HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-04-19, Page 4Dashwood Furniture Storer Pianos, Organs and. Sewing Machines Singer $30 New Williams: $27 Raymond $25 Model $25 Cabinet' -$23 A large stock of furniture always on hand. Undertaking We carry the largest stock in this line in Western Ontario. Calls day or night will get your prompt atten- tion. Call central. P. McISAAC District II.ARPL EY; ,- Miss Y. M. Hodgins, teal{her in Teeswater, who spent the Easter week at her home here, returned 'ori Satur- day of last week. S. S. No. 10 is without a teacher at time of writing. Miss Mable Green of Brewster is helping Mrs. Thos. Love for a week. Mr. Lloyd and Miss Edith Taylor spent Saturday and Sunday on the 7th of McGillivray. We are glad to hear that Mr. Thos. Kenny's infant daugher is improving after her recent illness. Mr. Larren Store has taken to him- self a life companion in the person of Miss D. Thornton. Congratulations Larren. House cleaning is the order of the day. Furniture and Undertaing SUBSCRIPTION CONTEST The following is they standing in our prize Circulation Contest up to Saturday evening last. Miss Lottie Galster 4000 Miss Ada W11rm 4800 Miss Blanche Laporte 15300 Miss Sadie Mclsaac....46500 Miss Victoria Daters Miss Gladys McNevin .3400 Mrs. Jas. Humphreys.42.000 Miss Tillie Johnston—.4400 Miss Mary Gallman....8000 Mrs. Dan Koehler 47400 Miss Ida Sipple '500 The vital statistics of the town of Et. Marys for the month of March was as follows: Births 9, marriages 8, deaths 5. Causes of death: One acute septacemia, 1 careinamo, 1 heart fail- ure, 1 pneumonia. Robert Rae, one of: the pioneer merchants and for many years Bos- anquet and Thedford,s na.ost 'respect - a ;in ruin cit res �a- kiela*, M 25. h atchiihoirie tri • Sarnia; Where be has resided for' the past few years. His remains were interred in the family plot at Pine Hill Cemetery. Place the eggs the clay they are laid, in a room where the temperature is constant. Eggs are, says Farm, Stock and Home, at their bebt incub- ation purposes at the time, of hatch- ing, but is not always practicable to set or incubate them immecliatley. A low temperature of from 40 to 60 de- grees Fahrenheit, will be found best. It is a common practice in some quar- ters to turn the eggs daily during this resting period. Experimental data on this point is lacking and it is doubtful whether the practice has any merit. The fresher the egg the more viable the germ. After the age of 2 weeks depending much on the temp- erature, it is not usu•''ly safe to use eggs for incubation ptitposes. G-OSIHENLINE The maple syrup making is over for this season and the farmers are getting anxious to get at the seeding. Mr. William Mason spent Sunday at Mr. David Hutchison near Shipka. -Miss Clarr Davis of Exeter, spent a few days visiting with Miss Annie Yearley-. Miss Susie and Georgina IIartman have returned home from Centralia where they have been working for some time. Mr. Simon Sweitzer and his sister Martha attended an icecream party at Mr. Hartmans one evening last week. Lir. Elmer Lawson visited at his uncles at Ebenezer one day last week. Miss Parsons has returnecl, after spending her holidays at her home in Exeter. Mr. Russell Schroeder has com- menced work at Mr. George Maw- hinney's for thesummer. Mr 'Jack Lovie spent Sunday with Chester Mawhinney. The Sundays this last while have been rather wet which makes the boys look .blue 7"71:VIT he '.l cie szler 5bent at ;fir iirf1 m Yearly CREDITO" Mrs,W. W; Eerr is visiting in Winchelsea, The four W's met at tho h+i Miss Lily Fahrner oil Monday" Lir.. Herman Oestreieher fs i ent quite ill being confined te. Miss Myrtle Lawwion yarn days with her Ciousin Mis blellin of 'Greenway.. Mr. A. J. Clark of Ailsa Qra ed with Mr. and. Mrs. 1!,. over Srnadaye Mr, Chas. Zwicker sbippet`I consignments of Dutch Sets bee this week. The roomsin connection bank of Commerce are being,; led and a bath room is being;a Morning is always the away to those who keep gazing the place where the sun went, URE PREPARE! p r SCHOOL REPOR I' a5 Miss Mildred Silber, who hiiik working at Loudon for the 11fi months, returned home on last. Pure Bred, Barred Rock.: hatching, for sale at 50ots per" ti or $2.50 per 100. Apply 'HS; reicher, Crediton. * , Master Russel Clark, who. ' een. visiting his uncle Mr. A. J i6l. k of Ailsa Craig, for a few dayshasc�irn- ed home. lt� rel en elf; Clay' for: Miss Flossie Hartman is on the sick list. • Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonol restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension ; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphene' will make you a new man. Price SS a box, or two for Be..galled alldt oarines Ont. The Scoben Drag The following are the names of the successful pupils in the recent promotion examinations in S. S. No. 3 Say. The names are in order of merit,' Sr IV Edison McAllister, James I orrest. Sr III Lucy Redmond, Olive Redmond, Jr III James McAllister. Sr II Cecil Johnston, Vietta Green, Irene Taylor, Vera Richard. son, Ross Love, Sollie Ki.pfer. L Douglas, Teacher. A SQUARE PEG in a Round Hole You may be alright,' but if you are in the wrong position', you are like a square peg in ;a round hole. You want a po. sition where you fit. This paper' is, read by Intel; ligent businessmen, and a, Want Ad. in°'oar classified columns will reach them op, p(1 ed T 7T 4, ff r flerd, w...*fir Would the person, . who bei our Fence Stretcher last fai return it as we want to use once. Young Bros. 'Messrs Trevethick and ittagins have recieved a big shipment If bug- gies this spring. The buggies' are all of the latest design audare"verb nifty. Rey. W. J. Blatchford of Elinville, preached in the Methodist ehureh on Sunday in aicl of the connectional funds. Rev. Mr. Hicks took his work at Elinville. Mr. Gotlieb Brown will 'preach next Sunday morning in the ,Evan. church. In the evening, there wil:?e no service owing, .te tile„, sei*"1}f xxl yt„�1% fsen.:: ereiice at Caml The manager of tl e .ixreysteads Denfield, has written to the.. `~"tars stating that they would like to arrange. for ten games during the. coming,' sea- son. The secretary of the conlniibtee who have the Dashwot d celebration in hand for June. 3rdixire arranging with the Stars for a cop ple of games' on that date. The meeting of the base ball boys called for Friday evening last was not very well attended and .,.no busi- ness was transacted. It is time • the club was organized and our base_ ball enthusiasts should see toft at once and make arrangements for sonic good games this summer. wed idly ni at EXETER Rev. R. J. M. Perkins, of Ingersoll a former rector of the Trivitt Mem- orial Church, has been appointed rur- al dean of Oxford, succeeding Rev. T. G. Wallace, who has removed from Woodstock to Toronto. Rev. Perkins is eminently qualified for his new duties and he will haye the congrat- ulations of his many friends here on his new appointment. Mr. W. H. Collins, manager of the Bank of Commerce, who recently re- ceived word from headquarters to go to Belyille as manager of that Branch of the Bank , left for that place on Friday last. His many frie- nds here, while being pleased at his deserved promotion t6 the Belville branch, will sincerely regret his dep- arture from Exeter and likewise his worthy' wife. The new manager, Mr, Waugh, arrived Tuesday night to commence his duties here. Word has been received here of the death of Anna Ethelda Bellamy, only child of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bellamy (nee Leila Ross) of Vancouver. The child had been sick .only a few days with scarlet fever. Dr. L. L. rollick of St. Marys spontSunday at his home here. ti ICOR EVERY USE IN THE HOME So many needs for a handy paint around the house -perhaps the veranda floor is scuffed, the trimmings weatherstained and :,-perhaps some wainscoting is dim and dingy, -.perhaps' the kitchen shows Worn and scratched with the daily wear and tear. Upstairs or downstairs, inside or outside some houseflnishing needs brightening and freshen- _ing just at this season. A spare half-hour and a little Minerva Paint works wonders. Minerva Paint spreads evenly and dries hard. It insures beau- tiful, lasting work; Every can is ready for use. At the nearest Minerva dealer.. right now. There's a Minerva Paint, Enamel or Varnish for every purpose - Sold 1, prominent dealers at all points including S. Brown G en,ra1 Merchant Creditor), PINCHIN, JOHN- SON & CO. (Canada) Limited TORONTO, -�aONT. "it's so easywith4 Minerva', ig Prize Circulation Contest We want to increase the Subscription List. of ourthree papers, Thea Herald,: Zurich; Pioneer, Dashwood, and Star, Crediton, to 2000, and toy accomplish this quickly we are offering some .handsome prizes for the moat popular ladies, married .or single.. It will pay you, to "get busy.". Someone is going to get a handsome $800.00 piano. First Prize • .. raaraaau;..■ aa■ na■rrpa■ 1 CARD OF THANKS. Mr. and Mrs William Battler desire to express sincere thanks to r ntls. and ret 1•'pnrs for. +heir kind assistance cturing the illness and' death of their mother, the late_ Mrs. Weber, House and Lot for Sale in Crediton The lot contains three quarter;of an acre. The house a two storey frame, with good cellar and new kitchen, hard and soft water. There is`;also` a good sized barn. Apple, plum,' peach and cherry trees and small fruits of all kind. Eor terms and particulars apply to Conrad. Voelker, Crediton, Messrs Dan .McIsaac and Godfrey Nicholson were visiting in Zurich on Sunday. : Miss Adeliene BRatz of Hamburg,. is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Zwicker. Rev. E. Burn left for. Campden, Ont., on Monday morning ' to attend conference, 'which is held there, ; .. Mr. Handford and Miss Annie spent the forepart of the week in Sea - forth. Mr. Geo. Graham one of the man- agers of Eatons departmental Store Winnipeg and nephew of Mrs. J. White was one of the passengers on the ill fated steamer Titanic. No confirmed reports as yet have been received of his safety. Scriptural Place Names, England can boast that no other country possesses so many Scriptural place-names as it does. The name of Jericho oecurs six timea on the Ord-, nanoa rape,, Paradte.eve times, amid Nineveh; Mo'tumb Zion, ount Ararat, and Mount Ephraim three times eaoh.i In Bedfordshire there is a, Calvary, Wood, and in Dorsetshlre la, 7orda 1:16E11d'T LIKE -AWE— Domesticity Fairs to Interest the Ambitious Australian Woman. In Australia, the dominion which has acceded to the demand for votes for women, there is a sharp cleavage in the 'ranks of the feminists. Some profess to be satisfied with the vote, writes an Australian woman, others wish that women should enter Par- liament and, under the banner of "Sex Equality," advocate the removal of all restrictions on women in indus- trial and professional life. Woman is no longer to be the homekeeper, but is to enter into general competition with man. Defining industry as something apart from domestic duties there should be no occasion for the Austra- lian woman in industry. Australia has not to face any problem of a sur- plus female element in the papule - tion. In the commonwealth for every 100 women. there are 111 men, which means that there should be a place., tor every Australian woman as wife and homekeeper for an Australian maxi. With an area almost as targe as that of Europe Australia has a popu- lation which does not reach 5,000,000 untie admittedly stands to urgent nee& of an increase of inhabitants. Thus it, would seem the duty of Australian' women to consider wifehood and ma„; ternity as the ideals of life. rromj the realization of those ideals there, are few of the deterrents that exist in more crowded communities. Ex-, cept where individuals are hopelessly: vicious or inefficient there is no real poverty, Living is cheap, wages are; high and social life between men and womenof all classes is much: less for- mal and restricted than in England. Success; is the natural corollary of,: intelligent and industrious enterprise. ror • starting .childrenin life the op- portunities p- horoughe educatieducation iare s obtainable at' free state schools, Further, the state provides exceptional facilities for; technical and agricultural training.. Lastly, in. that cheerful democracy; there it little •of the social tyranny of "keeping up appearances” to prevent people from marrying young and' struggling up to a good position by' 3i ugal living. But in spite of the absence of all: obstacles to early and fruitful mar-, ariages, in spite of the excess of men.' in spite of the call .2n a pioneer peo-, e .Tie to populate theirsnds quickly,; in spite of •all the in�ixcements and t . op, portunities to make domesticity; eri ` life work an .appreciable and: iikrea,sing number of Australian wo•' men deliberately enter the ranks of ticlustry i and it is without ,a doubt the result largely of the feminist re - ,alt, arising' out of th:q suffrage agita- The Misses Elsie and Lula C fiseX returned to London on i4lou(1ay tt` resume their studies at the Collegiate school. ' Messrs Samuel and Chrisan Voelker of Detroit, are at howl' r u account of their mother beln,`i'S' Mrs. Frank Reeder ofLioury,sptlit a couple of days with Mrs s:J.:‘ Lawson. Mr. James Dewire of Capac, spent a few days tit the ho of Mr. M. Hirtzel. Miss Ida Stainhagen of Wiighi is visiting her father Mr. II. 'Ste hagen for aleyy days. Mrs. Id. Voelker of Crediior. is confined to her bed owing to se' illness. r 4 Dr. de Van ; Female; A reliable French regulator; never far': pills are exceedingly powerfal in .esti- generative portion of the female systet to lte all cheats imitations. Dt. de VSa„'S a rc, �K a aux or three for Vic, Mailed to a,i a.haa Beautiful Mendelssohn Piano H. Wells, Agent, Zurich. See it at his store. Second .Prize....:. uG Ladies' Fur Lined Coat Value $75.00. May be seen at Zwicker's store Crediton. Z hird Prize New Williams Drop -Head Sewing Machine See it at P. McIsaac's furniture store, Dashwood. Fourth Prize Ladies' Gold Watch Fifth Prize Set best Plated Knives and Forks 4th and 5th prizes, See at F. W. Hess Jewelery store, Zurich, NOW LADIES, "GET BUSY" Subscription Values New Subscriptions 1000 votes Renewal 500 votes Arrears for each year 200 votes Standing of candidates up to Saturday evening of each week will bo pu lished the follo2ying week. +++++++++++++++++++++++++44++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 Votin Goupon i:.. I Vote for 4. 4. ....leaMMINOVIIIIIIRIONOIMIO 41444 As the most Popular Lady Amount Paid I New Subscription Votes *l- Votes 4. $. •. Arrears Votes 4. 4. :l. 4. Sent lig Address.. 4 4 Name of paper sudscribed for................e,.....,., ..,..,,...,.,. 4, 4. +, ++fry++++'+++++++++,l'++++++,+ +++++++++44 ++++++++++w Renewal - the Herald Office, Zurich, o