HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-03-22, Page 8•
e extend a cordial invitation to all the
Eatilies of Zurich and Ficianty to attend our
Sprint; Millinery Opening oxi Friday aucl Satur-
day :\lareh 99th and 80th, when you will be
shown all the Ncwest and Latent t tyles in•
• Siring and Summer Millinery by Miss Holmes,
• who is in eliarge.
Every person who buys their Spring
and Summer Goods here are going to
get the best value for the least money.
We are going to give every customer
who trades here this spring such •goad
value for every dollar they leave here
that it would be impossible to get bet-
ter values elsewhere.
New spring Dress Goods
New silks, New Trimmings
New Prints, New Cinghams
New Embroideries
New Wall Papers
Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums,
Lace Curtains and Curtain Goods in
Malt ras.,, ., Bungalow Netting, coin
,9 ur Dress•Uoods ep:
artnent is filled with
the latest and best in
Spring Dress Goods
Y P ,
and Trrirri>Qnh1 sg5.
Gent's Furnishing for
A large and well assorted Stock of
New Spring Suits for Men and
Boys, all made in the Latest
Styles aucl Fashionable
Cloths, also New
Trousers, and
Boys' Knickers anti
Hats, Caps, Ties, Gloves,
Socks &c.
Special value in Bleached
Sheeti 0. Also Cottons,
lar Pillow ,
rr oWellings, Table Linen.
S 1y ?1Y of
;l�he�t Q>� l�rgees .;paid i»� all
kinds of Farm Produce
ri h, tari
Telephone 28
't7EAD UARTE F�" l�,n.
ic toior ;i >' ii1.
THE STANDARD is the National,
Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion
of Canada: It is national in all .its
It uses the most expensive engrav-
ings, procuring the photographs from:
all over the world,
Its articles are carefully selected and
its editorial policy is.. thoroughly
A subscription to The, Standard=
costs $2.00 per year to any address iii,
Canada or Great Britain.
TTY IT FOR 1912!
Montreal Standard Publishing Co.N.
Limited, Publishers.
The spring sittings of the High;
Court of Justice open in Goderich on.
Tuesdey March 26th. The Honor
able lir. Justice Britton will preside.
Auction Sale of farm, stock and
implements, on Lot 21,' Con. 1a,
Stephen, 11 miles south of Dashwood " : Pulper ]curves, straw knives, oLten
on Wednesday, AJu l 1113rop.; ta at d Skil: ladders, step ladders, galvanized
o'clock. Jacob Jeller, ti, 1, Ls; cutters 14lclaughlins best
Bossenbury, auctioneer. r ;. e, buggies, Deering machine tie
The most common cause of in-..}.�ii.� lilticksmithrepairing,oniotiseecl
somuia is disorders of .the stomach. • .
seed -
Chamberlain's s Stomachand Liver
era and •garden tools, piping all sizes,
Tablets correct these disorders, and co:'ix shellei, plows Fleury and Pere -
enable yon to sleep. For sale by PO and all kinds of plow repairs, axle
All I)ealci s . geese, ropes all sizes, wheel barrows,
Mr. Jos. Guinan lias about coni.pl- l.3Rrn scales.
eted his work of assesssiug iairho����
township of Stephen. , He was in
Crediton on Tuesday tlndhas about a .
day's work in Dashwood, when the
work of assessing will be finished.
John W Siekelsmlth, Greenboro,
Pa , has three children, and like
most children they fregnent}Y take
cold. "We ha ve tried several kinds
of cough medicine," he says, hut
have never toned any yet that did.
them as much good as C3}iatiiber
lain's Cough Remedy. Fot $Ede, by
All Dealeis
Vessel hien are of the 'opinion. thar£-
it.ee...4atioxx thiti swill will aire 1'
1y a, isitiiitr ]litertb.in the lit
'With Lake Superior fro.zerit''4a ,for
the first time in a decade and at least: T ba'vo• opciiscl• uy shop i piti..isite the
•six weeks of winter ahead, the cal?sal'
authorities at Sault Ste, Mario do not
expect that they will be called upon.
before the middle of May to swing
the lock gates for the first t,e5; el.
Dr. II. J. Stevens, one of the house
surgeons at Victoria Hospital London, ‘..)ave
till a ecall.
is suffering from a severe attack of ;,
septic ;7alsnniug contracted while
opel tit=ng on a patient. His finger .•! ": '"
;tits ptexcetl with a needlta, but for, ` lite ® E. rock
soiree time it did not bather him. 7
The arm, however, began to swell and]
it was necessary to lance two absces-
ses, one at the elbow and the other,
under the shoulder. Dr. Stevens is
well known in Dashwood, being a
Stephen Township Old Boy. Last
year he coininanclecl the steamer.
Forest City, running from P't't S)U .1 th: All hinds of grin �vaut•
Stanley to Cleveland. .rt,cl at tiro Heusall Oatmeal Mills.
Hick's Forecasts --A Regularstorntl
period covers the 14th to 19thhav in e �,1 rouh r�'t+
its center on the 15th. `The baronic . A
ter will begin falling in the wt+sh l '
Prompt Service
ocl.erate• r''har-aes
r l„
irteh. - Out aaG io
Boight out
Implements and Repairs and
moved them to my shop
One Priee the year rc .nd -and that
the .lowest.`
Piirties intending, to btiy a good Harnes this Spring should not fail to;call
on us, as we areheadquarters in Zurich for be best . at lowest prices every
one guaranteed, because best leather always used. See our Team. Harness
with Collars at $25.00, Siegle Harness at'$9,00•up
Stoves and Hardware -
, If you want the best at lowest prices call and see what a big Bargain you
Can get here. '
The New
A full stock of all kinds of
In Furniture we load the trade as we buy in car loads this enables us to
cheaper and our customers get the benefit.
Terms Cash or Trade at Cash Write
Town Hall, Zurich and .amu prep'ur-
ea to.. do all kinds . of machinery
repairs, horse -shoeing, gc.neral blaek-
Corn ; Corn!
GO -ton Corn at 27.00 per ton. Oat-
xneal Feed. at 22.00 per ton. Also
flour, Bran, awl Shorts commencing
Just to hand. Bring in
your orders. Close price
19, .
about the 14th, with cloudy and . 1.0 --- mr•91,1 *
threatening conditions, By the 11tTi
to the 16th these conditions will brim;:
rain areas, moving eastward and on
the 17th, 1E1th and 19th a marked'
low barometer will pass the central
]Mississippi valley, attended by de-
cided storms of rain and wind wird
possibly tornadoes and hurricati i
Southward. Snow, rising baromete'
add change to much colder, will lnl,l
the western flanks of these 'tapirs,I
leaving cold, fair weather over in',
]Carts for several days following sltoi�' 111
The New neon on 1Sth and on eiltt
tor 19th, will hold the culmination
this period back until. those ilttt:
A. seismic period is central on Its
18t11, C0vel'ing the 15th to the nisi~
In spring tlio sky is mad too blit
And .grass is much too green;
It stakes me shudder through,`+
To gaze upon the se6r5e.
In summer, air is lunch too hot, `.
And day are niuch too long;
Though pe simistic1 sign dist,
There's always something w
in autumn,. sky is )11111.11too gr;;
Ancl grass is much too hriiwi
I have to turn my ]lead itwfii, .
And cannot help Int t.frott'ii.
In winter, alt' is Muth too 01drt%
lr;v are.tli nLh bo') hbi 1;
To the Public
111. General
G?.tit 0111. CL'tst0111On in
Take notice, that we have. disposed
of the Implement Branch and our
good will to Mr. Louis Prang got this
i•illtt;�.. in connection herewith we
deg to express our heartiest thanks t5
11 who Have no generously supported
511 e'ii1 this line of business.
�Je wish to inform the users of cutt-
e1t t Flt, Buggies, Wagons etc.
stilt coiitiitue the manufacture
of tliN e lines and in buying home
1)11 tnu:teetered goods you are support•
so° our home i01vtl and your own 'in -
rests. •
'tool at our stook and get any
.Unoes bu:Cnre yolL buy. Repairing done.
rt 13ruiaibes of otir business.
eBS Bon
per vu-eelc to start with for
girls eighteril and - ovov.
it.:once., D. S. PF11ItIN
London', Ontario. •
,..4'.t,•'^xS, •,- %a._=_ ?cb�b ' Ypk-kf..Alu4l4
Glad Springtime -is again speeding swiftly tow-
ard us and once more tiais store is filled with the
beauties of Spring. Although riot quite Spring, but
by coming into this Store you will see that we have
already been visited by her, We hav:i the newest
in Spring and Summer Dress Goods and still we are
adding daily. -
..Dress Goods
Alt the newest kinds and latest Shades are Here for you to see
and When yon aro picking your new Dress come in and see if we
cant please'y'on a little better: than the rest.
Laces and Insertions
The trimmings ot•the Dress is ,just as important or even more
than the 1)roas itself, because its the tritainulig that makes the
Drees look idea, so take 'a look at the trimmings us we have all kinds
of all ov 'r1nc.1 with insertions to match.
Prints, G nghai.: s etc,
In our stock of Prints and Cinghams You will .fiid an assortment whic
should almost please.atix Lady ; s we have ceetythit g the line of .liriil}
Gifghatus, 11lnsliiis etc.
i11a er.
One thing We can take for g,1 ante(t every hoose has a room so new'he
that; needs the attention of the Paper hanger Corel no matter what room it`
,five are Cure We have some rapist' to put in it, ;Ahick should plettie you ad
0180 tis.
Reember we gine Coupons with every g�a'cla,
• cash olr trade;
e OGO A . a ay kava cn
u au.4
PrJiii,ieg Temi�
Pi1Otii 17