HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-03-15, Page 7e' r re e, lax he ra sls an id of 1 r eat ws. the eed An ral. tome ti eras very.' ,eral best. ra- iner- very' eral ma. tion. 1 and both:, than r and them le for wing. ARM. • be an and ig the cows, ore as y pint there , upon r num- he jars rubber Drop to eae Forma near) wed o venie tied. mix t 01 po Take;: dipp of wi; Be su e dippe me of tli sample( Tao th Repo six col ch day .om har sides sha milk. i FAR ofindi they . roof t nit of mow ;and) 'right of bo:' put a lot rust grease machin lave frit so will :e1 to r abbits ie :131:" evicted) EACIIEII THE SOUTII POLE Cable From Captain Amundsen Says . He Attained the Goal December 1411. A despatch ,from London says: iCaptain Roald Amundsen has dis- 'covered the South Pole, Definite news has been received in Lone:en via Christiania, that he reached the. Pole between the loth and 17th of December. December "14 to 17" is taken to mean by experts that -when he reached the, geographical Pole Amundsen waited three days, taking noon observations so as to accurately determine his position and exclude uncertainty—that is to say, to establish proofs that would Are incontrovertible. The London Chronicle` adds : England will wait most anxiously for news of the •Scott expedition. 'Though robbed of its crowning ;glory, geography .and science will undoubtedly profit from it. Cape tain Amundsen's expedition, which has pow ended successfully, was originally.planned for the conquest of the north pole, 'bu't hearing the news which Peary brought back, Amundsen showed his resource and promptness of decision by .at once steaming south to the region which still offered a similar prize. He has won that prize. To England the glory of discovery neither the north nor the south pole has fallen, but in the story of the exploration of the great ice, continents this country played a splendid part, and we can join heartily with the whole world to -day in offering to the conqueror and to Norway a meed of praise. which is so well deserved. The prize has been finely won. It has also been grandly lost." New picture of Capt. Amundsen, who reached the South Pole. FROM THE NORTH COUNTRY 'i here.ihc Win r, 'e Colli and the ee l nkc, and, altlioughhe knewffit was doing 'him harm, (Tea is equally harmful, because it contains caf- ifeine--the same drug found in cof- fee) was too obstinate to give it up, =r. -II all at once he went to pieces th nervousness and insomnia, `s of appetite, weakness, and a erally used -up . feeling, which ctically unfitted him for his nous occupation, and kept him a couch at home when his duty not call him out, "While in this condition Grape- tts food was suggested to ane and began to use it. Although it was the middle of winter and the ermometer was often below zero, "ost my entire living for about weeks of severe exposure wa.s ttle eel aGrand butter an i e -Nuts foog wartcup ofh a ihot Iter, till I was wise enough to oke Partum my table beverage. "After the first two weeks 1 be- n to feel bettor and during the ole winter I never lost a trip on mail route, frequently being on road 7 or 8 hours at a time. `The constant marvel to me was a person could do the amount work and endure the fatigue and 'dship as I dict, on so small an •unt of ,food. But I found my rations so perfectly satisfae- that I have continued then) -- both Postum and Grape -Nuts ry meal, and often theY com. my entire lneal. 1.11 1ny nervousness, irritability insomnia have 'disappeared and thy, natural sleep has come back . But. what ha,s been perhaps reatest surprise to me is the that with the benefit to my ral health has come a remark- improvement in my eve -sight. f a good appetite, good diger- good eye -sight, strong nerves an active brain are to bo de. , I ca'n say from my own ex- "ee, use G:rapeiNuts and Pis xr. d the little book, "The Read r read the above fetter/ A new One rs from tlree to time. They are e, tree, and fell of human interest. ister of justice proposes to re. ustices Dugan and Craig, of. ikon, on fail allowance. AN EXCELLENT 1VIEDICINE FOR ALL LITTLE ONES Mrs. Ovila 'L' amarre, Malviva, Que., writes: "1 have found Baby's Own Tablets an excellent medicine and would not use any other for my little one. I think all mothers should keep • the tablets in the house." Thousands of other mo- thers have the same praise for the tablets. They are absolutely safe —being guaranteed by a govern- ment analyst to contain no opiate or other harmful drug. They break up colds, expel worms, cure constipation and indigestion, in fact they are good for all the minor ills of little ones. The tablets are sold by medicine dealer's or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. SIXTEEN WERE INJURED. Broken Rail Caused Railway Wreck Near Durham. A despatch from Durham, Ont., says all,. L. Stevens, of Strathroy, is in'uredl. n. _ t, a any 'others bay shaken up -as- the • result of °a d coach rolling over the embankme owing to a, broken rail, on Grand Trunk Railway at Varn between Durham and Palmerst on Friday afternoon at 3.05 o'cloc List of the injured :—R. L. Steven Strathroy, traveler, spine hurt, ri broken and internal injuries, pr bably fatal; E. W. Pyke, travele London, ribs broken and colla one fractured; J. A.' Cole, Lo on, cut' about head, face an ands; W. P. Lindsay, Toronto reveler, hip and back injured; W 'Eisen, Fergus, back badly injured offering from shod; ; John Boyd lesherton, head and face bruised ack apparently injured, shock; J Sh u blllcut and u rightf shoulderrin_ red, left leg bruised; E d' Cos - rd, Woodstock, left hand badly t, two fingers injured; J' A. int, Elbow, Sask., slight scalp unds, and side of face scratched, ht shoulder bruised; Mrs. J. A. nt,• slight scalp wounds, baby, en months old, unhurt; R. licott, West Moncton, left hand , right shoulder hurt, right knee ised ; W. Totten, conductor, ised on back of head ; — Small, kesman, cut on back of head, rt hip injured, and generally ren up; .Charles A. Sanders, nk Warner and M. E. Efor•ne, of Durham, badly shaken up. GERiTiAN FLEm'NS RASE. ships to be Transferred From Biel to 1' Villielingh,Ifen. despatch from Berlin says: Tasglich Rundschau announces a cruiser fleet of six small and four Dreadnoughts are ilhem hafen,11and willpril r be perom . ntly stationed in the North The journal explained that the e,,hasnothing dly nt, Lhe ey, on k. s, bs o- 1', r• - n d • b d F. th in fo 011 Rt wo rig Hu sev Wo cut bru bru bra Fre all War A The that ships to be. to W inane Sea, • ns that Germany is only following Eng. land's lead in. concentrating her naval strength in those waters, "under the prudent assumption that in the wars of the future the most important clacisions will fall in the North Sea." A new eure for canehr is reported from Russia, which is ,said to have attained a meastute of success. WEEKLY TORONTO LET S WHAT IS 001140.0N AT 'rHt; Hug. o THE PROVINCE. Edward Blake tlurnber of tows City—Toronto's Water Supply. (Wo have arranged for a weekly about Toronto affairs, which,. we will be of groat interest to u,aoy readers. These tetters will , be i'ro Ill h letter believe, of nor alae eon of one of Canada's foremost lists, a man who has covered some world's greatest happenings' and copies a leading position on one Toronto dailies.) The passing of Edward Blake, in respects Toronto's most disting citizen, curiously enough leaves litt in the life and activities of the at announcement of hie death name t people as an echo of the pasta It if one was told that Johu A. hfae or Oliver Mowat was dead. This from. the feet that while Blake wa an extraordinarily old man, being o his seventy-ninth year, it is .now than twenty years since he has take active part in the affairs of 'Toro of Canada. Ile had long ago with from every office or position in bu educational, church and social org bone. Since he suffered his first of paralysis five years ago he has living at his home in Jarvis stre quietly that probably not one citizen hundred knew he was in Toronto He saw only members of his family occasionally an intimate friend o gone days. SEVERELY SIMPLE FUNERAL. mau` uie11et le gap. y. The 0 m091 was ;¢Ka clonald arises riot r' 111Y ill Se io if purity has not been secured it is nacre p,ot from want of trying. The latest ad - n ttiny diti in: is the erection at the IsIanceeof a Totem ROAD -TIRED !4G{JN'LAW ntario Legislature Will Consider Law to. nforoe Use of Broad Wheels It is the aim poi .A.. M. Rankin M. P., for li`rontenae, to have the t'oposed broad -tired ;wagon law 1przaa"'S6 14 efle;ct an Qntario e• on Tanntro . 1; of zhtK, The b111 which hhas i_ nod out's "' v ced in the Legislature states that v : gnd after that date a wagon, "BS's lorry or cart having iron or el tires and used for conveyanee bf articles of burden, Y J, n, goods or mer - 1 handise, shall not be sold or of- ,fered far sale a . Ontario for use ea public highway, unless the tires e fntorrn at least to the following dubs : — Tour -wheeled vehicles, capacity from. 2,000 to 4,000 or eltratfoze plant, a huge structure costing drawn ier '>$750,000. And sinescs, as a further precau- li'en• the water is subjected to a chlorin.. anattack aza -Wing process, which is death to all eey'rs, though it leaves an unpleasant beeii o,i r and taste if applied too generously. et 'so The filtration plant is a concrete struc- inea tore which has just been the subject of a at tt11 r g.in, . judicial investigation. There has and beet some suspicion that it might prove f bY• t, baSO faulty in construction as to >e neatly impair its efficiency, and the a `111ige:himself has expressed some doubts. "ke tremendous nature of the task of Dieing ' water for Toronto may be rred from the fact that en some days roneumption of the city as measured zr waterworks pumps is as high as ,050 gallons. The average for 1911 over er 15,000,000 gallons a day. To dis. to the water to the houses no lose 3,999 milesof water mains have b laid; and there are 76,601 individual services in the city. By his earnestly expressed request, the funeral ceremonies were severely •einpde. The newspapers were not permitted • to announce in advance even the hour, which was fixed for nine o'clock Sunday morn. le 10g, One enterprising newspaper photo. 5i grapher was on hand at that hour, hop- ing to get a historic picture to illustrate i the closing chapter in the life of a great man. But he was disappointed. Station- ing himself in a favorable poeition near the residence he waited for the eortogc, Presently an undertaker's wagon pessodi. He paid no heed, waiting for the hearse. But it did not come. On inquiry he found that the wagon had borne the remainta and that the mourners had proceeded tp, the cemetery by another route. - THE JEw IN TORONTO.. .A. matter which has not been discuese to any extent openly, but which is eau beg considerable anxious thought, ��w�' ' ehraw"v tri da th A of ree of 'nc bei dia drs gar N an TJni of i Mem Ma Toro scrib they nater oche) a day ings '1 estate Thor Toren proper elude inept trate, called head o .Prank° Frank The spl bfeCar perches wealthy The J is a the now th They sti the ehu to the. Je doubtful to date, upon by Pretty during til warned to The suppl supposed and at enough 1n hoped tha about ove declare th be found a eity's Nate dee, lsas .a a ip m' urban "",.u�.-r�.• y there ore in Toronto alone not; an 20,000, and some estimates place umber as high as 25,000, 1n itself a,- respectable dimensions. The immigration of Jews into Toronti out years is estimated to be upwn 1,500 a year. In addition, the natty cease is very large, Ilebrew Iami, lag quite as prolific as French -Ca n. Families containing twelve c n are not uncommon, and six is ded as a small family circle. ow the invasion promises to take even more serious aspect. Since -t ted States has increased. the sever: is regulations governing this class igration. GREAT MONEY GETTERS. ny of the European Jetvs arriving aato come from conditions of ind able overcrowding and poverty. B do not very long remain poor, The al acquisitiveness is wonderful t d. If the. Jew makes only. 50 cent, Ile 9a4e8 90me 0. It, and )lis 8av le pute into a business, or into rea o are probably twenty-five Jews in to who are wealthy, that is, whose ty runs lute six figures. These in such men as Jacob Cohen, a prone. poiitioian and now a police mages- „Judge" Cohbn, as he is admiringly by his fellows; Sigmund Samuel, f a large wholesale hardware firm; 1 tiros., dealers in serap metal.; S. e1, the jeweller, and many others. endid residenco of the late Balton thy on Beverley street has i ben ed and is now used as a club `by Hebrew& ews do not assimilate. and this, ng which causes food for thought, at they are getting so lruanerous. eft to their religion. Severer/ .of relies have- maintained Missions ws in Toronto for years, but it is if all told there are 100 converts and they are probably looked their fellows as renegades. TORONTO'S WATER, nearly every visitor to Teronto o last twenty years has been leave "Toronto's water alone," y was, in sortie eases, oonantonly to come from the polluted bay,. some periods it has been bad all conscience. It. is to be t the days of bad water are' r. deed, civie boosters naw e snppiy t0 be the plireet to nywhere on the eontlnhnt. Tile' rworks .plant as it stands to., cost trot lese than $10,000,000. pounds, 3 inches; 4,000 to 0,000 pounds,, 4 inches ; 0,000 to 8;000 pounds, 5'inches ; over 8,000 pounds, 6 inches.: On two -wheeled vehicles. the tires shall be five inches wide for capacity of 2,000 to 4,000 pounds and six inches for over 4,000 pounds. Wheels having a ,diameter of 40 inches or less shall be one inch wider in each ff the above cases. In addition to stopping the sale of narrow -tired rigs, the hill states further that on and after Jan, 1, 1918, no vehicles of narrower tires than are prescribed above shall be driven on Ontario highways. city rtis i; ea - at ir is a tempting bird dainty that has a won- tonic er * t on the caged songster. t the heart of hiss t songhis itplumageivr 1:1illant, sparkling vivacity. A cake of this Treat comes in c-'erY package of + ] :*,rack's Zir¢3 Teeth 'd in"Brock' only. Be sure ?teget Brock's. This splendidly lralaaced ration of clean, imported seats, with Brook's Bird Treat for detsert, will fit your bird to render his purest,richest song. ant ut how ber,effee jal Brock's Bird Tou to find rreat will be for your bird, and will send you 2 full-size cakes of the Treat if you w1/1 mall us the coupon below. NICHOL.SON & BROCK 9.11 Francis Se, Toronto. For this coupon, please send me, free of charge or obligation on rnypart, two full-size cakes of s Brock's Bird Treat, and oblige. ........ _........ ......:i$ i'4TN ;-ro heal- ed the British expedition to the South Pole. THE NEWS JN A PARAGRAPH f'L.PPENINGS FROM ALL OVER TILE GLOBE IN 'r4, NUTSHELL. Canaria, the Yanpire and the World in General Before Your CANADA.: An advance of ten cents per bar- rel •occurred in Manitoba flour. Farquhar McRae of Dunwieli township died from a splinter get.•.. ting in'his eye while splitting wood, A Hamilton. deputation asked the Ottawa Government for harbor irn provements to cost half a million dollars. • The London Electric Company of- fers to light the streets of that city for. three thousand dollars less than the rates charged under the Hydro- electric system, _. The Nova Scotia Government proposes to levy a tax on banks, insurance, telegraph, telephone and express companies. The British and Dominion Gov- ernments have agreed to the Mar coni terms for establishment of an',' Imperial wireless service. The Government has decided to expropr•.i_ate, a site for the new de- partmental buildings at Ottawa. The land will cost about five million dollars. Three by-laws carried at Owen Sound on Saturday: one to bonus. the 'drydock and shipbuilding com- pany, another to provide a -site for a new rubber factory, and the third to exempt the cement company from taxation. GREAT BRITAIN. Henri Salvey flew from London to Paris -222 miles in 2 hours 57 min- Utes without a stop, on Thursday. The Bing laid the foundation stone of the new London County Council building on Saturday. The police raided the London offi- ces of Votes for Women, and ar- rested Mr. and Mrs. Pethick Law- rence and Miss Christabel Pank- hurst. A panic prevailed in London over the suffragette outbreak, the House of Parliament being shut to the pub- lic. Miss Christobel Pan,khugst was erre EXPLOSION EaLS F0111 MEN. Ten Others Imprisoned in Mine Near Vaneonver. A despatch from Vancouver, B.C., says A gas explosion on Thursday in the mine of the Dia- mond Vale Mining Company, at Barrett, B.C., ten milea north.eaet Vancoueer, B.C., killed four men ant imprisoned ten others. Res -cue apparatus has been sent, It is diffi- cult to get news from the mine, which is situated in the Nicola dis- trict, on a. branch that runs from the main line of the Canadian Paci- fic Homer Wilson of; Windsor -caught his foot in the railway track' while working in the C.P.R. yard and was run down. and killed. Only The Fence Maker Menus bars Underneath The Galvanizing All'' fence looks rou cannot tell offhand what gauge or We enuld rehear), alike ie the what quality of wire was used to niaka en LEADER Penne store, , The test the fence you look at in the store. 'You quality a fourth coneee ..in year. cannot even be sure about the goodness —and you'd nev, byee*eae service of the galvanixing. You must buy on er notice it till tin& 0. the elry. faith—and yeu can safelY put your faith in you'd userl it. Lea er Fenso ,,,,,,h,„ le the fence of 9 -gauge, meted hard.drawn steel wire, smoothly and temee med. dare etratele an ordinary. wire ,fenee—xlteavill staDnditieygelaelzsteitilitt% bullet Meted mere. LnAmt Pence lasts! 1' e has the one lock that. clamps- vertieals and erose-wiree lennly ly together 'without danger of etacking the galvanizing. Thus rust Ru Ici eou do not know out local agent, write direct to tie The , waited distriete. Write for proposition. the oeten TR UNITED STATES. - The United States anthracite coal operators have rejected the de. mends of the men for better hours and wages. The United States Senate deleted' elause 3 and added other material amendments to tho arbitration treaties with Britain and France. GENERAL. The foreign powers have aeranged a loan for the Chinese .Republican 1 The newest Zeppelin tirship made a long-distance flight from Frieder- ichshafen to Frankfort -on -Main, carrying 23 paesengers. Capt. Amends.en in an interview at Hobart atates he saw no trace of cott during the time he was at the South Pole. KILLED IN DIICNKEN DRAWL Illan's Neek Broken in Rescue Mis- sion at Ottawa. A despatch from Ottawa says: There was a fracas in the Men's Rescue Mission Home on Thursday afternoon, and as a result a man is held by the police, charged with nanslaughter, and another nais- ion occupant is dead. jos;eph Call, ged 25, and William Knight, are cid by the police. Patrick Scan - on, aged 22, of Smith's Falls, rifted into the place in a drunken audition, seeking fight. He, raet all on one of the floors and they arted to mix it. Call apparently Scanlen over the cite, and as the tter fell he struck his head on the ating coil and broke his neck. anion died before the doctor, who as immediately summoned, ate hi la Se ri Pi SETTLERS FOR CLAY BELT. rst Immigrants Booked Through to Now Ontario. A despatch from Montreal sayao The first big batch of foreign im- migrants of the season arrived at the Bonarenture Station on Wed- nesday and left for western points. There were 500 of them, 3 1.. y came across 'the .Adan tic Canada and landed at Portland, grants left.' the Grand Trunk for Cochrane, being the first grants to be boi.)ked through to the clay belt in Now Ontario.