HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-04-19, Page 5'he
Incorporated 1855
Has 88 Branches in Canada, and Agentst and Correspondents in all the
Prnieipal Cities in the World.
3.906. 1911
8,000,000 #_4,000,000
Ii,eserve 3,000,000 4,600,000
Deposita 23,677,780 35,042,311
Loans and Investments 27,457,090 38,854,801
.Total Assets 33,090,192• 48,237,284
A General Banking Business Transacted.
at alI Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. •
Zurich Branch - J. A, CONSTANTINE, Mgr.
4.44++++++++++++++++++++++4 4.4.++++++++++++++++++++++++
Farmer s
That Want
Call •at The Massey -
Harris Shop.
• Our Machines spea
for themsel'a es.
We alsr., handle
Olds Gasoline
• Jas. Whyte, Ag't
r ■ r ZUR ! OH ■ ■
E keep in stock a
.full line of fresh
meats, hams, etc. ete
Our cuts are noted
'for their tenderness
and •holesoeness.
Our aim is to keep
nothing but the best.
We make ottr own
Give us a call.
Come and
get your
new Suit
At Zurich's Leading
Tailor Shop the only Place,
where the Newest is always
shown first and satisfaction
guaranteed. .
Laundry in Connection
failor - ZURICH
$y, speci al arrangement we are
ble to offer to new subscribers
idler of our papers and your
hooe of the Weekly Globe or the
eekly Mail and Empire for only
.4b to Jan. 1st 1913. Each new
"Soription will count 1000 votes
formerly. AM fifty.cents if
pers are to be mailed to United
ates addresses.
Farm for Salo Cr Rent; ---Good 50
'o. farm, cleared, well drained and ,
ood stato of cultivatian, on. Lot 8 a
4, Stephen, just east of Credit- . s
ast. On the property is a good l a
e and barn, 1 acre of good •oreh• m
ll ploughing ,done, 16 acres of to
2 good wells, spring creak. a
aria ,
c11,. i
ats apply to'.
rXi... I
p 11.1'
W ea
Town lots for sale. .Apply to
Louis Sehiiba or Louis Prang,
Sealed Tenders for the erection
of a four room school will be re.
ceived by the Trustees of School
Saction No. 7 Have (Zurich Public
School,) up to seven o'clock p. m.,
Friday April 26th.
Plans and specifications may be
seen and information obtained. at
the office of -Fred Hess Sr. The
lowest or any tender not necessari-
ly accepted.
Jacob Haberer
"Toho Preeter . Trustees
Fred Hess, Sr.
Zurich Ont., April 12th, )912.
W. C. l . U.
This Story by T. S. Arthur, Auth•
or of Ten Nights in a Bar-
room was Published in the
First Issue of Alliance
News in the Year 1854
It had been digged by Killig"ew,
and was always kept deep and
dangerous by him, in order that he
Great snaps in dry goods
& Co.
Miss Ida Wambold was to
Mr. Norman 1(ellermnu iso;
Zurich Sunday.
Mr. Corniith of London, vc's•
town on Friday.
Nc�wiv is,the time ;to got busy,. a..
elettn 1i j, the'froi i and back yard
Quito a.numbea ;Frdm here alta
the funeral of Mr. Surerus Stindiej;.
Mr. Jacob Kellerinann was it T
onto on Saturday with.a car load
Messrs Jack Williams and Tommy
Yearley visited friends in town un..
day. •
1vtr. Edward Welti>,x left Satut'da
for Guelph where he has accepted
position as blacksmith.
Miss Lily Elartlieb retliriled S
urd t y, after spending the week Lt
daying.in Toronto.
Miss Ella Williams of Crediton,
spent the holidays with her..cous•)
Mia6 1i,ra Schroeder.
lIr. Frazer Brown ancl sister
Mildred visited at the home of W. L,
Siebert Wednesday last.
117:r. and Mrs. Jacob Zeller a
family left this week for their n
house in Stratford.
Mr. John Eidt, who has been. laid
up with rheumatism for a few d
is now able to be around again.
Messrs Samuel High of Blake, a
William High of Babylon line, sp
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. Fasso
o1i -
Daniel tburertes died very unex-
peptedly'on April 11 1912, In Hely
1 „Ont., at the age of 48 years,,
month and 16 days fie was born
n- the old Homestead Bronson
ine, the 24 Feb. 1864 and was
ac rigid: to Gertrude Weber in, 1893
Melt union wee blessed with. 4
Etil igen. Alvin itt Victoria College
'oronto, Gordon, Flossie and
meda at 'home. Last Thursday
tide at work in the hush with his
Gordon, sawing down a tree,
a struck by. the falling tree,
received such internal injuries
he sueoumbed the same day.
as a good neighbor, a loving.
hand and a most effectionate
He .leaves to mourn,' a
Mg wife, 4 children, 1 ad -
daughter, 4 brothers and 2
Ors. His interment took place
xnday afternoon, to the Evan -
cal emetery, Bronson line,
owed by a large concourse o f
jfft ; and from there to the
rug i1ical church, where tbs.
tar Rev. G. F. Brown, assisted
b 1tev. J. H. Grenzebach of
fitt..hwood, officiated.
ti '
aw Ttte,rsday of last week, March
2etr. Mr.,,,John Riekbeil, one of
Let.L^afier's most aged pioneer resi-
ts.. passed to the great beyond,
i +lie scenes of life which have
owl him so many years upon
s'etarth will know him no more
forayer. lie was a good man and
ht;d;;tivrouglxt many good works in
hl ! fie,
l illin 0. Riekbeil' was bon in
EL n berg, Germany, May 22, 1820,
and,; was therefore 91 years, 10
months and 6 days old. He came
to.P;•piston. Canada. in 1847, in 3852
he moved to Hay Tp. In 1855 be
Was married to Louisa Hansel To
thisiunion was born ten children,
aa, i4ollows: Henry Riekbeil of
Annetta Sask . Mrs George . Pfaff
of ,Pigeon, Mich and William,
Jacob; John, Peter and Mrs. Mo
1+arland of Cavalier. 'Three dough.
ters precefled him to his eternal
. The deoea el moved to Cavalier
p , wta e_.7'e .lived until his
bo, etfissfes
his aged wife; he
'1' de r,p*r.e,.
li�i3�. =
i tLu1tY aildren, together with
lLY X'F It of iH nds.
1•`uuneral services were held from
the,Evan geliCal church in this city
Sat,tzrday afternoon, Rev. G.
E. Bohner officiating. -Cavalier
<< ala Rickbeil Passed to the
l;reat Beyond at Age of 91
Clinton New Record. -Mr. R. T.
Dunlop of the Molsons Bank stall has
rented the McClacherty cottage on
St. Joseph st. He had considerable
trouble in securing a suitable plade
and no doubt would like to seen buil-
cling boom begin in Clinton,
Font SALE -Two Success Manure
Spreaders and one Superior Disc Drill
with fertilizer attachment. • These
implements belong to the estate of the
late John 'Voelker and aro new and
will be sold at cost. For further
particulars, Apply to John Iloffman
or Jacob ICellerrann, Dashwood.
Mr F. Mallet of Exeter, was i
town Friday. Some attraction
4 might -profit by the weakness and;1
injury of those who, weakly or un.
11Tr.'alid Mrs. John Rhode moved
warily, stumbled over .the half- their household effects to Hensaaa'this
`concealed brink. Why did not the week. They will make their home in
people of Ashdale cause the pittall that village.
`to be closed up? Why did they not Miss Buchanan of Hensall, has
remove this main -trap? They had taken the place of Miss Dunlop, as
no power to do so, we answer. No teacher in our school. Miss Dunlop
power ! You may look surprised,
but it is even so ; Killigrew had the having accepted a similar position in
law on his side. The law 1 Yes, Brantford.
for all you seem so incredulous Mr. Milked Mclsaao left Tuesday
The law of the State in which Ash- for St. Joseph Hospital, London,
dale was situated provided by where he will undergo an operation
special enactment for the digging for appendicitis on 'Wednesday morn -
of just such man -traps. Any per-
son, not having the love of man or inb'
the fear of God before his eyes, The committee who have charge of
could, by the payment of a few dol • our celebration for June 8rd are now
lars into the State treasury, obtain getting the ground in shape and are
the right to make for himself such making other arrangements for a
a pitfall in any highway or street, good days sport,
in any village, town or city in the
commonwealth. Preposterous! It Messrs Henry Link and Alex.
is true ; too sadly true. Witness Wild have purchased the 50 acre
the crowded jails, poor•houses and farm of Mr. John Stephan of the 14th
asylums for the insane witness con. of Hay near Dashwood. The
the crime, destitution and squalid price paid was $8000.
misery that rest like blaok clouds Miss Ethel Rellermann was sue
over all parts of the State where Cessfttil in passingher No mal examin-
population clusters thickly. and
those licensed ++man traps" are to ation. The Pioneer joins with her
be found by'the score in every many friends in extending oongratu-
neighborhood. It is true, alas ! lations,
too sadly true. But for this pitfall Mr. Peter Mcisaac received word
"in his way all might have been w'elI on Wednesday afternoon that his son,
with Pratt : but his feet were ever Milfert, hacl safely passed through the
stumbling on its fatal verge. operation and was doing as well as
Steadily, for nearly ten years, had could he expected. '
he been going down, down, down;
and at the period when he Dame Mr. Thos. I�lump has ptt>.chased a
home sober, for the first time in new Waterloo engine and brought it
many months, and announced to home en Saturday, Tom keeps only
his wife the death of Killigrew, he the best of machinery and as a result
was almost helpless in the power isbusy allthe lime.
of his adversary. All manly stren
gth was gone when the temptation Next Sunday morning and evening
was before him. It was in vain he there will be no preaching' services in
went out in the morning, strong in. ,the Evan. church. Prayer meeting
his purpose to keep sober through in the morning and'. a mooting of •the
the day ; the very sight of $illi young Peoples Alliance will be herd
grew's.:ta•rern fired his appetite to in the evening.
a degree that left him no power of
resistance. It was in vain he start Several new members have been;
ed homeward in the • evening, pro: added to the choir of the Evan; char-;.
mistng himself that he would meet ch. We hope that there 'twill be a
his wife and children without a full attendance at both morning and
stain on .his lips. Alas ! he could evening•seevices; after this, as of late'
not bear onward against the whirl. some of the older members have not
pool of desire that instantly en• attended as regular as they might'
c3mpassed him when he came with Dave.
in fatal proximity to Rilligrew's
Well might his sorrowing, despair. Base Ball Meeting, -On Friday
even. th 12th instant t' f
Ing wife feel a thrill of Pleasure at.
p the announcement of Iiilligrew's'
death,. for he had been doing at
coursed work in ' Ashdala for
ears. Broadcast had Jae sown the
eeds of anguish and desolation ;
rid in her heart and her home had
any of these evil seeds fallen,:
king quick root, springing tip,
nd bearing bitter' fruit,
To be continued
ng a, a men Ina o
the Dashwood Junior Base Ball Team
was held in the school -room, when
the following officers were elected:,
far the ensuing season, Pres.
Klutnp, Vico Pres. Ed. Naclig
Managing Com. Goo. Shore, I7.
mer Son Tres Geo - Ediah
Captain W. O. Miller:. The Dior
The Tragedy of Pauline. Johnson.
Pauline 'Johnson, song bird of the
red men, will sing no more.
Every lover of Canadian literature
hears with profoundest regret, that
acute ,heart trouble, with which she
has been afflicted for some time, has
at last forced Miss Johnson into re-
Iter; physicians state that the re-
notirnir'd Indian poetess will never lift
s • een;again. The daughter of the Five
Nations lie3 out in the city of Van-
couver a• chronic invalid:
And the pity of her illness is that
she .is in. want. Poets are never cele-
brated for, worldly riches. Canadian'
poets'are no exception. Miss 3ohnson
is as:, widely read as most Canadian
poets,; But she possesses no fortune
to withstand the inroads of doctors'
and ji trset' bills.
edognizing this, the Canadian Wo-
man'r;' Chb' of Vancouver has gener-
eusly- • come to the assistance of a
genius whose poems give pleasure to
thousard.s' of Canadian homes.
A hind has been started to publish
a de;:ltnt'e edition of Miss J'•ohnson's
' 'Canadian 'Lumber.
Ad,e non, .t)filcial statistics for 1910
place: the Canadian yield of lumber
at 000,000,000 board feet, worth over
$75,00000; ' Of the 26 native species
of wood cut, the first nine were soft-
woodS,: spruce being the most import-
ant, as it furnished one-fourth of the
total cut. Spruce and white pine to-
gether.,formed barely one-half of the
1910 ;cut, }while in the year previous
these two species made up nearly
thrae-fifths of the total. This decrease
xtt proportion is due not to asmaller
eut'of the two species, but to a great
Xnelicase in . the amount of Douglas.
tifo,:heznloek, cedar, and yellow pine
grodiiued in British: Columbia. One-
iouifrlx,of the 1909cut was formed of
thri four species, while in 1910 the
total apt of ;the four was increased 70
,pt' cetli.. Up to three years ago white
T,s+e stead at the top of the list, when
it v:'as 'supplanted by spruce, although
the actual cat of the former had not
deo', eased.. Th.e prediction of last year
tit a white pine had nearly reached
.Mamoru yield has proved true,
ds .lit::.;cut . shows a ` balling off of 4
c"4 rQrx't., or 42,000,000 feet, as oompar-
1 ar;th. 1909. Iii British Columbia the
of:' yellow pine has increased
,0011 Per •cent. in one year. This
aa:st., rnn,bunting to over 150,000,-
i, 't n aur£licient to raise, it in
t.nd e from fourteenth place to
plaice among the different spe-
The arrival of the songsters and the arrival of Holtz..
manus New Spring Suitings,
The little soaagtors are build ready u
s,, ;ild. thea spring and
slurmmurhoes, we ready are ready to build you i Spring
Summerval. Suits, with Goods that will meet your utmostap-
p1 o
Tf you anticipate buying a spring suit`you will
do well
to come and see our. Fancy Suitings they are different than
other tailors are showing.
Different because they are Holtzmanns
Holtzmanns bacause they are different
Smart Spring Suits to or* $15.00
Merchant Tailor
Sales eondueted in all parts. Satis-
faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms
•easonable. Orders left at this office
will be promptly attended to.
ce agent, representing the London,
Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand-
ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every-
thing in, fire insurance.
Court Zurich No. 1240
kJ. • • meets every 1st and :3rd
Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. m.
in the A. 0. U. W. Hall.
. a O. IT. WRickheil Lodge
No. 3 93, meets
the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month
at 8 o'clock, in their Hall; Merner Block.
Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries Public,
ate. Goderich, Canada W. Proudfoot.
K. C. R. G. Hays, J. L. Killoran.
duate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu-
ate of Department of Dentistry, To-
ronto University. Painless extraction
'of teeth, Plate work a eveeii ity.. At
.?t n>i6ati'I rinse, Zurich. ^emrerv`Mon-.
'day: 7-:11k
Notary Public. De e ds, Mortgages,
Wills and other Legal Documents care
fully and promptly prepared. Office -
Zeller block, Zurich, Ont.
MARKET REPORTS -The following.
is the market report, corrected to.
Wednesday noon of each week.
Oats45c a bush
Barley 80e a bush
Wheat 95c a bush
Shorts $28 a ton
Bran $26 a ton
White Rose Flour $2.70
Feed Flour $1.65
Butter 30cts
Eggs 20 cts a doz.
Potatoes $1.50 a bag
Dried apples 7o.
Beans $1.50-$2.00 a bushel
Timothy $ 9.00 a bush
Red Clover $12 to 14.00
Alsyke $10 to 14.00
Alfalfa $,12.00
Wheat 95 to 96 cts. a bus
Barley 92 tc 95 cts. "
Oats 46 to 48 ets. a bus
Man. Seed Oats 65 cts. a bus
Ground Corn $80.00 per ton
Oats 50c a bush
Barley 65 to 85c a bush
Wheat, Standard, 95c a bush
Shorts $28.00 per ton
Bran $26.00 a ton
Family flour $2.70
Feed flour $1.65
Hay .$16 to $17 a ton
Hogs live weight, $8.10
Peas 90c to $1,10
Oats 450 a bush
Barley 80c a bush
Wheat 95 to 96c a bush
Shorts $28 a ton
Bran $26 a ton
Feed flour $1.65
Butter 28e a lb
Eggs 22c a doz
Potatoes $$1.50 a bag
Dutch sets 8c.a lb
When you have rheumatism in
your foot or instep apply Chamber.
faro's Liniment and you will get
quick relief. It costs but a quarter
1,.....A11 T' ,..
TR. T. P. 14i'cLALIGHLIN, foem-
• erly Assistant Surgeon at Moor -
field's (Royal Landoll Opthalmie)
Eye Hospital and 0 -olden Square
Nose and Throat Hospital, London,'
England. Also s:,ent time at Berlin.
and other Cointinei:tal Hospitals.
General Practice with special attent-
ion to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Eyes tested (llatiuoscc:pe and Op-
tbalmoscope used) and glasses stip-
plied and properly adjusted, • Office
Dttsliwood, Ontario.
•. ;..,.4.q, r.4. _..;. c• i••.:'••},004.•}•.,.>r4••+�•.4•.4••3•.4•
Conveyancers, General Insurance
At Lowest Rates of Interest
Telephone -Office la, House lb.
.. 's .«;..4..4..4..x,•:• ; • --r .i.+ •4 +.H 4.+
B. �� . F. BEAVERS
Licensed Anutionecr for County of
Huron. Sales conducted in the most
approved manner. Satisfaction guar-
anteed. Dates can be made at the
Crediton Star or at the
Bargain. Store, 1e, Exeter.
Neat nAilf ET
We keep stock a full'
line of frtrrS meats, etc,
etc. Oux nuts are not,
ed for their tenderness
and wholesomness. Our
aim is to°keep nothing
but the best. We make
our sausage.
Give us a call.
1` Ticholson&Lawsoi .
Cr d1ton
Flog ii/iills
Manufacturer of all grades of
Roller Flour.
We also sell the
Five Roses Flour
Gristing and Chopping prom,
ptly done
Oats Rolled and Chopping
done at 5 cents a bag.
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta
Special Trains leave Toronto 2.00 p.m. on l
APRIL 2,19, 30 MAY 14, 28 JUNE 11, '26
JULY 9, 23 AUG. 6, 20 SEPT. 3, 17
Second elms tickets from Ontario stations to principal
Northtvc,t points at
Wf nipeg and return $34.00; Edmonton. and return
$42.00 and to other points in proportion. Ticket*
good to return within 60 days from going date.
throw 1, to Eos nton via Saskcatoon, also to Winnipeg
and al ary via Mein Lite on all excursions. Com.
fortab o berths, fully equipped writ bedding, can be
scoured atrrtoderate Yates -through local agent.
Early application must be made,
Contstaisg rates and fail information.
Apply to unreal C.P.R. Ascot or
M. C. MURPHY, Dist Pan. Ash, Toronto.