HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-05-10, Page 7G RAMPANT ON HIS GATE THE SAUSAGE KING OF GREAT IflU:aIN: One of the Best Known Men in the United. Kingdom Has rassed Away. William Harris, who for a quar- ter of a century in London (Eng- land) bore the title of "The Saus- age King," is dead. He had nearly completed his seventh decade; he could neither read nor write, and never wanted to, and yet he amassed what is expected to prove, when his will is made known, one of the largest fortunes ever reacle, by any tradesman in London. It was in 1887 he proclaimed him- self king of the sausage world, and when Punch caricatured him and Judy followed suit, none dared dis- pute his title. To ensure his name in full for posterity the "sausage king" chris- tened all his sons William, and to distinguish them they were num- bered one, two, three. His daugh- ters, in the same way, were, all named Elizabeth. In 1887 he, was summoned for not sending "his son William" to school. He promptly took all three before the magistrate and asked which one they meant. The School Board Officer was puzzled, but it developed it was the eldest whose education was being neglected. CHARGED IT TO ADVERTISING The father explained that he was teaching his sons his business, and he thought it would be of more use to them than going to school. He was fined half a dollar, but he con- sidered that the advertisement he obtained was worth $100,000. In his own particular line be was looked upon as a pioneer in adver- tising. He would remunerate gen- erously any artist who drew or painted a novel pig poster. A pig 'winning the Derby with Harris, sr., on the pig decorated all his earts, and some of his shop signs. Outside another shop he had a big oil painting of his sons, the three Williams, and a huge gilt figure of a pig adorned the, iron gates of his house at Clapham. On one occasion, when in his shop at Brighton, a hungry man dashed ixt 'and caught up a long string of ages, but he....was caught. ''AMATEUR DOES WELL." '"Don't lock him up," said Har- ris, who saw the starving man. "You want a good sausage meal, don't you? Well, then, you have got to ,eat them against me in the window." Both got into the window, ,and before, a large crowd ate sausages as fast as they were cooked ; but although the man wasstarving, Mr. Harris beat him by six sausages. "I won't lock you up," said the sausage king. "You have done very well for an amateur." When the I3ritish fleet was at Southend and a friend remarked ow well the bluejackets looked, r. Harris replied, "They ought o; they have had two toms of my ausages." .11E QUEEN'S EXAMPLE FELT. nglish Society Girls Turn to Do- mestic Science. Ever since his widowhood, Lord rzon has devoted himself prin- ally to the welfare of his three ung daughters. Periodically a or is circulated that the distin- shed widower has chosen a suc- sor to the stately Mary Leiter. names of half a dozen eligible en have been mentioned as the nd Lady Curzon, but it is his led determination to remain un- .ried. 'though prospective • inheritors brilliant position, with all the from arduous duties that a e fortune commands, the Cur - girls are being educated in a practical fashion, indeed. Lord 011 is so intent upon inculcat• he domestic instincts, for in- e, that he has arranged for to learn cooking and various of old-fashioned needle -Work. s attention to the practical de- f ordinary life is in keeping he spirit abroad in the more d circles of English society, doubtless due in. some mea - to Queen Mary's influence. 1 society brides of the imme- ast were instructed in cook - ore their marriage. The s of 4utherland had Lady ry Leveson -Gower taught e Scotch cakes and biscuits, the. Duchess of Rutland's era know the mysteries of the as well as their own chef. , many of these titledfolk, g Led Curzon himself, horror of the domestic re- ttu;f ragette. ALL CO1E FIWII TUB SATIE CAUSE WHY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURE MME. DUFAULT'S ILLS. She Had Diabetes, Sciatica, Back- ache and Meadashe, but Found Speedy Relief in the•Great Cana- dian Kidney Remedy. St. Boniface, Man., May 6. (Special).—After suffering for three years from a complication of dis- eases, Madame Oct. Dufault, of 84 Victoria -street, this city, is once more in perfect health and Dodd's Kidney Pills are credited with an- other splendid cure. Speaking of her cure, Madame. Dufault says : "Yes I am again a well woman, and I thank Dodd's Kidney Pills for it. I suffered for three years and I may say I had pains all over my body. I had sciatica, neural- gia and diabetes. My back ached, and I had pains in my head. I was nervous and tired all the time; there were dark circles around my eyes which were also puffed and swollen, and heart fluttering added to my troubles. "But when I started to use Dodd's Kidney Pills I soon began to get better. I took thirteen boxes in all, and I think they are a grand medicine." Every one of Madame Dufault's ailments is a direct result of dis- eased kidneys. That's why Dodd's Kidney Pills so quickly cured them all. IF The man who has created more talk than any other person in his- tory is the inventor of the tele- phone. A Thorough Pill.—To clear the stomach and bowels of impurities and irritants is necessary when their action is irregular. The pills that will do this work thoroughly are Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, which are mild in action but mighty in re- sults. They purge painlessly. and effectively, and work a permanent cure. They can be used without fear by the most delicately consti- tuted, as there are no painful ef- fects preceding their gentle opera- tion. More young men might manage to earn a living if their fathers de- clined to do it for them. Somebody has discovered that the hobble skirt does not prevent a wo- man from jumping to conclusions. It Will Cure a Cold.—Colds are the commonest ailments of man- kind and if neglected may lead to serious conditions. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil will relieve the bron- chial passages of inflammation speedily and thoroughly and will strengthen them against subsequent attack. And as it eases the inflam- mation it will stop the cough be- cause it allays all irritation in the throat. Try it and prove it. It is Cri n rr in 1 to Ncg1cct the S4 ®3�� �l,t t Ilair THINK of the suffering entailed by neglected skin. troubles — mental because of disfiguration, physical be- cause of pain. Think of the pleasure of a clear skin, soft, White hands, and good hair. These blessings, so essential to happiness and even suc- cess in life, are often only a matter of a little thoughtful care in the selection of effec- tivt remedial agents. Curti- cu :a Soap and Cuticura Oint- m ent do so much for poor complexions, r e d, rough hands, and dry, thin and falling hair, and cost so little, that it is almost crimi- nal not to use them. Although Cuticura, Soap and Oint- ment are sold 'ay druggists and dealers everywhere, t; 6 postal to "Cuticura," Dept. 5M, Boston U.S.A., will secure a liberal sample off each, with 32 -page booklet on Skin and Scalp Treatment. 'TES OF THE SHEEPFOLD, r If the lambs are to befattened market start them en llttle in just as soon as they will learn 9'iFp eat it and feed until they go to he block, Prime fat lambs cannot be pat idueed`by alternate grass and grain. :They roust be pushed to lee on fat ;Glom start to finish, A man who will keep his sheep in a muddy lot has small conception of iiia duty. A sheep is the most nervous ani- mal on. the farm and gets into low condition quickly and recovers slowly. Therefore, they must be handled gently and kept in quiet, clean surroundings. g. BADLY ULCERA'T'ED LEG. TWO.LFFECTIVE COAT SETTS. Last season's suit may be given an up-to-date appearance by the addition of a set of new collars and cuffs, as shown in the illustration, The upper set is of black and white striped taffeta, with over -set of Irish lace. Below this is a wide collar of white flannel, trimmed with tiny buttons to match the suit. Tommy, aged ten, had a sister named May, of whom he was very fond. May had also a lover who was very fond of her. One night when their grandfather called he asked Tommy—"What do you call May's young man?" "I call him `April showers,' " said Tommy. "Why," asked the old man, "what on earth makes you call; him such a silly name as that?" •"Well, you see," said Tommy, "he brings 'May flowers.' Some persons have periodical at- tacks of Canadian cholera, dysen- tery or diarrhoea, and have to use great precaution to avoid the dis- ease. Change of water, cooking, and green fruit, is sure to bring on the attacks. To such. persons we would recommend Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Dysentery Cordial as being the best medicine in the market for all summer complaints. ..If 'a, few' drops are taken in water when the symptoms are noticed no further trouble will be experienced. GOING TOO FAR. The Husband—"Well, say what you will, my dear, you'll find worse men than me in the world." The Wife—"Oh, Tom, how can you be eb bitter ?" Minard's Liniment Co.. Limited. Dear Sirs,—Your MINARD'S LINIMENT is our remedy for sore throats; colds, and all ordinary ailments. It never fails to relieve and eure promptly. CHARLES WIIOOTEN. Port MuIgrave. The real thing in honest men is one who pays the widow that $5 he borrowed of the late lamented just before he left this vale of tears. Protect the child from the ravages of worms by using Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. It is a stand- ard remedy, and years of use have enhanced its reputation. THE PROBLEM SOLVED. In sinking a. shaft at a colliery near Doncaster, England, water was 'encountered. It was pumped out at the rate of 7,000 gallons. a minute,, but the supply seemed in- exhaustible, and the engineers weer)about to give up. But some Ger- man engineers came to the rescue. They bored holes around the shaft to a depth of 400 feet, lined these with steel tubes, and pumped down a freezing mixture, which soon turned the ground and the water into a great block of ice. Through this the boring was continued as. through rock; then the shaft was lined with iron plates. This done, warm water was pumped down the tubes to thaw out the ground gra- dually. The .frost, wall was'. so strong that it has required three months to thaw. "Eh, dotter," said a gillie of a small Scotch town to a friend, "he mann hae been' an extraordinary man, that Shakespeare. There are things hae come into hishead that never would have Dome into mine at all." 7,ani-fink Cared Her when so Bad She Had to Use Crutches. For varicose sores, bad leg, or chronic ulcers, Zam-Buk is without equal as a healer. A proof of this is just to hand from Montreal. Mrs. T. Edwards, of 164 Amherst St., ,rites ; "Some time ago a bad sore broke out on my left leg near the ankle. For a week or two I did not heed it, but it got so bad that I "could hardly walk. I sent for our doctor, and he told me that I would have to lay up with the wound. I did so for three weeks. At the end of that time the ulcer healed a lit- tle, but I could only move about by using crutches. "The sore then broke out badly, and the doctor told me that the only thing that would cure it would be an operation, and that I should have to lay up for a year. "Mv son had cured a bad cut on his finger by using Zam-Buk, erect he advised me to give this balm a trial. I did so, and in less than a week's time it stopped the pain, which had been so bad that many nights I did not get a wink of sleep. In a very short time the wound was so much better that I was able to move about and do my work. I persevered with Zam-Buk, with the result that the wound is now per- fectly cured, and the limb is as sound and strong as ever." Zam-Buk is just as good for piles, abscesses, boils, scalp sores, blood poison, festering wounds, cuts, burns, scalds, eczema, eruptions, and aul skin injuries and diseases. 1I druggists and stores 50c. box, or ieali`Bek flet,,._ -Toronto; far price. THE DERIDED OBESE. "Laugh and grow fat." "Yes, and then get laughed at." If one be troubled with corns and warts, he will find in Solloway%% Corn Cure an application that will entirely relieve suffering. "I saw Pibble standing on a cor- ner yesterday winding up his. es- tate." "His estate?" "Yes; a dol- lar watch." Whet Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remcdy. No Smarting—Feels Fine—Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus- trated Book in each Package. Murine is compounded by our Ocullats—not a "Patent Mod- icine"—but used in successful Physielans' Prac- tice for many years. Now dedicated to the Pub- lic and sold by Druggists at 25e and 50e per Bottle. Marino Nye Salvo fn Aseptic Tubes, 25'e and ile. Y�ltririe Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Don't be a quitter. There is still plenty of room in the hall of fame. Ask for Minard's and take no other. . INDEMNITY REPAID. A German statistician declares that the war indemnity of $1,000,- 000,000, paid by France to Germany in 1871, has been almost completely repaid, as German losses at French gambling resorts have amounted to $1'4500,000, a year. PURIFIED HIS U Ors Morse's Indian Root Pills 'Healed Mr, Wilson's Sores Wizen the sewers of the body --bowels, kidneys and shirt ducts—get clogged up, the 'flood quickly becomes impure and frequently sores break out over the body. 'The Way to heal them, as Mr. Richard Wilson, who lives near London, Ont., found,, is to purify the blood. I3e writes: "For some time I had been in a low, depressed condition. My appetite left me and I soon began to suffer from indi- gestion. Quite a number of small sores and blotches formed all over my skin. ' tried medicine for the blood and used many kinds of ointments, but without satisfactory results. What was wanted was a thorough cleansing of the blood, and I looked about in vain for some medi- cine that would accomplish this. At last ]Cir. Morse's Indian Root Pills were brought to my notice, and they are ene of the most wonderful medicines I have ever known. My blood was puri- fied ht't very short bane, sores healed up, mlyindigestion vanished. They always have a place in My home and are looked upon as the family remedy." 1)1. ,Morse's Indian Root Pills cleanse the sysletu thoroughly. Sold by all dealers a,i g5c a box. 8 Tll RIG11T WAY In all cases of DISTEMPER, PINK EYE, INFLUENZA, COLDS, ETC. of all horses, broodmares, colts, stallions, is to "S011N TH E " on their tongues or in the feed put Spohn's Liquid Compound. Give the remedy to all of them. It acts on the blood and glands. It routes the disease by expetling•the disease germs. It wards off the trouble no matter bow they are' exposed." Ab- solutely free from anything injurious. A child can safely take it. 5oc and 55,00; $5.5o and $rr.00 the dozen. Sold by druggists and harness dealers. Uisiributorsr All Wholesale Druggists SPO IN MEDICAL CO., Chemists and Bacteriologists GOSHEN, IND., U. S. A. Paha eah. MISCELLANEOUS. 101 AY. ale and WForksARM 9 EeSCALES.ulanndr. WilsonTornnt0's 1. Pe, L I ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, etc. In- ternal and external, cured without pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited, Collingwood, Ont. V TON SCALE GUARANTIED. Wilson a U Scale Works. 9 Esplanade. Toronto. PURIM cuteE.s TWO TARTARS. Hobb—"Is your wife critical ?" Nobb—"Frightful ! She is almos as bad as my 15 -year-old daughter.' Minard's Liniment used by Physicians. FARMS FOR SALE. H. W. Dawson, WRITE FOR Toronto. PROOF Ninety Colborne Street J1 UNo 1nED tyof ACRES IN CALEDON eel. P �N�EANDTU 0RTWO HUNDRED ACRES IN CALEDO nadian Branch: Purifico Co., Bridgeaurg, Cnt FObACH•CLEANE0 ens S its DYED Best Worlc in Canada. Gold Medalist BRITISH AME;ICAN DYEING CO. P. 0. BOX. 233. MONTREAL CREOSOTE ea, .urn. F?retest— Preserve-- Beautify Samples and Bonkieto on Application JAMES LA!NCMUIR & CO,, s irnifed iS74i Bathurst Street TORONTO asestsmsrua Maypole Soap DYES SO EASILY With Maypole Soap there is no trouble and no muss in home dyeing. Dyes cotton, wool, silk or mixtures. 24 colors -will give any shade. Colors 10c. Black 15e --at your dealer's or postpaid with booklet "How to Dye" from io8 F. L. BEI?EDICT & CO. Montreal A BRIGHT OUTLOOK. Mrs. Muchblest—I feel uneasy. The baby hasn't cried all day. Mr. Muchblest--So do I. He will probably cry all night. A Pleasant Purgative.—Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills are so com- pounded as to operate on both the stomach and the bowels, so that they act along the whole alimen- tary and excretory passage. They are not drastic in their work, but mildly purgative, and the pleasure of taking them is only equalled by the gratifying effect they produce Compounded only of vegetable sub- stances the curative qualities of which were fully tested, they afford relief without chance of injury. The modern girl is never satis- fied until she gets a hat too large for her head and shoes too shall for her feet. Keep Minard's Liniment in the house. THE WRETCH. "Now that our wedding day is drawing near," she said, nestling a little more closely in his arms, "I am beginning to be awfully fright- ened. Sometimes I almost feel tempted to run away and never come back." "I didn't intend to tell you about it," he replied, "but I frequently feel that way myself." "Why; Fred l I don't believe you really love nie. You—you heartless wretch! I shall never speak to you again."• Physical culture doesn't •necessar- ily make a woman , strongminded lax UNDRED ACRES—GOOD BUILDIN • Orchard; near Oakville. A N IDEAL FARM OF TWO RENDRE t'9._ and Ninety Acres in Township c Hilton; ten minutes' walk from Postofft, or Wharf; Fine Stone House and Go Bank Barn and Outbuilding. Implemen included in the price. • Buildings alor cost nearly as much as price asked. It a snap. Minard's Llnirnent Lumberman's Friend.1 FINE THIRTY -ACRE FRUIT FARM. Good Buildings; well planted: Dm/des: riN EN ACRE FRUIT FARM -- Catharines. Catharines. • WENTY-FIVE ACRE FRUIT FARr12 IL St. Catharines. .A LBERTA, SASKATCHEWAN, BRI .f-). ish Columbia. and Manitoba Ian in small nr large blocks. H . W. Dawson, Ninety Colborne Stree Toronto. Y 00 AURES IN OXFORD COUNT seal, elav loam; frame hevr r•"mher of out -buildings; price, ari.00 1Vi11 exehangP for city, town or villa nronerty or for smaller farm. Wester Real Estate, London. AGENTS WANTED. A GENTS—SURE MONEY-MAKER I t% our Dollar Book, "Destruction o Titanic," best book printed: commiesie 50 ner eent; outfit free; freight paid credit given; Enclose nostago, ten rent Nichols Co., Limited, Toronto, Canada. MALE KELP WANTED. AILWAY AGENTS, TELEGRAPHER IA, and Clerks: in great demand throng out. Ontario end North West. Six mon'h will qualify you. Day rad broil ceruse Positions seenred. Free Book 10 explains Dominion School Telegraphy, Toronto. FOR SALE. ONE LARGE PACKAGE OF FANC silk pieces for patchwork, gun ran teed best on the market, postage paid, 2 rents. Canadian Household Supply, 13 Simpson Ave., Toronto. 13 ARBER SHOP AND POOL ROOMS An excellent proposition. Price 52.800; terms. W. R. Scott, Whitewood' Sask. EED POTATOES—"DAVII;S' WARRIOR'' L. —highest yielder Guelph tests 1911 bag 53. Liney, Merritton, Ont. SOME OBJECTOR. • "Does your wife object when yet stay out late at night?" "She couldn't file more objec' tions, my dear sir, if she were corporation lawyer." He Who is most slow in making el promise is the most faithful in th performance of it. ISSUE 10---1.