HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-03-22, Page 4urniture Store
Pianos , Or 'i .S
and Sewing
Singer $30
New Williams $27
Raymond $25
Model $25 ..
Cabinet $23
s' large stock of furniture always on
Undertakingtack of La Grippe.
C AZ�IF'ORI�t2A A Miscellaaaaous shower: was
Messrs Albert and Wein Wein were
helping to cut M=ood at Peter Martini s
piaci° for a couple of days last week.
On Wednesday last Mrs. john'
Wein had a quilting bee to which a
nurnber of her friends took ' pant.
Mr. Jack Klu app sawed up his
fire -wood one day last week.
Mr. Godfrie I Wein is Text
drawing home his. fire -wood for
Mr, Wes Wein was laid up for a
couple of days last week with an at
We carry the largest stock leu, this
sine in Western Ontario. Calls day
or slight will get your prompt atten-
tion. Call central
Furniture and Undertaing
The following •is the standing in
• • our prize Circulation. Contest up to
• Saturday evening last.
Miss Lottie Galster 8000
'_Hiss. Ada Worm 8800
:11is, Blanche Laporte5400
Miss Sadie Mcisaac. -.28200
Miss Victoria Deters
ldiss Gladys McNevin .1400
Mrs. Jas. Ilu:nphrey s.16400
Miss Tillie Johnst,n..... .500
Miss Mary cxallnna.n.....1000
Mrs. Dan lioehler..:...21400
Mies Itla Sipple 500
W. C. T. U.
THE BOTTOM. OF T13E DRAIN very seriously ill, is now recovering Mr. Fred Kerr was to Lgndon a
slowly.week visitinghis
f Sault Ste Marie where she will brother. hams Dress 1laislins, Sillcs
Mr. John Roeszler is busy these
days cutting up fire -wood for next
to Miss Bertha Cobbledick by a nu.
ber of youny lady friends last Fri' I
e' -ening at tli,e home of Miss'E},
-Sirord was. received hero East Sia.:
urday of the death of Vevey Ilasdtx
son of Mr. L. hardy, `whose dett,ilt
Colorado zaS,
took place in Denver,
had been ill but a short time
pneumonia, and his death came
severe shock to his 1Dareaats
remains were brought here on
clay last for interment in the Ex
Mrs. Oehn, of Shakespeare, is
iting her parents, Mi and Mrs
A very quiet wedding was sol
izecl at the Main St. Methodist
sonage ou Wednesday morning
by the Bev. E. A. Powell, when
Albert Etherington, of Usborne, ,
united in marriage to Miss Be
Collbl'edick, youngest daughter off;
and Mrs. 1). 'Cobbledick, of E
North. The bride was attired in, -i :r
• travelling suit of navy blue z3itli„t s-
can hat and was unattended.
s the ceremony :NIT. and Mrs.Eth: bit g-
Mr. Ezra 1Vitzel spent Sunday at
Shipka. •
Messrs Charlie and Edward Stirs
of Dashwood, spent Sunday with Mr
Elmore Wiliest.
Mr. Wm. Schroeder called on hi
friend 'M D Wiliest Sunday 1 ton left for a sliest honeymoonnip
'Miss + mala i G
Must be
sold in
60 Days
1lficliigaai. We jell 'tl t'r sir •
Y {
i ,�i Everything must go, as 1
a,1, -'have decided to 'give up busi
ness in Dash -good and Ain. off-
eriug my Big Stock ' of Dry
t Goods, Ready -Made Clothing
Millinery, Hats and Caps,
Crockery and Glassware at
greatly reduced Prices. Fol-
lowing is a list of the many
articles you will find in. our
store and which have been.
reduced in price.
ening'. '
Mr. Elmore T. Wiliest has engaged many friends iii wishing • the 'S
to work with Mr. G. Wilhems of couple many years of wedded ,: }
trsborne, for eight mouths. 1 iness.
Mr. Arthur Wiliest spent Sunday
with his friend South of Shipka.
. R. Wiliest was in Exeter on i Mrs. Walter Clark spent TriOday
1 Fridavhelping Wm. Shroeder unloaad', in London.•
a carfosd of fertilizer. 1 lir. and Mrs. Lewis visited Mr 'and
Wedding Bells will soon be ring -Mrs. Penhale of Exeter o i 1HQiiftay.'
ing in our midst. Be on the look out Miss R. Henderson sponl_.a' few
Boys this is Leap Year. flay, the guest of Mr. and ;ars« Wm.
Mrs. Sofa Fahrner, spent ` a ; few
Mr. Enoch Follica, who has been clays in London this week visiting-
m friends.
We clip the following from the
"Funny Column" of a contem
porary. It may not be true
"The other evening a temper-
ance gentleman was delivering a
speech at a meeting, and whilst
addressing' the people, be declared
that' sof ` was concerned,
he mr.;...e : , ie drink was at t'
..Ci�• r1.101i
We want to increase the Subscription List of ,; ou three papers, Th �4
Herald, Zurich; Pioneer, Dash.woocl, and Star, Crediton, to 2000, and. to
aecomplisli this quickly we are offering some Handsome prizes for the most
popular ladies, married or single. It will pay you to "get busy.” Someone;
is going to gena handsome $800.00 piano.
First Prize
Dry Goods
few days this Dress G000ds, Dress Linings, Dress
Miss Mabel Walter leaves this week Trimmings. Dress Prints, Dress Gmg
or . •u , Silks and Satins
remaid for some time. I Messrs George Iioltznaann and Skirtings, Cottonade Denmes, Tick -
Mrs. H. Hooper visited in London John Williams spent Wednesday in ings, Flannetettes, Wrapperette, Art
last week. 'i Grand Bend on business. ' Sateen, Art inuslins, Cretonnes, Apron
Mrs. T: H: McCallum entertained , • Miss Hilda Schenk spent a. Peng Gingham, Skirting, metallic printed
a numberoy
o a f lady friends t Sham days with relatives and fi iei ds ill: Sateen,' Brown Holland, Table Linnen
t Saturday in honor of ; Shipka. Table Oil Cloth, ,Gloy>' Cotton, Bleach-.
ss la i? Pillow 'Cotton, C2tto n
1, ;. r. f ••t[a, ,•ry'r_rrr. ,•�`�,;,,. � is ,. .1, .. .01 iJ.weefisr • Steen `i .�i 1 �
a'� ��°,C2� '��.. 7'^^. �wW4�'��,�rq�q�.s""�'q" .+t r ` '
illness. i .
bed through illness.
• y'ou,. at least, is a t
in the crowd: No iii
Teetotaller Then what are
my good man? "Man in the crowd:
Please sir, I am a diver !" „As we
read, memory recalled a somewhat
similar experience. It was a Sat
urday night, orp —a her veryearly m
Suday morning, Y. 12 a.
Place, the tashionahle Lonton
suburb of Richmond. Starting at
11.30 p. m , -we had a torchlight
procession with occasional stop
page at gin palaee doors to invite
the people to ,,, meeting - to be held
in a church of England Social
Hall. The meeting, which was
orowded,'opened stormily. Many Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hawkins of
present were drunk and inclined to Usborne moved into town this week,
be awkward ; but gradually harm_ and will reside in the cottage recently
rs. Rev. Harrison .of London, ' ' Messi,•s Alf. ,aniI E. Anil 1 eaY e t h
took charge of the morning serweek for- vice in illiss utluil ook, gash Clarke, �v'ao. liar /4"Main St Methodist church lass Sun -so serioaaly ill isnow t,ble l •tel bo iiia
day. Her address was along the line
of the work of the Women's Mission- and around the house.•
ary Soeeity. Mrs. Harrison is a very Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Zwicker , spent.
pleasing speaker and brought before the fore -part -of this week in London
her hearers very forcibly the reason and Toronto.
why the need of the W. M. S. at Miss Kate Zwieker of London, is
home and in the foreign fields. She at present visiting Mr. and Mrs Chas.
also gave two addresses at Bethany Zwtcker and other friends in our
appointment. It being the annivers-
nnivers ary services of the Soeeity in their The many friends of Mr. Fred
church. Young will be pleased to learn that
lie is improving in health.
Mr. John Young, of London, is at
present assissting in Young - Bro's
hardware store during the illness: of
his son, Mr, Fred Young..
Mrs. McMurray and • :Master
Laverne of London, are spending a
week here visiting friends • and re-
ony prevailed and many signaa
the pledge. Seeing one poor fellow
half drunk but evidently penitent,
the missioner at the close of his
address, slipped off the platform
o and spoke to hi -n. "Give it up old
man.' said he ; it's a fool's game,
and I suppose you've• a wife and
tsbildren. "I have," was the
reply, and drink's cost them dear.
«Well, . sign to night," was • the
plea; and I will was the answer.
"All right. Give me that bottle of
beer you have in your greatcoat
pocket," was the missioner's next
remark, and the beer was produced
and handed over. "I'm hanged if
I know how you knew I'd any beer
there, though," said the roan. We
did not think it necessary to ex-
plain that our . knee had knocked
against the bottle as we talked to
• him. • At the end of the meeting,
an ardent teetotaller, a lady of
means, the daughter of on,- of
London's biggest wine merchants
of sixty years Ago, proceeded to
pour, the beer down the nearest
street drain. "Shame," . said a
drunken woman, "wasting good
liquor." "Woman," said the lady,
"nqa e
purchased from Miss Vina Fisher.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wanless of Duluth
attended the funeral of Mrs. Wanless
brother, Mr. Vercy Hardy this week
Mr. Samuel Rowe has moved into
the new house owned by Mr. J.
Dignan, Main St. • The 4 W's met at the home of
The vote on the proposed basis of Miss Idella Brown on Monday even -
union 7n the different churches resul- ing and all spent a very eoloyable
ted as follows:—Caven Presbyterian time.
Church, 83 for and 32 against; Main Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sweitser of
Street Methodist Church members: Kilamanna, -Nab, are spendbig a
326 for and 3 against, adherents 29 few weeks here, visiting friertas rand
for and 2 against; James Street Meth- relatives.
oclist Church, official board 22 for and On Wednesday evening last 1 num-
2 against, members, over 18 years of ber of young people gathered. at .tile
age 31c9 for, 56 against; members home of 11'lr. and Mrs. Wm. yearley-
beady-to-Wc ale Goods
azen's Youths' and Boys' Suits,
men's Youths' and and Boys' Overcoats
wen's and Boys' Pea Jackets, men's
Rain Coats, Ladies Rain Coats, men's
Overalls, Odd Pants, Fine _ Shirts,
Work Shirts, Underwear ;Vests'
Overalls, Fine Shirts, Walt Shirts,
Ladies' Shirts waits, Wrappers,
Underwear, Gowns.
Carpets and Rugs, Lace Curtains,
Wall Papers.
Laces and Insertion
Embroideries, Embroidery Insert.
•Rushing,Belting, Ladies' belts•Gloves,
Ribbons, Corsets, A full stock of
Millinery, Men's Hats and Caps,
Collars and Ties.
Crockery and Glassware
Dinner Sets, Chamber Sets, Table
Sets, Water Sets, .Odd Cups and
Saucers, Odd Plates all sizes, Scollops
Bowls, Plodders, milk Sets, Jardiniers,
under 18 years, 61 for, 2 against; ad- and all report a good time,
herents 18 for, and 3
against. The carnival held at the C'editon
Rev. S. Sharp gave ars interesting Rink on Wednesday, evening . of hast
address on St. Patrick last Sunday week was a grand success. The ice
evening. , was of the very best and the saran was
Mr, 3. S15arks recently employed filled to its fullest capacity with spec -
with Jones Si May left last- Monday tators and skaters. The'•following
for Ingersoll, where he has secured a events took place:—Best diessegi gent-
siinilar position. leman, Herb. Yottiig; Best cit,essecl
father when he died hard one Mies Rebecca Hawkins, who has ladies The Misses F. Hepburn, ist,
• of the best stocked wine cellars in been very ill with pneumonia is D, Isaac and L. Isaae(as thother-
thecity,and Z poured it all down 'mprovin7 goose).; Most graceful lady ;�lcater;;
n i �' Miss Sadie, Vatso'n CostiYine dregs,
the he poo" �i.ere" hwouugh Miss Sa i e Ella Beaver .and )ty ale
ed the Boor wretch. then I wish I'cl. Miss Jennie Hardy, who has poen
been at the bottom of that dram .recently employed by G1tLclixiaia and Clark (nurses), Miss Weida 'Banes,
Some laughed, hut the woman her Stanbury left last week for Regina (Canada); Clown, W. Dayii�aii: mile
self was too sad a ..spectacle to where eb.e has seciu:ecl a position. taco Herb. Palmer, time a irtts.,
laugh t tit, Comparativelyradshe had
qtr. E: Knight, who for- sone years Herb. Young, time 8 liars; `Half
bloated. cbirty, degraded, she h occupied. the ft, sin owned by M.r. B. Manrray +1'Iol . s
herself t the l mite race 'fat boys,
bttttorn of ae iq hisf the Thomas Road recent- + - -
t soot,. cigar ily descu a t r
•ed t
Ii,) need .to wish erSe mann,, T110 inklilti XPi y .�..
1 urrr drrtiirx--rile Selelon south of Exeter, lies xnov o n V1t. , i+'reailt
vas tlr .re —The Vanguard. v aril on , ie bd workin keeping
nn , 0er a
E M. Willi+amK, Pres. Supt ly purchased from .Mi.,:. I1. Ru adle• •his Wa 1
' • 1Llessrs Beit anti E1w7fu ..White of people in goad Skating clriritt
�,, de "�aR� 3 e�• London Road let art tvee c for �r 7aater ane the -
ll core exceedingly French dingresaiatof ,l ver ga�lta� These fir. certainly goes to prove Gbi,i tp �,'C7p.
P 1t Pills f 1 1 f 1 success of 01
lating thB ini111)t'g«
.ts• Yxtivessas s of ties. cid c system. 'S 1 >t�' � i 1 I Z'l"11�.a11 ale t aS week 7SL.1r.F. . -
ar s., , „nlsc,tiozx x�x. sits 7/nin=n ate Geld art Nle"
You will save money by
1)2G x72 fi'ni'!2 ZGS dZ T7,72
t1i s sale. OUT prices have
been ]'educed i72 . order to
clear eve7'ythizbg bat cur.
ing this 60 clay sale.
C0777,6 to U S a7i.cZ SCUe°
No Coupons given, and Part -
Us holding Due Bills must
trade them out during
this sale
Cash or Trade
lit 'ioi;+
�liLSt' ,
,� riaival
,l.ee 1. a.�br�
pins ore a portion. of osier ui n re S2�eru af 1 t 1 for
len ton rd5 liitua fog °atl
mkt :a,�� n <'FT.'GV(lt)h
Beautiful Mendelssohn Piano
H. Wells, Agent, Zurich. See it at his store.
Second Prize
Ladies' for Lilted oat
Value -§75..00. Man a i u a `Zwi.c s store Ore&
1 hi rd 'Prize
New Williams Drop -Mead Sevin
See it at P. Mclsaac's furniture store, Dashwood,
Fourth Prize
Ladies' Gold. Watch
Fifth Prize
Set best Plated Knives and Fork
4th and 5th prizes, See at F. W. Hess Jewelery store, Zurich
Subscription Values
New Subscriptions 1000 votes
Renewal 500 votes
Arrears for each year 200 votes
Standing of candidates up to Saturday evening of each week will b
lished the following week.
4+fi++,4.+ +4 S_+fir++++++++++44++4.''4. ++ j. ,..; ++,l.+++'H'+
Val .
1 Vote for
4. .
�+New Subscription .. Vot
Amount Paid
Renewal. . .. , ... Vote
Arrears... . ... ....... .... ,1Vote
As the most Popular Lady
1 Sent by y
scribed for`; • , ,,
+r+ Name of paper- said
he Herald ffice, ioli;