The Herald, 1912-04-05, Page 5.1••!..10.1...1•4•++++.14.1-1-14 .1.- +++4.4-14+ OLSONS SANK Iiicorporatecl 1855 RECORD OF PROGRESS FOR FIVE YEARS --19°.6-'9n. Ilas 88 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Gorrespondehht-s in all the • • I'rincipal.Cities In the World. 1906 aapita,l teserve" eposits analis and Investrneui total Assets 33,090,192 48,237,284 • A General Banking Business Transacted r VINES BANK .DiFA T'1Vl at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Zurieh „Branclh - J. A, CONSTAANTINE, Mgr. 14+++++++++++++.14 +++..++++. ++++++++++++.F++++++4-4.444-:•+ 3,600,000 3,000,000' 23,677,736.. 27, 457,000 1911 4,000,000 ,4,600,000 35,042,311 38,854,801 ;MAP* AGO people tsiociilsi spoke tlsamagdvsno a1S qtr ':b;a' dl.,; abrPutiag Acorn this ia-u:ae tb", )i Xoai,ideal ittissajeliavezreasii Auld ysiolna Taoisifs' ,,,sppp , before J4 po,smassiosi ia�nsartti ", WAWA-1bAYS'�ti''baq�%°`� enRn:.vTiamat;asaf„ vfi"ea`irAe?tb°i' Farg That THE Want BEST Call , at The Massey Harris Shop. Our Machines spea for themselves. • Welds, - handle (iasolinte Engine, Jas. Whyte, Ag't MASSEY-HARRIS CO ...ZURICH.aa MEAT MARKET E. keep in stock a full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted -. for their tenderness and wholesomeness... Our aim is to . keep nothing but the best. We make air own sausages.. Give us a call. YU.MCUT & . BEICHERT. Comc and DAS EWOOD. - Mr. Glending of Laurey was• in town Sunday.. • Mrs, F.:McGrea, -Oho was seriously ill is slotiwly improving; - 1,'ourteen children joined the Luth- eran. chtircli Sunday morning. Miss Tillie Edit has returned from her visit to ThodfordandAilsaCraig. There ivas.no school in the. prin- cipala room Tuesday owing to the sickness of Mr.. Shorn. :Mrs. S. Martin, who slipped ,last week and broke her arra • is doing as well' as can be expected. Mrs. Hyrock has returned to her limbo in Zurich after spending a week with her sister Mrs. II. Gum - tier; Mr. Jacob Kellermann purchased a fine team of colts from Madden Bros. of Mt. Carmel last week. Miss Pearl Kraft left Monday for Naperville Ill, where she will finish her business course in the North- western College. Rag bees are the order of the even- ings with our ladies at present, Alen all the loading topics of the day are discussed. • Mr. William Ehlers long looked for car of soft coal arrived on Tuesday, auclteams were busy drawing it. in from the station On Wednesday. • Mi. Goolhmitis Sal e was. largely 'attedrdoo:•aturl M,,•Fflinaun. intends making his 'future home in Michigan. The annual meeting in connection with the evangelical church was held on Tuesday Marmon in the church. Rev. J. Gronzenbaoll presiding. Mr. George liellermann, the retiring trustee, was again elected for three years, Mrs. Paul Messner last week re- ceived word from her husband, who is now in the ' west. Mr. Messner and those who are with him are en- joying the best of health and expect to soon reach their destination. The letter was written between. Peace River and Edmonton. FOR SALE -Two Success Manure Spreaders and one Superior Disc Drill with fertilizer attachment. These implements belong to the estate of the late John Voelker and are new and will be sold at cost. For further particulars, Apply to John Hoffman or: Jacob Kellermann, Dashwood. TO OUR CANVASSERS By special arrangement we are able to offer to new subscribers either of our papers and your choice of the Weekly Globe or the Weekly Mail and Empire for only $1 00 to Jan. 1st 1918 Each new subscription will count 1000 votes as formerly, Add fifty•cents if papers are to be mailed to' United States addresses.. e. Elects' c Resto 'er for Melt Phosph0nol restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension ; restores vim and vitality: Premature decay and all sea.aal get 3rourweakness averted at once: Fhosphor tw wilt make von a new man. Pec �8 a hos, or two far $B Ma41ed to anv ?ddress. The sooboll?Drug 0e., St. Catbariboes, Ont. • ew Suit At .Zurich's; Leaching ailo ,Shop the only Place, here the . Newest is always sown first: ,and .satisfaction l.ai' steed." u. nd'r r in Cobh u. echo N , o HOrk ase MN =Rick; Dun's Bulletin shows Alfred Rog- ers, Limited, of Toronto, to have issued a writ against the National Portland Cement Company here for $54, 000. Rogers alleges that he had a five-year contract with the the company here to .sell their prod ucts, two years of which .had passed `over. Last year .his commissions, lie ?claims, were $18,000, and •the dire- ctors of the local plant considered this too much ' and cancelled the contract, and are going to sell their own cement this year, The writ evi- dently'takes the $18,000 last year as an estimate and sues for the remain- ' ing three years the contract has to rte i at that figure, ADDRESS AND PRi SE NT:A;' Y.1C A large number of nae libeei ,a friends of the E iangelical phut Sunday School •assembled -,4;u home of Mr, and. Mrs. John last Monday evening, to B1t0 v their goodwill and love. Mr Cal and family, who recently disk,_ of his farm stook'etc , will Lilo 'in'l'Jnole iSarn'a Domain. - He Deets ,to -move to Pigeon, Mi.- next i,next week Owing, to his ren:ao% the nb ave gathering took place rad a bt-anthfn1 couch .was preset) to them, and the following; atlh read - - Dear Bother Gt.i.ger'and fare We as members a;nd friends of tt Evangelical Sunday School Zurich,,:' Ont ,. have assembled' your Ltaost.hospittithome to empi= unto you our high appreciation veer faithful and unt:ring servic on behalf of that institution of t churei,, t,i,k.ylricla you have been mt,.r.' t,tr•d‘i;ed ' and' intereE;tes Sr it hunts always bits been:. } „i e•1st"af tiome" in the tru ser.stt vt the word,a home kno for its social and Christian te110 shi p ; Your parents of sacred memory who were the forme' occupants have left you this blebs ed heritage and thus trained 'anti,. raised under such Christian influences, how could it be otle wise that it should continue to `lies W,l place of Christian influence <idn #, sociabiIit.y Ram or as had its- zit some tie that you would 'goon d part from our midst, but quietus had beengiven- to tlti„ report, we continued to be in"..e.! strait between fear and hope, itliLf- at last a feeling of security tth^rr: the place of doubt and fear. l?Yi at last it came rather as a shock your many friends, when it reported that you intend niak. p y ms your home in "Uncle Borne Domain," With deep regrets this deoisiaiki was received and therefore Ivy could r of allow you to depart wit)), out showing unto you in gonia de- gree, our love and attachment 'in von. You have always been :.ec faithful member and supporter • of the, church which was instrumental in leading you to Christ. The church has honored you, by confaal;" ing unto yon, many -of her leadi i* offices, such as class leader, exh- ter, steward, trustee, treasurer a Vioe•President of the S School. To few within the church, have ,; many offices been entrusted, thss. proving the trust the church co, fided unto you. You have besn. faithful in the discharge eye' dutios relative to these;: ofiie.. »hiCh The Gr.ea,t•Head' 6f the ch• may abundantly reward Nor can w.a forget sister Geiger, your faithful helpmeet, Who was always ready to stand by you with words of encouragement and cheer, As an active member of the chnroh and the 5 School she was deeply - interested in its welfare. And now• we would hereby respectfully re quest you to accept this slight gift,. which may beta continual remind er to both of you, of your faithful services, and of the love of the members and friends of the Evan. gelical 5 School at Zurich, and now dear friends we commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to mild you up and give you an inheritance among all them, which are sanctified so that whether we come to see you or elle be absent from you we may hear of your affairs, that we stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striv- ing together for the faith of the Gospel Signed on behalf of the Evangelical S School, Zurich, Zurich, April 1, 1912 G P Brown, Pastor Alt Melick. President Roland Geiger, Secretary John Preeter,Treasurer Wm O'Brien, Pres of Men's A(.ult Class ' Anna Hess, Pres. of Ladies' Adult Class Carrie Heyroek, Teacher of Wo' men's Class , til {r r Us ; i puce, • .s y:ou §tiy, o no good " "I, shall be `so ! sobbed Mrs. Pratt, Biding aurful face on the breast of bttsbun,l. "There is nothing 1Tfi' in life to trouble me," On o next morning, as Mr. Pratt was izesing the tavern, old Killigrew bo, if not behind the bar mixing p his tempting compounds, was 'o to be at his door watching customers) called out Hey! ddy, my boy, - what's your tii'tieular• thurr.y? "I'm a little to," replied the ,young man ii}tsively, keeping on his. way. Stop, stop, oal:eci the landlord. 7,hy, my dear fellow,. one would mink you haef the business of the erld on your shoulders. A man bould, never he in too great a tarry `to"speak a word with an old riend, What's become of Phillips? haven't set eyes on him for a week. The truth is, said Pratt, who bird now stopped, his friends iliirik he bas been coming here a i"ttle 'too ofton. "Nonsense ! Too Often 1 1 never saw him when I thought he had been drinking toe nanth. And he's silly enough to :mind them 1 Well, well if he thinks hr's in danger he'd better stay away. He must have a weak head." lilligrew spoke contemptuously. Pratt felt the landlord's sneering manner almost us much as if it hzad been applied to himself. It rust him no light effort to sav (-lood morning, and pass on without +a ing at drink at the bar. 1 wish this pian trap was on the other side of Jericho, he muttered, as soon as he was fairly beyond the sphere of its dangerous attractions, or that I hadn't to Hass it three or four times a- day. If old Killigrew lays hold of me after this fashion. I'm afraid my good resolutions are not going to be worth much. 0, dear ! I wonder what good ever conies of this rum selling and rum drinking? As to the harm, one noedn't go far to look for that. To be continued E M. Williams, Pres. Supt. Auction Sale OF HOUSE, LOT AND HOUSE- HOLD EFFECTS. Mr. Ed. Bossenberry has been in- structed to sell by Public Auction at Crediton on SATURDAY, APRIL 6th ' 1912, alone o'clock, the following ` articles 1. base burner stove, 2 cook stoves, One nearly new, for wood or. coal; 1 extension table, 1 centre table, 1 cit - ti t'ft le 1 side. -board 1: -w'riti'ng. ;dear; 12 cha,irs,'2;. rockers, 1 sewing inaohrne,,1'stearner, -'wash boiler, 1 wringer, 2 bed steads with springs and Mattresses; 1 washstand, 1 trunk, 1 clothes horse and other articles too numerous too mention. • TERMS - On household effects cash. There will also be offered for sale the lot and brick residence of the late Jacob Hoi- st. On this property there is a good barn, good well and some fruit trees, For further particulars apply to Jos- eph Hoist or Godfreid Wein, Execut- ors. Ed. Bossenberry, Auctioneer. W.G.T. V., THE MAN -TRAP AT ASHDAI.tF1 This Story by T. S. Arthur, Ann. or of Ten Nights in a Bar °,, room was Published'in the :. First Issue of AllianCte News in the Year 1$fia4 4 Often, -in returning home. I would bein company with yortug men who never passed Rilligrew's without exchanging a wori wit.a the companionable landlord,- and having a taste of his well mixed liquor. Itwa's not in the amlabl t. and compliant Mr. , Pratt to saes' "No" en these Occasions. Scion, wife became :aware of the tenipt4 tion that was in his way, anti°" -M his almost daily yielding' to '10 i% enticements. She talked withl im frankly,' yet gently and lovingly a' before. Her words aroused xao, impatience, no anger, `no stubb selfpvill, pie loved her too vf't pain her even with a 'crown not darken Killigrew'sdoor ttsr if it troubles you, Sarah, 1'' t' Wedding Gifts At our Store you will thiel many things suitable for Gifts. Come in and inspect our stock. We have a big stook and our prices are very rettsonable. Gold and Silver Watches -in Elgin, Swiss and Waltham Movement. Solid Gold Finder Rinds. Hand Painted China. Silverware -in all styles. Cut Glass -in any pattern. Watch and Jewelry Repairing -of all kinds attended to at Cams and inspect our stock wlheth- r'you buy or not. A call solicited S. LAWSON Parra for Sale or Reut.-Good 50 acre farm, cleared, well drained and hl goocl state of cultivation, on Lot 8 'Oen. 4, Stephen, just east of Credit, On Bast On the property is a good ltotise and barn, 1 acre of good ,orch- iri;cl, all ploughing done, 16 acres of ,grass,• 2 good wells, spring creek. fox particulars apply to Wm. Hea- slilan, Shiplea, FOR SALE :Town lots for sale. Apply to. ;genii Sohilbe or Louis - Prang,. 1`trich.- • �� r. DA'Y! On E1.ST'1+IB SUNDAY t'.io world seems to fairly !blossom Nitb bright New ,Y g Clothes. Have you. Ordered your Suit? If not, come now and let us show you our new fabrics let us build then) into rt smart Up -to -elate suit for you. e Can build it rights Come and talk your Easter sprit dans over with us(We like to talk Clothes and We like to make Clothes) Let us inalte yours. We eau, and will please you, if you will but . J. giveusthe opportunity. `�' . H. HOLTZ I. AN 7 Merchant T 11oi BUSINESS B. S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted hi all parts. Satis- eaction guaranteed or no pay: Terms seasonable. Orders left at this office will be promptly attended to. A.ND11.EW 3', IIESS, FIRE 1NSURAN- eo agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. LODGE MEETINGS () j Court Zurich No. 1240 "• v . F• meets overt' 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. m. in the A. 0. U. W. Hall. J. J. 4TERFER, 0. R. A. ®• 4J • W. NRickbeil Lodge 9 v o. 3 93, meets the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month, at 8 o'clock, in theirr� Hall, Mer•ner Block: J7 REI). W ITiv ER „M. W LEGAL CARDS. eROUDFOOT RAYS & KILLORAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Gotierich, Canada W. Proudfoot. K. C. R. G. Hays. J. L. Killoran. R. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- duate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speeiality. At Dominion House, Zurieh, every Mon- day. 7-26 E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. Deeds, Mortgages, ...A. 4lla-and• •other Legal ..Doeureents ere.. fully and •promptly prepared. Office-. Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. MARKET REPORT MARKET REPORTS -The following is the market report, corrected to Wednesday noon of each week. CREDITON Oats45c a bush Barley 80c a bush Wheat 95c a bush' Shorts $28 a ton Bran $26 a ton White Rose Flour $2.70 Feed Flour $1.65 Butter 80cts Eggs 22 cls a doz. Potatoes $1.50 a bag Dried apples 7c. Beans $1.50-$2.50 a bushel Timothy $8 to 9.50 a bush Red Clover $12 to 14.50 Alsyke $11 to 14.00 Alfalfa $11 to 12.00 Buy early, seed is likely to scarce this year. i1DNSALL Wheat 95 to 96 cts, a bus Barley 92 lc 95 ole. Oats 46 to 48 cts. a bus Man. Seed Oats 65 cls. a bus Ground Corn $80.00 per ton EXETER Oats 46c a bush Barley 65 to 85c a bush Wheat, Standard, 98c a bush Shorts $27.00 per tan Bran $26.00 a ton Family flour $2.70 Feed flour $1.65 Hay $14 to p15 a ton Hogs live weight, $7.50 Peas 90c to $1.10 DA.Si3WOOD Oats 45c a bush Barley 80c a bush Wheat 95 to 96c a bush Shorts $28 a ton Bran $26 a ton Feed flour $1.65 Butter 28c a lb Eggs 22c a doz Potatoes $1.50 a bag" Dutch sets 8c' a lis. When you have rhenmatisin in ;your foot or instep apply Chamber. lain's Liniment and you will got quick relief. It costs but a quarter Why suffer? For sale by All Deal ors. T P.. McLAUGHLIN, form' oily Assistant Surgeon at Moor ficld'N (1'oyal Lnidou Optlralalic, Eye hospital and Golden Sgima Nose and Throat Hosritel, London Englttial. Also si•ent time at Berlii rind other Continental Hospitals General Practice with special atteut• ion to Eye, , 1?aa.i, Nose and Throat, Eyes tested (lictihru,seope. and Op- tllahnoseope used) and glasses sup. plied and properly adj nsted. Office Daslhivood, Ontario. . r & SON .. Conveyancers, General Instirance- Agents MONEY TO LOAN At Lowest Rates of Interest Telephone ---Office la, House lb. 4•4•+++•:••:•÷÷,1-14++++++++++++++' 13. AV. F. D BEAVERS EXE TE R Licensed Auctioneer for County of fInron. Sales conducted in the most approved manner. Satisfaction guar- ihnteed. ' Dates can be made at the Crediton Star or at the Bargain Store, Exeter. Ntoolerstaw CREDITO% Meat MARILET We keep : stock a ful' "iine•of frEt: "hies .s, tits .°, ate. Our Buts are not ed for that tendernesc: and wholesomness. Our aim is to:keep nothing but the best. We make our sausage. Give us a call. CREDITON. Croits-n lour :: yr :,.ills Manufacturer of all grades of Roller Flour, We also sell the Five Roses Flour Gristing and Chopping proll_l='; ptly done Oats Rolled and Ohoppin • done at 5 cents a bag. ile SWLHhzil HQMESEEI(ES EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Albert Special Trains leave Toronto 2.00 p.m. on APRIL 2, 16, 30 MAY 14, 28 JUNE VI, 2. JULY 9, 23 AUG. 6, 20 SEPT. 8, 1 Second claw tickets from Ontario stations to print; Northwest points at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATE Winnipeg and return $34.00; Edmonton and retu $42.00 and to other points in proportion. Tieka good to return within 60 days from going date. TOURIST SLEEPING CAR through to Edmontonvia Saskatoon, also toWislriip and Calgary vie Main Lino on all excursions. Co fortable berths, fully equipped with bedding, tate secured at moderate rates through local agent. Early application must be made, AS FOR HOMESEEKERS' PAMPHL contetninb rates and full information. Apply to nearest C.P.R, Agent or M. G, MURPHY, Dist, Paas. Agt , Toronto,. ONLY DIRECT LINE NO iiiIAN6E OF CA re -1= M M