HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-05-10, Page 1The °ficial
axed , Hay Township"
VOL, X11
Our spring Millinery opening will take place
on Saturday, March3oth, Monday, April 1st and
following days. Have recured the
r and are
Miss Link to look after this depme
feel assured that your wants will be satisfactorily
looked after. All the latest and best in spring
Hais, shapes, Trimmings, Novelties etc. You are
cordially invited.
Spring Dress Goods
The most com fete assortment of Dress Goods for Spring
Band Summer wear ever shown in this section. Vo, Mills,
Cloth, Linen, Suitings, Tricotine, Eoliennes, Poplin,
Muslins in fact we have everything that the best markets afford
in this line.
We would call special attention to our range of lanes, em-
broideries and dress trimmings.
In Birks wo also excel if you want something good in this
line eoine in and look over our display. See our Special "lard
wide Marquese Silks in all colors.
New "Tali'Papers
Our stock tausyear surpasses anything we
have ever shown.
%yto achoosre e fz axny
and we e have an via
A.11 patterns have
fo � eve y f 1.00M intedienazause.
brace Wallpapers
Everyone interested in beautifying the home
should take advantage
yoou* to callfearly opportunity y and -we
would advise y..
is complete.
Floor Coverings
The correct coverings for your kitchen. or
room is linoleum. We have .a delarge
r e and. V
valise. stock tohseY llso acs comprising stock of ail-
1oth other
cloths, ru beautifies and antdi reserves linnoleums of all kinds.
etc. Our Linoleum var- g
melt beautifi preserves
a durable and easily 0
It fills.the pores and g
cleaned surface
We carr a full stock of, window blinds fringe
a and
rollers in all shades.' We have the�xigood ii rollers.
or without and all are mounted on
Curtain poles, etc.
*csaysa,s-a.ira.ra.ra.ana as,
taar'p-tri eta sit,
Mr. Southcott of Blenheii
ing at the home of Mrs. S.
Mr. J. J. Merner M. P., s1i
car of horses to the West on Ti:
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weber.
ed friends in Seaforth, on; Sung
Mr. David Ropp, is agent
Laval cream separators.'Call
for oil or repairs.
1 have a limited s11pply o
rock eggs for sale. Apply
The hog market is still o n air
and $8.80 if being paid. foz'
week's deliveries.
Miss Ida Westlake of Exeter,' i
her sister Mrs. James. \Vhyte,
At the regular sitting of the,.
ion coua_t on Tuesday,, the only:
were a few judgment surnmons•c
Mr. Ernst Gies is taking orddea book on the Titanic disaser.proouring a great many orders.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kalbile?
left on Tuesday moning• for a va'e
visit with their daughter Mrs.Sehilbe, at Waterloo.
The police trustees will shortly
ginbuilding cement dm n abouts tent tbo
tended to layand feet.
At the school meeting on Saurn
it was decided to build thenewsch-
at a cost of $7000.00. It will cont
four rooms ad will, be-xnodern str
Lure. Work will be begun 'atonce.Goderich will haves the 11 ilita
Canp for District No 1 .net Su
and the prospects are that theca,of 1912 will he fully double in
that of last yearWb are rheasd"d aLanders that Mr. Charles Shoenieltoi, i b1r. J. hlersy Mrs. lalumpp,
1vas operated on for rupture, ma faker and two children Sidney
time ago, has entirely recovered Bind d\erdaMrsC.will soon be able to resume work
Sick headache results from e,ordered• condition of the stomach; and
can be eared by the use of Chaiuber-
lain's Stomach and Liver Tables.
Try it Forsae by all dealers
MAY to 1912.
License Inspector Torrance of
li,nton was in town on TuesdayMrs. Fred Kehn of Berlin is visit-
gher parents, Mr. sand Mrs. 3.
Wanted ---Smart boy to learn the
printing busines. Apply at this
oil'iceMr. and Mrs. Tough of the Nest
visited with Mr. and Mrs. George
Campbell, on Sunday.
Mrs. H. Hoffman and Mrs. T.
"lamp. of Dashwood, visited with
Mis. J. Preeter, on Tuesday.
Get our prices on oil and gasoline
stoves, for summer cooking. We
sel just a little cheaper then the
ordinary run, at H.artleib's.
Window Blinds •
Lutheran Church—The evening,
service in St. Peter's Lutheran church
will be conducted in English. �iThesubect of meditation will be The
Lord's Prayer" A hearty invitation
is extended to all.
Mrs. Helen Sparks, widow of the
late George Sparks Sr., died at theBronson Line, Stanley, on Monday
at the age of about , 'enty, The
funeral took place on Thu.ay after-
noonMr. John Ransford, salt manufac-
turer of Clinton, has been appointedone of the official delegates from the
Canadian Manufacturers' Association,
to represent them at the congress at
London, England, in June.
Now is the time to get rid of your
rheumatism. You will find Chamber-
li's Liniment wonderfully effective.
One application will convince you of
its merits. Try it. For sale by alldealers.
Lutheran church—A apublic con-
gregational meeting will be held after
the. morning service. The subect of
discussion will be: The' election of
sate to:S _nod art .tale renai.us on
FarmFoy Sale
100 acres of Choice Land, 90 acres n idler ct itigvation, balance bus
Has 8 good Spring Wells, Fencing, in good repair, hewing built several hudred rods last year. Well underdrained; ,;lout one' acre of good-o.,ehar
Has a comfortable Frame House; goodI ,; nk Ba!n 40x60, Basement e
Cen�ient; Stabling for 82 head of Cattle; G.' .1 box Stall and four' Singlehorse stalls and harness room. All Stablla put in flew last season. RotsCellar 26x14 covered with porch. Cemen , Silo 143. 40 aores under
grass; Fall plosghing all done. This Far;n is well situated, being 1.4 milfrom school and 2 miles from Hensall market. Telephone. connction.
Farm will be sold on easy terms to suit purchaser and inunediate possession
will be given. For further particulars Apply to
E. ZELLE1, Zurich, orxt;
We do Repairing
The Cook Fitzgrald Com,-pnays favors Astorias. Cn-
ada's leading Shoes for- MenThe product of the most upto-date
Factory in the Country.• Nothing
newer or better wade anywhere Style,
Quality, Fit and Comnfort combined
No breaking in required,- Put them
on and forget your FootwetroublesSee them at Fausts SoleAgent for
Zurich and vicinity.
Butter and cgs•taken irk exchange
r I{ellerman anson Alvin, and Miss Lynn Willert of
Dashwood, and Miss Pearl Willert of
Grand Bend, were visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Preeter, on
Crown Attorney Seager, of Goder-
ih, is a military man and a Fenian
Raid. veteran who will receive $100
Bole the Dominion Government as a
reward for services rendered during
he month of April, 1870. At that
time Mr. Seager was captain of Com -pony No 7 of the 27th Lanibton Battalion of Infantry.
nouse Paiz.ts
For a clat1"able
',lab 31ou2cuse S. -1V ,'longerS,ou,3CC
pen70thell . in .1UGtULceaVer
1a1& than, Ordinary paints. U %
different Paintfor EV(w )t17+
intend Paintingyour,hOnse his year we
l7oi4i1iveconnM 7,8
Gzbar glues;.,
Vre axe A emits,ng for Poorloss
Eave¢ O hie ,.. Etc.
"lJ R C l-1
Telephone 9
lir. Peter Lamont intends nim+iitig
the barn on the "Sipple farm to the
West end of the land right close to
town. We have not learned whether
be will build a house, bot , this being
leap -year some young lady might
propose. Here's hoping that he will
be "landed" before the close of 1912.
Is there anything in all this world
that is of more importance to you
than good digestion? Food must when the permits were totalle
eaten to sustain life and must be the month of April. The total amount
digestedeand di scion fail intothblew. ' of the permits for the month `iVhen the digestion fails the whale
amount -
body suffers. Chamberlain's Tablets ed to $1,004,250. or an increase over
the corresponding month of 1911 of
are a rational and reliable cure :for 759;247. The highest month for
indigestion. They increase the flow previous year was June, 1911,
any p'
of bile, stomach,
the blood, strengthen h l when the permits totalled $752,165. 5e
digestive stomach, and tone up the whole The total permits issued for
apparatus to a sale natural }led months of 1910 amounted to $1,071, -
action. For by . all 9J0.
dealers. A '`Babes in the Woods" story
. Reports frons the western provii.ces this week. Mr.
that seedingtheeis present ch timether ada tharait arideLs Mrs.m Drysdale
Denoiny s two
vanced at the 1 children little tots 4 and 6 years of
s a year ago at this date. L the house at 10 o'clock Toes-
t -
0 .L 1(
Tenders addressed to the under-
signed, for constructing three bridges,
cement abutments and floors, and
steel beams—one 80ft, one 16ft, and
ane 7f1 span; ales, a retaining wall, For two weeks we will offer Gentle-
long, will be received by the mens' Solid Gold Signet rings at very
Council of the Township of Hay, up Special Prices. See that you get one.
to two o'clock on Wednesday the 29th
slay of \lay 1912.
All records for building. permits in
the history* of Moose Jaw were broken
Plans and specifications may be
seen and obtained at the Clerk's office
at Zurich, Ont.
The lowest or any tender not neces-
sarily accepted.
FRED KESS SnHay Township.
Zurich, \lay 9th, 1912. 87 8
The new Flour
Feed. and Grocery
All kind of Field and Garden Seed
Cash paid fora Potatoes
eed es acid
Bring your Pxod+nce here for
Best Prices.
Louis Jeffrey
h d t i�he in- � T les
ova age ref
clications are that from ten. to twenty+
five per cent more ground will -be bre day morning, to ;other some flowers
and in some way
ken than IVIES the Bass last year. 'i'Iie. in
the a bush neat by instead of point
found to direction,
were half ways to Bayfield, and did
not return home until nearly? 4 o'clock
The whole neighborhood was aroused
by this time and the parents were
geStna alarmed.1wanted to learn type
Stuart g
setting and assist in the office
'Apply at this office gin e•tpo
Mr. 11. P. Conway, 1 0
estimator is already tat 'yolk figuring they
on the wheat crop, but it is altogether hoinewa ls they
ni the 1pposi-
probable that his figures will have to
weekly revision from now lentil after<
the last stalls has been crit. At ' "this
moment he says the total yield. 'for the
prairie provinces will be two hundred
million bushels.
A Saskatoon Wedding—The mar-
riage of Miss Jennie Luker, el.ddest
daughter of .Mr. R. T. Luker, and
grand daughter' of Mr. Robert t1c-
Allister, of the Parr Line, liny to'vn,
ship, to Mr. Miles'Reilly, fea n0rl'� of
Guelph, took place at the man80.
Saskatoon, on the afternoon 0f Alec.=
nosday, April' i8rd... The bride.' (oxe.,a'
liandsoa'ie suit of navy b'
with hat to match.. Her ori
was present. After the cern;'
suiupti wedding dinner `44'ig
at the Roy 1 ITotei write
iio. •sloth,
say "a
who has been rusticating et t.
Dominion for some months has
completed the Business Directory
Lie has had in hand and which may
be seen in the Dominion (louse
sitting roan.. Mr. Conway deserves
great praise foo his trprise. It
will be
is sad that the proceeds
staked as. :a bet with ex reeve
Lamont, that be (L)onwaay)
A� ;les,
ions avec d ing c. to Walk t:i the County town. .+J m
a yell days, phe chaliexiger is
by Ilas« o. Brothels boa a fiy ., of tatikiiag •a daily m
i w.'wrSll int; for the ocoaasion.
in now.
We WCtl1t you to see f o1'• ibi&1'sel f.
it onlyto see the fine Assortment, Speaks f o
Al! we ask is a chance to show you the very rna
f" <<.�I r.>e
Spring Sty1..3.
Butter and Eggs Wanted
- gaol
Close Prices' on
Kitchen Clocks
Thousands of our Watches are in
wearers pockets, and Hundreds of
Clocks on shelves throughout thesays,—
Windcountry and each one of them says,
Wind with care and usg me well
And let me have fair play,.
And I to you will try. to tell
The precious tune of day.-
But, if from cause; chane to stop
And fail to give the hour.,
Just take me to Hess,s Jeweltery Shop
And he will give me pow�v:.
How About aViolin
Everything Guaranteed.
Jeweller, - ZURICH
We are making a special of Ladies' and Mens' ofD Dressy
Shoes for Spring embodying, all the fine points
and of Reliable Quality.
had a better or nice'
Stock of Shoes than we are show
in three ay
orning walk, train.
The ex typo
!3rucofielcl. "a ifs g
take tip liousokeepia.i, in atoms ises of re ofte inning in bet and
amid the best . sets "," i on "Race,,�t' Toronto wishea
eeist gran' alaT t this aunints
1=i'LaPan ff'iei.cle. t � ,:r .,