly we are:offering some handsome prizes for the mos
popular ladies, monied or single. It will pay you to "get busy." Someen,
is going to get a handsome$300.00 piano.
First Prize
PA adtl
Miss M. WitzeI of Detroitis visit- poultry; $100 in -ierizes fnr 'oax6s
ing her mother at present,
The Misses E. and L. Guenther,
spent Sunday in Parkhill.
Mr. Ezra Tiernan and sons Addison
and Ira, were in London Wednesday, tinct advance on its predecessore. and,
on business. I as the attractions will include ..a. re -
Miss Dora Bender of Zurich spent view of cadets from all the oyerseas
Sunday with her parents, Mr. and. dominions Of the Empire, the Scots
Mrs. M. Bender. Guards Band and a brilliant histal
Messrs. Carpackman and Lloyd-
cal spectacle, the Siege of Delhi,' it is
l S
Stacey of Exeter, were callers in safe to predict another record year for
, the Canadian National.
town Friday.
Misses Jessie Buchanan, Ruth
Grenzebach and Vera Siebert, attend- For soreness of the muscleswhether
ed the concert in Zurich, Thursday induced by violent exercise or injury,
evening. Chamberlain's Liniment is exeellent.
The Y, P. A. of the Evangelical This liniment is also highly esteemed
church will serve a good supper on for the relief it affords in cases of
the evening of June 3rd, Dash- rheumatism. Sold by all aealers.
wood's bigday, from 5 to 7 in the
new bank building.
tomatoes and. celery in bask.ets, The'
last named is a government suggeehon
meant to encourage export of .these
On the whole, the list shows a clis-
Miss Mabel Elsio of Grand Bend FIRST POST.
is spending a few days with friends
e n
Work of marking Route of Can -
and relatives in town. ada's Ocean to Ocean Highway is
Mr. Ira Brown and Mr. M. Faust Commenced --Ory is now !,,East -
of Crediton, were in town Friday
Miss Clara Musser of Exeter visit- Alberni, B. 0., May. With. due
ed her parents Mn. and Mrs. Andrew and imposing ceremony the first
Musser, over Sunday. post of the Canadian Highway was
planted here at the foot of John.
Mr, and Mrs. S. Brown and daugh- ston Street at two o'olock on Satur-
ter Erma, of Crediton, spent Sunday day afternoon, in the presence of
with Mr. and Mrs, W. L, Siebert. over 1200 persons, nine hundred of
Big celebration at Dashwood whom had traveled from sixty to
June 3rd 1912, Kings birthday. three hundred miles to witness
Ca,lathumpian parade at 9.30 m. this event, unique in the annals of
Baseball match at 10.30 a. m., be- Canadian road Ote hun.
tween Centralia, and Dashwood dred and three automobiles matte
Baseball match between Creditor, the run across Vancouver Island
stars and Fullerton at 1 30 p, m from Victoria and Nanalmo to
Horse races 2 50 classl race, purse Alberni, this be the biggeet
$50.00, lst $25 00, 2nd $1500 8rd automobile run ever held in west -
$10.00. Green race for horses that ern Canada. Many autos ottinefrom
were never started in a race before. Vancouver, Westminister, Seattle,
Green purse 1st $15.00, 2nd $J 0.00, Tacoma, and even Portland.'
8rd $5.0o. All assooiation trotting The official “plantine ee the
rules to Govern, topples allowed post devolved upon W. J Kerr,
Entrance fees 5% of purse 5% of President of the Canadian
winning horse, mile loot race. way ASSOOiatiOil, in the absence of,
Concert aka p. in, Come and hear Lieutena,nt •Governor Paterson,
Will Speneer, Comedian of Tor. who was prevented from attending
cnto, Exeter brass band in attend- at the last raoment. With flags
mace, Admission forenoon sports, floating in tho breeze and to the
Adults 10 cents, children 5o. Ad- acoompaninient of hundreds of
mission afternoon sports, adults 25 camera clinks, Mr. Kerr drove the
cents children 10, post in position while the Port
Dr. de Valis Female Pills Albetth Band PlaYea "The Red -
................................... ......... . ....
A quiet but beautiful wedding cere-
mony took place at the groom's resid-
ence, on Tenth street, Wednesday
evening, April 3rd. 1912, when, in
the presence of the bride's family;Dr.
A. D. Collins, of the First Presbyter-
ian church., united in marriage Miss
Jane Robinson and Edmund Moritz,
both of 'Walhalla,.
The ceremony took place at about
nine o'clock in the new home which
had been handsomely decorated for
the occasion. Mrs. W. W. Scott
played the wedding march, Miss Della,
Delisle was bridesniaid and L. F. Le-
Page acted. as groomsman.
• After the solemn service the even-
ing Vets spent in a pleasant social
manner and the guests were- seated to
a sumptuous and delicious midnight
slipper just before the third" was
merged into the '`fourth" of the month
The bride and groom have both liv-
ed' some years in Walhalla. Mrs.
Moritz coming here with her parents
-when but a little girl. and for the past
three years has filled a position in the
Delisle general store behind the coun-
ter and at the cashier's desk. She
has also been a prominent Rebekah
and her soprano has lea the ---choir in
the Presbyterian church for a number
of years. She has always been pro-
minent in the younger social set,
The groom has run the barber shop
here for ten years and he has also
other business interests which have
made him prominent in our business
interests. He is a progressive and
earnest worker in all that tends to the
city's good, and a man whom all are
glad to have as a permanent citizen.
The citizens generally combine to
extend theeyoung people the heartiest
of congratulations and well wishes,
with a long and happylife.
Edmund Moritz not 'only had the
cage, but the cage was furnished com-
plete before he got the bird—fast at
least, having purchased the handsome
and modern cottage. from J. 0. Mc-
Lachlan. on Riverside avenue and
Tenth street. It is one of the hand-
somely located homes, near Mager's
Grove—the most beautiful natural
park in the state. The interior hae
been newly decorated and ready for
occupancy prior to the ceremony
which on Wednesday united him fend
Miss Robinson, Honest, if it person
couldn't be heppy in stieh a home
they- wouldn't be happy anywhere,—
ward He I"
White and Blue." A moving piet•
A reliable Or'ench regulator; never fails. These ,
las are exCeedingly 'powerful in regulating the are operator, representing the
generative portion of thefemale SYstem. Refuse flOallia Co recorded every IXIOVe.
all cheap imitations. Dr. do Van'a ate sold at 1
br. or three for $10. Nailed to uv actdreSs. meat 011 800 feet of film, These
no obeli). Drug Co.g Oathatixtes, Ont.
pictures will be exhibited all over
Canada, part of the United States From Walhalla 'Weekly.
Beautiful Mendelssohn Piano
H. Wells, Agent, Zmich. See it at his store.
• Second Prize
• Ores' ttli Coat
Value $75.00. May be seen at. Zwicker's store Creditn.
• hird Prize
New Williams Drop -Head' Sewing
it at P. Mamie's furniture store, Dashwood.
uz iLJ
Fourth Prize
Ladies' Gold Watch
Fifth Prize
Set best Plated Knives and Forks
4th and 5th prizes, See at F. W. Hess Jewelery store, Zurich.
Subscription Values
New Subscriptions 1000 votes
Renewal 500 votes
Arrears for each year 200 votes
Standing of candidates up to Saturday evening of each week will be
lisped the following week.
+ +
st Votitio Goupon
ii. Vote for 4.
$ M .1.
•4. As the most Popular Lady '
New Subscription .Votes
Amount Paid
• * $..... .. Arrears. -
Sent by
+ Name of piper sudscribed .. ... ....
**•1, ....JO • • ,r1. 1 • . • ea . ..... • •
Addres5witt•••"4•4••••••• . ie. . .11k••••• ..... ••••••••••,..por,
The Herald Office, Zurich,
The Star ()trice Orediton