HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-04-05, Page 1Vol,: X•II 1 1 itit:311M/C3181040C4001:404:318100MCO3CW'ir-48621/13t8C1181, 1 Our spring Millinery opening will -take place on Saturday, March 30th, Monday, April 1st and following days. Have recured the services of Miss Link to look after this department and we feel assured that your wants will be satisfactorily looked after. All the latest and best in spring Hais, shapes, Trimmings, Novelties etc. You are cordially invited. Spring Dress Goods The most complete assortment of Dress Goods for Spring and Suminer rear ever shown in this section. Voiles, Muse, Cloth, Linen, Suitings, Tricotino, Eoliennes, • Poplin, Mulls, Muslins in tact we have everything that the best markets afford .in this line. We would call special attention to our range of laces, em- broideries and dress trimmings. In Silks we also excel if you want something good in this line come in and look over our display. See our Special Yard wide Marquess Silks in all colors. ('� New Wall Papers:. O1nk lei 1' stoci„ •v+ YC:ii1' surpasses' • llnytill.11.g wi have even Sh.04n. The new of eets areugly pxott ... Ind we it ave an . inilnense: variety' to choose ficin. All patterns have been carefully. selected and gin- 'brace Wallpapers. for every room in the house. Everyone interested in beautifying the home should take advantage of this opportunity and we . would advise you to call early while the selection is complete. Floor. Coverings The correct coverings for your kitchen or` dining room is linoleum: We .have a large and variecl..stock to choose from, comprising floral and many other designs. Also a large stock of oil- - cloths, rugs. mattings, etc. Our Linoleum var- nish beautifies and preserves linoleunis of all kinds. It fills the pores and gives a durable and easily cleaned surface. The Official Organ: FRIDAY MO. g LOCAL, NEW Mr. and Mrs. Charles Willa Grand Bend visited at the ,ho. Mr. J. Printer, on Sa.tnrsl.ti.y, Mrs, Gilbert Diok . of Hen was the guest or Mrs. J. .Pro on Sunday. A gnantitp of .choice seed. 'b for sale. Apply to Evelyn Br riok, Goshen Line South, Dashw P. O. Magnet cream separator. for 4i (food ars new. Has :been very' used. Apply to Win.. .Leib ,Zurich. Mr. Alfred Bender of Bail ' ,? is the guest of his father Mr. Bender, at present. Did you see those team harness `�vr collars for $2-3.00? .They aro guarantet ao-ainst any so sailed had a At Hartleib's. Miss Ohap-nan was visiting with Mary Otterb.ein, last week. ll and Hay Township' ( APRIL -. NO3 Found—Ladies' kid glove. O• wn call at 7 nil RRRALD office. art` llobt l3oyes" sale takes place on Wednesday pert, 10th inst. For a night of amusement you lioulcl not miss the comic opera at the Town Hall, Monday eve. At the Babylon Line, Hay Town- ship, on the 1st inst, to Mr. and Mrs. suis Foster, a daughter. Mt. Thomas IVIcMillan, of Hallett Tp. had the misfortune, on Friday of having his hand so badly crushed in •a ggrain cho- p erthat' > t had to be amputated at the est. Fay; tiers who are in need- of Noxon (i Coekshutt repairs can get same by leaving their elders with me.—Louis Prang.., The School Trustees expect to have 11 ins ready shortly for the new school to be erected this summer. n ma a har•nes \[r. Moses Geiger's faun stock sale of Berlin, wit i etted over $3000. One heavy mare her friend:.Mt�*as sold for $300, Mr. Alfred blelick returned hozaj being the purchaser. Miss• Eleanor Eaartleib of Toro is visiting at the 'mine ot her p ents Mr. and Mrs. 0,• Hartleib, i a few weeks. ' our prize contest is creating consider able interest. Better send in your seription arrears and renewal and your favorite &"boost". • Mr. Steinman, barber of Bayfiet was in town for a few days. !a week -assisting Mr. S. Ripley i his shop. There has been a great deal ;o sickness'in this section for sow time past and our medical men ar kept busy day and night. Mr. F. 0, $albf. isoh's mill ynr is piled high'with all kinds of logs: that will require several months... work to .reduce them into lumber', The monthly meeting; of th Ladies' Aid will be held on Tues day the 9th inst., at l p. no., in th sohool room of St..Peter"s x.utla" church »Qr lt4 leariithe troubles and* t1le=new1y'xnarrzed, see the play at town hall, Monday evs., A•laril, 8th $1.00 will pay for this paper atilt choice of The Weekiy., Globe or life Window `w 1in.ds We cagy a full stock of window blinds;--.... and rollers in all shades. We have them with fringe or without and all are mounted ou good rollers. A Ourtaiu Poles, etc. tita, ts 07' Cf' C(d&7 (Ible ct7Z•C{'_ooc2 looking Pcttnt . Jab should use 8.- IT('. Paints., you c'Ct7Z cle- p8ra,P 07t tliG777,, , Will wear 1011 e7' and cover more th(ti2 ar'rliaa tc'r'y paints. We ce Th"r'r,c a different Paint to7' evei propose. If/o?a, 177.temzd Pai•72•tii ' yoiur° house this year we str0r2g17j reeormm711,71d S. TY. P. Lee/.1Pd 0'. in. lta anfee;"1, We are .6,gents fax Poulos Fencing Eovetro ighhig, Etc, PROI3 3E TAKEN IN EXGRANCE • ; If any farmer or person who bought a farness this last six years that can prod- charge. rip in the seam we will stitch it no charge. Machine work only. Ab Hart- lei Next Sunday evening a fine Easter programme will be rendered in the Evangelical church by the • Juniors, assisted 'by the choir. A. cordial wet- Come is extended to all. In oases ot rheumatism relief from. pain makes sleep . and rest :possible. This may be obtained by iapplying-Chamberlain's Liniment, For sale by All Dealers. Miss Kate Cook, afro left a few monthsago for Saskatchewan and Mr. Joseph Meidinger of that Pro- tvinoe, and formerly of this Town. hip, were married a few weeks go- 'A small Alberta town . spends housands of dollars 'on an adver- q ng Scheme, subtle a flab ercl oras .: nt Farm For Sale 100 acres of Choice Land, 90 acres under cultivatfen; ' balance bush', Has 3 good Spring `ells, Fencing in good repair,. having - built several :hir a- clred rods last year. Well underdrainecl; about one acre of good orchard. Has a comfortable Frame Mouse; good Bank Barn 40x60, Basement ipi; Cement; Stabling for 82 head of Cattle; Good box Stall and. four Sin le horse stalls and harness room. All Stabling put in New last season. Root Cellar 26x14 eovered with porch. Cement Silo 14x81. 40';acres under grass; Fall ploughing all done. This Farm is well situated, being 1-1 nail from school and 2 miles from Hensel]. market. Telephone' connection Farm will be sold on easy terms to suit purchaser and immediate 'l ')ssession will be given. For further 1particulars Apply to E. ZELLER, Zurich, Ont,. NE -W SP I SH E We do Repairing The Cook Fitzgerald Corn.. pnays favors Astoria's Can. ada's leading Shoes for Men,.: The product of the most up -to -data. Factory in the Country. Nothing 1 newer orbetter made anywhere Style, Quality, Fit and Comfort . combi'aed. No breaking in required, Put them. on and forget your Footwear troubles, See them at Fausts Sole Agent for Zurich and vicinity. . Butter and eggs taken in exchange PQM. E. Fr4USTq ZURI. Mail and'Empire to the end of the and will entitle you to 1000 votes.' in prize contest. This applys to new Ob.: scribers in Canada only. • ' it Lutheran Church—On Sunday, Easter will he celebrated in coni-. mermoration of Christ's. resurreo. tion. The morning service will he onnduoted in Germah and in con- nection with the mor-ning service the Lord's supper will be adminisf- ered. In the 'evening the Easter cantata.: "Songs of the Resurrec- tion" will be rendered by the choir: A cordial invitation is extended t:i all. OWns'gOtiheti: Ciwit;y'ri 4 :aiie Siniday School: of- the. Evan-': gelzctil:church, beginning with next sAi' S>nclity and. until fiuthe notice is .1. 'Oren, be held at 0.30 a. m., instead of- 2 p. in. as heretofore, and the preaching service will begin at 10.45. Y-3' eter, L U R C.0 F3sE#f l£ 3ra D=DO elepliote 9. Under the auspices of the Zurich Bowling Club. "Troubles of the NWLY: WED. the Town ii all, Zu ric1I), on F onday Ever, April• "To fiiSS it is t}` Regret it." 13 This play consists of three Abp and is put on by IIensall peopli' irC wherever played has met with. favor, Laughable Specialties will Lae v`. on between the Acts. 1 1 s Admission, 35, 25 and 15(tm. Plan of, Reserved` Seats z11.«;} seen at Preetor's Ixarclware Stoij.'. `-Oonstipation brings many ail- ments in its train and is the primary cause of much sickness. Keep, your bowels regular madam. and you will escape many of the ailments to which women are subject Constipation is a very simple thing. but like many simple things, it may lead' to serious eonsegnences. Nature often needs u Tittle assistance and when Cham- berlain's Tablets are given at the first indication, ninoh distress and suffering may be avoided, Sold by All Dealers. A regular siorm period covers the fith to llth. Change to much warm- er, With falling barometer and threat- ing clouds, will appear westward on •the 6th and 7th, and during the 8th, 9th and 10th, these conditions will grow inro active storms of rain, wind And thunder, as they pass eastward over central and eastern parts of the country. Your barometer, thermom- eter and hygrometer will ab the time ictll yon what is coming if you will watch thein. ll.ail, rain, and thunder with marked drop in temperature, and sleet and snow possible far north are among the probabilities at t,ilis period --all followed by high `baroneter, cold nights and frost mirth Ward . Communication Notice to the Public Gar competitor is circulating reports that harness stitched on machine will not give satisfaction. This is false and net ',true. We have our machine' now 0 years matte hundreds of harness and never had a rip, We guarantee that our maehtne stit- ehing will 1a -t longer than the leather will last ps per cent of the harness made to- day sic m ode on 'Machines and give satis- .factiou everywhere. What -would a farm- °er.:,say if a mnac told him to throw away Ms self binder and go bank to the old way to gut his grain with the cradle? Why 'Thio fanner would think the Man was rrtiizyancl that is ipst ;what we think of the, heron who tries to amid to stitching ma. chines. The world has made jobb as much 1 :ogress in harness inaehinory as in farm °itapletnents, 1Tarness f.itching machines erre found in all np to date hal/1(m shops whish has the price. They cast 050.0,, t l ticv help to keep tho goon o'd sign a'-• r 'er the ,:,door,- Yoturs tru)d , 0. HART. :Lsalt3, Harness Maker. • A naan with 'some experience in Horticulture to handle our trade in Zurich Splendid opening and permanent position for the right party. Write for full particulars and state e .per- ien ce. Stone & Wellington. Fonthill Nurseries, Established 1837 Toronto, Ontario. t)Po©04.4©o*a04s0oeoo<ao00.0 The new Flour Feed and Grocery Store SEEDS All kind of Field and Garden Seed Casli paid for Potatoes. and Onion Seed. Bring your Produce Here for Best Prices. Louis Jeffrey se.o.0e0a04.41-6004.aoeaa*gm��0, noes Foie two weeks we will offer Gentle, mens' Solid Gold Signet rings at very Special Prices. See that you get one.. Close Prices on , Kitchen Clocks Thousands of our Watches are i wearers pockets, and Hundreds of 1": Clocks on shelves .throughout the.. country and each one of them says . Wind with care and use me well And let ice have fair play, And I to you will try to tell The precious time of day. But, if from cause, I chance to stop Ana fail to give the hour, Just take lie to Hess,s Jeweltery Shap. And he will give ice power. How About a Violin Everything Guaranteed, F. W ESS jeweller, - Z&JRMCH: EtSP I ,, CIES We are making a special of Ladies' and Mens' Dress Shoes for Spring embodying, all the fine points of ,Styl and of Reliable Quality. We )`ever had a better or.nice Stock of Shoes than we are ...sho' in?). now. [re wa'lt you to seri for l bur sel;; ;. If only to see the fin@337.ti yen ,. All we ask is a chance to slsow . you the ' very~ Spring Styles, IT F'i(.)r r••.. aA 1 arm