HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-03-22, Page 3OUTSIDE CRITICISM, Or; .Mrs.Pratley's Opinion of Her Husband. "The question is.," said Mrs. Pratley, "am 1 to have a new louse, or am •I net?" p ;"Ohl He shrugged his shoul- € dens impatiently, caught up his hat, and daxted toward the door, But his wife intercepted him. "No, you don't, Bill Pratley 1" "Not until I've, told you what 1 think of you—and that ain't much.. "Then you oughtn't to take long," he observed. "You're lazy ! You're mean 1 es You're a fool and a coward! You haven't got any natural love for your children. And as for your poor wife—" Then suddenly she pawed as a knock came at the front -door. "Bill," she pleaded in an, altered tone, "you go and sTee who it ins, while I make myself fit to be seen." And she ran into the back room. Her husband, with a grin, went to do her bidding, and did not come back. When Mrs. Pratley returned la , to the parlor she found a neighbor, Mrs. Cantrip, installed there. They oroogxchanged the usual polite greet - e of UP. ie "I hope I haven't come at an dred• ;n`kward moment, my dear," said arty 's• Cantrip. "But I thought I and '; ; rd words between you and your las 'iiieband." "Yes, we always use words to talk ith," said Mrs. Prabley, bridling t once. "No offence, my dear. But I hought Mr. Pratley looked a bit iid-like, and naturally--" "Naturally you prefer 'em tame nd meek and mild, like your own do d,c1 man." Mrs. Cantrip flushed red with rath. "My husband is a hard-working, onest man 1" "No doubt he has to work hard keep pace with your extrava,- nee and bad management." "One thing, there's. nothing mean out him." "Nor about mine, Mrs. Cantrip. ine's the kindest, most genesous- arteci 1" firs. Cantrip smiled: lard you telling"bim. a 1.j knocked," eau ob'veil 'he he fled felts the Iuouse,: dense:ye Be couldn't bare so' ch flattery."' "Oh, you listened, then?" sneer - Mrs. Pratley. "You don't need to listen to a horn to hear it 1" was the sting - reply. "'You're lazy!' I heard u say.' "That's a lie!" interjected Mrs. atley. "Very likely. What comes from it lips generally is." 'T mean that it's a lie to say he's on t fa I SHOUT 'THE 115 FP1ON TILE HOUSETOPS TILA.T .DO>!DD'S 1r,IDN11Y PILLS CURE SUFFERING WOMEN,, 11lrs. y 'I suppose that's why you said es 'I never did say it 1 At least, if id I never meant to. I Iost my per. I--" re. Cantrip titte' ed. 'But when you called him a cow- " she. continued, "I couldn't p but feel you were wrong there. must have had pluck to marry Savard Tells How They Cured ;EIer Kidney Disease From Which She had been a Sufferer for Many .Tears. • St. Simeon, Doriel, Charlevoix Co., Quebec, March 11 (Special). --r Only those who have suffered know the blessings of perfect health. The joy that it brings into their lives makes them want to shout the good news from the housetops. They want. other sufferers to know the road to health. Such is the case with Mrs. Alfred Savard of this place. "I have been a sufferer for many_ years with Kidney Disease," Mrs. Savard says,• "Reading an adver- tisement telling what Dodd's Kid- ney Pills had clone for a similar sufferer I decided to give them a trial. Six boxes cured me com- pletely." What Dodd's Kidney Pills have done for Mrs. Savard they have done for thousands of other suffer- ers in Canada. The daily papers tell of cures made by them every day. They always cure Kidney Disease and Kidney Disease is the cause of nine -tenths of the troubles from which women suffer. If a liar forgot to do it for a whole year he would not get out of train- ing. "A Grand Medicine" is the ec- comieun often passed on Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup, and when the results from its use are consid- ered, as borne out by. many persons who have employed it in stopping coughs and eradicating colds, it is more than grand. Kept in the house it is always at hand and it has no equal as a ready remedy. If you have not tried it, do so at once. rs. Pratley laughed hysterical - Let ing tell you, ma'am," said "that there never was a man re fond of his home and his wife his children than my Bill is. ry night when he comes home finds me, waiting----" 'Al, my husband never keeps me tints! Ire's got too much re- ct for me." If he'd got as much respect for .as what you've got for yourself nd that's precious little T li le o r you ldn'tt wear a hat like that -he'd e a sight too much 1" After all," murmured Mrs, trip, "I don't sse why I should in this house to hear my has - d run down." You don't need to stop here, ;'11 hear just as bad about him ever you go," said Mrs. Prat - "Everybody knows what he Yes, I know what he is," flashed s. aanti ip- "And glad I am for And you know what your hus- d it, for I heard you tell him. orgy taught to make ,you." nd-.with:'this parting shot she, ineed cut of the mons, re-admit- M''r, Pratley, who, returning to scene of the conflict, found a ngely chastened and dutiful awaiting hirre—London. An- . es. MA.RCOISI'S IiIU`l Gugilielmo Marconi, the wire/ wizard, who has been much in publics 'eye lately by eeaaon of part he has played, in the ,;war tween Italy and Turkey and bees, of his reported discovery of mast wireless, had an Irishmother, naturally possesses a sense of mor, The first time Marconi visited' WHY ORU'ST IS BEST. .,at the crust ofbread in prefer- CR to the crumb. This is the ad - e %of The Lancet, for a century more a sort of doctors' Bible. it London medical publication is , that analysis shows that the exult b contains on an average 43 r cent, of moisture, while the t s,00ntainss• only 20 per cent, important dietetic difference betiteen crust and crumb is eke fact that the former contains an in- reared amount of soluble carbo- ,k4 drate,s owing to the •notion of in- trense`1heat which the crust receives eoiripared with the crumb during baking. ' Moreover, the crust has a more: pronounced bready flavor than the crumb,, a flavor which is attractive and which stimulates the ow of digestive juices. h , A. FIRElLVN' S PERIL. KITCHENETTES. A -cook who keeps in the damper deserves a kitchen that keeps out the damp. Treat your servants well, for, in ease of good ones, fintlin sic not. essaral/ keoprngsa A maid goes ° out to servie h oee` rr'iage—then she goe9 into it. A good mistress may be born—a good servant must always be, made. It is more pleasant to give than to reeeive this is especially true of notices. Give your servants a good table, and they will be less apt to eke out the same with the family skeleton. A maid shouldn't try to dress like her mistress, for if she fails, she only loses her temper, and if sae succeeds, she only loses her place. If- you talk before your servants as though they were deaf, you will soon find out that they are not dumb. Each year 3,000 foreign waiters find situations in Great Britain. ix an is" said to be subject to over different diseases. -, bigger the sign a rii7.n has to there is behind it. DASH SO DAD BABY CAME NEAR DYING Head Broke Out Spread to Arms, Legs and Entire Body. ►tched So He Would Scratch Until Blood Ran.' One Box of Cuticura Ointment and Nearly One Cake of Cuticura Soap Cured Him. Has Had No Return. "When my boy was about three months old, his head broke out with a rash which was very itchy and ran a watery fluid. We trued everything we could but he got worse all the time, till it spread to his arms, legs and then to his entire body. He got so bad that he came near dying. The rash would itch so that he would scratch till the blood ran, and a thin yellowish stuff would be all over his pillow in the morning. I had to put mittens on his hands to prevent him tearing Isis skin. He was so weak and run down that he took fainting spells as if he were dying. Ile was almost a skeleton and his Utile hands were thin like claws. "He was bad about eight months when we tried Cuticura Remedies. 1 had not laid him down in his cradle in the daytime for long while. washed him with Outicura Soap and put on one application of Cuticura, Ointment and he was so soothed that he could sleep. Yeti. don't know how glad 1 was he felt better. It took one box of Cuticura Ointment and pretty near one cake of Cuticura Soap to cure him. X think Mar boy would have died but for the Cuticura Remedies and 1 shall always remain firm friend of them. Ile was cured 'more than twenty years ago, and there has been no return of the tiouble. -, I shall be glad to have you publish this true statement of his cure." (Sigued) lire. M. C. Maitland. Jasper, Ontario, May 27, 1010. Por more than a generation mothers have found a speedy, agreeable and economical treatment for thelt'skin-tortured little ones In Cuticura Soap and. Ointment, • Although they ate sold by druggists and dealers every- here,a;1iberalsanipleof-each may be obtained tree, from the "Totter Tlrug 8t' Chem. Corp., sole propa,. 53 ColurrIbus .Ave., Boston, U,S,A. Mr. G. ]Marconi. IClow Zl m-:Buk Delivered Rim. Et 215 Fraser Ave., Edmonton, sta,,. lives W, P. Matey, a former terubor of the local fire brigade, to has wonderful cause to be t :Alai lei for the curative powers of Zem-Bek. He says: "A. serious akin disease broke out on my face, axil Mpieacl until I was in a. terrible state The .spots and little ulcers ronto, some years ago, he was given w t r frightfully irritating, and yet a big banquet. One of the 'speak- ers. speak wsllell t'cratehed or rubbed they bled ers. a prominent citizen, in heap.- and' 'smarted. Shaving caused me ing eulogies on the guest. by a slip sa°' Y1 and sometimes I would have of the tongue,used the wordito,-go. two• weeks without a shave. "done" when hshould -have said I. trlecl home-made remedies, herb "did." Signor Marconi's English sallies., and various other prepare - is excellent, and in the course -of trees, but the sores got no better. his speech he remarked, in refer- When • Zam-Buk was mentioned I ring to a phase of his work: "1 Wattle faith that it would be able scarcely know how I did—I mean, to; do me any 'good. I gave it a done it." There was a twinkle in his eye, and everybody roared. HIS TRAINING. "Well, boy, what do you know Can you write a business letter? Can you do sums i" "Please, sir," said the applicant for a job, "we didn't go in very. much for those .studies at our school. But I'm fine on beadwork or clay modeling." CRIPPLED WITH RHEUS1ATtSM. 82 University Street, Montreal. • "Just a -word of praise for GIN PILLS, About fifteen months at;a I could not walk the across pie room, suffering severely with ,be rheslljaatisni 1 took 41N PILLS and be ratpmp.<.FcaLre -Xw4t1' - fair;trial, however, and the first box *de such a wonderful change for the better that it gave me encour- e argent to continue. I did so, and to out a long story short, Zara-Buk, in the end, quite cured me." Zam-Buk cures eczema, blood poison,' ulcers, chronic sores, piles, ringworm, cold sores, cuts, burns and akin injuries. .A.11 druggists asld' stores at 50c box, or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. Refuse substitutes. 0 ,t 7T EL T+0*(45! • TOO TENUOUS. There is only one family line in con t ry which can bear the irkif put...unon it-" Write us for free sample of Gin Pills to , An That is Prized Every - try. Then g € et the regular size boxes at thele. -.1`)r. Thomas' Bcleetric Oil 9; was put apon the market without any nourish over thirty years ago. It , *as put" ftp to meet the wants of a small section, but as soon as its merits became known it had a whole continent for a field, and it is now known acid prized throughout this hemisphere. There is nothing equal to it. your dealer's, or direct from tis-50es box, 6 for $$2.50. Money refunded if GIN PILLS fail to cure. National Drug & Chemical Oo. of Canada, Limited, Depart. ment W.L„ Toronto. NOT HIS FAULT. Liveryman (to rider)—` [Here, what's this? Half a dollar 1 Why, you've been out two hours." Rider—"So I may have, but I've been on the brute's back only about ten minutes." The Best Liver Pill.—The action of the liver is easily disarranged. A sudden chill, undue exposure to the elements, over -indulgence in some favorite food, excess in drink- ing, are a few of the causes. But whatever may be the cause, Par - melee's Vegetable Pills can be re- lied upon as the best corrective that ean be taken. They are the lead- ing liver pills, and they have no su- periors among such preparations. The only time a henpecked man is allowed tet head the procession is when his wife thinks she hears burglars downstairs. As a safe -guard buy nothing in the baking powder lisle unless all the ingredients are printed on the label. The manufacturers of the brands of baking powder in which large quantities of alum are used, are afraid to print the ingredients on the label as no person would buy it at any price. Magic Baking Powder is pure and guaranteed not to contain alum. CELESTIAN SWATS. Mrs. Willis --I suppose that in heaven we will be disappointed in not finding certain people there. Mrs. Gillis—Yes. Btit we'll be, more disappointed at finding cer- tain people there. ' RE WAS DEAF. Old Lady—"I want you ` to change that parrot I bought from,; you -he doesn't speak at all, and you said he'd repeat every word he heard." Shopman—"Yes, madam, and so he-would—but you took him in such„ a hurry that I hadn't time to .tell,' you he -wasdeaf." ginned s Linliitent num VERY WELL PLEASED. Collector—"Say, look here! I'm tired of calling here about this bill!" The Debtor—"Well, I'm mighty glad to hear it." On. the new Cunard liner, Laco- nia, which is now in the course of construction, passengers may have moulits on mechanically -driven home. Only One "BROMO QUININE." That Le LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look World over to Curef a Cold in One DE. ay. 25e c. Tommy-Huh1 Ir bet you didn't have a good time at your birthday party yesterday. Jimmy—I bet I didl Tommy Then why ain't you sick • to -day ? Mlnard'e Liniment Cures Burns, Eta TWO TOGETHER". It does seem hard to understand each at. fact wag- whY some people marry other," remarked the Sociologi "I suppose it's due to the that misery loves company," :ab^ HIS WAY. "I won't defend nd a man whom I believe to be guilty." "Now, my boys" said the older lawyer, "you mustn't : set your judgment up against that of the majority. I hate defended plenty of men whom I believed to be guilty, but the jury decided otherwise," Comfort foe the Dyspeptic.— There is no ailment so harassing and exhausting as dyspepsia, which arises from defective action of the stomach and liver, and the victim of it is to be pitied. Yet he can find ready relief in Parmelee's Ve- getable Pills, a preparation that has established itself by years of effec- tive use. There are pills that are widely advertised as the greatest ever compounded, but not one of them can rank in value with Par - melee's. ITS MORAL. "The thermometer is men in one respect." "What is that?" "When it once begins to it falls by degrees." much Iike drop take a s ISSUE 12-42 Marion Bridge. C. B„ May 30, '02. I have handled MINARD'S LINIMENT during the past year. It is always the first Liniment asked for here, and un. questionably the best seller of all the different kinds of Liniment I handle. NEIL FERGUSON. A. grl° ksassys e `, be lrtst c eolur„ - are. • H. W. • DAWSON, Ninety Colborne'Street, Toronto. F ORT' i'. ' ACRE FRUIT EARN.--NEAH 191 Niagara River, well planted. Reverrica 1911 nearly thirty per cent, oft price asked. A BEAUTIFUL FARM OF TWO ri HU - Bred and ninety acres on St. Toseph's Island, with fine house, up -to- date barn and outbuildings. Owner wiphes to devote his time to other business, so will sell cheap for quick' Pale. Full pia titulars furnished on application. J' UNDRED AND FIFTY-SEVEN A'' RE;1 in Norfolk County; six acres fru''; up-to-date house: new bank barn; a very desirable property at a bargain. HUNDRED AND FIFTY ACRES—WITH good house; two barna; ten aures orchard; in County Peel. A real snap, 0 NE HUNDRED ACRES—GOOD HOUSE and outbuildings; near Teesw^ter. A first-class farm worth the money. AN IDEAL FARM OF TWO HUNDRED acres in County of Wellington, with fine brick house: good outbuildings; cars be bought on ease terms. Tis HUNDRED ACRES IN COUNTY J1t' of Simcoe, with Hundred Acres Good Timber; 20 acres apple orchard; good Frame house; two Barns. Can be bought right. mwisNTY-FIVE ACRE FRUIT FARM— !. Near St. Catharines; Brick House; Barn; twenty acres planted. Can be bought very reasonable. O7NE OF THE BEST FRUIT FARMS IN �Q.St. Catharines District --Fifty acres. thirty of which are planted; Elegant House, also Cottage and fine outbuildings. Will be sold on easy terms. FORTY ACRES — ST. CATHARINES -- Bungalo and Cottage and good out- buildings. Thirty-four acres Planted in fruit, and a money maker. The owner wishes to retire and anxious to sell. ir HAVE MANITOBA. ALBERTA. SAS. katchewan and British Columbia lands, both improved and unimproved, in quarter, half or whole sections, also in larger lots up to five hundred thoupand acres. If thinking of investing in West- ern lands it is to your interest to consult me. ',hones: Main , 6990, Park 527. H. W. DA , ON, Teresa• , PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. Your druggist will refund money if PA''O oi'rr- lvf t;N'1' fails to pure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 0 to 14 days. 500 Did you ever hear of a woman giv- ing to charity the money she had saved up with which to buy a hat? Minard's Liniment for sate everywhere. The cheapness of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator puts it within reach of all, and it ean be got at any druggist's. Over a hundred thousand pedes- trians pass over London Bridge in one day, while the number of ve- hicles which cross this bridge ex- ceeds twenty thousand. Astronomical observations in China were carried on as far back as 2353 B. C. Try Murine Eye Remedy Whe No Smarting—reels 101 nc—Acta Quickly, Ire.Try Ittor lted, weak, watery Z+; es and a' Granulated lyetids. Ittustrated nook 1n each Package, DIUitl$E Is eom- Eke ' pounded by our oculists -seta ',Patent stediutne" but used In successful I'hr,t- 1 man care, Now q�� clone matt ce r r y y y/ f' Uedleatsd to the Pobllo and ,old by CareBye Druggists et etc -60e pec Tuebottle. aturtno atyo Salve in Aseptic Tnbee,- 25c -66o, c Murine Eye Remedy 0o., Chloapo The sun never shines for a m.an whose only joy is money. Running the furnace can teach a man about as many swear words as anybody can learn. - No man or woman should hobble painfully about because of corns when so certain a relief is at hand as Holloway's Corn Cure, 11I,5 FAVORITE PARABLE. A country clergyman on his round of visits interviewed a youngster as to his acquaintance with Bible stories. "My lad,rr he seal, "you have, •',f crnirse, heard of r al ables l" "Yes, sir," shyly answered ;he boy, whose mother had instructed hint in sacred history, "yes, cir." .t,pood,' • said the - clergyrnnn. "Now, which of them do you like the best?" The boy squirmed; but at last heeding his mother's 'frowns he replied : "I guess •I like that one where somebody loafs and fishles." Minarti's Linitnent Kleiloves tisuratgia. ronto. r 3 acid TeIegrap re a: -0 n. • We qualify you eurekly in denude, Prete Book 18 ex - Dominion school Telegraphy, To - SOUVENIR POST CARDS, C1 END 10o. FOR 15 BEAUTIFUL, POST 1.'1 Cards, all different. Agents wanted. Smith Card Co., Parry Sound. MISCELLANEOUS. HAY and FARM SCALES. Wilson's Scale works, 9 Esplanade. Tut onto. d y ANCER, VIrelORS. LUMPS, eta Itr . ternal ak exrvr-1:,1, cured without pain by oar imam treatment. Write us before t,Call late. Willman il man Medical Co.. Limited. de, TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson !D Beale Works, 9 Esplanade, Tort -into. Your } _ vercoats and faded Sults would look batter dyed. if no agent of ours in your towe, writs diroat,to Montrowl, Box 158. Orltlsh Arnersaaan Dyeoing Co. The Soul of a Piano lathe Action, insist on the 'OTTO MGM/ Piano Action R. A. LYON H. L. PLUMMER LYON & PLUMMER (Members Toronto Stock Exchange) Stocks, Bonds and Mining Stocks bought and sold on commission. Dealers in Government and Municipal securities. 21 Melinda Street, TORONTO Toss. M. 7978-9 - Cable: "Lyonplu'." PIFsfiend torPres Book giving full particulars of TRENCH'S REMEDY, the World-famt,ns Cure for Epilepsy and Pits. Simple home treatment. 25years' ars' success. e Testimonials from all parts of theone yearworld., Over 1,000 in TRENCH'S REMEDIES LIMITED 107 St. .lames' Chambers, Toronto. CURED osttee ooromoascctowoonoaaosc± .,s TWO CRUISES —oi VICTORIA LUISE LUISE (1a,500 Tont) From New York Nov. 12, 1912 From San Francisco Feb. 27,1913 Will visit Madeira, Spain ruts', EgYPt, India, Ceylon, Strait. Settielnento, Java, Philippines, Min*, Ja an, SanJwiclt Islands, with OvetlaadAmericen Tout. INLAND SIDE TRIPS OPTIONAL L' NO in India TOURS 114DaysinJapan Duration 110 Days Each eg5n"nd. iioday nes Y :00 ant,: UD aboard and athbre. "AA anyonetou10e," ha+ mad. 'hit Cr Wide for ,'$ooklet. HAMBURG - AMERICAN UN1E , 4t.4S tttOADWAY. er Oooan Steamship AfteneV, 63 Yong° 81., Toronte, Canada.