HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-05-17, Page 81 The Quality STORE Millinery 0 e Mg 1 1 ZUric We extend a cordial invitation to all the Ladies of Zurich and vicinity to attend our 'Spring Millinery Opening. on Friday and Sitter-' clay March 20th and 30th,- whou you. will be shown ell the Newest and Latest .'tyles in Spring and Summer Millinery by Miss Holmes, who is in charge. COM C'1 AND SET1 THE NEW GOODS Every person who buys their Spring and Summer Goods here are going to get the best value for the least money. We are going to give every customer who trades here this spring such good value for every dollar they leave here that it would be impossible to get bet- ter values elsewhere. New spring Dress Goods New :silks, New Trimmings New Prints, New Cinghams New Embroideries New Papers Carpets, Rugs, Linoleurs, Lace Curtains and Curtain Goods in Madras, Bungalow Netting, coin spots 'rc. Our Dress Goods Dep= : trnent is filled " with the latest and best in' Spring . Dress Goods and Trimmings. Gent's Furnishing for Spring A. large and well assorted Stock of New Spring Snits for Men and Boys, all made in the Latest Styles and Fashionable Cloths, also New Trousers, and Boys' Knickers and Hats, Caps, Ties, Gloves. Socks S.c.' Special value in Bleached Sheetings. Also Circu- lar Pillow Cottons, Towellings, Table Linen. fill EU1l7 of Groceries Highest - rices paid for all kinds of Farm Produce GENERAL EMI L :RCUANT .' ri Telephone 28 ', 'A D Q U T ®` FOR vrt�. C'1 i'o �•':� r�� r 5� ,e�"= ,Ary � ) 6 �3 A. IaRYSA.LE The farmers of this vicinity have: been ' very busy with their sftii work, which was delayed so long;:, owing to the favorable weather have enabled to to matte rapid geese, and are, now nearly th161 seeding, Mr. Dave Cantors •of Carsonvil Mich,, who has been .visiting:' sister, mrs. Simon Bedard left,tr, week to visit friends and relatives' Goclerich aucl Stratford., r' Trouble Never Comes gnglo--= little two year old child of IIr.` Mrs. Ulbam Denomy liad the fortune to strain one of its arms, , badly last Saturday night. Mrs, Wilson has returned t� It Home in Chatham, after visitinggi4 relatives here. UNDERTAKING Prompt. Service Moderate r'haraes H. OFFMAN. Zurich, — .._ Ontario BLAKE . Mr. Allan Ester, of Biggar Sasi,: is visiting iu this neighborhood -i': present. He intends visiting Wta; ton friends before returning. -,A,"llt is a bachelor and has the cagea9 dame rumor says he is in searoiaf a bird. Messrs. S. and L, Al1R,n we guests of their sister, Mrs. Howa `t1 Sunday evening. Mr E. Edighoffer of Yale Mit;] is visiting his father, who is VE 111, The snow storm on Monday. 246. laved seeding operations for a #ew days A large: acreage of beania'is going to be sown this year ; Wo aro sorry to report the illness of t1r. C. Shoemaker, but hope be will be better soon. Mr, A. Nicholson. who was .con fined t� bed for some weeks is now able to be around. His illness 'pre vented him from going West in the spring. Dau tiascho is working with Reid father for a time, Mr, and Mrs D T. Beattie, who viaised friends in Londonr act Hickson, returned last week I'1i y left on W adnesday for Hen`;i11 whore they intends to rest e r or some time. Mr. It N, Douglas has tnacT', a new drain from his cellar. tlor• riveau Co, did the work., Mr, A. . Kennel has purchased a horss from ,T. Oesoh to replace .the one sold. J. 3'. Merner i1I P. • R Allan delivered a finec„. Zurich on Saturday. Mrs. Sherritt and daughter Dora of Sensall visited Blake; this week An order has been issued by Postoffice Department to the effect that no advertisements or notices of any character may be posted insid.;or on the outside of postofiice buildilgs. The customs returns for Godet ch aucl its outports for the month ending April 80th show a considerable volume of business. The total was $8,107,11 and of this amount the town of Gode- rich alone contributed $3,136.42. Mr. Charles Guenther of Dashwood, autoed the relatives and friends; of 11Ir. and Mrs. Nichols, of Khiva, . to Adelaide, on Sunday last, where they attended the funeral of Mr. and IIXs,. Nichols oldest slaughter, Esther, Who died of pneumonia. Airs.. Nicholsis the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matliew Finkbeiner of this place. i• A dispatch from Ottawa States at a report that May 24th will not a public holiday this year is givenn official denial at the State Dep t.uont. In order to abolish the ; o generation olcl custom of the ob 'r vaned of May 24th first as Q €u Victoria's birthday, it would be !. W essary'to change the statue, and 1°:`at. was not clone at the last session, fat Parliament. Good progress has already b 11 made in the preparations for 'ihe Goclerich lnclustrial xhibition':' of 1912. The directors have revised+'lhe prize list, which will he printed circulated this year earlier that z previous years. The"'attractions ci . mittee already is getting pointer cur the entertainment of. ,the big ere is that are expected at this year's 1 _ and some good special features t111.be" announced in due time. n ri Among the amendments to tt Ljgrior License Act, made by the • vincial Government during the l`y session of the Legislature .are oaf two of importance. One clans hi bits the establishing of disttibe atm i.ties in local . option territories',;key lt.11i;11' manufacturers. Another to 1'1-` etulttu'. tt: provides that; anyone 1 inn i t(( iia local option Bei i itrlld''y I t a l,, compelled to state where vtt1 ir�;i: e�;t tett t11eY got the biline 4,,he 1br ry ,;tt it fn .ir7ry to do so hhjng rt.'lu , (? lLU1('ildilii nti l` ' local option, tj'l,,o atineui1 to prytihibit t.reatinr;':'at li,;ou e i b,(t6:l It€14 110 A x +. e..W .,. 2 Bought out F. EIESS & SON Implements and Repairs and moved them to ray shop Pulper knives,, straw knives, exten- sion ladders, step ladders, galvanized troughs, cutters Mclaughlins best - make, buggies, Deering machine re- pairs, blacksmith repairing, onion seed= ers and garden tools, piping all sizes, corn shelters, plows Fleury and Perc- ival and all kihds of plow repairs, axle Breese, ropes all sizes, wheel barrows, barn scales. Louis 'rang. ZURICH Now ,Ready If you. want to see the big est and. finest lot of Buggies X11 at our wTaTel,0o21. ' If-ytt i- ish to buy we are confident we can satisfy your taste. - Also Carriages and Waggons Prices Right All kinds of Repairs prom - ply attended. F. Hess eic Son Court of Revision Municipality of Hay Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Hay, for the year 1912, will be held in the Town Hal], Zurich, on Wednesday, the 29th day of May, 1912, at 10 o'clock a. nz. All persons having business at said Court will govern themselves accord- ingly. FRED HESS, Stu., Township Clerk. Zurich, May 9, 1912. 37.31 w smalmscreumermanammEmi Canada's Doaleiiracl.< Line, omeseekei's Excursions —TO --- Western Canada ARTLIEB'S BIIIST ine Price the year round andth the lowest. Pai;ties intending to buy a good IIarnes this Spring should not fail to on 115, as we are headquarters in Zurich for the best at lowest prices e one guaranteed, because best leather ,always used. See our Team J.-Tavn with Collars at $21L00, Single Harness at $9.00 up Stoves and Hardware If you want the best at lowest prices call and see what a big Bargai can get here. A full stock of all kinds of FUR R In Furniture we lead the trade as we buy in car loads this enables u cheaper and our customers get the benefit. . Terms Cash ar. Trade at Cash Price via Ohioago and St. Paul May 14th and 28th June 11th and 25th and every Second Tuesday there. after until Sept. 17th. Winnipeg and Return $3.4 Edmonton and Return $42 Tickets will also be 'on . snle on certain dates via Sarnia and North. ero Navigation Company, '.1 hrn11;gl1 Pullman. Tourist sleep- ers v'ili be operafccl • in connection with ti b IVr. c tc nr.atona' No (i1..N(.)lil OW GAlt" Vail par t.ic'nlecr:,ancl t,ielmts from it,tiY Grand Ti talk Agent or write A 'D LAMP, District. 1k lsenger.,1 ni '1'+a; nto,On!' A t,lOf; PHONE 3 �4r F AFLEII, zilien; HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION :STORE at II gal s Just to hand. Bring in your orders. Close price ll PHONE I9 Our Stock of Wall Paper is very large, and in order to re- duce it we are offering it at prices so low that it should sell itself. Call in soon, as these bargains fire only lasting a short time, and we are sure we can please yon,. enmember we give Coupons with every pur'ebas cash. or trade, egh GrOO I N3 ai eoy e13 61269 a Mi0E1 Ernhavo rf 1'llONl 17