The Herald, 1912-01-26, Page 8The Quality STORE• £nnual Mock Taking dale Annual Stock Taking Sale now on of all winter goods. Come early and secure some of the Bargains we are now offering. If you want better bargains than ordinary, with- out paying as much as usually asked for, you want to attend this sale. Men's Suits Men's Overcoats Boys' Overcoats Boys' Suits Elegant Styes and Dependable Fab- rics and perfect fitting at extremely low prices. Furs! Furs! Ladies' :JBo.1s, .Muffs, ,Caperines;, 1iCalldrs;Fin l I.4 . ,to aur.--• - at: Bargain; Prices. Ladies' and Children's Jackets Now is your time to procure a 'bar - :rain in these lines as we have decicl-' cc. to clear thele at bargain prices. Dress Goods and Wrapperettes wet can save you money by buying these Iines at The Quality Store, Do not f+cci:Z to attend this &de. Prices as low as the lowest, quality COM- si,-cl er'ed . Ilighest prices paid for all kinds of Farm Produce r 1 GENERAL MERCHANT ic 9 obrata io Telephone 28 ridearmiceameatockmaan HEADQUA TEP S POI a 'DOWN AND OUT." Feels 10 Years Younger After Taking, rlorriscy's No: 1'4 Blood ,Tablets, MOI+1Tf2PJAL,. P. Q. May 16, 1911 1 was all rundown and felt all out of sorts. My appetite' was bad—tnycom- plexion Sallow,— my • spirits low, and I didn't seem to have any 'ambition to do my ordinary housework. I was in this condition for about a year, although several physicians prescribed a tonic for me, and I ' tried several well ad- vertised remedies, but all without -sue cess.About three months ago one of your booklets was left at my house, and I read of the wonderful success of Dr. Morriscy and of the remarkable cures that hie medicines were making,.:. and decided to try his No. 14 Tablets. I used one box, and before it was halt gone I began to feel better, and it gave me courage to keep on. I have Just finished the third box, and only` wish I could tell you how much better I' feel. My work is now a pleasure to me, and I feel 10 years younger. You certainly have the best real Blood Tonic and blood maker that I have heard of, and anyone in need of such a remedy will find yours the very best and most reliable. Mrs. Anna Rafferty. The above prescription is not a "Cure -Ail" or so-called patent medicine Dr, Morriscy prescribed it for 44 years: and it cured thousands atter other doctors failed. Price, 50cper box at your dealers, or Father Morriscy Medicine Co., Limited, Montreal. 600 • My summer girl is fair -to see, In snowy white she pleases me— She looks so cool, so light and free, My summer girl. My winter girl has such a charm, She looks so breezy, yet so warm, Her ruddy -cheeks the gales disarm, lIy winter girl.. Which do I like the very best?' Which holds the first place in my breast? No need to put me to the test— They're both the same. County Wardens At the meeting of the County Council held in Goclerich this week. Mr. Thos. Strothers of Wawanosh was elected warden. The election of Reeve Joseph But- tery of utteryof Strathroy as warden of Midd- lesex eotulty came as a surprise as: h_ is al:Libbraftind.tbe nialority "+of ';•. C'puncil Conseratives. Mr. John McLaren was elected` warden for Perth. eo k artleih Was home over eve'.Willert was in Goderich; eek intending county council. 1 .Ed. Brokenshire . was out of Sat belay on business. OOrs. Rattinbury of Br cefield, is vreX%ing Ter 'daughter, Mrs. ' R. T. li7lop. tisses .,Annie and Lizzie Gossman•, Opti 7.'1ltlirsday for Port Huron were tle""y'have secured' positions tiss'I3ettha.Brennerleft Thursday ening for Parkhill, where she will.. titan= iii the Schaefer House. tisses Dora and Lucinda Iiraft of ter; spent Sunday under the par- , nal'roof 'There are only six business nien oza^Ooderich square who were there 10.881. 'Afessrs Joe Wambold, "Jack Eidt, and William Zimmer, ate getting their ice hauled this week. Ir. Grice; the eye specialist from 12iidon was here this week. He Wp.I• be here again in three months. Goss Jones, teacher at .Smoky Hol - le spent. Sunday at her home in E. ter. Ir.•Edwin Waiper entertained a lali ber of his friends to a party on T'lrilrsday evening. Liss -Clara Musser has accepted a ition at the Bissett boarding house xeter. fr. John Hoff plan and daughter, visited friends in Crediton on dnesday. Che New lacksmith I have opened my shop opposite the Tomo E0U, Zurich and am preplir ed to doall kinds of machinery )airb", horse -shoeing, ganeral black- smithing. E. Brock LAWSON—YEARLEtZ t,isaET1,NG OF TfIE HURON A. pretty wedding took place on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Deputy -Reeve and Mrs. \Vin. Yearley when their daughter, Jeanie,. was united in marriage ti Mr. Geo. W Lawson if Artlaud, Sask. ti'1ie cere- mony was performed by the Rev. Robert hicks in the presence of eighty invited guests. The bride entered the room while the wedding march was being played by Miss M. Parsons and was given away by her father. The bride was daintly gowned in a pretty and be.conliiig frock of cream chiffon taffeta, trimmed with lace and pearl anti carried a boquet of white carnations. Miss Annie, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid and was gowned in a white embroidered dress and. carried a)loquet of pink carnat- ions. Mr. Albert Keys was 'grooms- man After the ceremony the ,guests led by the bride and groom sat down to a suuii+tuous wealtiug supper. The bride was the r.:eipient ocf nialny use, fel presents among them being a beautiful fnrlined coat from the groom. The groom's gift to the br+idesnaaid was a geld 'filled locket and chain and to the groomsman a gold stick pin with pearl setting. The brides travelling suit was of navy bine, ladies cloth, trimmed with satin and overnice. After n f.w weeks visit with friends in this vicinity lli and Mrs. Lawson will leave for their new home in Artlaud, Sask., where Mr:. Lawson teaches school. Both the bride and groom are well known and popular y onog people and ,' their many friends wisli them happiness aid. presperiiy+ Miss ,Alrnah Brenner is visiting friends and relatives in Zurich, Mr, Arthur Doan of Parkhill•sirs, Sunday with Miss Elnlaa Callas.. Mr. Norman Kellerman spent`13iu j clay Monday on the 14 eon, • Mr. Otto Willett Ii,irioll spent Sun t day last with his parents. (.. A number of our young leen aft; ended the dance at Exet0Norti Ttiesdiry eyeiihi kt. u.N iton Monday COUNTY COUNCIL. ',,,The abuncil of the corporation of the County of Huron will meet in tliai` couucii chamber, in the Town o44 oderioh, on Tuesday. the 23rd tit 3 o'clock All accounts ar�t i it st the county must be placed v3ththe Clerk previous to this elite.' W Lane, Clerk. paled, ,Tan 8th, 1912. Corn ! Gorn! .' 00: ton corn at 27.00 per ton. Oat - ii' ul•Pced at 22.00 per ton. Also ltir�, Bran, and Shorts commencing Act, filth. All kinds of grin want- ef at.t .e I3ensall Oatmeal Mills. AUrquhart. 'To the Public in General. and our Customers in Particulars Take 'notice, that we have disposed et the Implement Branch and our good will to Mr. Louis Prang of this -Wage. '111 connection herewith we ;tog to express our heartiest thanks'b sllwlio have so generously supported. 1e in this line of business. i We w sh to inform the users of cutt• ' its, Sleighs. Buggies, Wagons etc. tl•lat we stilleontintte 111e nanufactllrc ,0 tiirso linos and in belying home plalxufa,ittired goodsyoti fire' support - :l ig your home town andyottr own i11- ter ekes, ' • .Zook at our stock and " get our: t 4i lees before you buy.. Repairing done 'n • Branches of our business. �n (UBLS WANTED, 85 lltit week to start with for girls: eighteen and over;'. 1�f�a y . z�u 01134, .% b .'1.'. i.LiL.... (k, CO. zlliited'Iblitawa Olitario. ` Whatthrise•wbo' know, have to 'say:about the; Modem. Malleable Iron, Range bought of 0. Hattleib iu'ich, Geo, Clatlsius Sam Faust John Campbell; Jacob Weido; Christian. Meyers John Laport John Scuthmore William Stell: Salmon Gingerich Henry Vallancl Sam Hewston E.W. l3rokepsllire • Henry Waip'er Thomas Turnbull Christian.Badour William Denoniy Jacob Hartleib Lonii Rinker Geo, 'Armstrong We have great faith in the above stove and. are willing' to stake $100 that there is not atother stove made in Canada that will cook and bake with as little fuel as the Modeia. A full stock of all kinds of PURNITURE to choose from at prices just a little cheaper than the ordinary run. • Terms Cash or Trade at Cash Price C. I4ARTLEIB, ZURIC -1 HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION STORE Car Best �l-�i,r�gle�•. Just to hand. Bring .in your orders. Close price 177 JS PHONE Iq BARGAINS �adlteats, 'ai cod s" r caly0 darts iii clear at a very low price. 8 suits reg. price $11.6() to $13 now for $9.50 4 suits reg. price 9 to lo now for 7. 9 suits reg. pries 7.5o to 8.5o now 5,75 5 suits reg. price, 6.5o to 7 now for 4.5o Other suits for 1.5o to 3 Ladies Coats 2o per cent",disc. on all Ladies Overcoats 1 only Ladies Fur -Lined Overcoat reg. price $35 now for 1P8. Mens 'Overcoats 2o per cent disc, on all 11'Iens Overcoats PHONE 17 RUBY" OASCHO UNDERTAKING ..n,✓e �. @JS 1°0.'1C�l I hereby request that all' accounts owing at Caabana's 13riak and Tile Yards, 1.4 paid (in or<before.Get 1st. '0-13 1"t .,a, Ill t on, kt,.tiaar:lc;r >r, 't uric, ell auk. Cil 1i�1 xl i1 0. �' Dan -roma :lamed :. • ea6fail,, ';•Vitnow. r may stoic Bought out F. tIESS &.SON Implements and Repairs and moved :there to my shop I�ullner knives, straw knives, eaten,. sion ladders; step ladders, git1 aiiised troughs, cutters 1V.[claiigiilinsbest make, bogies, Deering nrachiine'.re- pai s, blaeksinith repairing, onion seed- ers and garden tools, piping all sizes, `. corn spellers, plows Fletirry anti Pere• ivcl"rn,nd all liihds of plow repairs, axle greess, ropes all sizes, wheel barrows; barn scales, rM",� .i,w• + YL•!�I,:a+y'•i"Y&}i'":' . 1 :�"+'t" :�' i + 't'":