HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-05-10, Page 6_me 82ackay-Bennett, which docked at Halifax with her grue- some cargo of Titanic victims. APRIL FIRE LOSS 1,355,055 In Twenty Cases Conflagrations Caused Damage Exceeding 510,000 A. despatch from Toronto says : ifteen lives were lost and damages o the amount of $1,355,055 was aused by fires in Canada during pril, according to the estimates ade by the Monetary Times. The osses due to fires in March last and n April, 1911, were 24 lives and $2,- 61,414, and 20 lives and $1,317,900 espectisely. The property Ioss aused by conflagration in 1910 was 23,593,315; in 1911 it was $21,459,- 75; and in the first four months f 1912 it has been $8,259,272. Dur - ng April there were twenty fires hich caused losses exceeding $10,- 00 each, and the largest confla- rations took place at Vancouver, ictoria, Toronto, Fort , William, nd Winnipeg. Three big fires took lace in this city. The Monetary Times' summary ows that the structures damaged ✓ destroyed during the month en: Twenty-two residences, eight f& e warehouses, three busi- ness blocks, two stations, two lum- ber mills, two iron works, two fac- tories, two churches, two stables; two picture shows, two boathouses, and one each of the following: Flour mill, drill -shed, police post, pool -room, hotel, art gallery, greenhouse, facing mill, sampling plant, rolling mill, skating rink, kiln, office building, motor works, elevator. There were also 30 head of cattle, nine horses, 466 chickens, 16,000 bushels of wheat and oats, 700 barrels of potatoes, harness, a street car, an automobile, and a caboose. Three of the fires were attributed to lamp explosions, two each to defective flues. defective wiring, incendiarism, one each from motor blowing out, asphaltum ignit- ing, sparks from an engine, match- es, and many were of unknown ori- gin. The number of deaths as a result of fires was 77 during the first four months of the year. The number in 191,1. was 317, and in 1910 it was 256. PEACEFUL DEATH. hip's Surgeon Contradicts State- ments as to Terror on Faces. A despatch from Halifax says : r. Thomas Armstrong, surgeon on the Mackay -Bennett, contradicted n Wednesday night the report pub- lished that the faces of the dead vere "distorted with terror" when ound. He said : "I was on duty n the deck during the recovery of 06 bodies, rand with the exception f about ten bodies that had receiv- d serious injury, their faces were alm and peaceful ; in fact, so peace - al that it was difficult to realize hat they were dead. Some had heir arms folded and legs crossed, s if they were taking rest. For he benefit of the very sympathetic ublie who may have been misled y such statements, I may safely What's the Use of Cooking When you don't have to? Post Toasties are skilfully and fully cooked at the factory - ready to serve direct from package with cream, and sugar if you like. These thin bits of toast- ed corn (sold by grocers) are crisp, delicious, satis- fying and convenient. 41 -le l"lemory Lingers" � Made by Canadian Poetum. Cereal Co„ Ltd. Pare Food Factories Windsor, Ontario, Canada. say that a majority. died a peaceful death, and the minority were killed instantaneously. Consequently re- latives and friends who suffered from the disaster have this conso- lation that the departed ones did not suffer." WIRELESS ON LAKE STEAMERS New Bill of U. S. Merchant Marine Committee. A despatch from Washington says: Regulations regarding life- saving appliances on American - owned ships will be extended to foreign-owned vessels as well by a bill agreed upon on Wednesday by the House Merchant Marine Com- mittee. It also requires passenger ships on the great lakes to be equip- ped with wireless, but would ex- empt Long Island Sound passen- ger ships from the ocean-going re- quirements. Auxiliary wireless equipment and two operators for each ship are among other features of the measure. SUCCESSION DUTIES. Half-year Total Falls Far Below That of Last Year. A despatch from Toronto says : The six months' record of succes- sion duty returns shows a margin of some six thousand dollars above the Provincial Treasurer's estimate, but the large total rolled up in the first half of the previous financial year has not been approached. The six months' total is $356,675.25, compared with $524,207.66 for the half year of • 191.0-1911 The succes- sion duty revenue for April was $88,615.73, compared with $135,387.- 59 in the corresponding month of last year. SUCCESSOR TOTHE TITANIC. Additional Lateral Bulkheads tis be Feature of New Liner. ACES OF FARM PRODUCT` A despatch from London says: It is stated that the Big White Star liner now under construction at Belfast will be altered so as to in- clude additional lateral bulkheads in order to minimize the risk of dis- aster. The work on the new steam- ship will be accelerated so that she can replace the Titanic 41 as early. a date as possible. REPORTS FROM THE t.EADINOTRADE: CENTRES OF AMERICA, Prices of Cattle, Crain, • Cheese and :Other Produce at Home and Abroad, BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, May 7. -Flour -Winter Wheat,. 90 per cent.. patents, $4, at seaport, and 'at 24 to $4.10 for home consumption. Manitoba flours --^First patents, $5.70;second patents, 95.20, and strong bakers', $5, on track, To- ronto,. Manitoba wheat -No. 1 Northern, 81.19, on track, Bay ports, all -rail; No. 2 North- ern, 91.16, and No. 3, at $1.13, on track, Bii Ports, all -rail. Feed wheat, 73 to 76e, all, rail Ontario wheat -No. 2 white, red and mix- ed, 81.02 to $1.03, outside, • Peas -No. 2 shipping peas, $i.25, outside.. Oats -Car lots of No. 2 Ontario, 49 t,o 500,; and No. 3 at 47 to 48e, outside No. 2 On- tario, 52 to 52 1-2c, on track, Toronto; No. 1 extra W. 0. feed, 52 1-20, all -rail, and No. 1 feed, 511-2c, all -rail. Corn -No. 3 A.meriean yellow, 830, track, BaY ports, all -rail. Buckwheat -70 to 720, outside. Bran -Manitoba bran, 825, in bags, To. ronto freight. Shorts, 927. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples -$3.50 to $4,50 per barrel. Beans -Small lots of hand-picked, 92.65 to '$2.75 per bushel. Honey -Extracted, in tins, 11 to 120 ,peri lb. Combs, 92,50 to $2.75. Baled Hay -No. 2 would probably brim $17.50 to 918 a ton. Clover, mixed, $13.50 to. $14. on track. Baled Straw -$11, on track, Toronto. Potatoes -Car lots of Ontarios, in bags, 91.70 to $1.80, and Delawares at 91.85, to 91.90. Out -of -store, $1.95 to $2. Poultry -Wholesale prices of choice dressed poultry: -Chickens. 18 to 20c per lb.; fowl, 12 to 13c; ducks, 15 to 170; tur- keys. 20e. Live poultry, about 2c lower than the above. BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE. Butter -Dairy, choice, 26 to 27e; bakers', inferior. 22 to 23c; creamery, 30 to 31c for rolls, and 29 to 31c for solids. Eggs -New -laid, 22 to 23c per dozen in ease lots. Cheese -New cheese, 15 to 151-2c per lb. HOG PRODUCTS. Cured meats -Bacon, long clear, 13 to 131.2e per ib. in case lots. Pork. short cut, $23 to $24: do., mess, 920 TO 921. Hanle - Medium to light. 17 to 17 1-2e; heavy. 15 to 15 1-2e; rolls, 121-2 to 13e; breakfast bacon, 17 to 180; backs, 19 to 20e. Lard -Tierces, 13 1-40; tubs, 131-2c; pails, 13 3-4c. MONTREAL MARKETS. Oats -Canadian Western, No. 2, 541-2e; do., No. 3. 50 1-2c; extra No. 1 feed, 511-2c; No. 2 local white, 501-20; No. 3, do.. 491-20; No. 4, do., 481-2c. Barley -Manitoba feed, 65c; malting, 51.05 to 91.10. Buckwheat - No. 2, 74 to 75e. Flour -Manitoba Spring wheat patents, firsts. 95.80; do., seconds, $5.30; strong bakers', 95.10; winter patents, choice. 95.10 to 95.35; straight rollers, $4.65 to $4 75; do., in bags, 92.15 to 98.25. Rolled oats -Barrels, 95.35; bag of 90 lbs, $2.55. Millfeed-Bran. $25; shorts, 527; middlings, 529; mouillie, 930 to $36. Ha.Y-No. 2, per ton, car lots, 916.50 to 917. Cheese -Finest westerns, 121.2 to 12 3-4c. Butter -Choicest creamery, 251-2 to 25 3.4e; seconds, 241.2 to 24 3.4c. Eggs -Fresh, 23 to 23 1-2e. Pota- toes, per bag, car lots, $1.80 to $1.85. UNITED STATES. �ACTORY WALE IPSO o Were. Killed and Twelve Injured in Accident at Toronto. A despatch from Toronto says ; `With the suddenness of a'thunder- bolt, the south wall of Wm. Neil - son's new five -story confectionery building on Gladstone avenue col- lapsed 'at 10,30 on Saturday morn- ing, burying a score of employees -- mostly girls -beneath a debris of bricks, plaster and splintered tim- bers, resulting in death to two per- sons and injuries to fifteen others. The whole side of the building, in- cluding the first section of each floor and the machinery on the first .and second stories, crashed through into.the basement, or split up when the pile reached the level of the foundation, and heaped up in the vacant lot to the south of the plant. One hundred and twenty feet long na, 740 Brock avenue, Italian labor- from front to back, seventy-five feet er. high, and of a thickness ranging from twenty-two inches at the base to fourteen inches at the top, the whole mass was precipitated into a gnarled and tangled heap inside of five minutes. There were 170 people employed in the plant, prin- cipally girls. Only the basement and first two floors were being used as a manufactory, as the three up- per floors were in process of rapid construction. On account of the lighting area on the south side the bulk of the work was being carried on close to this wall, and that more people were not entrapped in the wreckage is a miracle. The dead Mrs. Eva Anderson, 1206a Dufferin street, operator in the box depart- ment on the first floor; Luega Seen - MINERS MAX STRIKE. Anthracite Workers IIavc Rejected the Proposed Agreement. A despatch from New York says : The Conference Committee of the anthracite mine workers turned down the tentative agreement ac- cepted by their own sub -committee and the sub -committee of the an- thracite operators at the meeting of the full conference committees of the anthracite operators and the mine workers 'which was held on Thursday. The indirect recognition of the union in the appointment of a Grievance Committee for every mine, as set forth in the tentative agreement, was not enough for the committee. Its members wanted full recognition of the union, the check -off system, by which the un- ion dues would be withheld from the pay envelopes of the miners, the eight-hour work day, a larger increase in wages than 10 per cent., and a shorter agreement than four years, practically, in short, all that the original demands called for. ELLIS 1iILLED PORTER. .Minneapolis, may 7.--Close-+M'kl"ri [t-"74 av'C` t ---- Makes Confession of Murder and. Pleads Self-defence. 'A despatch from Kinmount, Ont., 'says: Arthur A. Ellis, aged thirty- six, shot and killed Louis Porter, 'his brother-in-law, on Thursday evening, April 26. Ellis confessed his guilt on Friday morning to Provincial Inspector H. Reborn at Ellis' house, near the Cameron road. He was immediately arrest- ed by local Constable John Weleh and taken to Minden. Ellis told the story of the shooting to Inspec- tor Reburn with apparent coolness. He said : "Porter met me on the road. Both of us carried rifles. Porter asked me if I was looking for him. I told him no. With that Porter opened fire, but missed me. I pulled my rifle and shot him in self-defence. I then dragged and carried him to a spot in the bush about 200 yards from the road." LABOR WAGES IN TEE WEST. Common Variety Can Earn $a a Day and Mechanics $5. A despatch from Winnipeg says: Hayter Reed, general superintend ent of Canadian Pacific hotels, ar- rived from the West on Thursday morning. "The demand for labor throughout the West," declared he, "is perfectly astounding. As a con- sequence, men are restless. I ear, not persuade them to stay with a job any length of time, no matter what wages are offered. A common laborer can earn $3 a day and a mechanic $5." 51.111-8; July, 91.121.4; September, :91.0o7-8 to 51.06; No. 1 hard, 91.14 to $1.141-8; No, 1 Northern, 91,13 5-8; No. 2 Northern; $1.115.8; No. 3 wheat, 91.09 5-8. Corn-No.3 yellow, 78 to 790. Oats -No. 3 white, 641-2 to 55c. Rye -No. 2, 90c. Bran -$24 to 924.50. Flour -First patents, 95.10 to 95.40;;do,. seconds, 94.75 to 95; first clears, '$3.50 to 93.85; do., seconds,- $2.40 to 92.80. Bualo, May 7. -Spring Wheat -No of- ferings; Winter, No 2 red, 91.21; No. 3 red. 51.19. Corn -No. 3 yellow, 831.20; No, 4 Yellow, 811-20; No. 3 corn, 813.4 to 823.40; No. 4 corn, 79 3-4 to 80 1-4c, all on track, through billed. Oats -No. 2 white, 61e. Barley -Malting, 91.24 to 81,38. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, May 7. -The top price realized for choice steers was 97.75, while good. sold at 87 to $7.25, fair at 9575 to $6.25, and common at $4.50 to 95.50 per cwt. The trade in cows and bulls was more active, than usual, and the former brought from 55.75 to 96.50, and the latter from 95.85 tb 96.75 per ewt. Sales of selected lots of hogs sold at 99.60 to $9.75 per cwt., weight- ed off cars. Sheen were scarce and in de- mand at 96 to 96,50 per cwt. for ewes. The demand for lambs was good at $4 to 96 each. The trade in calves was active at prices ranging from 91.50 to 910 each, as to size and quality. Toronto, May 7.--Cattle-Extra choice heavy steers, for butcher and export, 97.20 to $7.60: good medium to 'choice butcher loads, 96.40 to $7.10; mixed light butcher. 95.50 to $6.15; common, 93 50 to 95.60; can ners, $2 to 93; choice butcher cows, firm at 95.25 to $6.25; bulls, 85 to 96.25. Stockers - Steady demand at 95.25 to $6 for goog quality; extra choice heavy feeders 96. Calves -Good veal, 96.50 to 98; bobs, 91.60 to 82.50. Sheep -Market steady. Choice ewes, 95 to $5.60; yearlings, $0 to 99; bucket and culls, 94 to 95: spring lambs, 94 to 97 each. Hogs -Market firmer, at $8.80 to 98 85, fed and watered, and 68.35 to 98.40, f.o.b. TUE SEASIIORE. The Grand Trunk Railway aims and intends to make New London and its environments a popular seaside resort. The first move in this direction is the inauguration' of an up-to-date night express ser- vice between Montreal and New London, which will have connec- tion at Montreal for passengers eastbound and westbound between Chicago and Montreal and inter- mediate points. Such well known resorts as Fisher's Island, Watch Hill, Block Island and Long Island,. which are in the immediate vicinity. of New London, will be reached.' with ease and comfort. There are splendid hotels at these places to suit the pockets of all, and many. delightful cottages are open 'to those who desire more exclusive accommodation. A handsome book- let, profusely illustrated, will be. mailed free on application'to A.. E. Duff, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Cayuga Indians on the Brant re- serve are pressing :their hundred - year -old claim against the United States Government for their annu- ity. IIAILEY:BURY DISTRICT TOWN Selected by Government to be Centre -of Telniskalning. A despatch from Toronto says! Haileybury is to be the judicial centre of the new judicial district of Temiskaming. The long -looked - for announcement was made by Hon. W. H. Hearst, Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines, after a meeting of the Cabinet on Thurs- day. Haileybury is the Govern- ment's choice on account of its po- sition and because of certain other advantages. .The competition among the towns of the district for the distinction which Haileybury has gained, has been a keen one, and Haileybury, New Liskeard, Cobalt and Englehart all sent de- putations to the Government, urg- ing their claims. The municipality which has been selected will be the site of the district buildings and court -house, +1: "PHANTOM" SHIP FOUND. Was a Cargo Boat Bound From New York to Genoa. A despatch from Algiers says: The mysterious steamer which was in the vicinity of the Titanic when she foundered is believed here to have been the cargo boat Kura, from New York for Genoa, which arrived hero on Wednesday. The Kura left New 'York on April " 13. She has no wireless apparatus. The captain reports that he encounter- ed icebergs and a fog on the night the Titanic was wrecked, but he only learned of the disaster Tuesday night. AN EXCELLENT REMEDY. Baby's Own Tablets are an excellent remedy for little ones. They never fail to re- lieve baby of stomach and bowel complaints or the many other little ills that worry him. Besides this they are absolutely safe, being guaran- teed by a government ana- lyst to contain no opiates or other harmful drugs. Con- .eerning them Mrs, Sam. Le- gros, Ste. Cecile, , Que., writes :- " I have found Baby's Own Tablets an ex- cellent remedy tor my little one and would not be without them." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. WEALTII OF COBALT'S CAMP Prof. Mickle Puts Total at 247, 000, 000 Ounces, Including Ore Already Mined A despatch from Cobalt says : Prof. G. R. Mickle, Provincial Mine, Assessor, at a. meeting of the Cobalt branch of the Canadian Mining In- stitnte,' estimated the total produe- tion of Cobalt camp from all known -producing .veins 247 million ounces, including 85 millions from undis- covered veins, and ndis-covered"veins,'and eight millions on Vie dumps. The estimates are based on most careful mathematical cal- culations,' and as the results' corse- spoiad• so nearly with previous esti- ' mates of local mine managers weight is given to the figures. If any error is made it is in underestimation. Fifty-six per cent. on values have, been extracted from .the known. veins, representing a value of $65;'-' 000,000, but the total output of the camp is not confined to future pro- duction from the present ;veins and those undiscovered, as the possi- bilities are for a process that will make exceedingly low values pay- able. THE NEWS IN A PARAGRAPH 11APDENINGS PROM ALL OVER' rtfE GLOBE IN A •N UT'.SIIIELL. Canada, the Empire and the World in General Before Your Eves. CANADA. Port Colborne is to have a branch of the Buffalo Union Furnace Works. Mr. M. Ferguson of Stratford has been appointed City Engineer at Guelph. The dairies supplying milk to London, Ont., -have been cut off by the inspector. The ferry fares bet ween the two Soos have been redneed from ten cents each way to live. The new arrangement for parcel post between Canada and France was inaugurated on Wednesday. Col. Hughes has lent twenty Ross rifles to the corps of British cadets who will visit the Toronto Exhibi- tion. Adele Marin, a French girl, . was sentenced to two hours' imprison- ment at Montreal for contempt of court. Tho Government steamer Mont magny left Halifax on a search for more bodies from the steamer Ti- tanic. The late Dr. Carroll left land to the town of Ingersoll for a park, and his residence as a Protestant Children's Hospital. Mrs. Weisz, now in Montreal, was deprived of her husband and almost every cent she had in the world by the Titanic disaster. Point Edward hotelmen disposed of their remaining stocks of liquor, when local option came into force, by giving free drinks to all -corners. Capt. Lardner of the search ship Mackay -Bennett expressed the con- viction that further search for the bodies of the Titanic victims was useless. Col. Hughes proposes to provide free transportation for tyro rifle- men making the highest scores in their corps to the Dominion Rifle Association meeting. The Canadian Northern Railway interests announce that Toronto would be connected with Guelph and Bowmanville by radial lines .by„ ;; the end of this year. The T. & N. 0. bridge over Bos= ton Creek, north of Dane, . was burned, and passengers desiring to transfer had to cross a hastily im- provised bridge of logs. The authorities will probably pardon an old convict at Kingston Penitentiary who tried to give the alarm during the recent escape and was beaten into insensibility. May 24th will be observed as a holiday as usual this year, but the Government may take steps in the future looking to the observance of King George's birthday on June 3. GREAT BRITAIN. The Royal Society of Literature decided to confer the gold medal on Thomas Hardy. The British inquiry into the loss of the Titanic was opened on Thurs- day, Lord Mersey presiding. The Olympic seamen were found guilty of mutiny, but permitted to go free and return to the ship. UNITED STATES, The Board of .Bishops of the Me- thodist Episcopal Church in the U. S. proposed a relaxation of the rules touching amusements. Suit against the International Harvester Company, charging it with being a monopoly in restraint of trade and asking that it be dis- solved, was filed by the Govern ment in the United States Distric Court. ti• BIG BUILDING BOOM. Permits Issued in Brantford Darin April Totalled $281,655. A despatch from Brantford say During the past month this ci broke all previous records in regar to building permits, the total,val ation reaching $281,655. This is increase of $220,090 over Apr 1911. For the first four months 91 year, permits have issued valued •$436,615. 44 WAS BURNED TO DEATR. Famous Nova Scotia limiter Peri ed in His Barn. A despatch from Truro, N. says : Ralph McCabe, a well,-kno resident .of`Greenfield, near Tru and one of the famous hunters this country, with a record of ne ly 100 moose, was burned to de in his barn early Wednesday Ino ing along with his stock and in c f t'12 contents of the barn: