HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-03-15, Page 1and Hay Towitship,2
Aba 10 collie and; stv our'neiv sFoods for A
Spring. Our storeisl filled to 07T171071'i1lg
With Relit ,100CIS Of all descriptions, ready
for 71(?117:1713/)ect7rms. ire take much plea.
SUPP in Invilinsi the lad to mil and look. A
over our stock.
See our leather horee collare,
$2.00 each, at .13art1e3b's.
Did you see nur team likeness
with collars for $2.6.00. They eell.
like hot cakes, at Hartleib'e,
Mrs, E. Rennie and Mrs. TB.
Kelly of Hensall were visitore in
town, on Tuesday.
Ibis not too late to enter your
fovorite in our prize contest. D
it now,
Mr. Henry Neeb's yolrfl
been quite ill for a few dayw end is
under medical treatment.
Mrs. J. Jantzi of Baden, is visit-
ing her parents Mx and Mrs. John
Gesell°, on the Bronson Line.
Nir Deer or Blythe is,
visiting at the home of Mr, Jacob
Gellman. '
Mrs. J. WitmbortS'nf Dashwood.,
anderwer.t an operdeion onSa.tur.
day at the hands of Dr. Wishart
of London.
Miss Obera:Urstadt of Elmwood -
is visiting at the home of Mr,
Moses Geiger Bronson. Line thi
Miss Ella Link of Orediton
arrived here on Monday evertin
to take charge of Mr. J. Preeter'
millinery department.
idr. John Geiger and. family in
tend moving. to Pigeon Mich.,
shortly. Mr. Geiger's sale evil
take plaoe on the 22nd..
Have a look at the figures in OU
prize contest. The vote up to
Saturday evening last will be fonnd•
on page 4.
Rev Mr. Grenzebach of •-Dash.,
wood is assisting the pastor of the,
Evangelical ohiar oh , in his speciat
serviees this week.
Ur. 1reiBrown andeister'Ael-
'rediton. ajul Mlr• •
R., I 5 I 9 I 2.
ede-dleSkill glove. Own.
at nee HERALD oface.
SA LE. --Splendid NOWCOM-
1,10. neerly new. Apply at
0 1.Nfies file, Sipple, Zurich,
. Salina Beaver of the 14th
ho pout a fortnight with
e in Barite, is expected hbnie
this NT, eek,
s Minnie Reuber of Miidmay,
es been visitieg with Rev.
irs G. F. Brown foe fe num-
1! days, returned home .on
ay. ,
tion Sale of Farm Stuck and
melds on Lot Con. 12,Stau1ey
1, lay :1,1(6 eh'29th. E. BOSSall-
AM! (a INT, Robert Boyle, pro-
Ezra .11oehler- and. Mara, Ken-
er ;quietly married on March
the' Bair G. Brown. They
no thee morning teiiin from
ell to Tavistoek, New Hani.
other points EaSZ.
en yoa have rheumatism in
foot or instep apply Chamber.
uniment and you will get
'elle. It costs btit a quarter
ieffer? For sale by All Deal
. T. Holthes, Canadian limn-
leagent at St. Paul, Minn. and
`IY of Clinton, died at his home
aul, lea, week after an illness
ing over two months.
-.Amp freak of nature is little
ar-eld Mary Sullivan, the
.Derbyshire couple. who was
taken to the
al for an °perm itin. Dorn
!.. toms andwith one leg deform-
.. ; able to do with her fee,,t
hinge- Ordieary people do with
ands. She cen brush her hair,
iate. and embreee her dolls.
years old, Alre„
nith, the bride .of
V 11,W,
.New Prints •
New Silks
New Trimmings
New Muslins
New wall Papers
New Carpets
New, Rugs ,
14.0.T Curtains .,
New. Laces
• Now Embroideries
Our Dress Goods Department is keeping to
the front with a. complete stock of itli th0 latest
and best in Spring Dress Goods, Trimmings etc.
Peerless Fencing
. .• ...We have • receive(l a carldad -of the Pe.erleos
. Woven Fencing all_ English Galvanized. Will .
-.' stand any acid test. _ We have handled this fen- •
ding for years and it has given entire satisfaction.
Put up in 20, 30 and 50 rod. rolls. Also coil spr-
ing tire, Barb wire, Brace wire, 'Weaving wire.
S -W Paints
• .A...entq for tbe celebytted S IV • Paints and
, „:, . . . ... : , .. S. , . ,
_ Vanisbes- A Paint for .aveur
ry ppo. ) covers
inoSt _ancl wears longest. Try a can of .•tair linolH
• einn varnish itwill preserve yQua, carpets.
-Maple Syrup Supplies
Headquarbers for Sap, Pails, Sap Pans, Spiles,
Angers etc.i:
Etc„, . •
elephoue 9
We can compete ee ith any oat..t.
Jogue house ,in our linee. . Bring
your catalogues 'along and also the
cash. We will do thp rest,. cash i'
king, at Hartleib's.
Auction sale of farm stock an
implements on lot 21, Con 12,
mile West of Zurich on Friday,
March ehid. E. Bossenberry elect.
John Geiger, prop.
Auction sale of Farm Stook and
She:Was dive
Andrew* Luther, with
ou has twiee gone through the
-40,ge peremony, T,he first time
and :Luther plighted their troth
4.4.-t11e aid of the girl's mother,
Hoover, who assisted
thin in obtaining the marniage
licinsee Tbe girl Was then only 14.
Afterthe couple had lived together a
yierr it was discovered that the man
liacillertormed the mai liege eere-
Implements on Lot 23, Con. 13, Hay,
Mony-was not a minister, as lei had
on Wednesday March. 2,7th. 13, Brie-
elarined to be, and they separated.
seamy, auctioneer, Moses Geiger,
proprietor. 1. k cirealar letter from the Depart-
Anotion Sale of farm stock and nicht OF Edecation is in part as foll-
implements on Thursday March owe----` About 1100 legally qualified
21st, on lot 3 Oon 13 Stanley, 1 ,`Pitlilideebool teachos will grielnate
mile north of Blake. E. Bossen. 'efrothethe Normal Schools and Facul-
lierry auctioneer, David Beattie teeie4
Rail -cation at the end of the
P1 oprietor, _ current soisions. Of these aliont 200
Interest in our piano conteet isieeeeeneing second eleee certificates,
growing, elthough we ba .e no- et .1
AViinat Least one yea1's. mpg hinee,
eandelate in Orediten and none in j.wift bc
available immediately lifter
Stanley Township. 'Stanley ,alono .Il
04 The remaniing 900, holding
iirst and -second class certificates, will
if, available after midsummer.
e.1 the 1100 have pledged to each h
outario for at least the first veer of
their tenching extierligice and 'dealer
dui regulations are entirliel to a pre-
ference over teachers with lower quitl-
en's an
:au•her redtto
TheseRebbers are h11 the ver'y best No. 1 simk aud griaraeteed
do not care to carry then over till next winterfor' you . are 11 uwtre
Rubber being carried over will not keeP good for next winter,
„3iens C Lizch Leather Top Rubbers
d-i1e7L79 J Lace Rubbers
• Buckle.itubrs
„:11.-fws I 'Buckle Rubber
Boys2 Buckle Rubber
We invite you to call and examine these Rulihere and getlew'eash prices.
We do Repairing Butter and eg taken in exchange
is good for a count of a hundred
thousand Votes, if, thoroughly
O. Hartleib received the Sad
news from Port Elgin of the death
of his brother Christian, at the
age of (12 yeers, los wife preceded
him some ten ,vedrs ago fie leaves
to nentrn his loss, one son and two eleaefene,
daughters all grown up.
The Zurich Bowling Olth are
melting arrangements to have the
play "That Rascal Fat" produced
in the Town Hell on Monday, April ever,her: stmennebed to -an opera,
8th. This play has been produced tree which was performed on her
evith great suecess mn Heneale Exe.. at Et, Joeeph's Hospital, London,
ter, and other surroending towns thii 0,0 previons It bad not been
and/net with much faent. tfene'l.-4elly known that she was at
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kebn of Ber thi:i.',11ofeeital, although it bad been
lin, were the griestS of Mr a.na thop:Sht for some tune that an
Mrs Jacob Brown over eeled8.3,. 011,,torl whoulealthd be ecessary to
res her , nThe deceased,
Wanted at Once
A man with SO= experienee in
Horticulture to handle our trade in
Splendid opening and permanent
position for the right party. Write.
for full particulars and state ee.per-
Stone 8z Wellington
Fonthill Nnrseries, Established 1897
Toronto, Ontario.
r/eittit of Mrs Ehiberer—It was
a olive shock to (111 in this emninn
nit' when it WitS learned en Friday
cri•oning luet that Mrs. Jaen') Bab ou
• The naw Flr
Feed and Grocery
Corn, nlsoa supp ,oses.
Purity and Royal Hansehold 'Flours,
Feed Flour, Shorts and Bran at close
prices. •
All kinds of Grain bought, and ex-
Ion are Ifrobably aware that
pn.inmonia always results from a.
, but yon neer heard of a cold
resniting in pneeinonitt when
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was
ivied. Why take the risk when
this remedy 113113! be had for
trifle? For sale by all dealers,
Good sawed pine frame, suitable
for a barn or straw shed. The.
Mime is ;luxe° feet; 18 foot posts,
also a lot of sheeting and siding,
Also about 30,00u good slop brick,
stone in foundation etc. The build-
ing is known as the Zurich Tan-
nery and will be sold reasonable
for early removal. •
. '
T n Decher El, •
Louis Jeffrey
Mr, Kehn went to London on Mee.
day where he is superintending •the °1' "IS n the 5 1st year of her
0814 Presbyterian church, which 1,fee eved linehund and children all
wws. in the ' • ' w - -
lee - ill 10' reatly missed by leer
ork of putting in the pe
greatly attached to
to he formally ope.nen beet, stemeee "f , tom were
.lieekeand her kindly disposition
The special meeting in the sehoel ma p;lier 0, host of personal friends
house. on .Satiirday wee well al. in ltie section who deeply • 111 011441
IC tended there 'being ever -40 preset* .••liee rintimely end. The funeral
k( The meeting was presided over by'toe* place on Tuesday afternoon
F. 'I3e0 •Sr,, while ltl Zeller acteil i'reiM .1ter la te home at the • Blind.
as setteetary. ' The repert et arebi SAO:And was a very large one.
tect McBride of ..lebndori wits reikl itlin,,,linternient took • niece in St•
and ii.iter eonsiderublenlismiseionHt ',P.6' •kl§:. Lutheran Cemetery, the
Dwelling house and stable and
one-fiftli of an acre of land at the
North end of town Also abeent 11
acres of land West pat t •of pr•ewrty
reeently owned by Conrad Thiel
to Henry
For particulars apply
Bauer hr.. Zurich.
was Xecideed 10 bnild aflaW sclie;b1
1,orre4 rather tii.ab spend money (1171 (15'
th 0 IVeSetit structure.. in „reeee
This is a good;'0ove as the
building is considered. not only
unsafe but ot t of date • for present
reqoirements. The new buildie
bo a four roomed eeite
modern heating, 1 liti a
:13**1 rig pert ormed by Rev. 0
aSe pastm. of the church of
vdeneesed was an active mem
asides a family of six • SODS.
daughters she leaves to
0 tier toss, her husband, one
.1- Mr. Peter peicbert, and a
t A lrawerd Da t ere . WS.
Neeteoliwa,04 wit° dee: re
Dr. J. L. 'Wilson's am -quite iire
in the hands of The 'elolsone I3ank.
All parties indebted to him will
please call and. arrange payment.
To m premises at Si. Joseph on
Weilnesday morning the 7th hist, a
hey driving horse Owner Ill!ry have
stinie.hy proving property end
ing expenses Prank Jeffrey.
For two weeks we will offer Gentle-
inens' Solid Gold Signet rings at very
Special Prices. See that you got one.
Close' Prices fon
Kitchen Clocks
Thoneends of our Watehee• are in
weal ors pockets, and Hundreds of
Clocks on shelves throughout tha
country told each one of them says,—
Wind with care and use me well
And let me have fair play,
And 1 to you will try to tell
The precious rime of day.
Dui, if from cense, chance to stop
And fail to give the hour, ,
just take me to Reifies jeweltery Shen
And he will give ine power.
How About a Violin •
Everything Gmtrenteed.
Jevvehlg - ZURICH
ar New Fail Shoes
We cordially invite the ladies to our grand display of Fall Shoes. \V-
ere showing a large range in Gun Metal, Viei Kid and Patent Leather;. with
Velvet Tops, made on the New York puff lasbe the very latest,
Gentlemen's Shoes
'We are orittitters for 'Mee's Pine Shoes, Como in and see the new lasts
in Men's Fall Shoes.
• Mr. Farmer come in, and bit us ta'k to you :0 tit Water Proof Shoes foz.
the wet weather. • '
• Repairing Done NeatlY Promptly.
nie he ,.'.'quartel f ,
A Truuk
Buttuv r1741:(..q,