HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-04-19, Page 1Vol. X1.1,
The Official Organ;'
138eX 3E- IEW3E3OCIORCW3E30131E#f3E03 f3F30 3E.3a 43131
Our spring Millinery opening will take place
on Saturday, March 30th, Monday, April 1st and
following days. Have recured the services of
Miss Link to look after this department and we
feel assured that your wants will be satisfactorily
looked after. All the latest and best in spring
Hais, shapes, Trimmings, Novelties etc. You are
cordially invited.
Spring Dress Goods
The most complete assortment of Dress Goods for Spring
'and Summer wear ever shown. in this section. Voices, Muse,
Cloth, Linen, Suitings, Tricotine, Eoliennes, Poplin, Mulls,
Muslin s in fact we have everything that the best markets afford
in this line.
We would call special attention to our range of laces,- em-
broideries and dress trimmings. •
In Silks we also excel if you want something good in this
line come in and look over our display. See our Special Yard
wide Marquese Silks in all colors.
New Wa11 Papers
Otn stock tnis year surpasses anything we
have ever shown. The 'new effects are very pretty
andwe have an immense variety to choose from.
All patterns have been carefully selected and em-
brace Wallpapers for every room in the house.
Everyone interested in beautifying the home
should take advantage of this opportunity and s've
would advise you to call early while the selection
is complete.
Floor., Coverings
The correct coverings for your kitchen or
dining room: is linoleum. We have. a • large and
varied stock to choose from, comprising floral and
many other designs. Also a large stock of oil-
cloths, rugs. mattings, etc. Our Linoleum var-
nish beautifies and preserves linoleums of all kinds.
It fills the pores and gives a durable and easily
cleaned surface.
Window Blinds
We carr a full stock of window blinds and
rollers in all shades. We have them with fringe
or without aid all are mounted on good. rollers.
Curtain Poles, etc.
i�.taeae�.�aras+� r�r�►�i��!
About 400 catalpa trees,
sale cheap. F. Hess Sr. ...
Mrs. William Fritz is spends;
the week at Grand Bend.
Miss Susie Johnson isvisiting
Bayfield, this week
Mr. A Stoskopf of Mitchell vis(
ed• his son Dr. Stoskopf, last week.
Mr. F. W. Hess has plaoect
order for a new Ford autonnobilFss;,
The funeral of the lute Mr`
Daniel Surerus, on Sunday afte
noon' was very largely attended.
We are head quarters for coiled'
wire, prices the lowest, quality t' e
best, at Hartleib's.
Mr. Oliver Surerus has moved ao.
Mr. Owen Geiger's farm, a mile
West of town.
Mr. S. Kipfer has moved. into
Mr. T. Johnson's dwelling recently
vacated by Mr. Oliver Surerus. '
PRIL, 19, , 1912,
toes: wanted, at once. High -
Des: laid in cash. 0, Fritz,
shoilder is always due to
raisin of the muscles, and
yields to the free applioa•
Chamberlain's Liniment.
e :by All Dealers,
y'reprietor of the Graham Ho -
ton, was fined X50 and costs
for Sunday liquor selling.
lather Foster, incumbent of
armel Catholic Church, fell
last` week and facttued his
e wrist. •
ries for the early closing
es closed on April 1st, in con -
with the June 11-12-13-14
of the Seaforth Turf Club.
t'ipation brings many ail -
in its train . and is the
y" cause of much sickness.
our bowels regular madam,
will escape many of the
t to which women are
Constipation is a very
ing, but like many simple
it niay lead to serious
aces, Nature often needs
sistance and when Cham.
Tabletsare given at the
cation, much distress and
may be avoided. Sold by
Messrs. J. F Rickbeil and 'J-
Preeter have each placed an orde
for a Ford automobile,
Mr. Fraser Brown and sister
Miss Mildred of Crediton, spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. .7.
Lost—In Zurich, a few months.
ago, a purse containing about $4.00.
Finder please leave with owner
Mrs. Wm. Wagner.
Next week we willgive an alarm.
clock with each $10.00 worth'
of furniture bought here, cash or.
trade, at Hartleib's.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoffman and
daughters, Myrtle and Alice of
Dashwood, were visitors at Mr. J.
Preeter's, last week.
Mrs. J. Hey of the Babylon•Line,
arid Mrs. Ed. Stelok of the 14 Con.,
returned home last week, from
visiting relatives in Ingersoll,
L s 9144 left, 'ter grerlp
=a `tozistiiattid
al of his daughter Rose. ',Ch0,4
funeral took pias:. on Tuesday.
Miss Verne Wolper BronsonLine,
who was visiting with friends near
New Hamburg and New Dundee
returned home, last Friday.
Rev. G. F. Brown left on Tuesday
to attend the annual conference
of the Evangelicalcongregation
at Campden.
6 doz McKenzie's hand made
horse Dollars arrived; none better
they have healed up sore shoulders
on horses while working, at Hart-
Lutheran Church—The evening
service in St, Peter's Lutheran
will be conducted in English. The
subject of meditation will be "The
Kingdom of God a City of Gates "
A hearty invitation is extended to
In cases ot rheumatism relief
from pain makes sleep and rest
possible. This may be obtained by
applying Chamberlain's Liniment,
For sale by All Dealers.
Mr. Peter Beaver of Sebewai ig;
Mich , visited his mother who is
ill, for a.few days last week. He,
also called on some of his Zurich
acquaintances on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Geiger anti
family left this week for their new'
Home at Pigeon Mioh, We are
sorry to lose them frown our midst;
but wish them every success' in
their adopted home.
Rev. H. Dierlamm of Elkton,
Mich., for many. years a minister
:n the Canada Conf ,Evangelical
church, and a former `pastor of
Zurich, died at the above plane on
Sun.day,and will be buried cal
April 14.
ons Wei` ro:its 0
7- TUr cc durable and good looking Paint
cJcth should use S.- Tr. .Par ts'; YOU, ea,' 71, cle-
79071PP O72, the77t,. Jf4ll wear lo7tger a7/...c1 covet'
772)1'& than ordinary paints, We: h7'vs cU
different .Paint for every purpose. If you
i72temd .Pa7,7Ltin yo7t7' house this year we
.stro77.g 1y 7'eho17z7rr,r•zcl S. & P. 'lb
f uaraiztee,i.
'W'e are Agents for Peerless
Eel Vetroughing, Etc,
rrie1phone 9
't ,
mIscsovzxitex ttem290 oz:o sem
r; Zellerr has purchased the
of his partner Mr. F. J.
e in the Zurich Herald,
-Star l 'nd Dashwood Pio•
the -Zurich aid Crediton
111 shortly be moved under
The change will, it is
ve beneficial to all, and
in will be made to extend
`atioli of the three weekli-
,o, further improve the
rad make-up of the papers.
ltwire will assist in the
exit of the business and
hope for a continued
pm all advertisers and
xalob .plant will be
Farm, For Sale
100 acres of Choice Land, 90 acres under cultivatiaxi balance bush.
Htas, 3 good Spring Wells, Fencing in good repair, having bunt several hun-
dred rods last year, Well underdrained; about one acre off• good orchard.
Has a comfortable Frame House; good Bank Barn 40x60 Basennint o£
Cement; Stabling foir 82 head of Cattle; Good box Stall andfour Single
horse stalls and harness roorn. All Stabling put in New last'season. Root
Cellar 26x14 eovered with porch. Cement Silo 14x34. 40/acres under
grass; Fall ploughing all done. This Farm is well situated, being 1-4 mile'
from school and 2 miles from Hensall market. Telephone connection.
Farm will be sold on easy terms to suit purchaser and immediate possession
will be given. For further particulars Apply to
E. ZELLER, Zurich, Ont.
The Cook Fitzgerald Com
pnays favors Astoria's Can..
ada's leading Shoes for Men.
The product of the most up-to-date
Factory in the Country. Nothing
newer or better made anywhere Style,
Quality, Fit and Comfort combined
No breaking in required, Put them
on and forget your Footwear troubles.
See them at Fausts Sole Agent for
Zurich and vicinity.
We do Repairing Butter and eggs taken in exchange
The baseball season will soon be
here, and it is time to get organized
for the season. There is a lot . ot.
"Material" hero to form a goe!d'
ball team and Zurich ,should' 'tr '
hard to uphold the rcputa tits
roadie last year.
And. Surerus from New t'a;
burg, Cyrus Surerus and flip
one to lie the
a t rip to date in every
Wickwire will visit
ort vd Dashwood weekly
114? pleased to have the
et 1 anc0 of', all to mate the news
crtnrr ot!,.tbe three papers bright
1nnewsy, and, up to •date, The change
been;'. nade with a view to
epel4ti Jand increased efficiency
of t}lb stair?. Everything that goes
td:,ditl.c > p the weekly paper has
increased in price in the past few
yeiLts,, while the subscription rate,
job'printing and advertising prices
Wave -pot been advanbed to the
pnb.liti. This 'makes it imperative
thii.t' they 'business be oonductod
with ths,least amount of unneces-
sai y onlay, while the general
effcie1icy of the plant has to be
inaintaftied and improved where
p'gssibie. The new owner will ex,
Peet the heartiest co operation and
godtl will of ail and will do his
part* advancing the interests of
hill friends and customers.
1iev.' J E. Courtois P. P, of St.
Joaohia'n Essex Co , ltncl formerly
Pariah' Priest ot French Settlement
for,,&le't en years. died quite unex-
peatedly on the 7th of April. Hs
htid been ill onlyAa short time and
the news of his death came as a
great., shock to the community.
The 'l,iiria,l which took place on
lah of April, was attended by His
Lordship Bishop Fallon of London
forty'+priests of the diocese and a
large concourse of people. The Bis•
hop spoke very highly of the de
o aced priest commending him for
his sterling character and the many
efficient works he had accomplished
during his life. He was of a modest
ti;n:rl retiring disposition, ever seek -
:g and working fearlessly and
lously for both the spiritual and
uuporal welfare of hisparishion-.
Father Courtois was born in
u_tiny Quebec in 1863. He studied
iv tcolet College Qne and Sand-
cell Ont He was ordained for the
rinion diocese and the same year
;s sent to French Settlement,
sere he left many souvenirs in
Zinn from New Dundee 8 cine th r form of good works. In 1892 the
Surerus of Petersburg, Abe ttur an Separtate. School was established.
of Berlin and dao Surerus land }Sits In,1894 the priests' housewas burn•
of Ber]ihell, were here attend:nu; cd;'and'he supervised the building
the funeral of the late Dtll`ste ofthe presentresidence. In 1899 he
Surerus.. It ad the church remodelled and re,
Subscribers at distant penis, 'u Trod He left in 1901 to take char-
should look up the label of •t;l;it r ge'et the Ptirish of Pain Court, and
papers acid if••in lir s errel a v e . tiS' ;from there, a year ego he was sent
like to have their. rens ittarree, '` i r 'to St Joerchirn. A. delegation from
have gorge to a it ray exile o ;i a Y)rvsdale attende,i the funeral
cently and the headends of cl:sllrl M Chef" were, Rov. L Landreville P
d 1P,, Nfessrs J. Laporte, ' H. Rau, P
clue,tis will ttsyi t metaie by • ri
•rendre oar extra. out 3 . 1'i4 e, moonrise Pierre Denommie, Jos,
he prompt. , al:pas anJ Mies' Marie { cline4.
A mail With2'sdfire ac .; erience in
hlorticulture to handle our trade in
Splendid opening and permanent
position for the right party. 'Write
for full particulars and state exper-
Stone & Wellington
Fonthill Nurseries, Established 1837
Toronto, Ontario.
The new Flour
Feed and Grocery
All kind of Field and Garden Seed
Casli paid for Potatoes and
Onion Seed.
Bring your Produce here for
Best Prices.
Louis Jeffrey
For two weeks we will offer Gentle -
mens' Solid Gold Signet rings at very
Special Prices. See that you get one.
Close Prices on
Kitchen Clocks
Thousands of our Watches are in,
wearers pockets, and Hundreds of
Clocks on shelves throughout the
country and each one of them says, --
Wind with care and use me well
And let me have fair play,
And I to you will try to tell
The precious time of day.
But, if from cause, I chance to stop
And fail to give the hour,
Just take me to Hess,s Jeweltery'Shop.
And he will give me power.
How About a Violin
Everything Guaranteed.
jeweller, - ZURICH'
We are making a special of Ladies' and Mens' press
Shoes for Spring embodying, all the fine points of St -I
and of Reliable Quality.
We never had a better or nice
Stock of Shoes than we are show
in. .D now. ,
fele want you, to see for Yrnw sel f .
If Roly to see the Me Assortment, SPeaks f
Ali we ask is a chame to show you the vert r -i
Spring Styles.
Butter and Eggs. Wanted'
4 he -1 Oliir.' ('F Good Sl sok