HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-03-15, Page 3et .t- th r; Iw a,d s JA [AILS FIE MANY CAUSES "TWO THOUSAND KILLED BY A TARANTULA. Many T'ire's, Wrecks and Explosions Due to Nice and In- sects.•, Only a, week or two back the an- cient Swan Hotel at Ipswich was destroyed by a fire, which origi- nated through rats gnawing lucifer- matches. The `sudden appearance of a hilarious mouse among the oc- cupants of the gallery of the Vic- toria Theatre, Westminster, in 1858, started a panic which restated in the, death of fifteen people, says London Answers. A few mischiev- ous lads dug a "brigand's cave" at the base of the big dam which ,con- fined the waters of the South Fork reservoir above Johnstown, Penn- sylvania, and so weakened it• that the entire massive structure gave way, and six thousand persons were drowned. A mongrel cur strayed on to the St. Leger course some years ago, just as the • field swept by. Seven horses came down in aheap, and of rishe jockeys who were riding them, five, were hurt—three seriously. A restive cow kicked over a paraffin - lamp in. Chicago en the evening of ;:October 7th, 1871. The resultant e tplos:on started a conflagration "Which DESTROYED THE CITY. 'To win a bet of five cents, a little ',Pit -lad, employed at the Ferndale > "Colliery, in the Rhondda Valley, picked the lock of his safety -lamp with an ordinary hairpin. He him- self, together with nearly two hun- • died of his mates. perished in the explosion which followed. At Shoeburyness, some fifteen years ago, Colonel Francis Lyon in- vented a new kind of sensitive fuse for big -calibre ,shells, and invited a number of gunnery experts to be present at the, trials. Unfortunate- ly; on the night prior to the day on which the experiments were to be made he lacked -up a number of the fuses in a sherd in which were some fowls. The chickens started scratch- ing, as is their wont, and the dust flew up and settled 031 the threads of the .screws of the. fuses. When, next morning, an unfortunate gun .atter ed, to .:t pia iv shell, RINGING THRONE BONAVENTUI►E CO. `son BURROWING RAS ITS.., weakened the foundations of a 11 chimney at Cleckheaton, York - ire, that it fell, crushing to death 1/;'Sftecn people. The gambols of a big retriever—some say the playful • antics of two children—sufficed to wreck the West Coast Scotch ex- press last year. A luggage trolley was started, ran down the sloping ,platform, and toppled over on to the Iin•e. in front of the train. A gipsy boy, son of one .of a party of hop -pickers, drank of a Kentish spring while suffering from ty- phoid fever. The spring happened to be one of several from which Maidstone drew its water -supply, aha- a terrible epidemic, causing the deaths of scores of inhabitants, was the result. On the 28th of November, 1875, a meddling "middy," testing a new screwdriver, managed to open a valve in the "Iron Duke." The sea rushed in, and the country was the poorer by $425,000, the sum spent in making good the havoc wrought We also carne within an ace of los- ing our—at that time—biggest bat- tleship. A year or two later the "Esperanza" was cast away on the oast of Chili, through a tiny tod- ler of five meddling with the com- .asses. She had on board ninety - :even souls, and ALL BUT ELEVEN PERISH:C+;:D. mong the saved was 'the innocent au:e a,f the terrible catastrophe.. SPLENDID WORK DODD'S KID- NEY PILLS ARE DOING. Mrs. Norman L. Dow 'fells What .They Have Done for Her -People Talking of Thein on Etery Side. Port Daniel West, Bonaventure Co., Que., Mar. 11 (Special).— Bonaventure County is ringing with the great work done • by Dodd's Kidney Pills, and on every side people are telling their neighbors of aches relieved and ills cured by the great Canadian kidney remedy. To the great mass of evidence already published is now added that of Mrs. Norman L. Dow of this place :— "I can recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills as an excellent remedy for rheumatism and palpitation of the heart," said Mrs, Dow; "After using one box I was greatly bene- fited." Dodd's Kidney Pills cure rheu- matism and palpitation of the heart, because they both come from the same cause—impure blood. Dodd's Kidney Pills make the kid. neys right, and when the kidneys are right they strain all the poison and impurities out of the blood. Cure the kidneys With Dodd's Kidney Pills and you can't have such diseases as rheumatism or pal- pitation of the heart. NO BREAKFAST QUESTION. Old Health Authority Said Eng– lish Climate Required It. Thomas Cogan, in "The Haven of Health," published in. 1583, dis- cusses the no breakfast question at considerable length, "Touching breakfasts, whether or no they are to be used, it may be some ques- tion, because they are not mention- ed in Geier and other ancient au- thors of physicke, neither are they appointed by order of the univer- sities, but only two meals of the day spoken of, which be dinner and supper. But the temperature of this our country is such that I think it good for Englishmen not to be long fasting. Yet some may better bide without than. t'others. Children and young men until they COALS OF FIRE. .A. ;more • or less worthy Scotch ife was remonstrated with by her inister for the habit of making ssaults upon her husband. She xplained that her husbands can- na was not at all that it ought to e. The minister, recommending indness and forgiveness enjoined ler to use her fist and nails no pore, but to "heap coals of fire up 3n his head." "Wed, minister," replied the tow enlightened wife, "since you ae,.I'll try the coals, but I may ell you that two or three kettles ' boiling water hae brocht nae ima rovement ," Britain's National Debt was com- fenced in William III.'s reign, in 93, A HAGGARD STORY.` Mr. Rider Haggard tells a gni story about the premature pub1i+t tion of an obituary notice of hi self. Hearing that a ballet bas on "She" was to be produced-:. Hungary, he wrote asking for pr grammes and photographs. A rep came that the manager was shock( at the request, for he had belielr the illustrious Herr" Author to dead. Long obituaries' had apnea ed in the. Hungarian journals. Mr., 7 SALT AT TOBACCONIST'S, you want to buy salt in Italy must go to a tobacco shop to it ;, for both salt and tobaeeo are Tnment monopolies. In France can buystamps and postcards obacco •shops, which are under •ernment.. jurisdiction there as ,i1. ,..In both countries you can id telegrams at as low a rate as cents for 10 words, and special iveryletters will go for six cents Paris if you remember to write toss your envelope "Pneuma - tine," which niearis that the letter xe shunted through a pneuma ube in no time at all, and deliv almost as soon as a telegram. simple and good rule to remem- r and to follow is to buy nothing the bakingpowder line unless all ingredients are plainly printed itglish on the label. This infer - is stated on every package agic Baking Powder. All Gro - sell it. other --"You' have accepted gorge ?• Why, you know very well t I don't approve of him." tighter—"That's all right, mo- . Neither does he approve of i Mr. ]T. Rider Haggard. Haggard then wrote and asked the. a contradiction might be circulated; but the manager reported that the editors refused to insert it, as theNt-: believed it to be an unscrupulolt attempt to obtain a free advertise- ment for the ballet, SALT RHEUM FOR 6 YEARS Zam-Bulc Ras Cured Him. For over six years Mr. Willie:• H. Birt, of Pisquid, P.E.I., suffere from salt rheum. He says: "Th'e disease attacked my arms and hands, and the fore -finger of my. right hand was the worst. "I was engaged as a blacksmith by the, Bruce Stewart Co., of Chars lottetown, and sometimes ever stroke of the hammer would caul the finger to bleed freely. . I tried various ointments and salves,• and then went to several doctors in a' around Charlottetown. "One medical man, after. treats me for some time said he did ne, think I could ever be cured. Tl yr N' one thing and anotber I `spent c• - come to the age of 35 "may not be $50.00;: and.all. in vain. rs Lceona ffGsf7ii�' .. 'lflah ^ WiFt11 to 49, Mon, 'being . s , i ec . a, t from 50 to 70,, may best of all abr., e fasting, but after 70 years they are to be dieted as children."—London Chronicle. White—"Have you any trouble in making both ends meet?" Green —`.`Not a bit. The end of my money and the end of the week always come at the same time." ShiIoh C� STOPS COUGHS PRICETHE LUNGS . 25 CENTS More than half the persons killed on the railway lines each year are trespassers. If T a cough makes your nigiits sleepless and weary, it will worry you a good deal, and with good cause. To dispel the worry and give yourself rest try Bickle's Anti - Consumptive Syrup. It exerts a soothing influence on the air pas- sages and allays the irritation that leads to inflammation. It will sub- due the most stubborn cough or cold, and eventually eradicate° it from the system, as a trial of it will prove to you. THEIR ONLY USE. "What's the matter with you?" "Got dyspepsia." "Don't you enjoy your meals?" "Enjoy my meals?" snorted the indignant dyspeptic. "My meals are merely guide posts to take me- dicine before or after." ISSUE 11-12 ecicicd'to.try' me a' lot' of good, the finger showed traces of hea1itt so I kept up the Zam=Buk ; treat meat, and a few boxes worked "ail cure,'` Reader, if you have any skin dtis-^ ease, out, burn, cold sore or skin;' injury, try Zam-Buk. It, is, abso- lutely unique as a healer: Drug- gists and stores everywhere at 50e box, or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. He—"Do you know that you are looking me through and through?'.' She—"What an idea ! I was gazin into space." aril's Liniment Co., Limited, flnve. used MINARD'S LINIMENT for roup; found nothing eaual to it; sure re. CHAS. E. SHARP. shaw, N.' B., Sept. 1st, 1905. choolmaster—Now, Hugh, what you doing. Learning some - g? Hugh—No, sir. I'm listen - to you. o Oil for All Men.—The sailor, soldier, the fisherman. the lum- man, the out -door laborer and who are exposed to injury and elements will find in Dr teas' Eelectric Oil a true and hful friend. To ease pain, re - e colds, dress wounds, subdue abago and overcome rheumatism, as no equal. Therefore, it d have a place in all home trines and those taken on a • Faultless in Preparation.—Unlike any other stomach regulator, Par -- melee's Vegetable Pills are the re- sult of long study of vegetable com pounds calculated to stimulate the stomachic functions and maintain them at the normal condition. Years of use have proved their faultless character and established their ex- oellent reputation. And this repu- tation they have maintained for years and will continue to main- tain, for these pills must always stand at the head of the list of standard preparations. READING BY SHARK -LIGHT. Since deep-sea dredging began, more than six hundred species of deep-sea fishes have been discov- ered, all of a more or less wonder- ful nature; but it is very rarely that large fishes are taken. The net on the, bottom, dragged along by a wire three or four miles long, Catches only the very sluggish forms; the large and active animals dart away and escape as the strange objept'comes bumping along over the . bottom, ` or ploughing through the ooze. Off the .coast of Scotland a curious ribbon -fish, with a length of more than forty feet, hasbeen caught—a beautiful crea- ture, of satin texture, with scarlet fins, That this fish comes from the deep sea is almost positive. While the larger creatures of the deep sea, are not well known, the eonditiona in which they live are well under- stood. The tee;all-bed has been reached with a net in about six miles of water, and that there are valleys and depressions of 'greater depth may well be imagined, MInard'a LInlrent Curtis turns, >t8. Cy. lx I e past forty years the pop'ii;- ti Ti df France has only increased ee and a half millions. ins coRED IN a TO 14 DAYS. lar 41'tt st will refund money if PAZO OINT .:N'i;ifi•, to cure any case of Itching, Blind loedin;'5r Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. Doc Newfoundland is the old British Colony, and was discovered by Jahn Cabot in 1497. 41Inartra Liniment for sale everywh`-e. if you "don't know, say so. It's a of strength to acknowledge :.4'ur weakness. Ignorance is trans - ,rent ---you can't hide behind it. Own up before you are shown up. Then Your Eyes Need Care i y Murine Eye Remedy. No Smarting—Peels %tory gyesRand Granulatet df oEyelids. pIllus. t..ted Book in each Package. Murine is Compounded by our Oculists—not a "Patent Med- icine" but -used in successful Physicians' Frac- til kr many years. Now dedicated to the Pub- lie�and sold by Druggists at 25o and hoc per Bottle. ytvrino : Bye Salvo to Aseptic Tubes, Mc and bee. 11riur1110 Eye Ramet1y Co., Chicago A ship called the Seal, built in 1810 at ;Southampton, England, is still inuse, and will shortly sail from Bideford, Devon, to Durban, South Africa, a distance of six thousand miles. For regulating the bowels, invigorating the kidneys and stirring up the lazy liver Disc Morse's Iridian &� of Pills leave proved for over half , a century, in every quarter of the world, absolutely safe sinal'most effective. 25e. a box everywhere. 27 M1: We will pay choice heavy delivered r .V;,ll luAYn^f•WV'n,nfJ.r cents for live hens Montreal. The Harris Abattoir Co., Ltd. Bonsecours Market, - MONTREAL Send for our cafalogue of Or cr.% tli ly -Grade OLLO With over iso Illustrations and Valuable CULTURAL DIRECTIONS Fret for the Asking DUPUY ec. FERGUSON 38 Jacques Cartier Square, MONTRE Cwruu of Shingle adEcz l -ARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. H. W. DAWSON, ninety Colborne Street, Toronto, TUND:RED ACRES — COUNTY OF Halton, that is a snap. As:c for particulars. EVERAL GOOD FARIIS IN PRIeta Edward County, cheap. Mr. 3. H. Jarvis nliings a By Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Chest Raw, Bleeding and Itchy. "I just want to say a good word for Cut!. cura Soap and Ointment. In November, 1909, I bad what the doctors calif,shingles and eczema. My chest was raw an,'-.9eeding and Itchy. I was that way all winter. It was not so bad in the summer. In September it got worse I had fp best doctors tr : `ng t. go worse again. Isent cake of Cuticura Soap. ou sent it to me and I got a box of Cuticura Ointment. I have used two boxes and on the third one it has cured me of ebingies and eczema. 9 am de- lighted with them and do feel pleased to think 9 have something I have confidence in. Should anyone be suffering as I did, I hope that they will do as I did, and I am sure of the results. 9 am recommending them from experience." (Signed) J. H. Jarvis, 7 Ann St., Kingston, Ont.. May 30, 1911. For more than a generation Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment have afforded the speediest and most economical treatment for itching, burning, scaly and bleeding skin and scat humors, of young and old. A single set is often sufficient. Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment are sold throughout the world, but to those who have suffered much, lost hope and are without faith in any treatment, a liberal sample of each with 32-p. booklet on the skin will be mailed free, on application. Address Potter Corp..sa6l Columbus Btin, U. 8.A.. Park. 527, Toronto. 9 M. ACRES—HALF MILE FROM LON- wd don; two story brick house; frame bank barn. stone foundation, land borders cc) River Thames. Abundance of splen- did spring water. Price forty-five hun- dred dollars for quick sale. Immediate eon;t; •osnot; ralac, same cal. ;flop possession. The Western Real Estate, London. MALE HELP WANTED. jl�T AKE MONEY AT HOME—EITHER 1YJL sex; experience unnecessary; won- derful success; don't hesitate. Send stamped addressed envelope for particu- lars. The "Quit" Co., 411-2 East Queen, Toronto. CE1.1.ANEOUS. "Dead" letters in Australia to- talled 2,573,351 last year. Minard's Liniment cures Dandruff. In 1911 the number of British ships built was 1,492, with a ton- nage of 2,092,884. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE, BROW Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. U. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 21e. Over twelve million square miles are embraced by the British Em- R 1 ANC I�u ,6i1 S: ote.- dlJ ternal and' external, cured, 'without!' pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co. Limited. Coll iue•wood. Ont. is TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson s lB Scale Works, 9 Esplanade. Toronto. 6 1 OOD POSITIONS WAIPING FOR �17f young men as Telegraphers, Station Agents, Freight and Ticket Clerks, We qualify for any Canadian railway. Regu- lar railway books and forms in school. Free Book 18 explains. Dominion School Telegraphy, Toronto. D� EING ! CLEANING For the very best, send your work to the "BRITISH AMERICAN DYING G0." Look for agent in your town, or send direct. Montreal„ Toronto. Ottawa. 'Quebec PURIFIGO CURES GANGER AND TUMOR Canadian Branoli; Purifier' Co., Crldgeburg, Ont. WRITE Fon PROOF WET BETTER LIGHT From COAL AIL (Kerosene) Recent tests by Prof,ticR orgow,bteG ill Un! verslty,Montreal, on leading cilantro Int: lamps show the Aladdln ffiaatl?Lam givos over twice ns much light as the Rayo and other lamps tested, and burns less than one-haltas much on. 1t Is odorless, sato, clean, noiseless. Better light than gas or elec- trle. Pally guaranteed. Oar burners tit your old lamps. Ashler Catalog 11, learn how to get ' ORE LAP or BURNER FREE : AGItNPS, Bali sold over 1000 en money bacligu,irantee;notouaroturned. nrnncr pure. i I Many mothers have reason to bless Mother Graves' Worm Exter-i minator, because it has relieved the' little ones of suffering and made then healthy. l There are over thirty women practising law in. Paris. Impurities of the Blood Counter acted. ---impurities in the blood come from defects in the action of the liver. They are revealed by pimples and unsightly blotches on the skin. They must be treated in- wardly, and for this purpose there is no more effective compound to be used than Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. They act directly on the liver and by setting up healthy pro- cesses have a beneficial effect upon the blood, so that impurities are eliminated. The sand of the Sahara is 40 feet deep. Whether the corn be of old or new growth, it must yield to Hol- loway's Corn Cure, the simplest and best cure offered to the public. sold e400 in lD days. Ask for liberal agency RIASI'r 0 tz,A,u CU ores,. Ines 19L,ttaddlq id u.; t • s biontr+�+'.tl Rtk,w i E1T External application for man or beast. Everyone knows of the wonderful qualities in the oil of the STURGEON for sprains, lameness, etc. Dr. Dow's formula has it in its best form. For Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Swellings, etc., it cannot be equalled. Try it once end you will be satisfied. Price 25 cents. ASK YOUR DEALER. HE SELLS IT. ' ht+. Brayley Drug Co., Ltd., Sole Props. St. John N. 13.