HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-03-15, Page 5E MOLSONS Incorporated 1855 • itEOGRD OF PROGRESS FOR FIVE YEARS -1900;1911 Has eB Branches in Canada, and. Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the World, 1000 1011 $ 3,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 4,600,000 23,677,730 ' 35,042,311. 27,457,090 38,854,801 0 apit al • Reserve Deposits • Loans and Investments Total Assets 33,090,192 48,237,284 A General Banking Business Transacted SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Znrich Branch - J. A. CONSTANTINE, Mgr. Aillual Sale Our annual Sale of Drygoods, Wallpaper and Crockery' is now on. and will continuo to the end of Feb. Special BediictioNs On all Winter Wear. Come and Secure The Bargains while they last. R. N. DOUGLAS General Merchant, Blake. Panne! s Th4 t ant THE EST Gal at The Massey - Hurls Sh..1,p. Our 'Machines spea .for themseh es, We alS() handle Olds Gasoline Enghie CIIEDITON Sunday, March 17th, is St. Pat - ricks Day. Thursday next March 21st, isthe first tlay of Spring. Mr. Frazer Brown visited in Berlin and Preston for a few days hist week. 'Phe Ladies Aid of the Evangelical Church held a quilting b,ee at the home of Mrs. Ezra Heist on Thurs day last. Mr. and Mrs. Haylack of London, who haye been visiting at the haters parents Mr. and Mrs. M. Wein, returned home on Friday last. Many of our young people took in the Idtchen shower at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thihrner on Friday last and all spent a very pleasant time. Mrs. Walter Clark spent the for- mer part of the week in London. Mr. Ira Brown and sister Della spent Sunday with relatives in Zur ich. The otileers of the Y. P. A. of the Evan. church held a business meet- ing at the 'home of Mrs. IL K. Either. Pant Milker Wanted.—Price paid, $1,25 and up, Apply at once. Diunbut & Walsh, London, Ont. The 4 W's met at the home of Miss Clara lfoltzmenn and all spent a pleasant evening. On Monday last Mrs. Joe 'hist had a, number Of her friends gather at her home Where they participated in, • • f n A tithing bee, ,• Tie 'etilli';'•ettl , of, Mae, Millieery • department i t Preetor'S' atom. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben l...•ichwantz of South , Cavueo are spending their , honeymoon the guests of Mi. and 13 Mrs. John Fullmer. EL ig NIA S'S',F'b ,R (*:0 I MEAT MARKET tes tes tes E keep in stock a full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts'are noted for their tenderness and Wholesomeness. Our. aim is to keep nothing but the best. We. make our own saubages. Give us a call. mattLuT CHET e r e SCI10(IL REPO e ,t! Zuriela Public Solioo,.., _ •M. volley • ih''''.' Room I 8r V, Ada Warm, Oli..e Flora Hese. Freda K Muriel Pro 3ter, , .Ir V Clarence Roffinan,', 1 ton Hoffman, ()rho:ad Johnston. Sr IV Alma Axt, Elva oak; Ger tie \V esel0h, Russel ,Loti is 7,attel, .1u11 111,1e lc k; a .1r TV Icon Zeller, Ved 'ritz, 0, rtie Web, v. Erna Fritz.' :n0 1) Iv Hazen Zell t. , •f• :P..; , Sr III Milton El ,rook , Fisher L.••• Clare:nee H f)ffotan DI j,,,c, Sr , .‘,,r,'',-.:..irna Run, Theo Mit tleboltZ. Is7;wa'.' Kip,' ft -r, Foto Haberer. '•. were :—Sr V Ada \Nunn 94'4r V Lloyd Kat 1.11etsch, Roy Alij,ti t,' Pa4 r I Fess, Bern Efildebrand, i• .(puel Tile hest spellers for i b • "•tLe"tmth • 'ii (4 , • ztir 11T •o.,:, it fieyrocilt 97,94,•e\ , ti: Beatou, rileitieber. .le 111 • Minnie Meiner. McCormick. (lora \V '1''r (4 ,vi,..., ve• Zettel, NV kl 1 tfir Pt.'n 1110r , , '0\ a c).13rien. Rtly Weber, Per0;v eido, Willie tilausins. , q Sr II Albert ET,;, liaze 'citre.:. Carrie Brenner, „Mery Zctte X.,le 2..3 - m s ettlfas, Roy Ifo,leit, t...1•11'...etli, Itlitlellioltz (la.liel, I)i,;;Iar(Ift: II (, Jr Margnret firing, I' haul Merner, (3 laflys F1.-11(Jr. i 4xnees Zeller. Ernie Bender. sine Lav,,renve Ran. Lerriv,f'..-ien Rnssell Preeter, Maggie • D cek't E rl Zettel, Clarence Fostet • Jr pt II Alfon Lei bold, fleiseh. Ivan Ku lbfleiseh , iii-4..cub flaherer, Hazel F(Ister, III;(7.- :ref:, Thiel, Erwin Fisher, Leon;. Ain-11(1ov Alittelholtz. , .Ir pt. T Lilian Weselott,. O'Brien, Inez Ynrighlet Fritz, Kenneth Weber, Mh,„ t they, Olsiiir l‘Terner, Itfra,D i.../ t. ,,1 • L H 'Mulholland, ROOM III • i• Sr II Aria Mittelholtz, Ward Fritz, (1.4.1de.1...1 It Flowitick, Lattra r ,,,t, Ntargaret. Foss, Paul Jeers,. 4 r.ao Witmer, Cecil Weber, siifitn4•...,1•le1, olt, When her child is in danger a wonian will rislz lier life to protect • it, •No great 40; of heroism or risk •• s rER of lite ts necessary to protect a child from croup, Give Chainber. • laiiVe •Cough •Remedy and • all cdteenttig6erts• is avoided. For..salti by all TREES THAT wad... (mow,' When buying fruit fiend• orna. mental treex, Wee to 11 t hat you buy to firirc w Rose trees have the right sort of runty and haveben' handled, correctiv in the nurseries. Our trees Will grow ; there is a, reason. Take an agency ; send for terms. Outfit free, Thos. W. Bowman & Son Co, Ltd, Riclgevitlo. Ont ......A2=,..0.......rtmon.--cenagema.caosevacvorasamstrmannme; CRE.r ;Meat atock a full line of Logi meats, etc, ete, eats are not. ed for tlitlr tendernest and wholesoineess. Our aim is td2 licap nothing lint the. best. We make .our sausage. Give us 0 coll. elflolo,o &Lawson C RE DITON. mviiton low, Mills Manufacturer of all grades of Zoller Flour. Janet Thiel. We also RR the Jr II Rath atir WOW, WISEty Five Roses Flour wurm, Rose Hess, .Jean Herbe t Kalhileiscb. Lonislie•-fle.v. • ald, Mildred Hoffman,' t',.'11.(tv (4riSting C1101)Ping 'Wroth- Weselob, Clarence Brenner, '• ntly (Toile Sr pt II Olive Zebra, A, Brenner, Altna Uttley, Susie -11-' Oats Tiltolietli and Chopping Art, Pearl Wainer, :•••• brandte. Margaret Siemem' ,rlone at 5 vents a bag. (fore Linhold, Alphensus (llaytus Mittelheltz. Sr Richard Jeffrey, C 11141, Lloyd Saralee. Emil Lira tritirtel • /Uric Zotteli Me tirf•;,, oltZ, Dorotby Camphe.:.1. 'tau, Alice Zeller. • • First Class Ethel Diett..eieh, b'iat r•enner, Eleanor Duality:erne No on roll 4'7. Aver ege ateene • nee 32. . G. MaeNeI int, Ter.Itc!.. • The teachers of the Evangelical church held their weekly meeting at the home of 11Ere. 0. Geiser on 'Friday evening last. A.. Hill & Co, of Mitchel, who have supplied township with the steel brides for the other 8 river bridges, have secured the :•Essery bridge con- tract for $2,21 9.00. .A•fr. H. Grahalll waft to Exeter on Thursday night last, to MO the position of goal minder for Exeter in a emini of hockey against Homan. Trio score being 6 to 5 in favor of Exeter. Robert Mitchinson. of McGillivray Tp., has been awarded the contrate to construct the cement almtments end flom•s for Essory's bridge and four other smaller bridges in the Township for $2675.00. Rev. E. Burn is preaching a series of sermons on Biblical Mountains, in the Evangelical Church on Sunday evenings. Be has already taken his audience -to Sinai, Calvary and Mon - Mil. Next Sunday evening it will be mount Muth); then Carmel, Bermon and Pisgah. Everbody Wedeome. Adi i if you have trouble in getting With the finest lot of rid of your cold you MON- know ,00ds ever shown ., unit you are not treating it proper. "i ly. There is no reason why a 001(1 r.)Z.t tiriCil, should hang on for weeks and it Just received a large will not if yon take Chamberlain's • Cough Remedy For. sale hi• Al) quantity to please an ' • body so drop m and see. if cant suit you. Also carry an imisiense No. of -•samples to choose from, 41, .A.11 kinds of goods for trousers, dark or light pricss low as possible, Laundry in Connection W4 norrmAN fra;,1., zuRtcH Dealers, On Saturday afternoon, a very exciting gaune of hockey was pleyed, on Crediton Rink, between Crediton juniors and Orediton East juniors the score being 6 to 5 in favor of Crediton East. This game was to deeide whowere champions. The game was featured by cork screw rushes and sensational shooting. A Good Working Motto "V.To believe in working, not waiting, Booting, not knocking, Laughing, not weeping, • And theeeed that we'clui DASIIWOOD Mr. (leo. Wambold of • Balite,' was home a few days to sec his mother, who is seriously ill. Miss Pearl Wurtz of Zurieh,•vPited her aunt :Virs, tT. Kellerman aVieW days last week. • ,Miss Maida Routledge left Mc' •4•- NWEJ Wed0111i At our Store things suitable and inspect our big stock and :reasonable. ,.••• Ou EAJISUNDAY Ele world 8021118 to fa'rly ',doss tie vith bright • Clothes. Have you ordered your Suit? 1t not., 0,nuen,nv„eel lot us Chow yen Ottr new fabrics, let as India 151 iuto a smart Up.to.date suit for van. • e can build it right. Como and talk your Eater snit plans ovee with iis(We Eke to Clothes and 'We like to make Clothes) Let no make yours. We can, and will please you, if yoii will but give us tile opportunity. J. H. HOLTZIVIANN - ; 1.Ierchant Ta BUSINES6 CARDS. B. 8. IILLIPS AUCTi ()NEER, Exeter. sales conductecI in all parts 8. t. eaction guaranteed or no pay. Terms teasonable. Orders left at this office mill be promptly attended to. ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSURAN- , ce agent, representing the London, Economical, NVaterloo, Monarch, Stand 1 ard, Wellington end Cuardian. Every thing in tire insurance. LODGE MEETINGS- - ri (1 TJ Court Zurich No. 1210 • .1." • meets crell; hit and 3z (1 Thur&day of each calmth 4.8 o'elook p. ill the A. 0. U. Vi,". NInuNr.,,n, C. R. I Lk. 0. T.T. mr. Lmtie,T:4 the 2774 and 4th Friday of every 0,01751, at 8 o'clock, in their Hall, :Verner Meek. ,M. NN'1' Dn. T. P. MoLAUGHLIN fol crly Aseistant Surgeon at MI 1Roval Leadmi Opthali Eye Hospital and Golden lig "Nose and Throat Hospital, Land .1(.',nglantl. Also si•ent time at Bel ELLE” Other COlitit:elittli HOSlat General Practice with special att ion to Lye, Ler. Nose and Thr Eyes tested (1:,etinesctqa. and tintlithmaope itsed.1 awl glasses s plied end jeelperly atliested. Of ihishwood. Ontaritt. H. .EILBER & So Convoyaneers, General insuranc • Agents MONEY TO I.40AN At Lowest gates of Interest Telephona----Chilee la, Bowe. lb eeeeeieeeeleee.-1.-•?e•-÷+++++.1.-:•+.1.+ LEGAL CARDS. ' dROLT OF 00T 11 AY S & Kt1.10PAN,I, Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries Public, eic. C.(x;inich, Canada W. ProudLot, K. C. R. C. Hays. J. L. KiNoran, i. J'. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- duate of the Royal College of Dental tiurgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- I U. NV..111. BE.AVERS EXETER, •Auctieocer ColinV Inron. Sales conducted in them tpproved manner. Satisfaction gu na,;(A. 1hrte8 C111 1)0 lliatle at t lrediton Star tn. at the Bargain Exet ronto University. Painless extraetior.1"" ate of Department of Dentistry, To - of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At , ikp tga pp/. pi A &ley Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- 1.0.,a.kari day. 7-26 1 CANADIA17 CrE0711 E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notar,y Public. De ads , Mortgages, NURSERY STOC SVills and other Legal Doeurnonts care fulty promptly prepared. Ofike-- ' Me. you will find ninny Gifts. Conn; in tock: We li IIe our prices are very r -. a ti4natier :Clark,: tif -Q.; ze•te! • I, ton, 15 iigent for thisdistriet for HA.Y _COUNCIL. t E. D. Smith's well known NUT - SN. toth:, At present Mr, Council rnet March 51, all present. :1". '(,'1*.. A letter from A. McNregor Soli 4. Clark has to 01Thr a frill line of citor for (4.„.I. Beatty threatening :1: APPLES, PEARS, PLUMS, of G. J. Beatty is not paid soon, to sne council if the alleged claim X VINES, and small fruits, also 3RNAMENTALS, ROSES, Etc. was laid before the counCil, the offer of Beatty it did ,iiitiitt,Itilllii,..171,iirt ...3: ).;: f.nrnishoi chnorttnily.„na frott As the council never accepted :3 Prices :mil information will nirc.nts- un.y liability whatever. ... :.,f charge. . Intending i I was instructed to consult a soli- !.. :Ns:. are advised to send. in their citor in the matter. A By law Ile an : ehargii g certain lands and roads : assessment (11 Stanley To was li in 1,: ;11:1111esr':;, (.111ii ol,l,f)(;eN'.0,1.13.-Itliiilik'ngii:i:ni'll'oile'lat..1. in the I owns.hip of Hay for outlet .7,..;,-;........;...;...;-!...:;,........;...;...1...;..:..:„..;...:..:,..:.,..1, ...;;,..:.,,,:, •; Swiss and Waltham AlOvement. I A torirt of Revision on this us. Gold -and Silver Watches --in Elgiu, iliabitity was provisional] v missed. Solid Gold Finder Rinds. sE ssment will be held ou Weilnes. an alined China. for New Dundee where she ha: ; -.;A.E. • n. tt position as millinor. Messrs Levi Darling and '.•,`,1in Gellmider of Lieur,y, visited U) town over Sunday. • Miss Jessie Baker of Croderi• visiting her perents for a while, t•.•:•, Mr. Fred Mullett of Exeter, lists, hi I -Silverware—in all styles. Ilant Glass- in any pattern. • Watch and Jewelry Repairind— of all , kinds attended to ot town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Davis of L ;Mr, spent Sunday in town visiting ft 'Miss Hartleib of • Ex•iter, WALTER CLARK 1 clay the ist day of Mity A Peti Agen Ce(4 itor tion of six ratepayer s of self001 section No 2 asking That bitz; rl to. FARM FOR ;SA . 11 in the lith con 5 be taken from — • ,..4, b. Ne e and. tidded to 8 8 No 2 Being north half of 1,...t 51 cell 2., was pro.i wed tk,o the 001171(.11 1 'rho friwkerbivith 1 t F . ' • t I- T. . ., I l'IS t es int ereste•i • tieres of gnod hind all cleared, ?erne ,. Hie i- tie. matter twill be taken tip at 1 part gress, On it is we'd hunt mi-,. eanne end. inseret our stock whoth- I 1. i• !.1-.X.1"Iliee51:12 of Council. i dern brick house, with 'cellar un Or you ba:. or not. Til,, t,,llowingt amounts wile ! dernoath, bitfil and stanle, goo 51,11 ..--..()1p; s Meyer rep onl N. 1.1 ! well stint 11 iv r (• I) II r el of good tr ,'t . _ . tell; t., ;55 t • t 1 call solicited \Nil tiler shovelling This 107?,) is well situated handy tc - i c ies. being'2 mile 7 from the thriving village of lien sall will be sold I n reaAonabi- terins Apply on the premises to 1) 11 McLean box 144 Hensel!, 20.-1 nil snow 13 on ; Adam Etlighoffer emilent N 25 ; Alvin >,Tichnison 1)1011(1 for Mon N ; M. ,en n horse feed and bon rd teleph 1 5111 *WS 00 ; .T ITowe Jas Dear. 'W {Irk eon 4-5 *2 CO ; lingh 0, McLean Ltd hal for advertising ; (4 '1' 11, Co freight telephone school an 1 • I spent Sunday at her home. (61 TIWS01% Mi•s. C. FritZ arta clittlgitter 11'2107* cc, w 01 V were in ton Tbursday. • err sei.6.01;31. virrn. 1,rocria? Trimaty Dr. T. P. McLaughlin was in bon. . don on Wednesday. '•: 11117 Ileft();1S0'0/14 D" P"thr. Mr, Henry Calfus ;mil son Dayia.itid, dee .--prewial, at 10.80 and 7. , •„; • „ - .* • were to Exeter Friday lest sa;,b•itth sc1see1 2,80, ',Mr. Bender of Rmieb, wile its P!!-A•er inee=itig, Thinnlity 7.'1'i ,. Thursday, FlieneZer, S1111day- -sunatly School Mrs. J. K. Goetz has been etnifirt- 1,85, Prenehine• e(1 to the lionsthrough illness. 1 ' Everybody. woicome. A 'number from here took 4 11110e concert in Exeter given by the Enge , lish Bell Ringers. Mr. Geo. Kellerman WW1 ill E.11041' 10IN EVTITiftriETEI07111 arday: Dr. de Vane G. A reliable French regulator; never faus, E. BURN, Pastor, pills acre exceedingly powerful in regulatiu.? 'Abe ginerative portion of the female system. " &maw sonteoe all cheap imitations. Dr'. de Vater, aro so; at, 1.0.00. (e,redan, preaching, Ps a box, or three for $19. Hailed to any ada otts; The Sooben Drug o., Sk, catlietines. ,Y2t• p,' 7Enelish preaching. 11.1r. RaNVard Kraft visited hisai,1,80 p m zealot Meeting and Mr, Lonis Kraft on the Goshen ,Line Catechotical Classes. on Sunday. ;• 2.3() Sunday School, Arther Doan of Parkhill; le'ioe 'Wednesday evening, Prayer Meeting. the guest of 7stiss Emma CalfriS' Tinli"StlaY eveniit" PIT Ye): .roolinr, • Sunday. 11.15 Ioung Peonies:\ ,;;„ Hetrtly after twelve 011 th supplies $3 em ; 1,7tini Finlay work evening in queetem, Mr Meore tele,h 1 01 1 8200; Joe Corrivean is ho had been reading, was makin goods tor P Ohnrette $14.80; Byll 0 tr(int:t,inents to it Telephone co long distnnoe tolls him 'whining, and ;.ii 11 at his $43 03 Bell 'Telephone connection To, connty, ntaw.,.tr,:to 1'j 22 at Exeter $7.00; Bell Tel, tel ntlenti!;71 to the iliationl•s unties directories ,",'27.15 ; Canadian Ina rie drivti.ava 15 att,,,a to tilt, one; Tel Co sepplies $21 87; Northern; M tore, when tile tt•rrier again 00122 Electric! Tel Co supplies S.CA11 fo ; Ed meneed to whine More Worm horse hire $10.50 ; W G Hess pulling at bis garments and run work on tel $43 05 ; E Koehler work 1 ?ling towards the window Mr, $4 37; Dan Koehler work $13 55 : Moore proceeded to find out the ()'oar Flop work 0 11 fii1 GO. Canse of tbo ling')- uneasiness and Donnell will meet again on April on looking-ontsie in the vrivil WEIS 8rd when .Patlimasters will be surprised to see an unfortunate (1, :tee ing 4.E011I51 the tatteo, The WEIti1rE tetrEt end, ebted, 11 tic 114 t,1 ,t blltia for the litIle terrier.44ndsay Post. SAVED BY A DOG *MN. County Pollee Magis1rate, F. D, Moore, has fox terrier which he ini7,es highly, end that same little canine displayed rare sagacity after the midnight hour on Friday 1010 inCitiort liy eared wn intoxicat• '1116 1110,St 11,r1)(.11 e9.115e of in. 5011111ta 15 diSONiert, 'Of the stomach: nnonhei.laiit's stomaeli Liver ralilets correct those (is. 1 ,:ers. arid :liable you to sleep, li'fir sale by All Doalcrs '