HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-05-17, Page 2FROM IIIIRRY OlO ENGLAND
Occurrences in The Land That
Reins Supreme in file Cern-
xnereial World.
Princess Beatrice was 53 years of
age on the 14th ult.
,Steamship eoinpanies in the, Bri-
tish Isles o-wn over 8,000 vessels be-
tween them,
There are about 1,140,000 paupers
in the United Kingdom, exclusive
of casuals.
British beer consumption de, -
creased from 36,841,000 barrels in
1899 to 33,619,000 barrels in 1911.
Mrs. E. C. Carter, who was lost
on the Titanic, was a daughter of
Thomas Hughes, the author of
"Tom Brown's School Days."
Lord Gllenconner will preside at.
the 97th anniversary festival dinner
of the Royal Caledonian Asylum,
London, on 4th June.
Bath, where it has been decided
to erect a pedestal in memory of
Jane Austen, was the home of the
novelist from 1801 to 1805. •
The loss of life, on the Titanic was
greatly due to the fact that she was
not equipped according to the Bri-
tnsli Board of Trade requirements.
.1 man charged with window -
smashing at Brentwood told the
Coait :-1 ant pleased I was run in,
as I should have done a lot more
The first lady to fly the English
Channel alone. driving her own
machine. is Miss Craig, who started
from Dover on the lath ult., and
.landed safely at Calais.
The Royal yacht Alberta is to be
broken up this month in Ports-
mouth T)oekyard. She was tender
to the. Victoria anti Albert, and was
built in 1893 to r ,Place the Fairy.
Feld -Marshal Sir William Nich-
olson left England on the lOth ult.
for India, where he will preside
.over a even nission appointed to in-
quire into the military policy of -
that Empire.
The cost of cremation is less thee
that of a burial of the same class.
The, fee for the actual. cremation,
including the ase of chapel and at-
tendance, may be put at frons four
ti'i five. guineas.
The 'I ate ,pair J,rines Chrrles Inglis,
earl e.e ;`.aanef saf 'London, late of-
c,rar as c4, 44v0e. Aberdeenshire,
general manager of the Great Wes-
tern 'Railway Company since 1904,
left personal estate worth 2124,554.
Throe h the generosity of a few
friends the Caledonian. Christian
. Club has leen enabled to secure a
commodious building at a most con-
venient spot. facing the entrance
to Eustt:it -Station. London, and
within sight of those other London
gates to Seen-end—St, Pancras and
King's Cross.
The Weigh Disestablishment Bill
passed its first reading in the House
of.Commons on the 25th ult. by a
vote of 331 to Us: s: This 13i1I pro-
vides that after July 1st the four
Welsh dioceses will cease 'to form
part of the, province of Canterbury,
and for the appointment of coin-
lnissi+;ners to take possession of the
church property and distribute it.
Commander Sir William Botigh- f
ey, Bart.. diad on sthe 17th ult. at ,
his rte, <l,:Pre, inSouthend-on-Sea.
Sir i1"1l , :n7, wigs, was born in 1.840,
raw aelr •r conic•' in the Navy in.
New Zenlen<'1 in 1803, anrJ,Abyssinia
in- 1807. fire wti •rs the, sixth baronet,
son of third barnnet, and brother of
the, fourth andel fifth. The heir -pre.
surnptidhi and second heir are his
younger brothers,
£'ltt+touts and ('ondiliens Are Grad-
ually Chanel
The most arresting feature of Chi-
nese life, fleck+res Prof. E. A. Ross
in "The Changing Chinese," is the
ruthless way in which the available
natural i es,,e rees •have been made
to minister t: nian's lower needs.
-The •earth is utilized' as it never has
been elsewhere. The traveller who,
in dismay at the dirt, vermin and
etenche$ of native, inns, plans to
camp in the cleanly ripen is incredu-
lous wheal he is told that there is.
no room to Bitch a. tent. Yet such
is the. case; tai tree,, -third, o£ C7hina.
He will find no roadside, no comb-.
veers, nca %tast-* loner, no pasture,
nos grotes nor orehards, not even a
dooryard or a cow -pen.
Haunted by the fees of starving,
leen spend themselves recklessly for
the sake, i f a wegre. Nearly all the
lumber t sed in China is hand -
;meted, and the sawyers sae ex .
haustecl early. Carrying coolies
rarely live beyead forty-five or
fifty years. The terra of a chain-.
hearer is eight ;sears, of a jinri
kisha•r•unner, four years; for the
rest of his i
in� r
s l s 1 fe he is an slid, The
children are forced to labor almost
in infancy; not ene boy in eight can
be epar•ed till he has learned to
But one, gain China is making,
Two years ago the government or-
dered that no foot -bound girl be re-
ceived in any of its .schools.
A few years ago there was a great
rising in Kansuh. The rebels closed
in on the. capital, slaughtering
whomever they met, Tlie terrified
countrymen fled for life to its pro-
tecting walls, but the women, with
their poor, bound feet, .fell behind,
and failing to arrive before the
gates shut, were butchered at the
very threshold. While the shriek-
ing women beat despairingly upon
the iron -bound doors, the anguished
husbands knelt before the English
missionaryand begged .hint to urge
the governor to open the gates and.
let the late-oamers in. The missiQixl
ary explained that this would let
the .ettt'tliroats in, too, and added,
"You would have your ,wives smal.l-
footed. Well, this is your punislt-
Inch by inch the old oustoms are
yielding. Fathens who turned -he
deaf ear to their daughters' plea afar
an education, :are relenting, : now.
that -they hear of- the fine salaries
educated young women are bring-
ing to their parents. The oollie re
young man prefers an educated
wife. The Iady principal is new
frequently called upon by very po-
lite young men, who inquire min-
utely into the scholarship and ac,
oomplis�hments of this.or that pupil.
Cart she sing? Does she, know Eng-
lish ' Formerly the girl was called
"sae daughter of .So-and-so" ;: now
else is "Miss So-and-so."
All the ,railroads that may he
beat, tall the mines that may be
Lilt, all the mines that may be
festered, cannot add half as much
t the happiness .of the Chinese, peo-
ple :asthe .cultivation of the'grea•test
of their - "und•e'reloped'resouree5,"
their womanhood.
Little folks, when seriously
taught the importance of little
things, when they grow up to be big
folks, will more fully realize the ire-
portanee of the bigger things,
After many experiments. aiicl very
interesting tests, experts infrom us
that an iron vessel weighs 27 per
cent. less than a vessel of the same
size, constructed of wood. This is
clue, of coure, to the fact that the
wooden vessels has to be built So
numb thicker, and contains so much
more material tthet its weight is
greater than a vessel built of irozz,.
The iron ship will carry about 15
per cent. more cargo, with the two
vessels loaded to the same depth.
Iron vessels are much cheaper,
more quickly built, and wiill last
mach ,longer; and navigators de-
clare less fuel is required to run an
iron vessel a ° given distance, all
things being equal.
Ask some pompous person if 0 rapt; -.Nuts Food helps build the brain.
Chances are yon get a withering sneer anct a hiss of denunciation.
Then sweetly play with the learned toad.
Ask him to tell you the analysis of brain material and the analysis of
Grape -Nuts.
"Don't know ? Why, 1 supposed yon based your opinions on exact
knowledge instead of pushing out a conclusion like your tivould a sneeze." •
"Well, now your tire is punctured, let's sit down like good friends
and repair it."
The bulky materials of brain are water and albumin, but these
things cannot blend without a little worker klluwn sly 'hose hate of Potash,
defined as a "mineral salt."
One authority, Geoliegan, shows in his analysis of brain, 5,33' per
cent. total of mineral salts, over one-half being Phosphoric Acid and Potash
combined, (Phosphate of I'gtasli) 2.91 per cent.
Peaunis, another authority, shows Phosphoric Acid and Potash Phos-
phate of Potash) more than one-half the total mineral salts, being 8(
� sal s, belu� 70.4 per
cent. iIl a total of 101.07... _
sal litre=allta' raw1•1
dlhbs la
o`us{wtxch !ole a%~ Phosphate
than one=half of the mineral saltsin the foo
7 Dr. Geo. W. Carey, an authority on the eon tituol t elements .
body, says : �t .111 gray r 1t5' of the
y ye gray matter of the brain is controlled entirely by the
inorganic cell -salt, Potassium Phosphate (Phosphate of Potash). This salt
unites with albumin and by the addition of oxygen .creates nerve fit -id or the
gray matter of the brain. Of course, there is a trace of other salts and other
organic matter in Nerve fluid, but Potassium Phosphate ins the chief factor, and
has the power within itself to attract, by its own law of affinity, all things
needed to manufacture the elixir of life."
Further on he says: "The beginning and end of the hatter is to supply
the Iacking principle, and in molecular form, exactly as nature furnishes it in
vegetables, fruits and grain. To supply deficiencies -this is the only law
of cure."
Brain is made of Phosphate of Potash as the principal Mineral
Salt, added to albumin and water.
+Grape=N uts contains that element as more than one=half of
all its mineral salts.
Every day's use of brain wears away a little.
Suppose your kind of food does not contain Phosphate .,of Potash.
How are you going to rebuild today theeewworn-of t parts' of, yesterday ?
And if you don't, why shouldn't nervous prostration and brain -fag result.
Remember, Mind does not work well on a brain that is even partly broken down from lack of nourishment
It is true that other food besides Grape–Nuts contains varying quantities of Brain food.
Plain wheat and barley do. But in Grape -Nuts there is a certainty.
And if the elements demanded by Nature, are eaten,
the lift; forces have the needed material
CO build from.
A healthy brain is important, if one world "do things" in this world.
A man who sneers at "Mind" sneers at the best and least understood part of himself. That part which
some folks believe links us to the Infinite. I
Mind asks for a healthy brain upon which to act, and Nature has defined a wayto make a healthy
and renew it day by day as it is used up from work of the previous day, fry brain
Nature's way to rel-uild is by the use of food which supplies the things required.
He Forgot That He Had a. Stomach.
Talking of food, there is Probably no
Professional man subjected to 'a greater,
more wearing mental strain than the re-
sponsible editor of a modern newspaper.
To keep his mental faculties constantly
in good working order, the editor must
keep his physical powers up to the highest
rate of efcienoy. Nothing will so quickly
upset the whole system as badly selected
food and a disordered stomach. It there-
fore follows that he should have right
food, which can. be readily assimilated,
and which furnishes true brain nourish-
"My Personal experience in the me of
Grano -Nuts and Posture," writes a Phila-
delphia editor. "so exactly agrees with
sour advertised claim as to their merits
that any further exposition in -that direc•
tion would seem to be superfluous, Ther
have benefited me so much, however, dur-
ing the five year,; that I have used them,
' not feel justified in witiihpmA'
t lnmbmag.
ern r'ca7 'high
expres<itfn liapkAoa aa b• e;•eCOLFef'u5tti' t:
brought -about indigestion, .in any oases
with restlessness at night, and lassitude
in the morning, accompanied by various
paiins and distressing sensations- during
working hours.
"The doctor diagnosed the condition as
'catarrh of the stomach,' and prescribed
various medicines, which did me no good,
I finally 'threw physics -to time dogs,' gave
up tea and coffee and heavy meat dishes,
and adopted Grape -Nuts and Posture as
the chief articles of my diet.
"I can eonscientious]y say, and I wish
to say it with all the emphasis possible to
the English- language, that they have ben-
efited me as medicines never did. and
more than any other food that ever came
on my table.
"My experience is that the Grape -Nuts
food has steadied and strengthened both
brain and nerves to a most positive de-
gree, Now it does it, I cannot say, but I
know that after breakfasting on Grape -
Nuts food one actually forgets he has a
stomach, let alone 'stomach trouble.' It
is, in my opinion. the most beneficial as
well as the most economical food on the
market, and has absolutely no rival."
Nalne given by Posture Co., Battle Creek, •
What is Going on in The Higli
4snd Lowiantia of Auld
Hamilton new higher
school is to: !accommodate 1,00
piis, and is to cost from $50,0
A former commandant at H
ton. Barracks, Colonel Ruther
died the, other day at Wort
Sussex, in has 61st year.
The visitors to the . Royal
tisk Museum during the past
numbered 7,526. The total from
opening is 17,774,250.
In Caimtunnock ehurchyar
memorial ,stone has been p1
over the grave of the late
Lawson, landscape .painter.
It is proposed to reconstru
portion of Glasgow City Ohamb
providing a new Council Hall,
eost of fully $500,000.
Tain Town Gounoil have resol
to present Lord Guthrie with
free•dcni of the burgh, when, he
veils the Bailie Wallace Memor
The strength of the Terrific:
Force in Edinburgh at lst Ma
was 187 officers and .others 4,
a total of 5,086. This it an mere
of 99 as compared with the stren
the force on lst February last
In reply to a request that a ;gr
be made to meet outlays in conn
tion with services at Edinbu
City Hospital, the Public He
Committee of Edinburgh • To
Council agreed to recommend
grant of $125.
There is as yet no intimation
ny return to the old halfpee
tages on Glasgow tramwrays. E
lently the result of the th
months' trial of double halfpen
c istanees has proved satisfactory
he directors.
The Lord Provost's Committee
I,dinburgh Town Council has d
idecl to instruct the Town Coun
to take a plebiscite, of all sho
eepers on the question as to whi
ay would be most suitable for
weekly half -holiday. '
A' landmark that Glaswegia
now - well : is fast disappearin
is the, Adam front of the o
ur - l e newbuil
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hick is likely -to, dwarf t
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"Ther 's
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Made by- Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd.,
e Poo Factories, Windsor, Ontario, Canada,
n loom of ,$'4erinteliclent Dun- l r
can 3.1,6Donald retired, Aot1na=
superintendent David Bernard has
been appointed head of the ,North
British Railway Company's police,
an office which entails the super-
vision of seventy-five officers.
_ � •
All Weiddings Ara lfeltl tame. an
Official Day.
In the city of Plougastel, in Brit -
telly, France, all marriages take
place on ono and the same day.
The men are all .fishermen, many of
going as far as the Newfound,'.
land Banks, and are at home only
during a few months in the winter..
One day in early F eibrnary is set
apart for the weddings, says I,es-
Little oourting is done, but
much haggling over the, dowry o
the girls. They have to bring a ser
tain quantity of linen, chickens
pigs, and vegetables. Frequent13
a match is broken off because
father refuses to add a sack of pot.
toes to the dowry.
• On the day set the inhabitants
the entire region go to Plouga,sta:
The : whole population gees t
church to hear mass, to take cors
menton and to witness the weddi
ceremonies. Often fifty and mot
couples are united on the same da
Bride and bridegroom do not we
together until the ceremony h
been completed. Por the rest
this and the whole of the next d
every house is open to rece
guests and to provide food a
drink for them. On the• evening
the second day the young men ca
the dowries of the Brides to
houses of the bridegrooms. T4
they dance and frolic until 'ea
morning, and after they leave
couples are for the first time
gether and alone.
She (flattering with eyes',
voide)--"Arthur, dear, 1 find
we still need a few things to in
our little household more sera
If e—"What is it now?"
She --"Well, for .instance,
need a new het for mei"
You have not the responsibil%
the whole world on .your shout
retie that of your own little 'tit