HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-04-05, Page 7N .,.OJ? CUSTOMS. 'SC ..Of the Sword Hand—Me- diaeval Visiting Cards. stain customs in vogue at the ent day, such as shaking hands Bering 'the loft arm to a 'lad'y, f considerable antiquity, It is that Phoenicians introduced former habit into Britain, and upon the, shores of. Mounts Bay iy a bargain in tin between tern merchant and Cornishman ratified by this method of clasp :hands. ei^tain other - etstonzs no less sly observed have come clown Usfrom a later period, says the idon Globe, and yet one sufflei- sly remote. In mediaeval times who shook hands, whether in station or as a defensive mea- t -retaining the sword hand fie- some treaty was being a - ged—must needs strip off his el gauntlet. 3o at the present time men pull their right hand glove before 'king hands with a lady. The ,wring of glove, or gauntlet, in - ed, at one period was something a challenge in itself ; thus no men re gloves in the presence of roy- y, an • absence which indicated absence of hostile intent. A similar idea in all probability counts for the habit of showing ultesy by lifting or removing the at. Only when no danger threa- ied would a warrior in olden days nture to stand uncovered; in the vyal presence was safety—'thus ran 1e .chivalric code—and therefore eh knight who drew near king or mperor swept off his helmet, show- ig that 'he dared to stand uncov- red. Helmets, as time went on, ere exchanged for less warlike orms of headg •gar, but the custom, scoring general, outlived all hauges, and remains unto this day he principal method of showing everenee. The age of chivalry has left its ark upon several customs. Sword, ielmet, gauntlet—the fact that hese 'were once part of the neees- ary equipment of knight or gentle- man colors our habits even now. Still a man offers a lady his left rm, a practice which recalls times vhen escort was by no means solely matter of politeness, but when in rides to guard against sudden at- ack it was necessary to have the word arm free. Still•whea a straliger calls for the rat time h . rids in hi 1., rt- ni doubt,- in iirdder that lizs i'141e ild ,p.s*iitiketnisiness maybe•nade rear,:. but partly also because in Idon'ttays he who desired entrance palace or castle must send some ken as warrent of peaceful intent. This token was perhaps a ring o1' me jewel known to the lord of the Ole, which would serve as a guar - tee for the sincerity of its arer ; in a less artistic age the anger who desires admission con- is himself with a slip of ras`.3- rd whereon his name is printed black letters. .he visiting card indeed is the doubted descendant of that ring +ieee of parchment which often fined for its possessor adliiission the mediaeval castle. To -day .moat niay be gone, the draw- go too, and armed. retaine rs no er peer over the battlements arquebus or halberd in suspi- r'eadiness. but the front door, • acts as an efficient moat and ers need not be armed in or - prove repellent. 1011IEN IN .A.1,11 PA ,T$ of CANAD TELL 0]? THE HEALTH. DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS BRING. They Male a New Woman of 11rs. Alniraltlt r,ylio 'ryas a Victim of ' Kidney Disease for dyer la Year. Amirault's Hill, Yarmouth Co., N. S., March 25 (Special)—' `Four boxes of 'Dodd's Kidney Pills made a new woman of me." - Those are the -words of Mrs. Elie Amirault of this .place. They are words that have been used again and again by women in all Parts of Canada who have suffered, and who have found. relief and cure in .Dodd's Kidney Pills - "1 suffered for over a year from kidney disease," Mrs. Amirnult continues. "Nothing I tried help • - ed. me. At last some one told -me me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. Before I had finished the first box I felt better,. Four boxes made a new woman of me." No remedy ever given to the public has. brought health and .hap- piness into the lives of so many women as Dodd's Kidney Pills. This is because nine -tenths of the ills to which women' are subject come from diseased kidneys. No woman who- uses Dodd's Kidney Pills can a1= have diseased kidneys: • They ways cure the kidneys. aP MAKING PROGRESS. "How are you getting on at school, Johnnie ?" "Very well; I'm second now." "Second! "Good ! How many are there in. the clash ?" "Me and a little girl." Why persist in being imposed up - en by buying poor trashy alum bak- ing powder when •you can just as well buy Magic Baking Powder. the health giving "No Allyn." brand at the same price?- Sixteen ounces for twenty-five cents. all 'Grocers. The woman of the hour is the one who says she'll be ready in a min- ute. Iftequisite. on^ the Farm.— Every farmer and stock -raiser should keep a s(tp lv of I?l Thomas' Eelectric Oil . , anal. not"only'• its' aar ready remedyf'or.: ills in the family, but because it is a horse and cattle medicine of great potency.' As a substitut; for sweet oil for horses and cattle affected by colic it far surpasses anything that can be ad- ministered. Every woman would like to help the poor and every man world like`, the poor to help him. Corns ause much suffering, but Holloway's Corn Cure offers a speedy, sure, acid satisfactory re- lief. iIrrA,TES C:1 RNl GIE. Phipli4, of Pittsburg, Equips a Kiper Band. d to be • said that no Scot- rasion was complete or in the without a piper as a meln- ts staff. John S. Phipps, Carnegie's portlier in the sineSs at Pittsburg. means ave on the tradition. He tiled not only a piper, but nd, at his residence in the of Scotland, so that his 11 iii future have the, bene - best Scottish.•.ulusic as an air digestion. .ovation., proceeding fr"om can, is regarded with no Inv among the. Scottish ,i;he:•highlands, and there g that in spite of expos- ves to the charge of imi- fNil band will become every (`1',1' hotne of impel -- Berwick -on -Tweed. to at's. pipor has long been an in Scotland, . and his Skiher are waiting with is to see whether the ia.lre':s enterprise, will, nor's, run to the full girl may not be an ROYALTY TRAVELS. v:eka Member of the royal tits .a pseudonym when otherwise than on state s. The The Duke` and Duchess nnaught chose the incognito pf r1''arl and Countess -of Sus - when they made their Continen. iourn•eys, and Princess Louise, less of Argyll, and the Duke of giyll travel ;a5 Lord and Lady r,ctridge , this being one of the Ar- minortitles. Before her mar - ,e Queen Maud of Norway oeca- ally called herself by the ltnpre.- tl.aus name of Miss Mills. 'Queen ctoria always travelled as Coun-. ess of 3Balmoral, though, curiously :enough, her heavy luggage was gen- erally labelled "The Queen." rG 111.-I1;UK IN TILE HOME Too many people mistake, gall for genius. rnnard's LInlmont Cures sures. Eta Specialist Old Skin Trouble No Good Very Itchy and Disfiguring. Got a Little Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment and Was Cured. "For two summers I suffered with shin trouble on my arms, and on my legs from my knees down. My arms were badly disfigured, and I kept thein covered, It came like the hives, and was voi'y itchy. I consulted a specialist, who gave ins medicine, as well as an ointment, but seemed to do no good. It was beginning to appear on inv face. "I got a little Cuticura Ointment and some Cuticura Soap. The first touch of Ointment seemed to relieve, and before the Cutieura Ointment was finished I was cured. I have not the least sign of trouble. I think it would have spread over my whole body if Outioura Soap and Ointment had not cured loo. I am delighted with them, and do feel pleased to think I have some- thing I have confidence in. .I tell all my friends about -them, and I think Cuticura Ointanent is the best I ever saw." (Signed) M. J. Boddy, 73 McCaul St., Toronto, Deo. 22, 1010. Cold -Sore Began to Heal With First Use of Cuticura Ointment. • "Cuticura' Ointment cured a very bad cold -sore that gave me hours of severe painand loss of sleep. •I tried lots of other remedies but nothing did me any good till I tried Cuticura Cint- Mentr and from the very first applica- tion it began- to heal and now there is not even a sear left. (Signed) Mrs. W. Boyce, Mermaid Farm, P.L.I.; an, 8,'1,1. For more than a -generation Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment have affordedthe speediest safest and most economical `treatment tsar skin and scalp troubles, of young and old. Although they are sold by druggists tend dealers everywhere, a liberal sample of each may be obtained free, from the Potter Drug k Chem. Corp., sole props., 67 Columbus Ave„ Boston, U', S. A. Sir Frederick Treves. LUCKY SIlt CHARLES. .A good story' is told of -that lams. roux English society_ surgeon,'Sir. Frederick Treves. The story deals with one •of Sir Frederick's distin- guished patients, Lord Charles Read _How Useful It Proved in ',hese Widely Different Cases. Zam-Buk's • strongest point is its effectiveness in all kinds of skin dis- eases and injuries. Just note how excellent these persons proved it in Widely different directions. 'Sore ](-Leel.—Mrs. C. A. Campbell, of Powassan, Ont., writes: "One of My heels was very badly blistered Beresford, Lord Charles fell,ill and, by:, a pair of new shoes, and - the sent for the great surgeon, "Tell' poisonous dye from my stocking got me your symptoms," said Sir Fred- into it, and made a bad sore. For erick. His lordship enumerated a, week I could not put on a shoe, Pains here and pains there, with` and suffered great pain. I applied an ache and a. stiffness somewhere Zara-Buk, and in a few days it healed the wound." Bad Cut.—Mrs. J. Virgint, of Onondaga, Ont., writes: "Zam- else. Each item was greeted by the doctor with a great chuckle, and at last when the -catalogue of ills was completed he rose and Bitk healed a bad cut which I sus - turned to Lord Charles, "My dear twined. I was hurrying across my fellow," he -said, "let me contra- yar,cl one day when I slipped and tulate you; you have the rarest dis- fell heavily, my knee striking a ease of the century. You lucky sharp stone. At the moment I did do;_',: you have a disease that was not realize how badly I was hurt, but I found I bad a bad cut about two inches long, very jagged and very deep. We bathed the cut and applied Zam-Buk. This stopped the: smarting very quickly,, and in a few days it had healed the wound completely." Eczema Cured.—Mrs. Antoine Ar- senault of Maxiamville, P. E. I., writes': "I had eczema and was un- der doctor's treatment for two years without any good result. I then tried Zam-Buk and in the end it • cured me." thought to be extinct." Lord "Charlie's" answer is not record- ed. • THOUGHTFUL RUTH. Ruth—"Yes, I got papa to buy a vacuum cleaner for mother." Maud—"How thoughtful!" Ruth—"Yes. Mother is a little stiffened up with rheumatism, you know, and I used to feel so sorry to see her trying to use the broom that I always Ieft home on sweeping clay." Lam-Buk is just. as good for piles, blood -poison, festering sores, pimples, eruptions, cuts, burns, IziIoJf, Coivt j h1u1 and all skin injuries and ,:i 1G es. a0?La rtlggl$ S �n Traps is®Ual 1 "PRICE. 5 CENT'S tact • 'b 1l'd t d' "Johnny," said thepretty retty teach- ,dam=Buk. Co., Toronto. Try 'lam- er, "what is a kiss?" "I can't ex- actly put it in words," returned the boy; "but if you really wanter know I can show you." stores, or post free for price from A pleasant medicine for children is Mother Graves' Worm Extermi- nator, and there is nothing better for driving worms from the system. To say a man is happy because he is rich is as unwarranted as to say a man is healthy because he can afford enough to eat. PILES CURED iN 6 TO 14 DAYS. Your lIrii gist will refund money if PATO OIYT. ',It•%N'L' fails to euro any ease of Itehinq, Blind, Bleeding' or Protruding Piles in 0 to 14 days. uoo• "What nonsense all this is about men getting on their knees when" they propose," said Mrs. Parslow to her deal' friend. "My husband didn't do any such absurd thing." "He did when he proposed to me," said the dear friend without -think- ing. Send for free sample to Dealt. W. L., National Drug and Chemical Co., Terosa°. MODEST BLACKSMITH. Buk Soap, 25c. tablet. ALD DEPENDS. Teacher—"Now, children, here's a little example in mental arithme- tic. How old would a person be who was born in 188'7V' Pupil—"Was it a man or a wo- man?". In its initial stages a cold is a local ailment easily dealt with. But many neglect it and the result is often the development of distressing seizures of the bronchial tubes and lungs that render life miserable for the unhappy victim. As a first aid there is nothing in the handy medi- cine line so certain in curative re- sults as Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup,. the far-famed remedy for colds and coughs. And too little self-confidence is as disastrous as too much. • Nlinard'a Liniment for sate everywhere. WHY,HE NEEDED MONEY. Little Elmer—"Papa, give me some Money." Papa --"Why do you want money, Elmer V' Little Elmer—"Well, suppose, a robber was to stop me and say, `Your'honey or your life,' and I hadn't; ;any money ?" YOUTH'S THEOLOGY. The' Clergyman ---"Now, can any- one tell me what aro the sins of onl"ssisin '' Smlall'Boy—"Yes, sir. They are the siib 't a ought to have done and havert'a ••-Shortly before. his departure .for India, King George was visiting at a country house near the scene of one of Oliver Cromwell's battles, Strolling out one ,morning .alone, he met the village blacksmith, "I say, my good fellow," said his Majesty, genially, "I understand there was a big battle fought here.y stainmered the blacksmith, recognizing and salut- ing the ling, "I did,'.ave a roilnd or two with Bill the potman, but didn't know your Majesty 'ad 'card of it," • A bachelor ;rirl is a spinster aai.t money. - lwlnard's Liniment Relioues Neuralgia. For Pink Eye,. Eplzoollx•, a a' s' •' Shipping Fever, and Catarrhal Fever. Sure cure and positive preventive, no matter how horses at wry age are infected or "exposed." Liquid, given on the tongue, ants on the Blood. and Glands, expels the poisonous germs from the body. Cures Distemper in Dogs and Sheep, and Cholera in Poultry. .Largest selling live stock remedy. Cnres La Grippe among human beings and is a fine kidney remedy, son and $r a bottle; 66 and $11 a dozen, Cut this oat. Keep it. Show it to your druggist, who will get it for you. Free Booklet, "Distemper, Causes and Cures." DISTRIBUTORS—ALL WHOLESALE DRUCGISTS SPOIJN MEDICAL CO., Chemists and Bacteriologists, O0ti85pi,,i50.. U_,S,jt, CREOSOTE .31.$12:11 a ht Protect----• Preserve-- Beautify iamplee and Booklets on Application JAMES .LANGMIH & CO., Unlined 18741 Bathurst Street TORONTO FiTs Send for: Free Book givinggivingfull particulars of TRENCH'S REMEDY, the World-famous rEpilepsy a Cure for nd F its. Simple home treatment. ea 25 s r ' success. Testimonials from all partsof the world. Over 1,000 i n ono year. TRENCH'S REMEDIES LIMITED 107 St. James' Chambers, Toronto. CURED WAY OF IT. "Dou you think a husband has a right to open his wife's letters V' "He has the right, perhaps, but hardly ever the courage." Hope for the Chronic Dyspeptic. -- Through Jack of consideration of the body's needs many persons allow disorders of the digestive apparatus to endure until they become chro- nic, filling days and nights with suffering. To these a course of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills is re- commended as a sure and speedy way to regain health. These pills are specially compounded to combat dyspepsia and the many ills that follow in its train, and they are suc- cessful always.- OUCH! lways. OUCH "Are you afraid of sports, Mrs. Gav ?" "I was until I married one." To whom it may concern: This is to certify that I have used MINARD'S LINI- MENT myself as well as prescribed it in my practice where a liniment was required and have never failed to get the desired effect. SLIGHT DELAY. He—"If an old millionaire• on the verge of the grave wonted to marry you, would you throw me over She—"Not necessarily. Still, you might have to wait a year or two." Wif hen Try 1 t for Itad, w uiu., tl ntcr, r yes and Y. of .� t;rnnnlated fiyeltds, ni rtrated 11c011 {r� in each Pnekatte MUMMA li 1s corn• ltiv ay '•' '' s Need ird 5 Try fibrin Eye Remedy nhmartlnit—Feeln1.1nr—:tc.ist belly, lxnuak.d by nor( gulf t,-amts"Patent $Ted1t•ine" b,it Iwo) 10 anceessfal rhrsl. ohms' Pm. Hee for many ;,cars, Now drellentcd 10 the Public and sold by 1 Ma(rgI,ils at Menne per bot tie. Dlurl no 1;ye anise 1n Aseptte 'lubes, f•,�e•rce, a....* Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Many a young man is rather fast about everything except settling his bills. Only One "BROMO QUININE." That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for the signature of P:. W. GROVE. Used the World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 25c, Hunting for trouble usually gets a full bag. ellnard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT. H. .W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. E{ ORTY ACRE FRUIT FARM—NEAR Niagara River, well planted. Revenue 1911 nearly thirty per cont. on price asked. A BEAUTIFUL FARM OF TWO HUN• to dred and ninety acres on St. Joseph's Island, with fine house, up -to. date barn and outbuildings. Owner wishes to devotehis time to otherer business, so will sell cheap for quick sale. Full par" titulars furnished on application. 11UNDRED AND FIFTY-SEVEN ACRES in Norfolk County; $ix acres fruit; up-to-date house; new bank barn; a very desirable property at a bargain. HUNDRHUNDRED AND FIFTY ACRES—WITH ED house; two barns; ten acres orchard; in County Peel. A real snap. `lJ 0 NE HUNDRED ACRES—GOOD HOUSE and outbuildings: near Teeswater. A first-class farm worth the money. ( N IDEAL FARM OF TWO HUNDRED acres in County of Wellington, with fine brick house; good outbuildings; can be bought on ear. terms. L1 OUR HUNDRED ACRES IN COUNTY' A.' of $imcoe, with Hundred ,Acres Good Timber; 20 acres apple orchard; good Frame House; two Barns. Can be bought rieht. TWENTY-FIVE ACRE FRUIT FARM— Near St. Catharines; Brick House; Barn; twenty acres planted. Can be bought very reasonable. !1 NE OF THE BEST FRUIT FARMS IN tl St. Catharines District --Fifty acres, thirty of which are planted; Elegant House, also Cottage and fine outbuildings. Will be sold on easy terms. T ORTY ACRES — ST. CATEARINES — I' Bungalo and Cottage and good out- buildings. Thirty-four acres planted in .fralit._ and a money maker. Thd 'dsrn )!: wishes to retire and anxious to sell. T HAVE MANITOBA. ALBERTA, SAS- • katchewan and British Columbia lands. both improved and unimproved, in quarter. half or whole sections, also in larger lots up to five hundred thousand acres. If thiniting of investing in West- ern lands it is to your interest to consult me. 'Phones; Main 6990, Park 527. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. epee, ACRES. rnTTNTY OF MIDDLESEX; 0 Foil splendid elsv loam: good build - inset n few roe: to ;tarket, Railway Sta- tion and Post Ofliee. 111 health ren son for selling, Ansou Matthews. Denfield P. 0., or Western Real Estate, London. MALE HELP WANTED. • EAR' TO BE A TELEGRAPHER OR J Station Agent. Big demand for men. Free Book 18 cx•,.1eies work and wages. Dominion School 'telegraphy, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. 11 VMSOLD'r, 5.1S IiA'I cltEIi AN, WANTS this Spring.settlers tor 4,000 free homestetols. Beat mixed farming terri- tory in West. Alyn iimirovetl fauns $15 to 830 per erre. Write commissioner, Beard of Trade, llumbnldt. HAF and FARM SCALES. Wilson's Hill* Seale 5''rl,.•, l 1.111a l:,eh. T..rtnitn. �t AN('Llt, '1'1 ti0115, LUMPS, ere. In. . terntil and external. eared wi..hout pain by our home treatment. Write us be•i'nre tun late. Dr. Belizean Medical Co.. Limited, ('oilingwnod , Out. pjs 6 TON SCALL: GUARANTEED. Wilson, Seale Warks, 9 Esplanade, Toronto: ARPET DYEING and Cleaning. Thio is a $peciaiLy with the British American. Dyeing Co" Sand pattkt'tltaia by 10151 and No are sure to satisfy. address Bon. x58. Montreal When buyirl:'; yew,. Piano insist on havirLq an Piarsa Action -Some writers have a wealth of thought, and they all has'c a thought of wealth. lyf01'y. S U F i4 --•1'r Revive the Jaded Condition.— When energy flags and the cares of business become irksome; when the whole system .is . out of sorts and there is general depression; try Parm•elee's Vegetable Pills. They will regulate the, action of a de- ranged stomach afld a disordered liver, and snake you feel like a new man. No one need suffer a day from debilitated digestion when so simple and t3ffective a pill can be got at. lnl' .chug store. TWO CRUISES —ON im'— VICTORIA LUISE (15,501 Toner From New York Nov. 12, 1912 0 From San Francisco Feb.27,1913 Will visit ilfadeira, Spain hair, Egypt. India, Ceylon, StrainSelllemenls, Jcvs, Philippine:, China, hpnn, Sanlwiel D s Islands, with Overland American 1"our. INLAND EXCURSIONS _ AND SIDE" TRIPS -gam t OPTIONAL 1 17 Days in fndias t TOURS j 14 Days inJnpan ', j :, D catkin 11® Days Each ay.n incittdins all mit- c,.ary cxpencu• p ailoord and aslrore. Y(y "flak enrionc who pea ,nada !ha r I:I:. i� YYttleeokhL ;tIAA1VII� t�MERI.CAX 41.45 BROADWAY, N.Y. or ocbtilt Steanisliip Affenoltt,. ▪ 60 Toone Stet