HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-05-10, Page 5ie it e et THE MULSUNS UANR Incorporated 1855 RECORD OF PROGRESS FOR FIVE YEARS--X906-IJ11. Has183 Brandies in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the World. • 1906 1911 . Capital $ 3,000,000 $ 4,000;000 Reserve .. 3,000,000 4,(100,000 Deposits 23,677,730 35,042,311 Loans and Investments 27,457,090 38,854,801 Total Assets 33,090,192 48,237,284 A General Banking Business Transacted 4VINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Zurich Brandt " - J. A. CONSTANTINE, Mgr. +-t•+++++++4•k+-144.44+4-144+++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Farmer s That Want THE BEST Call at The Massey - Harris Shop. Our Machines spea 1'or themselves. We also handle Olds Gasoline Engine. Jas. Whyte, Ag't MASSEY-HARRIS CO ...ZURICH... MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a " full line of fresh meats, hales, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make (Air own sausages. Give us a call. YUNC1BLUT & DEICIERT. FOR SALE Town lots for sale. Apply to Louis Sahilbe or Louis Prang, Zurich. SPECIAL CLUBBING OFFER We wish to draw the attention of our many readers to the special club- bing offer we are now giving. We have made arrangements with the Weekly Mail and Empire and The Weekly Globe so that we can give You either of the three papers, Star, Pion- eer or Herald and the Weekly Globe or Mail and Umpire from now until Jan. lst,,1913 for <$1.00. Send add- ress to the Star, Crediton or Herald, Zurich. For soreness of the muscles whether induced by violent elercise or injury, Chamberlain's Liniment is excellent. This liniment is also highly esteemed for the relief it affords in cases of rheumatism. Sold by all dealers. ;MONTREAL: THE STANDARD is the National ;Weekly. Newspaper of the Dominion bf Canada. ,It is national in all its aims. It uses the rnost expensive 'engrav- ings, procuring the photographs from all over the world. Its articles are carefully selected and its :editorial policy is thoroughly independent. .A. subscription to The Standard costs $2,00 per year to any, address in Canada •or Great Britain. TRY. it FOR 1912! • Montreal Standard Publishing Ce.1 Limited, Publishers. _ ...40;___ Como and. Money In the �j �/ �/j� At this leas=t of the year the dor- ries of the fishermen creak out of get ti-jeharbors to take the toll oyo1u.r lire sea.oftfSome of the ftshernlen along the coast of St. John and Charlotte coun- ties in New Brunswick are making 1 big money these days out of sardine herrings, which are sold across the line. They get four to six dollars a hogs- hd fhem ew Sit At Zurich's Leading Tailor Shop the only Place, where the Newest is always shown first and. satisfaction guaranteed. Laundry in Connection W. H. ' HOFFMAN l ailor ea or . In one weir at St. George one chap took in 1,000 hogshead. He banked $4,000. In four days fishermen at Lepere- . aux had a. harvest of 2,494 hogsheads. There scents to be money in the 1' ig sardine industry from the Maine b t - dor to tit. Icta_llakbor. Pages of the Past. At the opening of Glasgow's huge new library, the Earl of Rosebery, in a characteristic speech, deplored the (nightmare of platitudes which the opening of many libraries left. behind. ZURICH The new collection, which now forma the chief library in the city, ,..., and will be known as the Mitchell. Library, has been magnificently rais- ed at a cost of $500,000. It has ac - 1 commodation for 400,000 volumes and ©Dial arrangement we are 600 readers in its spacious halls. By s p g 1',ord Rosebery, with a delightful ef- able to offer to new subscribers -fort to seem miserable, lamented how either of our papers and .your I difficult it Was . to find something :to Choice of the Weekly Globe or the 1 say on such an occasion. The subject Weekly Mail and Empire for only I of libraries, he thought, was exhaust - $1.00 to Jan. 1st 1913, Each new ed. For Mr. Carnegie told him the subscription will count 1000 votes I other day that he had founded 2,200 as formerly. Add fifty-oents if libraries. Well, that was an enormous papers are to be mailed to United I work of benefieence, and it meant that States. addresses. 2,200 speeches had been delivered :in permeation with the founding of all s I those libraries. Farm for Sale or Rent. -Good 50 When. he heard of all those farm, cleared, well l: drained and speeches, and when Mr Carnegie told in good state ofcu, 8 .� c d he (Lord first library Rosebery) i Con. 4, Stephen, just east of Credit- .line, he felt as if he had opened them ,•nightmare be - 'house horrible ori, East. On the property is a good all. With that house and barn 1 acre of good each- hind him it almost robbed him of TO OUR CANVASSERS aid, all ploughing clone, 16 acres of speech, when he thought •of the Bien dr ly f libraries he had opened with grass, 2 good wells, spring creek. the, c stop ��v i,lnti+.)figs. , • _ . For particulars apply to ; Wm. .yea- man, alpha) ffl rAmitamti .I M�. '•�'tf ry ,�.,.W Von ' EN Yorp4c YF w,rFn,q.v AINT'ING season .i Gere. The house probably needs re -painting, both for protection against the weather and for t0 sake of its appearance. There is nothing that, show better returns for the time and money spelt at housecleaning time than paint and varnish, used inside the. house. Come in and tell us vipat you wish to paint or varnish and we will sow you a Brighten Up Finish that will do it, and do it properly. SIYERWIN&`sIL1wiS Brie,M �. 7 are a line of paints and varnish which do exactly what they are intended to do, giving a tight treatment to each surface. It is impossible to obtain one paint or varnish that is suitable for a wide variety of uses, so it is very important to obtain a product that is exactly suitable for the purpose you have n mind, For Sale by J. PREETER, Zurich. SZEPHEN COUNCIL • Jos. Guinan, assessor and truant book, 90.00; Wm. Heitman, drawing gravel17.50; W. Heilman and others • The council of the 'township of work on sideroad, 4.00; John Jacobs, Stephen convened in the Town re cul. 3.50; J.117 adder, rep.oul. 4.50; Hall, Crediton, on Monday, the lith J 1 Cornish fillip in cul. $20 00 • R of May 1912 at 1 p. m. All merub• g + Davy filling in col, ',$4 25 ers were present. The. minutes•of •,J Neil, • drawin brick bats, $t0 00 ; A Mor• lock, S ring, $2 90. " t3 "0 inlet adjourned" to meet again In the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, the 27th of May next at 10 a. m. HENRY EILBER, Tp. Clerk. the previous meeting were,",,x a.nd .adopted. -« Elliott -Kellerman "That the,As- sessment Roll as filed tint 'the - Clerk; be accepted and that the As- sessor, Jos Guinan, be paid hid sal- ary" Carried Finkbeiner-Yearley : "That By- law No 193 being a By-law appoint- ing the Path -masters, Pound keep. ers and Fenee-Viewers, having been read the third time, be passed and signed by the Reeve and clerk and the seal of the corporation at- tached thereto" Carried. Kellerman -Elliott : "That By.law No 192 being a by-law to appoint H, F, Eilber, 0. Steinhagen and T. Webb, inspectors to enforce what is commonly known as "The Cattle 13y -law" with their divisions Con 1 to con 9 ino ; con 10 to con 17 inc ; and con 18 to the western boundary of .the Township respectively, hav- ing been read the third time, be passed and signed by the reeve and clerk and the seal of the Corpora- tion attached thereto" Carried. ., Elliott -Kellerman : "That Alonzo. Hodgins be appointed overseer of the construction ef the concrete abutments and floor of the Atm Saublo River bridge at Esser•y's and the small bridge at Flynn;te and that the Reeve oversee the construction of the abutments and floor of the small bridge on the I, R. E. Concession and Conoillor• Finkbeiner the abutments ;,a td' floor of the bridge on the 21st Otlii' cession. Carried. Yearley -Elliott : "That the Toni ship Court of Revision of the , s: sessment Roll be held in the „To*n Hall, Crediton, on Monday the 27.th clay of May next at 10 a. m." Cdr: ried. It was resolved that gravel Con- tracts shall be let at the next 00 -i- oil meeting at 2 p. m, The following orders were pastOcl, The Hamilton Stamp and Stencil Works, cow tags, 6.90; T. Webb, rep. culvert 9.75; John Lawson rep eulVel.t' 3.00; John Geiser tile across a.ott(, 1.40; G. F. Enter concrete tilt 4.20; G. F. Eilber concrete tile EBF 8.00; J. Benny rep. culvert, 1.50 tT Turner rep culvert, 1.00; J. Lawton.,-' rep ; culvert, 4.50; John Station, rent of tile yard, 5.00; Wm. Moir, tela. itl • vent 5.00; 1, Flynn, rep. culvert, $2, R. Davey, rep. M. C.briclge, i 50;'. '. Nicholas, rep. bridge, 8.50; W Hea man, grading,' 4.50; D. Webb,.gratling 2.25; D. Hutchins, grading, .50y� ,J. W. Anderson and others rep. den 10.25; C. Kellerniann and :otliors,'w' rk on N. B., 1.6.50; W. Reilly, refiitad of, deg tax, 1.00 C. Kienzle, •grading, InAnyWa11t orlii„ko , Classified Want Ads, wifi he lesyou: l f , you y,want: a7 posttton ;yolt.can reach the best employers. 1'f yu want help you can get the Most: effilent,_ Money to loan-orjnoney,-to bor, ro+u Want Ads. coverth tc elite iicld, ,.,,,rim ire a rr, •.e+b The arrival of the songsters -and the arrivalof Holt rnanns New Spring Suitings, • The little songters are ready to build their ,:spring at summuDhomes, we ready are ready to build yon a Spring a Summer Suits; with Goods that will meet your utmost aj lroval. If you anticipate buying a spring suit ycu will do wg to coxae and see our Fancy Suitings they are different ilia other tailors are showing. Different because they are Holtzmanns Holtzmanns bacause they are differej Smart Spring Suits to order *15.00 J.1-1. HOLTZMVIANN, - Merchant Tai] BUSINESS CARDS. H. S. PHILLIPS, 'AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or 710 pay. Terms 'easonable., Orders left at this office Ivill be promptly attended to. ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSURAN- ce agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and. Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. LODGE (MEETINGS r1 !1•�j Court Zurich No. 1240 J. VJ 11 • meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. m. in the A. 0. U. W. Hall. J. J. IIEaNER, C. R. Rickbeil Lodge lJ No. 3 93, meets the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month at 8 o'clock, in their Hall, _Kerner Bloek • FRED. WITWER ,M. W r STEVENS as VISIBLE LOADING " REPEATING RIFLE No. 70 - List Price. $8.00 "Visible Loading" is a big ad- vantage. You see the cartridge go in the chamber. You know when the gun is loaded. Gets all the game in sight Practice non and clean out all the farm pests / dead sure. Points for the Sharpshooter ti and Hunter Ifyou want expert inform - don on Shnrpshooling.Ilunt• Ing or Trapshooting, write a .. postal telling us wbach subject interests you most. By return mall comms our letter giving you this vain. able information, besides the big Stevens pnOcS ni nut -.209 tles,Shations an sm s nn asic TCIcncopcS. ff'rOc ecd.y. C,'Aslr. your dealer and insist oft STEVENS. If you cannot obtain we will ship direct, express prepaid, upon receipt of catalog price, ^ems J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY • • P. 0.730X 5003 �� Chicopee Falls, Mass. _ LEGAL CARDS. .'ROUDFOOT RAYS & KILLORAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Goderich, Canada W. Proudfoot, K. C. R. 0. Hays. 3. L. Killoran. R. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- duate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- day. , 7-26 E. ZELLER. CONVEYANCER AND Notary P.ublic..., . De.e.da,. Xottg, gess Wills and other Legal Documents care fully and promptly prepared. Office -- Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. , MABKET REPORT MARKET REPORTS -The following is the .market report, corrected to Wednesday noon of each week. CREDITON Oats45e a bush Barley 80c a bush Wheat 95c a bush Shorts $28 a ton Bran $26 a ton White Rose Flour $2.70 Feed Flour $1.65 Butter 30ets Eggs 20 cts a dos. Potatoes $1.50 a bag Dried apples 7c. Beans $1.50-$2.00 a bushel Timothy $ 9.00 a bush Red Clover $12 to 14.00 Alsyke $10 to 14.00 Alfalfa $12.00 HENSALL Wheat 95 to 96 cts. a bus Barley 92 to 95 cls. Oats 46 to 48 cts. a bus Man. Seed Oats 65 cts. a bus Ground Corn $30.00 per ton EXETER Oats 50c a bush Barley 65 to 85c, a bush Wheat, Standard, 95c a bush Shorts $28.00 per ton Bran $26.00 a ton Family flour $2.70 Feed flour $1.65 Hay $16 to $17 a ton Hogs live weight, $8.80 Peas 900 to $1,10 DASHWOOD Oats 45c a bush Barley 80c a bush Wheat 95 to 96c a bush Shorts $28 a ton Bran $26 a ton Feed flour $1.65 Butter 28c a lb Eggs 22c a dos ' Potatoes $1.50 a bag Dutch sets 8c a lb DR. T. P. McLAUGHLIN, for erly Assistant Surgeon at Moi field's (Royal London Opthalm Eye Hospital and Golden Squa Nose and Throat Hospital, Lando England. Also spent tiwe at Berl and other Continental Hospital General Practice with special atter ion to Eye, Ear,, Nose and Thro Eyes tested (Retinoscope and tbalmoscope used) and glasses at plied and properly adjusted. 0 Dashwood, Ontario. H. EILBER & So Conveyancers, General Insuranc Agents MONEY TO LOAN At Lowest Rates of Interest Telephone -Office 1a, House 1 4-44++++++.:••r++++++++++÷÷ B. W. F. BEAVERS EXETER Licensed Auctioneer for Count Huron. Sales conducted in the approved manner. Satisfaction g anteed. Dates can be made at Crediton Star or at the Bargain Store, Ex CItL9IT®N Meat 1 AIII '. We,keep 1 stock a fu11 line of frebtli meats; e_ etc. Our cuts are not, ed for their tenderness, and wholesomness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our sausage. Give us a call. Nicholson&Laws CREDITON. Crediton Flour Mil Manufacturer of all grade Roller Flour. We also°'sell the Five Roses Flour Gristing mid d Chopping p ptly done Oats Rolled. and Cho done at, 5 cents a ba H.SWEITZ J. M. Howell, a popular druggist of Greensburg, Ly.,s says, "We use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in our own household and know it is ex- cellent. For sale by all dealers. HOMESEEKE EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Special Trains terra Toronto 2.00 p.m. APRIL 2, 14, 30 MAY 14, 29 JU JULY 9, 23 AUC. C, 20 SEP Second class tickets from Ontario stations to Northwest points at LOW ROUND-TRIP RA 'Winnipeg mod retro $34.00; Edmonton an $42:00t and to other points in venal -don. ROW to return withal 60 day. from going. TOURIST SLEEPING C linen h to Flop Saskatoon, also to and C aktary'sda am Cleo small excursions.factahle berths, f0 y entupped with bedding, securmd at nto61srata rates through local as Early applirtation must be mad A81t FQIi HOStSEEttErts• PAM conlainlns tales and full information, Apply to nearest C,P.R. Agent o M. G. MURPHY. Dist. Paw. Ant„ To ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANCE