HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-03-01, Page 56 4 PILES D r.i r's$iipcOiutmi • Mr. Walter Clark, of Creel .1.* ton, is agent for this district is 4• E. D. Smith's well known Nur h sery Stock. At present M. .tom Clark has to offer a full line APPLES, PEARS, PLUM: SES, -and small fruits, als k ORNAMENTALS, ROSES, Etc * Prices and information will 4• be furnished cheerfully, and free of charge. Intending purchas • ers are advised to send iathei st orders at once, while there is a 4. full stock of everything on hand. WALTER CLARK, • Agent, Crete MOISQ.NS' BANK Incorporated 1855 RECORD .OF PROGRESS FOR FIVE YEARS -1900-191 Pine 88 Branches in Canada, Bin l Agent§ aiicLCorrespondents ii all the, P'ri.ncipal Pities in the World. M. 1911 f 1900 a ital . $ 3,000,000 $ 4,000,000 Rese'�V®•. 3,000 000 • ' 4,.600,000 Reserve ' Deposits 23,677,730 35,042,311. 27 457,090 38,854.801 Loansand Investments Total. Assets 38,090,192 48,237,284 A General. Banking Business Transacted "TS44VINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. interest allowed at highest current rate: Zurich Bran(1i - J. -A• CONSTA-NTINE, Mgr. 4.+++++4444+++4:44++++++++++ 44++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ammal. Sale Our annual Sale of Drygoods, Wallpaper and Crockery is now on and 'will continue to the_end of Feb. Special„ ReductioNs On ail Winter'Wear. Come- and Secure The Bargains.while theylast. R. N. DOUGLAS Geaeral•Merchant, Blake. Farmers That Want THE BEST Call at The Massey - Harris Shop. - Our Machines spea for themselves. We also handle • D A $IW< Mrs. Heyreek. H. Guenther. Mr. Anderson of 41,04"` Sunday, with friends an' f, Miss Beatrice Graybiel Grove sPent`Sunday at het Mr. P. 1VIcIsaao was in Ciediton on Tuesday on b Ed. 13roltenshire Was tui' Saturday. 'l. Mr. Geo. Kellerinanii, Exeter on Friday. Mr. J. Graybiel of zu; Sunday at his home hree Mrs. W. Nadige,r 'tu Becker were in Exeter Se The public school Woe Thursday last on acaci lip storm. Mr. Rnd Mrs. S Af'ar Biiyloil Line spent Sunda visiting friends. Mr. II.Brennerwasic days this week. Rev.. Mr. • Litt, left,:.T his home in Berlin. Don't:forget the sped sale at Siebert & Co Mr. J. Fusken of Bet1ik town Saturday lest. Mrs. Wetzilhas returan extended trip to London ;gin Miss Clara Musser of,Ez. Sunday at her home heie.i Mr. Geo. Edighoffer•„tivas don, Monday on business;, • Messrs E. N. Brolz lie Jonas Hartleib were. in E Wednesday on business. Mr. Frazer Brovn ::of visited Sunday at the home Siebert. BORN MATHERS.= In McGillivary, on Saturday, Feb. 24th to Mr.• and Mrs. J. W. Mathers, e daughter. LAWSON.--In Stephen on Feb. 19th to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawson, a daughter. FINKBEINER,—In Stephen on Wednesday Feb. 23rd to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Finkbeiner,'jr. a dau- ghter. • LAMPORT.—In Stephen on Feb. 23rd to Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Lam- port, a son. DIED LAMPORT.--In Stephen on Feb. 25th the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Lamport, aged 2 days. ENCOURAGEMENT I used to work for a Mr. Knox, a farmer who bad lots of rocks. I left my conch at breakof day and toiled_ until the dusk was gray. And when the evening meal was o'er, I had to do chore after chore, I had to feed a million sows, and milk about a million cows. And never once did Mr. Knox remark to me, "well done, old Sox 1" He never cheered my dismal days by handing out a word of praise, what wonder, then, that in my hire, I set his house and barn on.fire, and swiped a wagon -load of straw, and carried off his mother, in law?- I went to work for Mr.' `Dbria., cnd.i I+loaw. lenla'9.a . xfl nid .,, beans, /Ina Virbei1.'" baffle in'' P'..n 4 my* toil, and plastered o'er.' with sweat and soil, .he ` always had some kindly word ; he called m.e. a 7 loloo, peach, and bird. And so my Jas. Whyte, Agit MASSEY-HARRIS CO ■■ZURICH■■• MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a " full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our • aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make • our own sausages. Give us a call. YONGBi.UT & DEICHERT. Mere we. Tire Jr'ai labor was delight, and though fagged out and worn at night, I trotted blithely out of doors and daily did a million ohores. If all employers only knew how much a word of praise will do, the sullen workmen that we see would do their little stunts with glee.—Walt Mason. Any candidates or our Piano Contest may secure voting blanks at our Zurich and Crediton offices. It will pay the young ladies to do some hard canvassing, and the sooner you get at it the better. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Liniment and bound on to the affected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back or pains in the side or chest give it a trial and d you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it affords. Sold by all dealers. with the finest lot' .of goods • ever shown in. Enrich e7ust received, a large quantity -to please any- body, so drop in and see. • if I cant suit you. Also carry an immense No. of samples to choose from, The special .services Si+l been conducted in the' church during the past.: , closed this week. • A. grea good has been done as 'al these meetings. The Pres Rev. 3. G. Litt assisted on and Tuesday evening oftla • ,a The hone of Mr. : J:; farmer residing in Hu was • completely des; Mr. Ferguson had .go visit his sister,„ and hirci = ac1 later -.. ' . After. an illness sof Miss Annie Casey died" Clandeboye, last' week from inflammatory` which turned to creeping For a number of yearMies ]Casey lived with her brother, Patrick •Mosey; l . about one mile south of Olanc% boy+e. She was in her 47th year 'r A writer in Harpers Weelxit, says that the tallest trees in 'tire would are the Australian eucalyptus, whroll at At our Store you will find many tains an altitude of 480 feetw Thethings suitable for Gifts. Come in biggest are mammothtrees cif Cali' land inspect our stock. We have a fornia, scene of which axe two lain red " bi stook and our prices are very and seventy-six to three ihridt'ed itaj 1 'reasonable. seventy-three feet in lieiglrt,i and orae ^ hundred and eight feet in x ' nsfgr-- Gold and Silver Watches—in Elgin, once at the base. Fxonx aneaaur.e- Swiss and Waltham Movement. ments of the rings it is believed that certain of the trees are from two ,Solid Gold Finder Rinds. thousand to twenty-five ektul'ired , Hand Painted China. years old. The oldest tree in the n ilre—iall dyke.dyke.a. world is said to exist on.tr'he islinia of Ct1t Glass—in yerware—i any pattern. Cos, off the Coast of A'Silt i ox.. It , is several thousand yeats`olde but lust' Watch and Jewelry Repairing --of all how many 110 one has dered 't i say. (. kinds attended to at The tree is carefully preser'.$$d by a. wall of masonry round, at, Ri n;+d the Come and inspect our stock wheth• trunk is thirty feet in cireulnfereuce ,. ex: you buy or not. A reactionary period as C10 1.0,1 dui- I A. call solicited ing the last three days of February. The Mercury, Earth and Me•periode. �1/� �1, combine their disturbing' *0601 at: JAS. this time, calling for prolr Hied. ' and sleet and snow. It shojald temp i-1 j E JIODI$1 jJi [I\�ji bered especially by p nt le 0r •it !cued When her child I6 In danger a woman will risk her life to protect it, , .No great aot of heroism or risk of lite is necessary to proteot-•a oh'ild from croup, Give Chamber- lain's Cough Remedy and all ;d,ainger is avoided. For sale by all dealers. TREES THAT WILL GROW. Who • n buyingfruit and orna 'mental trees, see to it that you buy Of a firm whose trees have`' the :eight sort of roots and have been nt . bandied correctly in the nurseries. fur trees will grow ; there is a reason. Take an agency ; send for terms. Outfit free, Thos. W. Bowmen sc Son Co. Ltd, Ridgeville, Ont f on the Gne wn etise• for g , her! (Siete.! rtpeaet•' nes, t CREDITON nToN feat MA.RI ET We keep ;;a stock a full line of fnei meats, etc, etc. Our cuts are not• eel for thE:lr tenderness and wholesomness. Our aim is to' keep nothing but the best. We make - our sausage. Give us a call. R a NichalsonScLawsou et on CREDITON. di ton, V, L. Crediton oes it Pay to have CLOTH: Tailor Made? of Course,' CertainEy, Why? Because they look Smarter. Because they wear longer Because they fit better. Because they hold shape longer. Because they are far, far cheaper in the long run. Try it and see. 'G! to get good clothes made. Let us make you one of our $15 Suit Specials fot the Xmas Trade. Holtzmann, Your Tailor. For the Man who C hall lour Milis rt�,elicl 'weekas of Manufacturer of all grades of s tit 'of Elder s Roller Flour. xiday ' Ve also sell the Five Roses Flour ,,,' Cristing and Chopping (prom- , ptl3r done re.,t. to Oats Rolled and Chopping done at 5 cents a b: The Huron County Councillors did a neat stroke of business for thein - selves at the session of the County Council viz voted. themselves $2.00 a day in addition to the $3.00 paid heretofore so that now they receive $5.00 for each day and mileage. Two of the members wanted to split the difference and make it $4.00 but the majority would not have it that way. No doubt they heard that $4.00 bills were likely to be writhdrawn from circulation but the fives are not. All kinds of goods for trousers, ` dark'. or light I i prices low as possible, SwuTz1n Wedding Gifts J. H HOLTZMANN, - Merchant Tai w. BUSINESS CARDS. B. S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- t'aetion guaranteed or no pay. Terms •easonable, Orders left at this office �vi11 be promptly attended to. ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSURAN- ce agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. LODGE MEETINGS Cf't �j Court Zurich No. 1240 . O. •j-' • meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. m. in the A. 0. U. W. Hall. J. J. KERNER, C. R. AA , O.U.V V . Rick hell Lodge . V v ! No. 3 93, meets the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month at 8 o'clock, in their Hall, Merner Block. FRED. WITWER ,I11. W EXECUTORS CLEARING SALE OI BTOCi AND EFFECTS Laundry in Connection W. : E. 1101'11/AN , fagot' Ztlf 1C 'l`. Tr'ere will" be offered for sate by very decided storms, of r iiz. wind Public Auction, on : the , premises,' Lot 18, Con,1. Hay Township,. on Tuesday, March 12th, at 1 o'clock, the entire stook and chattels, in. eluding household furniture, of the late DiuncanMoEwen. Terms of Sale -Under $10 00 cash, fiver that sum,'7 months credit on approved joint notes, Discount 5% per annum for cash. Offers -will be received at once for the lease of the farms,' consisting of Lot 18, Con 1, and North Half Lot 17; Con,7, Hay, For further particulars apply to ALPRINE MOEWicrr. Henson, Ont., Tim LONtt0N & WffisTl5RL� rlttJsTs Co;, Lntrran, Executor, London. Ont or to k:.: Boss1CN13Jl:ttltY, Atte. rioneOr, LEGAL CARDS. -'ROUDFOOT HAYS & KILLORAN, !Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Goclerich, Canada W. Proudfoot. K. C. R. 0. Hays. J. L. Killoran. all who re`eac os ed to gulf and south Athatie .oast.! EOBERT HICKS, B. D., Pastor. regions, that equatorial or eat ' Ind- i Services ian storms are probable. the set, half c ,..;!Sunday --Preaching at 10.80 and 7. of February azlci ouch '<1Sxa,P fixity is 1 Sabbath School 2.80. . greatly increased when:avn' u • .i,, enm ' Payer meeting, Thursday 7,45 p. m. bination exist dirring'tha lint half, of`'I Ebsnazer, Sunday --Sunday School thrpresentnionth: X all' the, Ie' 1,‘.15,Preaching 2.45. knew the incalcubale �Vallie;lif a . "good Everybody Welcome.•barometer, one would, be,,'iottud in' every home and public buiMii gs and calamities by, hurricane torliado," twillMIN l�1 J;If►IVL wave and blizzards ivoti1r bo' reduce 01 �� ✓i I d` nil It. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- duate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion Souse, Zurich, every Mon- day. 7-26 -7Is<I,LEp Uol Y4NCBR 'AND ,lie r y` s Y:Mor y , fully and;promptly` prepared.. Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. fR. T. P. McLAUGHLIN, for erly Assistant Surgeon at Mo field's (Royal London Opthaln; Eye Hospital and Golden Squ; Nose and Throat Hospital, Lond England. Also spent time at Bei and other Continental Hospit� General Practice with special atte ion to Eye, Ear, Nose and Thr( Eyes tested (Retinoscope and tbaimoscope used) and glasses s'. plied and properly adjnsted. Of Dashwood, Ontario. rli 11. RILBER & SOT Conveyancers, General Insuranc Agents MONEY TO LOAN At Lowest Rates of Interest Telephone—Office la, House 11 +4--1-4-4-1-4.÷4”`414+4-4.4-4-4-4.444.+4 B. AV. F. BEAVERS EXETER Ia Licensed Auctioneer for County Huron. Sales conducted in them approved manner. Satisfaction see anteed. Dates can he made at Crediton Star or at the Bargain Store, Eire e t HIGH CLASS roi OfiFic•e..- +4441�lF•tF i� rpt FOR SALE 2 Sap pans ; 15 foot smoke stack ; iron door, grates alt complete. Are ply to Dan Smith, St, Joseph P. 0. 25-2t. FARM FOR SALE Being north half of Iot 9 eon 2, Tuckersreith, L R S containing 50 acres of good land all cleared, most part grass. On it is well built mo• dern brick house, with cellar nn- derneath, barn and stable, good well small orchard of good trn.it. This farm is well situated handy to school and.ehurches, being 2a miles from the thriving village of Hen - call will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply on the premises or to D B McLean box 144 Sensall. 20-1 m pd, to a minimum. AA g0' o f eo g a V�IZ�I�� i-nuch rough weather aitd ret;al+1'nibess JM"(„t v is the outlook for thth` th, :The 11 E. BUl1N, d'astor. Mars period. •has gici dttdll' •wt rlted Sunday seirrastor from the summer back lough the. 10.00 a. m. (legman preaching, spring until this year ' i rp�x�x 'on 7 p, xrl. English preaching. February 6th whieh•fticl`i;t" O ius to 7 30` p n. Junior Meeting and the conclusion that rota 'y *ld a1- �a1.80' ical Classes. most the whole of Mach tris yea) tech Sunday School; will continue unbeollel ,ii, '�eeseenal winter weather without c ` skim.- Wednesday evening, PrayPrayer Meeting. real w trn'm melte as for iii weeks, ;Thursday evening,Meeting. � g. past,' 11.15 Young Peoples Mooting It Is Up To You To protect your family from the ravages of disease and infection the rigors `of winter; to make your home the abode of Health and Hipp Statistics tell us that there were ever 250.000 deaths in North Ai last year from fever and Pneumonia; Over 90 per cent. of these: oases/ traceable to outdoor' closets, and all were the .result of insanitary eon goingto allow this terrible death rate to continue. Are you ,,. " + A BYTE S � Why not insure Health by installing a PAR , CHEMICAL CLOSET. Abzolutely Sanitary and Odorless carries the endorsement of clans and Health Officials, and out own Iron -clad guarantee, Requir expensive water-systerm: no plumbing. no sewage can be installed in en of your home at the cost of a few minutes of your spare time; lasts a iii and east less than a CENT e day. "PARXYTE" Chemical lies been proven by Baeteriologicaltes the most powerful Dieinfe.tant, Deodorant and Germicide, known to S� The "PARKYTE" SANITARY CHEMICAL CLOSET is sold' C. Hartleib, Zurich, Ont. i y A call these will convince you. No fnrther argument will benee 1208 McARTHEE BLDG. - WINFIP + ' Branches EDMONTON V A1�i"Of,