HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-03-22, Page 2tritareeneetassalareetaweasesalaavetale HEALTH HOT WATER AS A 1V1EDICINE. Hot water is a medicine within' reach of us all, :and has the advan•• nage •of courting 'nothing. A. simple gurgle of hot water and a small quantity:. of table salt will do good. incases of catarrhal troubles, and, if taken at the, beginning of an ordi- nary cold, will help to break it up. The ,same gargle is a remedy for sore throat accompanied by inflam- mation of the membrane at the 'back. Pain in the chest caused by cold may be greatly alleviated, and 'very often entirely removed, by ap- fllying to the seat of the pain. a annel tightly wrung out in hot water and sprinkled, with a few drops of turpentine. For cramp in the stomach apply a flannel wrung out of hot water over- the pained parts to bring re- lief. When the stomach its out of order hot water will help to; set it right again. Let the sufferer fast for a day that the stomach may recruit itself .by rest, and take at Intervals a cupful of hot water. Half a cupful of water as hot as van be sipped comfortably taken half an hour before every meal is a great assistance in most cases of indigestion, or if sipped along with the food it will assist the, stomach to do the work demanded of it. A pint of warm water taken first thing in the morning is a• •simple but effec— • tive remedy for constipation. If the stomach is out of order, as well as the bowels, the: juice of half. a, lemon dropped amongst the water will act asps mild tonic. It has been said by an authority that a steady habit of hot water drinking once formed and sustained for a few months works wonders with certain constitutions. A BIT OF SNAKE SURGERY. Setting the Fractured Jaw of a. Great Python. Animal surgery becomes' more common and more skilful year by year. A moat difficult .operation was `seemed at the Be gent's Park Zoo in. London;.by' Pro- -3 r'o- ii rr r r 1xr a 'lib tient; we Well, Well! THIS 13 a HOME DYE Tiol ANYONE can use 1 dyed ALL these' ..DIFFERENT KIPIDS of Goods with the SAME Dye. 1 used ONE DYEFDRALL KINDS OFGOODS CLEAN and SIMPLE to Use. NO chance of using the WRONG Dye for the Goods one has to color, All colors from your Druggist or Dealer. FREE Color Card and STORY Booklet 10, The Johnson -Richardson Co.. Limited. Montreal MAKING SAFE INVESTMENTS HOW THE HIGH RATE ON WESTERN MORTGAGES AFFECTED BANK SHARES., .e , Waiter tee', years ago by' W the Hon. alter Roth child. The python fractured his jaw while making a .hearty `real, and •,since it was impossible for the rep- tile to live long in such a condition, an • immediate operation was de- cided upon. To set the broken bores in the jaws of the python; which measured nine yards, was a ticklish job, for the creature was capable of crushing to death any man c:ming within reach of its coils. To avoid this danger, advantage was taken of a moment • when the python was asleep. Its tank was coverzd over with stout boards, and a gap was left no larger than would permit the passage of the head. Wh n the python's head did appear through this •aperture several men gr e .ped it, aid when the frantic v rithingi of the maddened reptile haet eased, the, operator placed the broken bones in position, and bound the jaws securely with a long ban- dage 'smeared with plaster of Paris, Over this another coating of plas- ter was placed, • with due care to leave the nostrils free,, Seven we,•ks had to be allowed to elapse bef-are any attempt was made to re- move the wrappings to see whether the ,..peratirrl had been successful. Although the python was, of course, not able to take food during that tame, there was no occasion to fear starvation, for only ten days earlier a young goat furnished a meal for the patient,and he was hardly more than decently hungry when he was again able to exercise his powerful jaws. RI. YEARLY. "George, dear," said the young wife, "you are growing handsomer every day:" "Yes, darling," replied the knowing George. "It's a way I have just before your birthday," We cannot. do wrong to another without receiving the counter stroke ; we always wound ourselves when we wound another, • Assistant—Mr. Grurnbley writes "I don't see how you can have nerve to sell your worthless remedy for fifty cents a bottle." Manager --Well, strike out, "have nerve•to" and "-worthless," and put the let- ter in 'our testimonials, 72 ryas that the loan, the trust and, .,tli, suranoe companies, and, of Conroe wlindividuals, alone could lend the sitors in bank shares. the wherewitbuy them. And just here is wheWoetern . demand for money allelposition bank etoek were to o Where formerly these' companies get from 41.2 per cent. to 6 per cent call loans (in those dant Wore than t average mortgage paid) on bank share they 'could now get 8 per cent, an WOO bet' mortgages, and so they naturally no lon,pr er took the same interest in call 1048 they formerly did. As a result, loans ;on bank shares became more and more #1(' fioult to obtain, until spooulatore f0U0, bank stocks by no meaup satisfaotorit, and gradually the, were left to invootp' altogether, with the further result tl' they did not get tho same attentiozzl,,-` the market. Thin is one 'very important cause of the change in the past few years, which .r;e,+ Moved .bank stook very largely from the realm of marginal sneoulations, and a counts partly for the lower prices of ban stooks during the past few years. There is another reason, however. why Loan Companies Which Formerly Loaned Heavily to Speculators on Bank Shares as Security Found the Extra One or Two Per Cent. Too Great a Temptation— Failure of Several Banks Helped Make Them Less Popular. The articles contributed by "Investor" are for the sole' purpose of guiding pros- pective investors, and, if possible, of sav- ing awing them from lolling money. through impartial and reliable it in echaracters of the information may be relied upon. The writer of these articles and the publisher of this paper have no interests to serve in connection with thie matter other than those of the reader. (By "Investor"). Not long ago, a business man was re- marking on the altered position which bank stooks occupy now in the Canadian markets as compared with a few years ago. "Why," he said, "in 1897 or 1898 l made my expenses to Europe by buying a few shares of one bank—which one I have now forgotten—but if I had bought the same stook only five years ago and held it until today I ehould probably have lost heavily." • oubtedly he would have lost, es a enta a of Canadianbauk stooks time them ether ti�� e • #�- t1presenttin ri re wi vet' &mei atlaY re' alis s wAica have eu very. important bearratg r bank st• e1 o> as, investments. Ten years ago the; loan and trust coM- ponies commenced investing in Western farm mortgages. Up to that time they were satisfied with a modest interest of -from 4 per cent. to 6 per cent., but the demands of the West put the price up to 8 per cent., and even to 10 per cent., and. the loan companies, finding this a very satisfactory method of making money, naturally used all their surplus funds in investing out there, until now probably a very large proportion of their funds are so loaned. The insurance com- panies then followed suit, and now, in- stead of having large amounts of surplus funds available for loaning in the mar- ket—as they and the loan companies for - merit did to a very considerable extent— they out down the proportion of the money so used. They opened loaning offices in the West, employed skilled valuators and, as would be very costly in the case of an individual, took advantage of the high rates, without taking any chance to speak oNowwhat effect had this on bank stooks? As might be inferred from the first para- graph of this article, in the '90's bank stocks were a popular medium of specu- lation. Men bought them on margin; that is to say, paid for them by borrowing money on the stook as security up to about 85 per cent. of its market value, and themselves putting up the 15 per cent. balance,- which is known as "margin. One of the very stringent laws concern - fart banking in Canada prevents one bank from loaning on the security of shares in any other bank, or of its own, and so it n bank stooks fell in price and this 'Wes, the uneasiness caused to nervous investor,; pons used, the less has been the by the failure of the Ontario. Sovereign • mortalrity.: He says that, as the and Farmers banks in Ontario, and " a ' couple of small ones in Quebec. The On, mortality has decreased, the de- tario failure, especially—which came aa surprise to all but a 'very few peopled' made people wonder whether their tis., investments were safe, and so the mer timid rushed into the market with Mlle unquestionable shares as those of ,tl Bank of Montreal, Nova Bootie. Toronl and a score of others. Nor did the fait of the Sovereign and Farmers banks,, few years later, help matters, and ,mel people who had, perhaps, put money 411' Dr. Beattie Nesbitt's bank, who would have trusted him with a cent personiaL lost sight of the fact that theother ban were different over yet beena moment when lid practically possible to ban war machines of earth and wa- 1. There, is a mome'mt when it is ctieally; possible to ban those of air, unit moment is now—be- f'e sloe use of these machines is rclved, before great vested inter- ests have formed. Governments -are trusteesnotonly of the present, but 'et' the future of mankind. Fortune has placed this moment in the hands of the Governments of to -day. We pray of them to use it wisely." In reference to ,this strong pro- test, Charles ' S. Grey, the well- known editor of "The Aeroplane," 'London, England, points out that throughout the history of war the greater the efficiency of thewea- • And so, bank shares have come to lea strong hands at the present time wbie is an important feature of an %Yeae went. THE MIDDLE AGED MAIC Thinks We Get Along Better by Not Looking for Slivers.a ' I one day, raw, cold and piercing the "There was a time," said the i next. It is such sudden changes of middle aged man, "when I. never weather that sets the pangs and could be !satisfied unless I did every- ltortures of rheumatism, lumbago thing just so. land sciatica going. But it must be "No matter what it was I had t'u :borne in mind that although wea- have everything about it just so 1 ther conditions start the pains, the exact; nothing omitted and every trouble is deeply rooted in the detail finished in what I believed ;blood and can only be eured through to be the only right way to the :last the blood. All the lotions and lini- minute feature. I don't know ION ments in the world can't cure rheu- much time I lost in doing things matism. Rubbing may seem to ease that way, but altogether it must the pain while you are rubbing, have amounted to years. but there its value ends. Only "I do things differently now. 1 through the blood can you cure don't mean that I slight things, far rheumatism. That's why Dr. Wil - from it; I look after the real' re- liams' Pink Pills have so many quirements of any work in whish T thousands of cures of this trouble may be engaged more faithfully ar:^ ' to their credit. The new, rich blood carefully now than ever; bud `what which they actually make drives I mean is this : If I were building a out the poisonous acid, and rheu- wooden bridge I should not go over realism is vanquished. Here is an every timber and pick off every example : Mr. W. C. Douglas, little sliver. I have stopped looking Webbwood, Ont., says: "I was at - for slivers; a search that t kes*ime tacked with inflammatory rheuma- and results only in tear,' { t $n_ tism, which spread through my ' ,s tire, system. - For'two months I was en - gem We live, loner sire ' .;; b et able, 'ta go.:about, and 10001)14541 struogon of property has increased ARCH. WEATHER RHEUMATIC liVEATHER Victims Dan Cure Themselves With Dr. Williams' Pink Pills With the coming of March people who are afflicted with rheumatism begin to have unpleasant remind- ers of their trouble. • The weather is changeable -balmy and springlike g bit ettri 1`'e f std over •ev 9zo account desalt'" AIRSHIPS IN WAR. International Arbitration '. League Issues Memorial. The International Arbitration League has issued a memorial pro- testing against the use of aerial ves- sels in war. "We appeal ;to all Governments," the memorial states, "to faster by every mean's in their power an international°', der - standing which shall preseial the world from what will add 'a new'. hideousness to the present hideous- ness of warfare. Without universal.: agreement no single power can stay its hand ; every day of ingenuity and every pound of money spent diminishes the chance ofsuch' agreement. "There are many who argue that because men fight on earth and water they may just as well fight in the air. To these we answer : There. Trust This t Cure Your Ct;, gbh You are safe in doing so—over 40 years successful treatment of Coughs and Colds and all kindred troubles is behind Get Your Bottle To -day, -there is not the slightest dan- ger with this grand old family remedy of upsettirz.g• the stomach and digestive organs es- is apt ., to ; be the case with ordinary coughs medicines. Shiloh's Cure give quick relief ;. checks a cough , er cod,. overnight. Its cost 6 iso little that you cannot afford tc> overlook its use and pay d? oo- ter's bills • from neglect of t bet 'very things it will surely relie�ri? All Druggists. Pride 25 cents, If you get a 500. or $1 dee you'll bo surer+ of having a supply, on hand when you need Shiloh's. 0 __. KING W.,D;Ei ThE WHITEST,LIG MI AO E 1 Ni A,t'4sAD.\ CONTAIN S NiO AL_U CONFORM TO THE HIGH STANDARD OF GI L,L.ETT''S GOODS. .1011111111111111111 I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIHII IMinn IIIIIIIIllIUhsIIIIl 111 11 tions,. There exists a perfectly ap- palling nomenclature of these queer flaws in a man's pluck. There are claustrophobia (fear of eonfined place* monophobia (fear of being alone), agoraphobia, (fear of open spaces), anthropophobia (fear of so- ciety), batophobia (continual fear that walls and ceilings are going to fall upon one), pedionomophobia (fear of dwelling in plains), ,and siderodromophobia (fear of railway traveling). But courage is a thing even more, considerationscomplex than these considerations suggest. "I had a quaint illustra- tion in a moderate way last au- tumn, when I was initiating afriend into climbing," said an enthusiastic rock climber in discussing the mat- ter. "We were going up the Glyder Fawr from Llyn Idwal, in North Wales. I had chosen a perfectly easy scramble because I did not wish to bother my friend. We were going up a wide, open slope over some lopsish stones, and were as safe as we should have been on Pia- cadilly pavement. "But I was astonished to find that my friend was thoroughly fright- ened. It was the wide space on every side and the smooth, straight slope away from his feet into the lake that temporarily put him off his mental balance. "I was rather stupidly annoyed; with great diiculty I got him to come on; and ultimately we 'got to the amphitheatre of precipices which is the last lap of the ascent. I chose a rzarro v gully, which came of i bar7dy, and iabon:t.liall gay upwish- r joints wt r e t woSlea aind ;tri I had not. "I twas easy y elieubin and quite $i safe, so long as nothing happened, but there was potential danger. We had to swing up over some stones jammed between two vertical walls, and the stones were slippery and wet, and sometimes one had to put oneas entire weight on a stone with- out being perfectly 'sure that it would stand it. "I was thoroughly uneasy, and, in the uncomfortable part, quite convinced that I never should get my friend behind to do it. But he took it like a, bird without hesita- tion; it did not seem to occur to him that '"there was anything to be legs : and arms twisted, until .I expected that they would` never re- turn to their normal shape. The `doctor seemed to help me, but not 'to cure me, and I would be better one day and worse the next. At this time a friend strongly urged pie to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, 'and I got a dozen boxes. Soon af- ter beginning the pills there was a change for the better, and T con- tinued using the pills until I was quite well again. The swelling dig• appeared from the joints. My limbs returned to their natural shape and I feel as if Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have saved me from be- ing a rheumatic cripple. I hope 'my experience may prove a blessing to some other sufferer." if you suffer from rheumatism, or any other disease of the blood, begin to cure yourself to -day with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Sold'by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 Bents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Me- dicine Co., Brockville, Ont. BEETLE ROUTS LION TAMER. but the Woman Is Coward Toward Crawling Insect. From Bukarest comes news of a queer freak of emotion. 11Miss Tac- oresco, a lion tamer, suddenly fainted amid her animals. With difficulty she was removed before the lions had grown so restless as to become unmanageable. Eve ybeolyeeender•ed what it was that had suddenly terrified her. When she recovered •she explained that the !sight of a black beetle in the cage had caused her to faint with fright, and she refused to go among the lions until the black beetle had' been removed. Here is one more proof of the oft - proven, fact that courage is the most tricky thing in the world. Lord Roberts is (said to be afraid of . cats, and there are some men who would set out gayly to cross Africa, but who would fall into a cold sweat at the idea of invading an imtiortant business house and demanding to eee'tlie manager.. , They would go afoot to +shoot ti rs in the jungle, but would be Doi i:ta oW 0ot;in fesrionable res- taurant at dinner time 1f the cvaxter gave them the wrong change. !Horror of open spaces and a rte • of narrow places are two alto clearly defined nervous tonal - afraid of, and he was adonis when I told him at the top th had not at all liked the position.' A GREAT FINANCIAL INSTITUT The report of the business transati� in 1911 by the Sun Life Assurance Co pang of Canada, which the manager; of that institution • placed before th shareholders and policyholders at th annual meeting on the 5th March, ma one realize that Canada has in this Co pang .a concern big—even in these da rcr.] Prat Tiers and his rrT ,No thin 7 long You hale your poor pain. fron an who be e back gf to do back to th of large undertakings.'" ., "' Mrs. Comparing the Life Assurance in forcogxpjl; with that shown for 1910, au increase of flag s. over twenty-one millions of dollars isi Y,'gguI shown—the total being over one hundred t and sixty-four millions. lL . kv The Assets now stand at almost forty- S. four millions, an increase of five and three-quarter millions of dollars over last year. The income has grown to ten and on half millions and the surplus is not fa short of five millions of dollars.. Suoh figures tell of prudent and y aggressive management and justify confidence of the public. Cooks make business for the do tors. tea rt uebl :ay ith, t or how ild rtN nil ad n Mr€ rat! 4.4m ones rr ke nee "0i Out r r�Tr me' :art{ Mrt. plAXW Ld °' IGH SPEED Is to a class by itself—the easiest running, tho most substantially built, the most satisfactory washer, ever invented. w. oniy's ruehar worked with k anile' -ie es well es top lever - 1054o onwhore the w pens Ask your dealer to show :you the "Champion" 'Washer. "Favorite" Churn is theworld's best churn. Write for catalogue. DAVID MAXWELL&SONS 51-. MANY'e, ONT. 1/llhflu IIIIII (Pm I uch "©1 Mi t rye hos re u sr "Th age rive, Lir I r y f, `Is rI 1 id pe: rs. Bu 6Z INTEREST AND SAFETY djj Price Bros. and Company Bonds pay 6 per cent on the investment, The offer the strong security of first mortgage on 6,000 square miles of pulp and timber lands—which are insured at Lloyds against fire. The earnings of the Company at present approximate twice the bond interest. The new pulp mill in coe of construction will double this earning power. Purchased at their presen price they pay interest at the rate of 6 per cent. The best posted investors in Canada .and England have purchased these bonds. Owing to the security and increasing demand of the products of the Company, these bonds will =question ably increase in value. If you have money to invest write us for complete information. SAI SECURITIES CORPORATION 1.1l'v9I°i°i�: BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING - - YONGE ANDUEEN STREET R. M. WHITETORONTO MONTREAL -Q U En EC -FI AL I FAX-OTTAV'! Manager LONDON (ENG.) 411.09116.111 1 John A. The Standard of Quality Since 1850 An experience of over sixty years in the Seed business in Canada, and our long connection with the Gest Growers of tho World, gives us advant- aged which few seed houses possess ; added to this,. our careful system es testing all our seeds for purity and germination, and the great care exercised in every detail of our business, brings to us every season many pleased customers, to add to our already large list of patrons. SHOPP1NG BY MAI Lis a most fascinating, enjoyable, and profitable pursuit. You can in a few days, and with perfect safety, though far removed froOl the source of supply, have delivered at Brtioe'g § tlg ti S d Chet satisfy, All you yrequire to 4o 00 send uel1S& tar asking for oar nand - lamely i Iuaeretoti 112 page Catalogue of Seeds, Plants, Burps, implanViate acid Poultry Supplies, which we will nail free q char>fe,andonreceiptofsamesendusyourorder. W1to for it fleiN to mice r0 iii Hanttonr Canada., *� e9 ' °9 'VII riosect soon geese of gamete. your door— nb t, rs. Let rc re f hi ry fin 'A h, tint ct f If I as nd - Idn ea Aft trig in d r You '11 rev Yes 5. 0; An d' iF $03 nd. C Mr peso lee nge, a rs. an diff eb