HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-04-26, Page 1las
1 S
Our spring Millinery opening will take place
on Saturday, March 30th, Monday, April 1st and
following days. Have secured the services of
Miss Link to look after this department and we
feel assured that your wants will be satisfactorily
looked after. All the latest and best in spring
Hais, shapes, Trimmings, -Novelties etc. You are
cordially invited.
Spring Dress Goods
The most complete assortment of Dress Goods for Spring
and Summer wear ever shown in this section. - Voiles, Muse,
Cloth, Linen, Suitings, Tricotine, Eoliennes, Poplin, Mulls,
Muslins in fact we have everything that tliebest markets afford
in this line.
We would call special attention to our range of laces, em-
broideries and dress trimmings.
want somethingcod in
In Silks the also excel if you g
line come in and look over our display. See our Special • Yard
wide. Marquess Silks in all; colors.'
The Official Organ o;
"ch a Hay Township3
eqt' a sr -a,. a"'a• aaka.. to 4Io 4,6"0
a°arac a arraera v '
Good sound .8 year old 'pony
sale. F. W. Hess.
Ur. William Clark of d e:1 t
visiting with 1'rlr. and Mrs. .0. 1.+ n
For Sale—Sure'growth Fertih
$30.00 a ton. Fred Hess & San
Miss Pearl Wurtz tookAaait• ,xl
concert at Centralia, *On Molt?".
evening. .
Mr. John Kraft and sister
Lucinda, visited with Mr. and
.EI. Yungblut, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Westlake of Exe
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jar`'
Whyte, over Sunday.
Mr. J. A. Corriveau of Dry sd
shipped a car of potatoes on ' Tues
from Kippen station.
Wanted—Smart boy to 3earta
printing business. Apply at
Mr. Fred Preeter anddaughter
Laura of Dashwood, visited. at Ur'
Preeter, on Saturday.
Mrs. W. L. Seibert and daugl3`
Misses Nora and Leila of Dashw
were visitors in town, on Tuesday'
Mrs. Joseph Foster Jr., is at pre,
visiting her parents, Mr. and
John Yost, at Kinda, Mich. ...
The Lorne baseball team of
don, will play the Clinton team a
latter town, on 11,1ay 24th. „_'°
Anything in the line of job
ing will get prompt attention.
have your order whether it be 1
Mrs. Sam Brown and. c
Erina.,and Royal, and Ma's.
Crediton, visited at the hop r,
�rreetrt ,ox Vis,
APRIL 26 1.912.
„1.. ig Bargains in Wall. Paper at
uby & Gascho.
lir: I'.° , 0. I albffeiscli has lust . un-
cra,ctced a car of best J3.0. shingles.
.der; *oar supply at once.
;Potatoes are bringing $1.00 per
to el at present, an unusually high
rice even at this season of the year.
Anotber:snow stoma struck I3iiron
aoiinty, on Monday evening. This is
another late Springor an early winter.
J. W. Elliott, liveryman of Clinton
has purchased a motor bus, which
r:all' be used principally for his Bay-
eld summer° trade.
same shoulder is always due to
'.heumatism of the muscles, and
Iuiekly yields to the free applica•
on of Chamberlain's Liniment.
Or sale by All Dealers.
A severe electric storm accompan-
ied by a heavy rain passed over here
n Tuesday night. There was no
ttiI.ass so far as known.
If there are any news happenings
i*: your vicinity, call ns up by phone.
ye will appreciate the kindness and
111 return the favor.
At the annual conference of the
vangelical church which is being
eld in Campden this year, Rey. S.
Knechtle P. E., has been assigned
`e. West district for the ensuing
ar. .
Crown Attorney Seager is a mili-
ry man and a Fenian Raid veteran
o will receive $100 from the Do -
inion Government as a reward for
vices rendered during the month of
aril, 1870. At that time Mr. Seager
s captain of Company No. 7 of the
th Larnbton Battalion of Infantry.
;One of the' girl survivors, of the
anio, Miss' Marion Wright, of
England, England; was m,arried
.New York on Monday to Harry
oolcott, of Cottage Grove, Oregon.
i" arm For Sale
100 acres of Choice Laird, 90 tleres nader cultivation, balance bush., '.
Has 8 good Spring Wells, Fencing in goal repair, having built several hun'‘
Bred rods last year. Well unclerdrained; . bout one acre of good orchard.
Has a comfortable Frame House; good : Lnk Barn 40x60, Basement of
Cement; Stabling for 32 head of Cattle; G d box Stall and four Single
house stalls and harness room. All Stabil o put in New last season. Roof`
Cellar 26x14 eoverecl with porch. Cemeict . Silo 14x34. 40 acres under 1
grass; Fall ploughing all done. This Farm is well situated, being 1-$ mils:. ;
from school and 2 miles from Hensall market. Telephone connection.
Farm will be sold on easy terms to suit purchaser and immediate possession
will be given. For further particulars Apply to
E. ZELLER, Zurich, Ont.
Our stock tnis year surpasses anything we
have ever shown: The new effects are very pretty
andwe have an immense variety to choose from.
All patterns have been carefully selected and em- 1
brace Wallpapers for every room in the house,
Everyone interested in beautifying the home
should take advantage of this opportunity and we
would advise you to call early while the selection
is complete.
Floor Coverings
The correct coverings for your kitchen or
dining room is linoleum. We have a large and
varied stock to choose from, comprising floral and
many other designs. Also a large stock of oil-
cloths, rugs matti.ngs, etc. Our Linoleum var-
nish beautifies andpreserves linoleums of all_kinds.
It fills the pores and gives a durable and easily
cleaned surface.
Window '=1 i ads
We carr a full stock of .\Niudcw blinds and
rollers in all shades. We•have them with fringe
or -without and all are mounted on good rollers.
Curtain Poles, etc.
Rouse 1` ai a s
For a durable and (sood looking Paint
Jcth sholticl 7.1/SeS.- W. 1ctwbts, you, can de-
77em7a 077, the7]2. N'Zl wearlonger amci cover
more. thaa ordinary paints. we lv7 ve a
different Paint for every purpose. If 7J0U
intend Painting your house lise, ar we
stromdilJ reeOnin,Td S: T'.P. E .7ry
GUM' G%/deed,
We are Agents for reerless
word of they; death of h
Leah of Elkton Mich. i t' rtiu
and his son Solomon left` on NI }u
day morning to attend the film 1 °
The exact number of "fives lout , by
the sinking of the Titanic, was.
Those •rescued numbered. abou41 790.
It was a terrible disaster and €u bead
start for 1912 ocean travel.
We would like to wind up; our
Piano Contest by July 1st. Get,busy
right away and bring in your sub-
scriptions. There are hundreds of new
names that can still be secured) and
we need them all.
favetrougghin g Etc.
a ;.:Pe et erl I
e a � Z U .R � 1"1
T 1 et;
phon.e 9
gland to nice hsn,:
s been in New York for nearly a
k awaiting her arrival.
'Ir. Joseph Hudson of Hensel',
forerly a farmer near Hillsgreen,
dib on Saturday at about 80 years of
age. He was one of the early settlers
o ; this section and Was a man of
sterling character. His illness was of a
rely short duration and he had been
quite smart up to a week ago. The
funeral took place on Tuesday after-
noon, the remains being laid to rest in
theBayfield cemetery. We express our
sincere sympathy to the family in
their bereavement.
—Oonstipation brings many ail-
ments in its train and is the
primary cause of much sickness.
Keep your bowels regular madam.
and you will escape ninny of the
ailments. to which women are
subject Constipation is a very
.simple thing, but like many simple
things, it niay lead to serious
consequences Nature often needs
a:little assistance and when Ohatm
berlain's Tablets are given at the
first indication, much distress and
suffering may be avoided, Sold by
All Dealers. , -
A Holstein cow, owned by Wm. C.
Stephen's, Phillipsville, Ont,. is dead,
after undergoing continuous milking
tests for two weeks. The animal was
valued at . $10,000, and its record
showed that not in/Canada had any
cow equalled it in milk production
and butter fat, the record showing
Haat to be 39.68. It was milked four
times daily, and at one milking gave
as high as 25 pounds. Its perform-
ances we're drawing the attention of
all fanners tbronghout the district and
the dairy division of the agricultural
department at Ottawa.
The Cook Fitzgerald Com•
pnays favors Astoria's Can.
ada's leading Shoes for Men.
The product of the most up-to-date
Factory in the Country. Nothing
newer or better made anywhere Style, 1
Quality, Fit and Comfort combined. I
No breaking in required, Put them
. on and forget your Footwear troubles. •
See them at Fausts Sole Agent for
,Zurich and vicinity. -
We" do Repairing Butter and eggs taken in exchange
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kellerman
Mrs. Richard Baker and children
Sydney and Idella • and Mr.' John
Ehlers all of Dashwood, were visiters
at the home of Mr. J. Precter, on
Mr. Leno Kipper and family ,left
for. Biggar, Sask., where Oleg...—dl'
.snake their future home. Mr.; Nick
Foster Jr., accoanpained their ;car,
which besides furniture included some
hogs and poultry.
We would like all our subscribers- to
send in amounts due us at once, All
subscriptions not paid up : by May
10th will be notified by letter, lou,
can save us a lot of trouble by 1'emitt
ing xiow. pick out your favorite .in ;'our
Pian, Contest.
Mr. Christian Hess of
Indiana, brother of Messrs F
W. G. Hess' arrived unexpectec
Thursday evening last. It is:84
since he left town and inaitr c 1
have taken place in that time 9;j:a is
looking well.
The Clinton News Record last
week advocated a Hurdn and 'earth
baseball league and ineltndea Z u l f, h in,
the circuit. Our boys,,4 sbou1# get
together, and discuss ,this i l.,itter.
Baseball. is a popular -game heft,', wait
we believe a league ball t061.11,,.:: would
get good support. The otheebbs
would include •' Clinton,•"u `rich,
Brussels, Seaforth, Stratfoi.cl, lyth
and Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Henclriltnf the
Bauble Line, mourn the death f;their
infant child, a boy about a yr; •old.
The little fellow took ill scit3 days
ago and quickly developed, ,actito
bronchitis; and though he rccei.Vtad the
best of care and attention be sricOmb
ed to the disease on Sunday afternoon,
about three o'clock. The funertrl' took
Place on Tuesday afterut on Ito the
anted at 'Dace
A man with some experience in
Horticulture to handle our trade in
Splendid opening aucl. permanent
position for the right party. Write
for full particulars and state exper-
Stone & Wellington
Fonthill Nurseries, Established 1837
Toronto, Ontario.
Bronson Line•ceiinetei'v. 1.
The new Flour
Feed and Grocery
"What struck you most forcibly
during your visit to the city. Uncle
Hiram?" asked the village orocle.
"Waal,". ruminated Uncle Hirman
"when I cunt to in the hospital I'll
be gosh dinged if I could ree'let
whether it vas a trolley ear or one
•o' them denied ottymobiles."—Phila-
delphia Record.
When a medicine crust be given
to yonn'.; children it should be
itleusant to t alts Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is made front loo -i
sugar, and the roots used in ts
prep,'ratint! give it a flavorsimilar
to maple syrup, making it pleasant
to take It has no superior for
corer:. group ani whooping cough
Vol. stale by All Dealers
All kind. of Field and Garden Seed
Cash paid for Potatoes and
Onion Seed.
Bring your Produce here for
Best Prices.
Louis J effrey
For two weeks we will offer Gentle
mens' Solid Gold Signet rings at ver
Special Prices. See that you get on
Close Prices o
Kitchen Clocks
Thousands of our Watches are - i
wearers pockets, and Hundreds
Clocks on shelves throughout t
country and each one of them says,
Wind with care and use pie well
And let me have fair play,
And I. to you will try to tell
The precious time of day.
But, if from cause, I chance to stop
And fail to give the hour,
Just take me to Hess,s Jewellery Sh
And he will give me power.
How About a Violin
Everything Guaranteed.
Jeweller, - ZU1 I
We are making a special of Ladies' and Mems' D
Shoes+ltlor Spring embodying, all the fine points of
and of Reliable Quality.
We never had a better or n
Stock of Shoes than we are sh
in, r now.
ITEe want, you, to see for Yourself.
If only to see the fine Assortment, Wen
AU we ask is a chance to show
Spring Styles.
you the ver
Batter and Eggs Wanted
Th;a i-4r1rr,-- at Goad $hoa'