HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-03-15, Page 4Dashwood Furniture Store Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines Singer $30 .. New Williams $27 Raymond. $25 Model $25 Cabinet 23. A.large stock of furniture always on hand. Un ert .king We celery y the largest stock in this lane hi Western Ontario, Calls day or night will get your prompt atten- ' tiara. `Call central - P. M ISAAO Furniture and. Undertaing SUSSORPTiON CONTEST rn Auction Sale . OF Earni Stock, Implements and Household Effects. - 'Ir. Ed. Bossen- berry has been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 10, Con. 18, Stephen, 1 1-2 miles south of Dash- wood and two miles north of Khiva, Mr. Elmore Truemner attended the on Tuesday, March 19, 1912, at 1 funeral of his cousin on Friday last. o'clock, the following ertieles. A sleigh load of people from here HORSES -4 Brood Mare, agricult- spent Monday evening at the home of tire, 9 yrs, old in foal; 1 Horse 6 yrs lir, mid Mrs. George 'Hirtzel. . ll .Q1d.s.'11 hist& Peri:he _ wart: old: rep^rb it very nloasant them D istri�t Ne C A ZIIF OBNIA Palmerston Avenue, andof t Mr. Thos. Roessler has been en- Capt. George Spencer Kemp, <r Ont., to Mr, Arthur liqueur gaged to kirk for Mr, :Will Tests„t Ilei•tfordsliire; Eng., will, take? this summer.very quietly in 'the Chinch Mr. Aaron Wein intends nds working Redeemer; 131ao . Street on for 1�Ir. C1ullnere iiz'L?slaol,'ne. ; R1c cilRedeemer, „5'11. Tkiey sail i.lol'i't Mr. Albert Nein attended the ork for t+'ngland,' thole future shooting match at Exeter on 'Theirs -I- , Miss .Hazel Brownii:ig le:f clay. 'Toronto Wednesday where s1 Mr. and 112rs John Roeszler were visit fele sometime, 1 enuine ellin 4. ut. ale the guests of 1V.lr and Mrs. Ezra Heist I '•Ir, and Mrs J Baeelni,w on Thursday last. j children who spent the Masses Aaron and Wes. Wein, who !around Here left . for their sten have been cuttin •wood for )kir. Joseph +the, West ou'Friday last, Wilds, have finished the job on Wed- Mrs. E. Christie jr., ie vel', nesday. witn her parents' Mee and Mrs. Mr. Herbert Wein of Exeter, St. Catharines, visited Mr. Thomas Roeszler on Sun - clay. Messrs Albert and Ezra Wein are busy cutting wood for Thos. Clark of Sharon. Mr. John \Vein lost a valuable rare on Friday night last, she being Sask., after spending the winte Rev. R. Hobbs is still confi his bed and continues very Miss Edith Mellor retuned' last week after spending a i visiting in Toronto and ether Mr. Amoy left Tuesday for •(7i kicked from another horse and had her leg broken, which could not be fixed. Mr. John Smith, who has been visiting in and around Pigeon, Mieh., returned home on Tuesday 'les 'eturned Noma on Wednesday last. Mr. '\Vcs. Wein spent Sunday even - g jest north of the village. GRAND BEND ghee Bu sonbery and Waiter were in Medford on business esday. alter Statton had a successful bee on Friday. 'victor 1\IcGretta is the of Mr. Ware Oliver for a week. his brother Mr.- Mcss Anse; other relatives here. Miss Idella Schwartz, who hies; in London for the past few : i. SHARON MMlr. Michael Finkbeiner, jr., -who has been on the sick list of late is now ou the mend. Mr. Joseph Amy who underwent an operation in the hospital its Lon- don arrived house on Friday last. •dcl,' ltc `.i.. 1, r 1.1 m '� ?11i:'-ed1s1 -.;_ ., and Minnie Miss Teresa Hagan, of Blase on Tnesday for Chatham. Withal., tention of entering the conwen0 aratory to becoming a nun Mr. Frank Coates has an brood of chicken. Two weeks nM was surprised to find a hunch e little fellows running arotind'at they are all doing well... The vote on church in the, dine Methodist church was'p's For 227; against, 11. The v church union in the ICincardin bytel'ian church resulted in a 'w 184 in favor and 154. against The vote on church uninon �R rnondville Presbyterian ehu_ salted as follows:—Members ion, 205; against, 19; Adhere' 84; against. 5. There are Still: to vote whose votes will bo .ra next Sabbath, The report that the clinrcln' Hensel]. had voted against union is erroneous, as 'oZee cent. of, the Metllodl ts; vo itbly . • I. ger ,4 0 1' 01' st be SO. lJays Eve ythinmust go, as 1 have decided' to give up busi cess i Dashwood and am off- ; ering my Big Stock of Dry Goods, .Ready -Made Clothing ' Millinery, Hats and Caps, Crockery and Glassware at greatly reduced Prices. Fol- lowing is a list of the many articles you will ;Lind in our store and which have been reduced. in price. Dry Goods Dress.G000ds, Dress Linings, Dress Trimmings. Dress Prints, Dress Ging Bines, Dress Muslins, Silks and Satins Shirtings, Cottonede Denmes, Tick- d7.ge, Flannetettes, Wrspperette, Art Sateen; Art muslins; Cretonnes, Apron Gingham, Skirting, metallic sprinted Sateen, Brown Holland, Table Linnen Table Oil Cloth, Grey Cotton, Bleach- ed ..Cotton, Pillows Cotton, Cotton keeling,. Wool ,Sheet:Me, 'eten's Snit. V Circt1 tj We want to inorease the Subscription List of our three papers,. T Herald, Zurich; Pioneer, Dashwood, and Star, Crediton; to 2000, and accomplish this quickly we 'are offering some handsome prizes for the m popular ladies, marriecl or single. It will pay you to °rget'busy.” Someo is going to get a handsome $800.00 piano, )sets i10 be in . Mre'Cilarnet 1 t spent Sunday the. calf, 1 Heifer suilpeeed to ile in calf; 2 gn et of 17i. and Mrs, Albert Brown. steers rising 2 years olds; 1 heifer 'Miss \e'llie Amy, of Lxeter spent rising 1 years old; 1 yearling heifer. 15uiiday with her parents. FOWL ---•About 100 hens. HOGS --3 pigs 0 months old; 1 .EXETER 1 brood sow. Mr. It. 5eldon and Mr. Berry are IMPLEMENTS—Massey Harris e pending a few days with Mr. and binder, plower, hay rake, Noxnn dti11, Harris! Richard Seld•1u. disc harrow, set iron harrow:, roller, Miss Carrie Der has accepted a 2 walking plows, lumber Wagon, top position in the millinery department buggy, road cart, bob sleighs, cutter, of Gordon & Orr, Stratford. fanning mill, hay rack, 2 set double Mrs. AV. 1). Clarke is visiting harness, 1 set double light harness, frientln in London. 1 set single harness, a quantity" of • Mr. Jas. Walters left this Week on lumber, a tjnautity Of .hay, 2 cider a business trip to .Hamilton, Toronto barrels..3 water barrels, chains, forks, and Sault St. Marc. shovels and other articles too num. erous to mention. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Spinn- ing wheel, churn, cal tire, tables, cook prior to leaving for their new home stove and other articles. at the Sao, wl.lere Mr. Snaith has TERMS—All sums of $5 and under opened a Geneve' store. cash; over that unmet' 10 months The several Milliners of town have 1 ill t1 irl S '•, a e11 • ,r c the from '� 1]al 1 ii 1 a rc.tt r opening sin r 11 1 giver] ala ftll'nlSlllllg, credit will be €, 'approved joint notes, 4 per cent. per Toronto, and prelim basy preparing • arnIli]n off for cash. - the dainty lead goer far the coaling "Eri1.' I3ossenberry, Auctioneer,,Ilavier. season ,peoprictele Word was receivedreceivedhere last -week lleye r, • of the death in Winnipeg of a forager resident of Exeter, Mr. John Renton S .L .OTIOE ':` W}are with his brother llr. Geo. Manton Of F'nrnl ;ern ;it, lrnplenlent e and of Brantford, condnctea a general • Household I• t'ii:et:a Mr. 14b1. 13ossen- store hnsines hero about twenty-five berry has boon instructed to sell by years ago. lIrs, Renton is very Public Auction on L. 11. 1-4 guile serio115]'y ill. • north of..Grn,nrl • Bend .on • Friday, • Mr. and Mrs, J. Gould were in March filth, 1912, nt: on' d,'c''loek„. London last week mi business, iaeleorr Rexene, Proprietor, EdT • "1 rs. Clarence Smith and child of Ingersoll, are visiting the 'formers; parents Mr. and Mrs. John Suc!11 Cho Presbytery of Lot/ hold a:- speeial adjourned in the First Church, Lo �It Tuesday, March 19; to cane ter dispose of the cull from Ba lac:,sic! the presbytery of Run rel v. Hall Woods, of Alma Street ejbei !,est, St. Thomas. It is likely M. Ateds will likely accept the eall. 11 A. H. Xing, who has been statiol> agent at 'Jensen for about eight years has been appointed to a' sirniliaar position at Ingersoll and leaves ;in 1- couple of days to assume his inew duties. Abe Case, who has ',ecen G. T. R. agent at Denfield, has den 'appointed station agent herr 'incl' assumes his duties in a day c 1 Iso learned railroading when T: �l.l' old was agent. Induction --The induction of rev.. David Ritchie into Cromarty and Roy's congregations will take l,ln'�,e f the. Presbyterian church Crena sty, on Tuesday, 12th of March, it 2, o' r : t. clock Ml. in. After the, cc,rc'rriOlTw tc:a will be served in MrCullnngh's 11x11 from 5 to 8 o'clook, when. a good:A:0)- gram will be 'given in the e tires', consisting of addresses and singing kir* the Stratford quartette end- oth, rr;. A most enjoyable time is expe'ct'ed. First Prize 4i Beautiful Mendelssolln Piano II. Wells, Agent, Zurich. See it at his store. Second Prize Ladies' Fur... pined Coat p eten's Youths' and o•s Youtllra' and and Days' Ovcrcoa s Mkt" and Boys' Pea Jackets, :men's Coats, Ladies Rain Coats, 't'eat's Overalls, Odd ]?ants. Fine Shirts, Work Shirts, Underwear Vests, Boys' Overalls, Fine Shirts, Work Shirts, Ladies' Shirts waits, Wrappers, Cnderwear, Gowns. The vote for the cldnrelh union iar the Presbyterian church z.tt J'.n shill and its associate cletrg e of 11r c rendes ray resulted as i:,llo s--I•'or a niOn; 8 elders, 177 oonnitiinieaii.te ,rdk 2 adherents. Against iu1101'i, no Mere; The Misses Armstrong; loft Monday, 40 communicants and 11 tulbeft1rlta. Besssenberry Ancticnheet. for Lllcknow to resume work in the r For the halls of union the vote syr+7c> 1, 4, millinery 1 8 elders, 161 communicants Oar{ '81 1 � •tits, :'1<r�ainst the baj,is oyw ,the \C, T, Vance of Luria eye is Tin a� Note was 41 communiosntsand It ales"'. : .ion, Condition. nl. hi>; horuo. While.; , l.hc 'Dress watt' idt� _fz1:w•5t' u1, Carpets and Rugs, Wall Papers. • sect is Restorer for1 adhere, „ phospp'rt flo restores every nerve in the body to its pruner tctaaslon;restores ;1' bele]lt.... Yin and vitality. Premature der•.rc ,end all sexual crit ill hie b11S11 working; he was sad- •227against Weakness averted at once Vltosp7bomoll will the union wet` and against it Emla ca r t i t I l t t1 with p•ai tlw•s;tt; � • Meir Lace Curtains, Laces and Insertion Embroideries, Embroidery Insert. Rushing, Belting, Ladies' belts Gloves, Ribbons, Corsets, A full stock of millinery, men's Hats and Caps, Collars and Ties. Crockery and Glassware Dinner Sets, Chamber Sete, Table Sets, 'Water Sets, Odd Cups and Saucers, Odd Plates all sizes, Scollops 13owls, Pleaders, milk Sete, Jardiniere, . rs, Pdt .ho r "�)7L'iv 'Will SC11,6 money bij baying , 7'x112 us damn. ale. Ou7' p7'ices have ?)CC71. ''CCTV C(Cl 7..71 Order to r=7c(1P erreryi 1i' t, out CZui'- i.11,y t71i. (JO day sale. Com to us and save '11 f7fl efj. make yyou a new maw. Proses a re'±w, nr evn t, t c!li e i i < .en i' , . . O. flailed to an,,a l'i'es. �i.'itesc.`oJ'onl Drug" , rife 111111 :was i'i tw l e0l'11' iiiitl.iS: i,,etu ettAlata,toga .oat. While Mr, E M.Brokensbire and rage lntniiin • wide ona,lf tar ��r,,rst --~ :Mies Theo 1.1 rrtlieb of .1)ashwood,'f7ros in history offilo - o:vl, whin,` the efts'' three weeksballoting on the were cld3w`Mngtilrto 1?set<t'recce itly they fine block of three st,n'ee,-inii6air its question of C'hT'i li Helen, the l(1,11 I were overtaLn be ri 1unauwvay team' ' thel3eaver Tiled: Was couplet 1 ,iris. i Before thee knew i t the' '" tealll was tro otl. The Erre sw a 1 rTotic;r �l 5 t>ri,ly of the vclfs, irl.l,uwc..neww Presdtterialal '.troy ed. c• -fames:— ., oe 1 lli.rn up i11 tlltsttl, blit luckily they. esearl,ed • baeoa1; t,wo''';hies~ olid thw' ,darn 'C4'i s Church e: (eel a.,roe }t wits' little damage. Tho clothes of : ,• • , r b e i`rit altwva ohri o. 7s6yis, 98; Against union, 11:1; Araj.,tit a,, gleed l g, Miss i tsrtlieb wr''rt' 'gamy torn, while 1 The firemen weee 111 cnply.' c+1l tto andbeforew~ry r car t 0.4 al'a 11t Irlretr.hate 1cclwc1 severalisoer© ,still, The Gutterwas smashed t (0'p: el for steepens of eyattal 1, is so wir;ernb1y, i playiiig on the flames. The tarp 10A The n)a.'r'age ary;tTi. s 'Mal el 5ai Kenn 1,10: 1 411011 greet lloactway't1 k" 1, il i lien 1 t. 5:.(,- . _ " . re' alt t' : ti llc et. 1 ainst union, 113, The vote we110 not 11 large 011e, RS only a.hmit 1irr,lf til tneinbers of the clmrch expressed all 'opinion an t11e. ,rttliject. No 'Coupons given, and Part- ies holding . Due hills must trade them out during this sale Cass. or Trade Siebert & Co.. . c.-1 INS' D,.ONT ew illi , Drop- '? ear S'e Machine 5ce it at I'.'Ielsnac's furniture store, Dashwood, Fourth Prize Ladies' Gold Watch Fifth Prize Set best Plated Knives and Forks. .th and 5th prizes, See at F. W. Bess Jewclery store, Zurich, 1! OW LADIES, "GET BUSY" Subscription Values New Subscriptions 1 000 votes Renewal 500 votes Arrears for each year 200 votes rr ' Standing of candidates up to Saturday ewc.rdtu�, of each wweek will be lisped the following week ie t• eeesa t t ,aeeee teeaa i• d••t!"tee-i .t.ye i ee ee a •. tee 4. ee a et e.en' gree h e.e.- 4 tntin6 Goupon i IVotefor As the most Popular Lady Amount Paid 4, a. • • ; 4. New Subscription Votes Renewal Votes Arrears. . . Votes •'r' x,-.,a._,.rc'x ^^'•..'-..arc:-zae�src-.x�.:axar.:v._,:.._. Sent by Maros . „�. -Name oFpaper satdacribet for, ... ......... „• . t1••t'•tr•t•++l•4•4•4••'r44•€+4tid ,•%r c•o a 6••r•. •r•3Fxc•§•+4. •Aya:;•;..;rwiee •a• 4. The Ileraid Office Zurich3 Te, Dees, Oredivon,.