HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-05-10, Page 4rniture Store
Minos, Organs
and Sewing
Singer $30
New Williams $27
Raymond $25
Model $25
Cabinet $23
large stock of furniture always on
e carry the lar,eest stock in this
me in Western Ontario. Calls day
r night will get your prompt atten-
tion. Call central.
Furniture and Undertaing
- The following is the standing in
our prize Circulation Contest up to
Saturday evening last.
• Miss Lottie Gagster 04000
Miss Ada Wurm 4300
Miss Blanche Laporte 16800
Miss Sadie McIsaac....50700
Miss Victoria Daters
Miss Glacgrs Ic. evin .3400
Mrs. Jas. Humphreys. 43700
Miss Tillie Johnston....5500
MIiss Glary Gallman....3000
Mrs. Dan Koehler 56800
Miss Ida Sipple 500
:lectric Restorer for. Men
ohosphonol restores everynerve in the body
to its proper tension; restores
lm and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual
'eakness averted at once. Phosphono1 will
take you a new man. Price $8 a box. or two for
5. Mailed to any address. The Soobell Drug
le., 8t. Catharines, Ont.
Ringing Praise For "No. 10."
rescribed By Him 47 Years Ago.
Mr. Miles Maroney, Blisstleld, N. B..
ays: "I had occasion to visit the Rev.
entlernan for treatment for lung
ouble, which, proved to be of such a
rious nature• that my friends looked
on my recovery as almost hopeless -
4 after taking his No. 10 Lung Tonic
am thankful to say I am in perfect
lth, and •I recommend No. 10 to all
e world."
Mrs. Malcolm Livingston, Rumford
rix, Me., says: "I cannot praise your
o. 10 Lung Tonic too highly, because
cured m'e of throat trouble of long
anding—it ds now four years ago and
have not 'been troubled since."
Mr. Daniel McCarthy, Wood's Island.
F., writes; "Thank,. God! any little
rl is now well and able . to go to
hool—your No. 10 saved her' life,' and
give you a .thousand thanks that she
well again."
Mr. Jno...ylward,' Campbellton, N. B.,
iter_ "While traveling On the Gasp6
ast I contracted a severe cold, which
tied upon my lungs. I procured your
. 10 Lung Tonic just in the nick of
e to save my life. Mter one month's
I felt like a new man, and I re-
mend it :as the surest and best rern-
I know ,of:'
rs. George Desmarais, St. lean, P.
says: "S ,oan speak in the highest
or et your No. 10 Lung Tonic, as I
erect for a long time from lung
ble—and could get nothing to cure
until I tried .your remedy. I used it
larly, and to my great surprise I
well, and now ant completely cured.
with' sincere thanks and gratitude
I. recommend this priceless remedy."
rs. Wm. Nar. Lavigne, Bathurst,
$., wti.tes: "I cannot find fitting
ds to 'say enough for your No. 10
g Tonic. It is indispensable to
y home. . I:t has done wonders for
When other remedies Palled, and we
never without it in the home. The
s that have been made down here
1h a ,remedy are hard to believe—
's-re so woadarfui. Everybody ought
se it" • '
r '
Alex. a McRae, Carnoustic,
says: "1 am glad you are push-
4our Medicines this 'way. Kava
d, many kinds• of cough medicine,
.'1' never :found Al7yth.ing to equal
rs. Tour. No. 10 is all you claim
it. Bel
leve your sales will. be large
ere, as these people appreciate ,a
above prescription le not a "Cure
or so-called patent medicine. Dr.
iscy prescribed it for 44 years; and
red thousands after other doctors
ce—Small Size, 250., Large. Size, •
per bottleatyour dealers, or
r hiorriscy Medicine CO,, Limited,
; 1. . spa
Mr. R. Gidley is remodelling his
house on William street, recently oc-
cupied by A. Andrews, Mr. Andrews
having moved into the brick residence
of Mr. John 117eDonald, on Main st.
A new sewer is being pat down on
the north side of Gidley street,
Mrs. T. M. White of Windsor,
visited with Mrs. John White the
forepart of this week.
A bylaw will be submitted to the
ratepayers of Exeter on May 27th to
authorize the town to borrow $5000
for the purpose of putting in a new
sewer on the west side of main street.
This drain has caused a great' deal of
damage this spring and is at present
in a dangerous condition as there are
several caves -in between the river and
Levett's corner
The rain on Sunday afternoon was
badly needed and has clone a great
deal of good.
Miss .Edna McCallum is confined
to her home through illness.
The public school re -opened on
Wednesday last after being closed
during the month of April, owing.to
prevalence of measles among the
The bachelors of our town, held a
very enjoyable Glance on Friday even-
ing last in McDonald hall. The
London Harpers furnished the music•
Mr. Chester Coultis, who is attend-
ing business college in Stratford,
speirt Sunday at his home here.
On Sunday the sacrament of the
Lords supper was administered in
Main st Methodist church.
A number from here attended the
convention of the Women's Mission-
ary society, Exeter district, at Clande-
boye on Thursday of last week.
At the meeting of the Quarterly
Board of the Main st Methodist
church on 11londay evening the ques-
tion of building a larger shed was
Miss Bawden from England is
visiting her brother, Mr. P. Bawden.
."'Anis 'Nalburga Iain is at present
Oft the sick list.
Mr, and Mrs. F. W, Clark visited
in Ailsa Craig, over Sunday.
Mr. Jack Lovie spent Sunday with
friends in Dashwood.
Mr. Fred Young is at present con-
fined to the house through illness.
Mrs. Win. Yearley and daughter
Annie, spent Saturday in Exeter.
It is rumored that wedding bells
are to ring in the near future.
Mr. Herb Haist has been engaged
with Mr. Chas. Wolfe, for the sum-
11Ir. Mathew Wein, who has been
poorly for some time is very low at
Rev. R. Hicks attended the funeral
of the late Rev. Mr. Livingston, last
A. number from here attended the
Ball in Exeter on Friday night, and
report a good time.
1 •
12r, and Mrs. Lankin of Lucan
•visited at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young's
'on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas Zwicker and
Miss Adeline Ratz, autoed to Exeter
on Wednesday last.
Mr. Ira Brown and sister Della,
and the Misses Lulu Snider and Sanie
Watson autoed to Dashwood on Fri-
day evening last.
Mr. Milton Harris, has again em-
ployed With Thomas Trevethick, for
the summer, as wagon and buggy
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark and little
Miss Lavina, spent Sunday at •the
home of Mir. and Mrs. Alf Clark, of
Alsia Craig.
In a letter from Mr. Fraser Brown,
who is now in Windsor with the Ber-
lin team he says that they have won a
game and were to play Windsor' on
Saturday. Following is ae short ac
count of their work and will,'bo of
interest to Star readers. About 32
players in all reported and are now
weeded down to 18. The.outfield men
are already chosen. There are still 5
infield. men one .yet to be given the:
slip. There were 11 pitchers in all
and six still remain, two lucre to go
by Saturday. The catchers nttniber
four and they will be reduced to two
also by Saturday. We won _a game
`Saturday from the Waysides and part
of the..team lost from I++'lint Platy
Windsor next Saturday,
Mr. Jas. Lamport spent Jest ;Vise
in Denfield with his brother, Mr; T:
The Sunday school of the Evang'
Beal church, will be held Stn d,i';
, morning in future, from 11. to l
Mrs, John Wind. and 1?Ir , 1 enry
Steinaeher spent a few clays in Strad-'
ford, when they attended the funea,'ak'
of their niece.
This community will regret to learn,
of the death of Mr. Mathew Wein, olla�
of the early settlers of Stephen. Tlie'
deceased was ailing for some time and
most of the family were at his bedside
when the end came peacefully ou„
Tuesday afternoon, at the age of 75
years, The remains will be laid to rest.
in the Evangelical church cemetery
on Friday afternoon, Rev. E. Bulli.
officiating. Besides a sorrowingwid
ow the bereaved family consists of
three sons, John, Joseph and Samuel,
all of Stephen, the daughters being
11Irs. Pope and Mrs. Heylock of Lon
don and Mrs. Borland of Woodstock
Dr. de Van's Female Gills'
A reliable French regulator; never faits. These
pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the
generative portion of the female system. Refuse,
all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van's are sold at
05 a box, or three for 010. Mailed to any address.
'he Seobeii Drug Co.. St, Catharines, Ont..'
Miss Bertha Guenther of Exeter, is
spending a month with her Barents.
Messrs Arthur Doan and Dave Pfaff
of Varkhill, spent Sunday in town,
Mr. D. Tiernan and son Mar's
were in London, on business.
Mr. P. Fossil is putting a cement'
floor in his barn.
Mrs. T. Klnmp and Mrs. H.
Hoffman gave Zurich a call, on"
Mr. Herman Zimmer who spent the
past week in London has returned
Miss Clara Kraft of Thedford;
is holiding with her parents, Mr:
and Mrs. P. Kraft.
Mr. J. Kraft and sister.::, Clara
were in Exeter Tuesday to ...call Oil
their sisters 4,e'MA,,0 $• aft;.
A number b
were in town one night last' -'week.
There must be some attractions. Its
Mr. Ira Brown, 11Ir. Melvin Brown,
Miss Della Brown, Miss Watson, and
Miss Snider or Crediton motored over
to Dashwood Friday and called on
11Ir. and Mrs. W. L. Seibert.
Mrs. William Ehlers, Mrs, Geo
Kellerman are in Berlin this week,
attending the funeral of Mrs,
Ehlers brother, Mr. Heseneaver of
Bridgeport, Ont.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mcisaac and
family: spent Friday evening in
Mr. Henry Guenther has bought
the dwelling house of Mrs. Joseph,
Mr. Arthur Doan •of Parkhill was
the guest of Miss Eanma °alfas, over
Mr. J. Hoffman and Miss Nora
Siebert were ,at the Grand Bend on
Mir. Henry Neusc'hwanger went to
Stratford vital Mr. C. Guenther, who
took a land of furniture down there.
Mr. 3. Ehlers and daughter Mrs T.
Klump, visited Mr. and Mrs. Johni
Preeter of Zurich Saturday. •
Mr. and Mr's. C, Fritz and daughter,,
Dorothy visited Mr. and Mrs. J, Kel ,,
Lerman, over,Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Ravelle of Grand
Bend visited friends and 'relatives in'
town. over Sunday.
Messrs Bert Slattin and Jce.
Brenner of Grand Bend, spent;;
Tuesday in town.
Mr. Milfred Mcisaac continues''
to improve and will soon be at
work again.
The commits ee, who are arrang
ing for our big celebration on June
3rd are doing good work. The,
Exeter band has been engaged for.,
the day. The Crediton Stars aid'
the Fullerton teem will be present,
One of the special features . of• tlae
program will be horse raceing
The committee are giving $100 10 ''
be divided among the rages, The'
days sport will be followed by a'
big concert in the evening. The
grounds which , have been leased.
from Mr, Rich Baker are level and
are 'being put into excellent shape,;.
The track will. be a Lull: half mile,
The baseball diamond -has been'
skinned and the ground rolled;
This week.Thos glumpp with his
traction engine hooked to the'
grader bas been doing exoellent,
work in getting the ground into
T' U.
''"te'll:'. ''you "What I was, and
'twill telt you what I am. I was
parr .of. thirty --good-looking,
old arae: I had perfect . health,
ustiancl lied died three years ago,
g' iil'e.airly coinfortably well oft,
:good business which I preferred
4 a ilttuagexiayself. I was religious—or
tt> beast, ;:t thought .myself so. I atten-
di c1 :Dig*ine Werehip regularly, and
to (' nl'it h the services. In fact, my
glliitin''.lia(cl always been my hobby
).d o`t' recreation, to Me. My lius
rd hack' been a total abstainer, and
lits I :' 1 never drank, arid never
e;,, O.gaged others to drink. But it
thatreeeined to ane an adt of childish
•tjlt1/4' on the part of guy husband when
'shale years before, he had given up
,liis'grocer's drink license—from "con-
ltiiaintious motives," he said. And now
I `hied for some time past resumed the
ite,ot wine, and was making large
iifits by it. That is what T was; a
1ntarisee—cold, prosperous, heartless-
ririer a bit of the real woman about
lnSa., But this was altered. Oh, that
Others may be delivered from the pain
of such • an alteration! One night I
1'ijeamed. Oh, dont laugh—don't tell
*that you are not superstitious;
t€at you don't believe in visions. I
Was not credulous; I was most matter-
atter-'of fact! Now, after that dream. I am
;u broken-hearted woman. Oh, the
life -pictures that passed before me in
it! I mast select from among thein;
they are too many to tell them all. I
dreamed that I was in the state that
comes after death. I was waiting, in
spirit of religions self -complacency,
with my good life before me, for the
Juclgeiinent. My husband was with
me, and. as I thought of his Christian
life, I had no fear for him. Suddenly
there came up—slowly at first—to
where we were standing, a terrible,
terrible crowd; Oh, I can't describe it
A thrill of horror passed over me as I
looked on those faces—before I under-
stood them.' Slowly the meaning
dawned upon ine. They were some
of my neighbours; some of the people
I had influenced. First came ayoung
girl "Beautiful Bessie" they once cal-
led' her. But, alas, for her beauty,
'Vice had made an end of.it, and only
lovely eyes.rou'lained tbe,,sanie, to.
of "all thiit haft once belonged to
the emaciated form.
• To be continued
Ethel M. Williams, Pres
Look for•thisTrade Mark
when you buy paint.
It means painting as it should be --
painting that will look the best and
wear the longest under all weathers
and hard usage.
This Trade Mark is backed by 76
years of world wide paint experi-
ence --it's the sign of
Perhaps the last job blistered,
cracked or peeled --because the paint
was not perfectly made.
Try Minerva Paint this time.
The Perfect incorporation of the
Minerva, ingredients produces a
paint with great covering capacity—
while its elastic properties prevent
peeling off, blistering or cracking,
insuring long life, thus putting off
the necessity of repainting for the
longest time—meaning economy to
There's a Minerva Paint, Enamel or 'Varn-
ish for every purpose.
Sold by prominent dealers at all pointe in -
, Bit a WN, Ore. iton
(CunRdr) Limited
oronto' - Ont.
"It's st) easy
tu,paint With
1141' Minerva"
g rize
We watt to increase the Subscription List of our three papers, The
Herald, Zurich; Pioneer, Dashwood, and Star, Crediton, to 2000, and to
accomplish this quickly we are offering some handsome prizes for the most
popular -ladies, mar'r'ied or single. It will pay you to "get busy." Someone
is going to get a handsome $300.00 piano.
First Prize
Beautiful Mendelssohn Piano
H. Wells, Agent, Zurich. See it at his store.
Second Prize..
Ladies' Fur Lined Coat
Value $75.00. May be seen at Zwicker's store Crediton
'I hird .Prize
New Williams Drop -Head Sewin
See it at P. Mclsaac's furniture store, Dashwood.
Fourth Prize
Ladies' Gold Watch
Fifth Prize
Set best Plated Knives and Forks
4th and 5th prizes, See at F. W. Hess Jewelery store, Zurich,
Subscription Values
New Subscriptions 1000 votes
Renewal 500 votes
Arrears for each year 200 votes
Standing of candidates up to Saturday evening of each week will bo pulr
lished the following week.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ '
Voting Goupon
I Vote for
Amount Paid
Sent by .. -..r
1 Name of paper sudscribed for
0.+++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++ +++.!t
As the most Popular Lady
New Subscription
The Her aid Office, Zurich, o
the Star Otflc& Oredi.ton.