HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-04-26, Page 8The Quality T E . . We extend a cordial invitation to all the Ladies of Zurich .and 'vicinity to attend our Spring Millinery Opening on Frithiy and Satur- day March 29th and. 30t11, when you will be shown all the Newest and Latest tyles in Spring and Summer Millinery- by Miss Holmes, who is in charge. COME AND SEE THE NEW GOODS Every person who buys their Spring and Summer Goods here are going to get the best value for the least money. We are going to give every customer who trades here this spring such good value for every dollar they leave here that it would be impossible to get bet- ter values elsewhere. New spring Dress Goods New silks, New Trimmings New Prints, New Cinghams New Embroideries New Wall Papers Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Lace Curtains and Curtain Goods in Madras, Bungalow Netting, coin spots 8c. Our. Dress, .Qods cp- , artment is fillecl with the latest and best in Spring Dress Goods and Trimmings. Gent's Furnishing for Spring .A. large and well assorted Stock of New Spring Suits for Men and Boys, all made in the Latest Styles and Fashionnble Cloths, also New Trousers, and. Boys' Knickers and. Hats, Caps, Ties, Gloves, Socks &c. Special value in Bleached Sheetings. Also Circu- lar Pillow Cottons, Towellings, Table Linen. A full Supply of G:oceries Highest prices paid for all kinds of Farm Produce TEVE -The STEVENS Double Barrel Hanurnerle00• Shotgun—is strongest other guns are weakot. The bar:.'.". rels and lugs ore drop -forgo& Zn one piece—of high pressure choice bored for nitro povide4÷' with maVded rib. Fick up this 'qun and feel the -balance of it —examine the working parts' closely and see the fine care and:1lUish of detail—you will say it's a 1t lists at only $20,00 ct.ncl, expressed prepaid direet from factory in case you cannot secure a it through a doci/er,., Sand fir new Apt and.' Haww. to•SInni,, UNDERTAKING Prompt Service Moderate rharges W. H. HOFFMAN J. STEVENS -8, Tow. cgivim •?. 0, Rox 603 it: chicotie tfl is 1 KERNER. GENERAL ERCI-IANT Telephone 28 Zurich, = Ontario HEADQUARTERS FOR 1 Celebrated Broadway I CLOTHING FOR SALRH M Zwicker's, Oretito n No. 1 Red Clover, Alsike, lfa, Timothy, Kentucky Blue and. 00 14112(1 Grass—specially selected for see:lug purposes. Also a quantity df&;,an Alsike and Timothy Seed inixed, at very reasonable prices. MANGOLD SEED Regarding Mangold Seed we have a large supply of Steele Briggs, Ban- nies and. Carters, all varieties. 40 Cents a pound Chas. Zwicker, Crediton.,, FRIGHTFUL INJURY A young Boston woman;-.. ektre• mely athletic, rides very well,.pd seated astride her horse, she -z.re- serables a beautiful boy. 'Itidhig one day in her masculine. habit, she bad the misfortune .to be thrown. An old sea captain hest ened to her aid.. Raising. `ifer gO1J ty, ti.orget air Nii144.211.P.F Al+i" i't17'itYrd'rt4qtficli i F1P5UVr ribs runnin' north aid soulh instead -of east and west—Martr; A farmer boy, and his beSt were seated in a buggy,prie eveilyng in town. watching the people pass. Near by was a popcorn vendor's stand. Presgntly the lady remarked : "My 1 that popcorn smells •good!" ••That's right" said the gallant. "1'11 drive up a little closer, so ;you can smell it better"—Everybody's Magazine. OF WHAT USE ARE WE We sometimes wonder of whatuse we are, and why we are put on earth. One day is added to another, an -d we seem to be no farther advancet. on the pathway of our lives. As Nark Twain would have put it, we dP , not. appear to be gaining on the scenery. Yet there is room in the worldiiand need in the world for each and eyery one of ns, and therefore we inustteep 1p to on going to the end. Emmerson , ias a poem in which the squirrel.lal1 the mountain and says: "If 1 #not carry forest on my back neither can you crack a nut." You can do Oine- thing nobody else can de;*nantelY) live your life. You have your eh ace if yon will only take it, and 1 lu-tev mine. If we can do nothing els0'.'''we is nothing that the world. can at least be one's friend 'aq tere wants and more sadly needs. , k, .c.,- , SPECIAL CLT3BR41. OFFER • N, ' We wish to draw the tatertfritiiii of our many readers to the Special '.lub. bing offer we are now givin›e We hale made arrangements itlPriale. Weekly Mail and Empire ahl The Weekly Globe so that we carYOU either of the three papers, Star 'Poi. eer or Herald and the Wee* Globe or Mail and Empire from non ;:until Jan. lst, 1913 for $1.00. $on Ladd- resS to the Star, Crediton or '' rald, Zurich. Mr. Herb Eaist and, t Layina and Edna, Finkbein on the Goshen Line, on 8).144 Miss Steinacher of WAT visiting under the parental' couple of weeks. .„;' Master Harold Rontcliffei"i;0 spent a few days at bb be and Mrs. R. Dinney. • Bought out F. HESS & SON Implements and Repairs and moved them to my shop Pulper knives, straw knives,. exten- sion ladders, step ladders, galvanized troughs, cutters Arclaughlins best make, buggies, Deering machine re- pairs, blacksmith repairing, onion seed- ers and garden tools, piping all sizes, corn shellers, plows Fleury and Perc- ival and all kihds of plow repairs, axle greese; ropes all sizes, wheel. barrows, barn scales. Louis Prang, ZURICH The New Blacksmith • 3 :.•ToWnBa1l, ZutielitmT axnprepor- ea. to do all kinds of 3nachinexy repairs, horse -shoeing, general black- smithing. Give me a call. Geo Brock Now Ready Stylish gies If you -want to see the big - est and finest lot of Buggies call at our wareroom. If you wish to buy we are confident we can satisfy your taste. Also Carriages and Waggons Prices Right All kinds of Repairs prom - ply attended. F. Hess_ & Son MONTREAL, . THE STANDARD is th d Natio-nal !Weakly Newspaper 'of the Dominion 'of Canada. It is national in all its almo. it uses the' most expensive* engra.v- ings, procuring th d photographs from all over the world. Its.artiolos are carefully selected and its 'editorial policy, is thoroughly ioes inden'endent. ,,6t6E1 coAsto °$11I1)050elplePrti6yileart6td any addresS in Tile' Standard at, is Canada or Great Britain, f' kr TRY IT FOR 1912! ter, Montreal Standard Publishing go," United i Publishers, HARTLIEB',c,) 16 STOR • 1. - One Price the year round and th the lowest:Tr Parties intending to buy a good. Harnes this Spring should not fail to on us, as -eve are headquarters in Zurich for the best at lowest prices ,e one guaranteed, because best leather always used. See our Team Hari with. Collars at $25.00, Single Harness at $9.00 up Stoves and Hardware If you want the best at lowest prices call and see what a big Bargaii can get here. I I I I I 1 1 I I hi 1 6 A full stock of all kinds of In Furniture we lead the trade as we buy in car loads this enables cheaper and our customers get the benefit. Terms Cash or Trade at Cash Price e. 1-111RTLEIB, zekie HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION STORE Gar Best Sningles Just to hand. Bring in • your orders. Close price in 11) C KALBFLITAISCI PHOIN =>. = = ZURI < „ )(* • • • f • • Our Stock of Wall Paper is very large, and in order to re- diice it we are offering it at prices so low that it should sell itself. Call in soon, as these bargains are only lasting a short time, and we are sure we can • please you. • Remember we give Coupons with every purcha • cash or trade, Fresh Groceries always kept on. Produce Taken in Exchange PHONE 17 RUB'S?' (Se GASC;t- mei