HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-05-17, Page 5++4014-14+4+++++++++++++ +++++++++++++.1-44-444444:4 HE MOLSONS BANK Incorporated 1855 RECORD OF PROGRESS FOR FIVE YEARS -1906-1911 Rus- 83 Branches in Canada, anti Agents and Correspondents in all the ' Principal Cities in the World. 1906 1911 cfpital. $ 3,000,000 $ 4,000,000 :i3erve 3,000,000 4,600,000 e osits 23-,677,730 35,042,311 aans and Investments 27,457,090 • 38',854,801 �tal Assets 33,090,192 48,237,284 A General Banking Business Transacted AVINGS • BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Zurich Branch - J. A. CONSTANTINE, Mgr. 34+++t++•4..II.•4..4 ++•4.3••§••4•.4•.4•.g•.1.+•4•+•1.3r ++++++++++++++++++++44++++ armers hat Want HE BEST Call at The Massey - Harris Shop. Our Machines spea for themselves. e also handle .01,ds Gasoline Engine. as. Whyte, Ag't MASSEY-HARRIS CO .,.ZURICH... MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a " full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is.' to keep boating but t e best.: k n 111�L t3 .-:o o "` � sausages. Give us a call. YUNfBLUT & DEICBERT. FOR SALE Town lots for sale. Apply to Louis Schilbe or Louis Prang, Zurich. FORGET YOUR TROUBLES Learn to keep your own affairs locked up, in your heart, but be -will- ing to listen to.other's sorrows. There is no use in the world in harping on the crazy tear -making events of life. Be patient with the faults of others. and be patient with your own. But don't talk about the worries and trials of everyday existence. There is no sense in that at all. It is a tremendous waste of energy. No one wants to hear about individual troubles. Constant talking about one's troubles is a •sure path to chronic fault-finding, bickering and family rows that cause more misery than anything else on earth. And what good 'does the talking clo. The sym- pathy you get doesn't amount to a row of pins. Individual of the right sort recent being pitied. Don't be a sympathy beggar. Smiles lead you back to youth, tears drag you quickly to old age. klensall, May 6—Hensall is pre- eminent in at least one branchof the vlgrial.Ilt iral .industry Seedmen say tlsis town al,nailre neighboring' village of Zurich than from any • place in Canada. There are several men who; handle so many of these bulbs each year that they have gained for thein- ome and get our'. ow Suit PAINTING season is here: The house probably needs re -painting, both"for protection against the weather and for the sake of its. appearance. There is nothing that.will `show better returns for. the time and money speni,.at housecleaning time than paint and varnish Used inside the house. Come in and tell.. us what you wish to paint or varnish and we will show you a Brighten Up Finish that will do it, and doit properly. SIYERWIAPMLLIANS Iri!ktit` Up Finish x' are a line 01 paints and varnish which do exactly what they are intended to do, giving a right treatment to each surface. It is impossible to obtain one paint or varnish that is suitable for a wide variety of uses, so it .is very important to obtain a product that is exactly suitable for the purpose you have in mind. For Sale by J. PBEETER, Zurich. selves the title of "Onion Kings." The "Dutch Sets," as they are known locally, are grown all over the district, not only on the farms but in village gardens. Almost every farmer finds that a small patch of these queer shaped growths will amply repay °the bine and labor spent 'in caring,f....;. tlteern. The.patches`ritn `f iii$ oi%• ` of anacre up to an acre or an acme and a half, and' a fifth acre, it is said will produce in the neighborhood of $100 worth of sets. They are bought at prices ranging from four to six cents per pound and the seed is fur- nished by contractors who take the 'crop. They are sown early in the spring and by fall are ready for ship- ment to the large seed houses which take most of the yield, and each year they are marketed from Hensel', alone fate to .seven carloads. adache results from a dis- ordered condition of the stomach, and oan,be cured by the use of Chamber- lain's' Stomach and Liver Tablets. Try it; For sale by all dealers. At Zurich's Leading 1 tilos Shop the only Place,: f fere the Newest is always wn first and satisfaction ai;anteed. aundry in Connection I a H. HOFFlAN for - ZURICH TO OUR CANVASSERS. special arrangement we are to offer to new subscribers, r of our papers and your tie of the -Weekly Globe or the kly Mail and Empire for only to Jan. -1st 1913, Each new oription will count 1000 votes ormerly. Add fifty -cents if re are to be . mailed to United f3 addresses. m for Sale or Rent.—Good 50 arm, cleared, well drained and. d state of cultivatian, on.Lot . 8- 4, Stephen, just east of Credit- st. On the property is a good and barn, 1 acre of good ora - 1 ploughing done, 16 acres of Q good wells, spring creek,. rticulars apply to Wm. Rea., hipka, Spring is with us again, and you are thinking of shedding your Winter garments and starting your garden. - But what about your house that you are so proud of ? Outside weather -stained? Woodwork dingy? Verandah nxaed? Wains- coting rubbed? - Now is the time to paint. With The famous British Brands that are backed by 78 years' reputation for quality. MINERVA PAINTS cover better, wear longer and give absolute satis- faction in every respect. - They are economical and durable. Painting with MINERVA PAINTS is real House Insurance—the kind of insurance you cannot afford to overlook. Look for the MINERVA Head on every can. It is your. guarantee. livery can contains Pull imperial Measure. Prominent dealers at all points sell MINERVA PAINTS, including SAM BROWN General Merchant, Crediton The Dashwood Planing Mill, Dashwood "a Ask the MINERVA Agency for Color Polders and information. ' Made is Canada by; ,Pinchin, Johnson and Co. (Canada) Ltd. Established in England as 1834 NIT'S SO EASY TO PAINT WITH MINERVA,'! ' 13 SIGNS OF SPRIN( The arrival of the songsters and the arrival of T oltz- manns New Spring Suitings. The little songters are ready to build their spring and surnmur homes, we ready are ready to build. you a Spring and Surnmer Suits, with Goods that will meet your utmost ap- proval. • If you anticipate buying a spring suit you will do well to come and see our Fancy Suitings they are different than other tailors are showing. Different because they are Holtzmanns • Holtzmanns bacause they are different Smart Spring Sits to order J. H HOLTZMANN, - '15.00 Merchant Tailor BUSINESS CARDS. B. S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms seasonable. Orders Left at this office will be promptly attended to. ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSURAN- ce agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. LODGE MEETINGS r 1 `] Court Zurich No. 1240 ) J• V • • meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. m. in the A. 0. U. W. Hall. J. J. AIER:IER, C. R. r� �tj , 0• J Rickbeil Lodge v•v v• No. 3 93, meets the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month at 8 o'clock, in their Hall, Merner Block. FRED. WITwra ,M. W LEGAL CARDS, ?ROUDFOOT MAYS & KILL GRAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Goderich, Canada W. Proudfoot. K. C. R. G. Hays. J. L. Killoran. R. F. A. SELLERY,.DENTIST,. GRA- duate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- , day. 7-26 E. ZELLL'R, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. Deeds, Mortgages, 1�7'ills awed titer Legal Documents care fully and promptly prepared. Office— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. /11110111111101111111.111111•1111•M "••1•111.1•14•11111114•MMII MARKET REPORT MARKET REPORTS—The following is the market report, corrected to Wednesday noon of each week. cREDrTON Oats45c a bush Barley 80c a bush Wheat 95c a bush Shorts $28 a ton Bran $26 a ton White Rose Flour $2.70 I+'eed Flour $1.65 Butter 30cts Eggs 20 ets a doz. Potatoes $1.50 a bag Dried apples 7c. Beans $1.50—$2.00 a bushel Timothy $ 9.00 a bush Red Clover $12 to 14.00 Alsyke $10 to 14.00 Alfalfa $12.00 IHENSALL Wheat 95 to 96 cts. a +bus Barley 92 tc 95 cts. Oats 46 to 48 cts. a bus Man. Seed Oats 65 cts. a bus Ground Corn $80.00 per ton EXETER Oats 50c a bush Barley 65 to 85c a bush Wheat, Standard, 95c a bush Shorts $28.00 per ton Bran $26.00 a ton Fancily flour $2.70 Feed flour $1.63 Flay $161 to $17 a ton Hogs live weight, $8.30 Peas 900 to $1,10 DASHWOOD Oats 45c a bush Barley 800 a bush Wheat 95 to 96c a bush Shorts $28 a ton Bran $26 a ton Feed flour $1.65 Butter 28c a ib ' Eggs •22e a dos Potatoes $1.50 a bag Dutch sets 8e a ib J. M. Howell, a popular druggist of Greensburg, Ly., says, a We use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in our Ma household and know it is ex. cellent. For sale by all dealers. DR. T. P. 'MCLAUGHLIN, form" erly Assistant Surgeon at Moor - field's (Royal London Opthalmic) Eye Hospital and Golden Square Nose and Throat Hospital, London, England. Also spent time at Berlin and other Continental Hospitals. General Practice with special attent- ion to Eye, Lar, Nose and Throat. Eyes tested (Itetinoscope and Op- tbalmoscope used) and glasses sup- plied and properly adjusted. Office Dashwood, Ontario. ++++++++.1-4-4,4-++++++++++++++ 11. RILBER & SON Conveyancers, General Insurance Agents MONEY TO LOAN At Lowest Rates of Interest • Telephone—Office la, Hone in. B. W. F. BEAVERS VERS EXETER TE R Licensed Auctioneer for County of Huron.. Sales conducted in the most approved manner. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Dates can be made at the Crediton Star or at the Bargain Store, Exeter. C RED1TON Meat ItlAut We keep _ stock a ful' line of frtitu meats, ettp etc. Out ,3uts are not. ed for their tenderness and wholesomness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our sausage. Give us a call. Nicholson&Lawson CREDITON. Crediton Flour MiIIs Manufacturer of all grades of Roller Flour. We also°sell the Five Roses Flour Gristing and Chopping prom- ptly done Oats Rolled and Chopping clone at 5 cents a bag. H. SwEITZER HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO Manitou, Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Tinos leave Tomato 2.00 P.M. os APRIL 3,11,11 NAY 14, 22 JUNE 11, 98 JULY 1, 43 Mit *, 31 sEPY.1, 11 '.',scud slap b[(rwm ONtnafagbsdu to ptiseipal LOW 19OUNO-TRIP RATES �jj�M�p%y nMP• " 4 ntoa snaft:ra �47.gp ' n pecdop. Tickatr om tans dale. TOU RF'.3I SLEI PING CARS to �j Saoitoson, oleo to WlaniPoo [�Q- Lai o ttuuRtt142 Com - a64 R• ten b1 t eult9i raft locafrt{ent, I't r.l� sppllcxtfon must be made. ASK ROI! ltAlle tilLttKt �lti' PAMPHLET aayalskarates mid fullIefoneation, APPh to a .reit C.P.R. Algot or M. GM HY, taut. Puss, Aat., Toronto. ONLY DIRECT LINERl'NO CHMNOE OF CMas foot