The Herald, 1912-03-15, Page 8T V
.off 8 �— r '' yvf
You should see the handsome tie neva
things we are showing right away, if
for no other reason tha.n to learn about
some of the newest and best materials
that are brought out to wear this com-
ing .spring.
New Dress goods
The very latest in greys, blues, tans,
greens and black. All the leading
shades and popular cloths. The early
shopperswillrind us ready for them.
New Shirting
New Cottonades •
Lawns, Embroidery, &•c
At this season of the year many
housewives like to get considerable
sewing done. For that r' aasora we make
Dinar to get e.. early shipment of
relia.ble goods.
Stock Taking Over
Wd have some winter goods to dear
out at a;:: bargain price:). Ladies' Coats
children's boats, furs, blankets, men's
ovc1:".soa men's sui>is,Caps and gloves.
Now is. your opportunity for a snap.
A trot ata, Odds and Ends to clear re-
gardless of cost.
A full supply �' 1 of new and fresh groceri ies a, ;vi a ys on hand
hest prces paid fin- All
of ii'arm Produce
THE STANDARD is the lIatioi'ral
WeeklY Newspaper of the Dominion
of Canada. It is national in all its
It uses the most -.pensive engrav-
ings, procuring the photographs from,.
ail over the world.
its articles ore careful'
its editorial policy i
A subscription to The Standard
costs $2.00 per year to any address in
Canada or ,Creat Britain.
TRY 1T FO} 1912!
Montreal Standard Publishing "Od
Limitod, Publishers.
W. C. ■ a U.
"AS THI101.7 Ali A (LASS,`'
Would you go, do you think,
B'.rt, sod. Maggie timidly, if sozne-
b•,aty ((ui give us some? Maggie, -1
never knew you to bother so tiiuylz
We can't go, dejectedly,. Lett up:
talking about it ! Maggie finished
her ironing in rile; nee ; then Taut it,
all neatly into the basket Site hall t ;({'t
Lied little John into bed, heard iia
prayers, s, listened quite absent -min.,
v..,liv t'., his tale of Ted and in,
1,;,?.:l'otl ve horse and dog, and
patiently asked questions, though
Mae aliiin't know what. she said, un-
til at ta.-t h.: fell asleep, with . his
final senta•nc(, unfinished. Ite en-
tering the kitchen, 1ia.mgie'sglu,nce
took in directly her husband's
gloomy altitude He was sitting
with his bead leaning oii his el- n
shed hands, and, crossing, the room
slit' put 1)e: hand un his arui very
gently. What i:: the matter with
you. Bert? Are you sick? Tell me
everthing her hytsband •shook his
head solemnly. let me ba, Maggio
Then shortly and angrily I have
Ilost in job, Mot; ; So , ou see haw
near we are t ) going any vlace,
much less t,) ()auad(t. Muggie.
I started, lint quickly regained het
I compo ore -Bort" she said gent
ly, look at this 1 withdrawing a thin 1
book from her dress pocket, wlit r a
,ho bad j(asi. yilaia'ed it, and rei4?
r.. ilu¢;.'•.' ..'.idlx'l10 '"'LC fiC Ta)'r u>)t' "t'1:41
Bank book`? -iNh )se is it? YI:Ua
Where in the world dirt yer get alliT('
that money, my girl? flashing al, ,.
keen look at her. Two liunctreri ''.°
pounds ain't gotten in a day, shady 1
ly• fly two drinks a day, Bart tot„,
all these years, and doing cvrasliin
and other little jobs Her husband
eyes were round with astonish
ment and incredulity. Your twn3
drinks a day lass 1 Tell mz some.
thing likely. Maggie smiled hap , F
pily. Tis true Bort ; now let's an
out, it YOU wan' to, to (rnnatia. anal
lets begin afresh I lilt' a board (-
from lots of folks there were than•'
ass enough in the new lamas for
active, hardworking men soft
women A fresh start in a new a
world ain't so hard on a fellow.1
And a chance to work for ourselvcsi
too, looks good to e 1.'d like ;to
got some nt those farms 1'ye rend'
iil'(n1t in ()Amide And think o`.
3ohn's fixture! She r)au4ed 10 wipe
at at the tears from her own and
Bores cyte and to listen to thn
little lad talking in the dinner ,,1
rornii in his dreams .'And I'd l'
nave it h(1 so that 'lid'gallop,_ an' a
groat big.dogt:in, and lots of other
things 'i'ed'E going to) have---"
Bless his heart ! cried Maggie,
smilingly, chasing, thn tears Prem
her eyes My lass ! said Bert.
wetly, "you are 'i gond girl. enol
Iwe roust go to I1( 1 row anti talk a
. over our g; ,+yti. 1,•r'une and all l
Iabout Canada with ter folks ; end, I
ligeg;- -Yes, Belt." You throw 1
ei1 away my is 't drink of beer!
impressively tic: a t. now don't lw
angry 1)i ain't you 'ziIitice 'my;
aloes—M• last drink of been.
Maggie stared (,t hint, then the
sunshine of joy flooded her fresh;
young fats. "Bless year lieart
i3ert ; you aro last fine l" she cried.
Id -i Williams, Pres..'up;".;
John W` S1ukel n)ltb, (reenbtlro
Pa , htta three children, and 1ik ({
tunst children they frequently dile
cola- ''' e litive tried several kind`
of cough tnedu tae;" he s vs , b•IiIf
have never tonne any,yet that dila
thein as •match good as- (',i)ara11 c)i,
rents and Repairs and
:ved thein to my shop
tyi knives, straw kliiSes, exten-
taldea;;s, step ladders, galvanized
eulters lllclaughlins hest
Ogles, , Deering machine 1'e-
ateks)nith repairing, onion seed -
Arden tools, piping all gi7e5
tillers, plows Fleury and Pere -
all Rhoda of plow repairs, axle
ones a'll sizes, wheel barrows,
cities. •
gals Pra
Telephone 28
H E D U/- `' ' S FOR
1n,3 ,P.0 d a s f
d Broadway
COugh Remedy.. For salt hs
All. Dealeze.
Hear the Royal l,'a);;irli 111)3
Bell ringers lei ;11'=1 t`(;i
clitirch, Exeter, On ' lloaul:.ty a 1( 111'
i1Tarch 18th.,Tho lt,' og(1
their entertainment an theah
church on Tuesday -last,- trP
grain 11,(1'( of the ic(et est, ilial
wnat1'llr 1,11(01)
ayt'Nct i\101)
a yK• ;
11. . itttti1 0 n.(1 syn r,):e1r13.r-
;1i1 kinds of irp1cliiaiery
horse -shooing, general black-
ve ine a call.
One Price the year round and thaat
the lowest. ,
Parties intending to buy a good Dames this Spring should not fail to call
on us, as we are headquarters in Zurich for the 'best at lowest prices ,every--..
one guaranteed, because best leather always used. See our 'Tani -Harness
with Collars at . 2 5.00, Single Harness at $9.00 up
Stoves and Hardware
If you want the best at lowest prices call and sco what a big ''Bargain you
cat gel Dere.
A full stock of all kinds of
In I''urnituro we lead the trade a4 we buy in ear loads this enables -its to
Cheaper (Intl our customers get the benefit. -
Terms Cash or Trade at Cash Price
g .
Just to haled. Bring in
your orders. Close price '.
OOa E. r4 toli
Ocm ! Coral I
4.ton Corn a�7.O0per ton. Oat -
1 rt d at t2 .00 per ton. Abo
ir, ;Brain, and Shorts cninmen0 0.,g
1".tit. All kinds of grill vMolt.
i tlio Heusall Oatmeal
the Publie
Glad Springtime i.s again speeding swiftly tow-
ow-arCi. us and once more this store Tuewith e
beauties of Spring. Although.not Cl t
by coming Int° this Store yo r. � will
eye thatvA e haE f;
already been. visoted.1_y a
in ;spring and Sur1,:3.el21Dr'ess Goods and still we are
adding daily
old (pito' Customers in
1"(lit•, )I1(1 (cit that we have disposed
Lha .lila}1leitient Brandi anti our
701 -will to Mr. Limis Prang of this
lll(1m. Ila
connection herewith we
ug; io a ties our heartiest thanks t:)
11 who have. )o generously tsly supported
a`. 1(1 ti1(811)10 0'f business.
'We wish to ini(itiie users of f cetc
s, Sleighs, Buggies,
tit - e mall continue the manufacture
'those lutes slid 'in buying home
1.ta)a,ttire<1 goods yo"1 are support-
li ng,s'our hmne tctWli ai1(1 your O'S 11 in.
•Look at our sto 1: ex get our
prices before you h(i1. 11e111L1i' il( dots
n Branches ,,f oar hut(`.) N.1F.
Dress Goods
the nt•we:,t l:: 1 b1 olnl 1otet-t 1i ,de 4 arohere for you to see
an.1 when you arc 1'ie"bug vet r (IOW DITS;;; coni ' in and. see if to
can i. yon ,t 1itt1: bettrr t'ttait the re. A.
Laces and Insertions
The trimmings of the Dress is just 118 important
(ii art aiirg ((V Ercal lnakasnioJae
• than the 1)1•15s iltie.l1, hers -Ivo its the tr , 1 Y; as we that. In all the
the- s look 11( , So take n look attire tr-na,pit„
of all ov. Hato with insertions to match.
es 6G San
GIRLS \; iN'.1 ED. • V5
per wee t() slut with for
girls el rh*ccn and over.
1�11�at once, 1). S. 1'E1 RI'N z CO. :
Lirnitod,, London, t )nt, r o.
tbai„,$1.0.tt1 u
• In
our stock of Prints anandGinghanni you will frit 1110 so trtmef t 'hics
ann1t1c1 aluanst plea.;e 111)51,0h 's we have erclythil g rn t 1
Ginghauts, llnsiieis ete.
. Paver
One thing we can lake for o granted, every hoose hits at rclOIit m newbea
that needs the:intention of the Paper hanger and 0o matt r what�.o om its?
we ail. (tore we have some Papel' tt. put
Remember we give Coupons with every purchase,
cash or•tracl:c.
tares ( Groseftles. a1v aye ltqt
Produce Taken in Exchange
i'H01410. 17