HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-01-19, Page 7TIE NEWS IN A PARAGRAPH ,HAPPENINGS FROM LLL OYER TIIIE GLOBE IN A NUTSHELL. Canada, the Empire and the .World u General Before Your Eves. CANADA. Another reduction of cents in sugar prices is announced by whole- ' sale houses, ,,.,The Dominion Government will •'crease its giant to seed grain as- sociations to sssociations.'to $35,000 annually. .A chair in metallurgy has been -established at •the University of 'Toronto. Arrangements are • being made for a hardware and store exhibition at Guelph next month. The Government has, decided tc+: appoint "a Royal commission .to in- vestigate Farmers Bank affairs. The Great Waterways Union of Canada wa,s;organized by a meet ung . of municipal representatives • ni, Berlin, Ont. Mr.. C. Grant's report that he has found diamonds in Keewatin dis- trict has not been substantiated at Ottawa. - • . The capacity of the paper mill at Sault Ste. Marie will be doubled df the. !company can make satisfac- tory terms with the town. ,Joan E.:= Rebin+son of . Sarnia. foreman" -carpenter at the prison farm at Guelph, died very sudden- ly 'from indigestion. An explosion of dynamite wreck-- •ed the Hollinger mine powder - house at Porcupine and a Finland- er employee issupposed to have been killed. Through the explosion of the steam boiler at Gravenhurst Soni- tarium the patients had to be re- moved to the, outside cottages. There was some suffering by ex- posure to the cold. J. D. Chilman was found guilty at .• Hamilton of receiving some of the money stolen from the Cana- dian Express Company. Joseph Acheson was acquitted. GREAT BRITAIN The fear of a coal strike has rushed up prices in Britain. There is a more hopeful outlook. In the British cotton strike, -but the Outlook in regardto the proposed strike, of miners is gloomy. UNITED STATES, Mr. •'Andreiv Ca e gave . iz -1 erestingevidence at '"i1'Yl"'311 this Steel Trust inquiry. Q. Detective. Burns was ' acquitted at Indianapolis on a Charge of kid- napping J. McNaniara. Mr. Andrew Carnegie condemned stock -jobbing before' the United States house Committee. GENERAL. Tho French Cabinet has resigned. The Spanish Premier and Cab- inet resigned. . The abdication of the Emperor of China is now imminent. M. Raymond Poincero has suc- ceeded in forming a new Ministry in France. German authorities propose to introduce . a bill increasing the strength gth of the army. The ,latest returns from Germany show thirteen net gains for the So- cialists. A Turkish flotilla of seven gun- boats was sunk in the Red Sea by ea Italian squadron. FEARS ,0U'TBREAK OF RABIES. Three Mad ' . Dogs : Said; to be at Large in Brander& A despatch from .Brantford says fAn outbreak of rabies is threaten- in Brantford and surrounding istrict. Numbers of cattle and heep have been destroyed just out- ide the city, and the anthoritiea ays that three mad dogs are at ge, and serious damage may re- ult. The , strictest precautions. re being taken in this city to pre - art the spread of the disease. 57 CHILDREN PERISH.. exult of Republican Uprising in Chinese Turkestan. A despatch from St. Petersburg 81 A despatch from Kuldja. Chinese Turkestan, s' aters that 're ihas been a Republican up - ng there, which is headed .by a ase general. The rebels seiz- the arsenal and demolished the, tees. All the officials were ex - ed. Three hundred, Manchus. aiding, the Govei•,nt5r, were kil1e. A • lsehool was burned and 57 ren who 'Were ilii z"t at`the tin•1e, their lives, • A.. republic • • was red, and; a • proclamation is- which m(111701)1- e,e,s `that; there be an 4)r4lerly Government. LITTLE WORRIES IN THE HOME It ig These That Bring . Wrink'es and Make Women book Pre- maturely Old., Almost every woman at the hea of a home 'meets daily with: man little worries' in her household a fairs. They may be too small to no Lice an hour afterwards, but it these same constant little worri that make•so many women look pre ;maturely. .old" Their effect may noticed 1n sick or nervous he ad aches, fickle appetite, pain in th hack or side, sallow ' complexion. and the coming of wrinkles, whic every woman dreads. To tilos thus afflicted • Dr. Williams' Pin Pills offer a speedy and eertai -cure, a restoration of color io th cheeks, brightness, to the eye, healthy appetite and a sense o freedom from weariness. Among the thousands of Canadia women who have found new' health abd new strength through the us of Dr. Williams' .Pink Pills is Mrs W. C. Daerr, :London, Ont., wh says; "About two years ago found myself so badly run dow that it was almost. impossible perform my household duties. fell off in flesh,' was weak and ver pale, 'had no appetite, feet con stantly Cold, and. to' further make my life miserable I was afflicted with those other ailments from which so many women suffer. I tried many:kinds' of medicine, but got no benefit, and began to fee that I was slipping into chronic in- validism. „I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and although I felt somewhat hopeless, decided to do so. To my delight, after tak- ing the Pills a few weeks, I felt much better, and a further use of them brought me back to my old time health. I have since recom- mended the Pills to many others, and those who have used them have always been benefitted." Sold by all medicine dealers or by . mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2"50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. a1• H J. ` FAIR" 'ELTHEf DROWNS Electrical Engineer at Petcrboro', Falls in. the Flume. • d y'•. f is es be 11 e k' n fl a f n' e o, I to Y y A despatch from Peterboro' says: Sunday morning 10400 4. J. Pa,•trweatlrer, 8lect%scul' "engiocer in charge of the power house of the Canadian General Electric Work.%, was drowned. The accident 1-1;trse pend while he was Gleaning away ice in the flume. His origami home was New •'Brunswick, where his. wife, a,'" daughter of Mr. R. B. Rogers, C.E., and a week -olid baby. are at present. He was, abaut thirty years of age. BABY'S BAND FROZEN. Milk in Bottle in Bed With Child Also Frozen. A� despatch from Hespe'er says : Baby peaks, about one year old, was put to bed as usual, given a e b ttl with w til milk and when found in the morning the milk in the bot- tle was frozen, also one of the baby's hands, which got from un- der the covering somehow. 0 Keep "Dick" At His Bet. Hell give You hie sweetest song only when he's 1n the; pink of condlti on. Put him there, a n d keep him there, by feeding him on Brock's Bird Seed He'll enioy It more, thrive better on it, look finer and eine more sweetly. Thegeed la a scientific mixture -q perfectly balanced food for song - Well in this climate -and the cake of Brock's Bird Treat in every package. Is a spietndtd bird tonic. Let "hick" try this Bird Tonic at our .expense. Mali us the coupon below, filled In, and eve will tend you, absolutely free, two full -glee cake* of Brock's Bird Tteat. 46 " NICHOLSON' & BROOK 9-11 Fronde •Street, Toronto, For title coupon plea.e'pond me; fres of charge or .0bUitption on my. ,nart tyro full-slxo cakes ot', Srrock'e ttdTreat, and obeee. Attendee _»....... _.._..... 0 PRICES OF FARM'PROO REPORTS FROM THE LEO TRADE CENTIUES OF 0 AMERICA. Prices of Cattle. Grain, and Other l'roduec at and Abroad. BREADS'5UF1^S. Toronto, Jan. 16. -Flour•. -Winter 90 per cent., patents, $3.50 to $3.55 board, Manitoba yloure-First pa $5.50; second patents, $5; and strong b ors', $4.40, on track, Toronto. Manitoba wheat -No. 1 Northern, 101-2,:Bay porta; No. 2 Northern $107 Y'2. and . No. 3 at $1,03, Bay ports. Ontario wheat -No. 2 white, red land mixed, 90 to 91e, outside, Peas -Good shipping peas, $1,10. out aide. Oats -Car lots of No. 2 Ontario 43?to 431-2o; and of No. 3 at 42 to 421.2e;, mu. track, Toronto, 46 to 46 1-2c. No, 2 We l~ ern Canada oats, 48o, and feed, 46c, 1 sty.; s Poets. Barley --47 to 48 lbs. quoted at 85,°to 86 1-2o, outside. Corn: No. 2 American yellow, 68o, ronto freight. Ryo-94 to 95o for No. 2 outside. Buckwheat -61 tee 62o, outside. Bran -Manitoba bran, ,223.50, it Toronto freight. Short's, $25.50. COUNTRY PRODUCE. • Apples -$2.75 to $3.50 per barrel. Beaus -Small ,lots of hand-picked, 62.. 35 to $2.45 per bushel. Honey Extracted, in tins. 11 to 12x• Pet• M. Combs, $2.50 to $2.75. Y• Baled hay -No. 1 at $16 to $17, on track, and No. 2 at $14 to $14.60. Baled straw -$7.50 to $8, on track, To- ronto. Potatoes -Car lots, in bags, $L25 to $L- 30. and Delawares at 21.35. Out of store, 21.45 to $1.50. Poultry -Wholesale prices of dressed poultry: -Chickens, 12 to 130 per 1ba fowl, 8 to 100; ducks, 13 to 140; geese, 32 to 13c; turkeys, 19 to 20o. Live poultry; about 2c lower than the above. a: bars" I BUTTE$, EGGS, CHEESE, Buter-Dairy, choice, in evralipers, 7 to 29o; store lots, 23 to 25o; and irife tubs, 17 to 18c. Creamery quoted a to .331-20 for rolls, and 30 to 310 for sonde per lb. Eggs -Strictly new -laid, 40o, delivered here, and fresh at 27 to 28o per dozen; in case lots, . Cheese -Large, 15 3.4c, and twine' 16 -4o per 1 a D lb. HOG PRODUCTS. Bacon -Long clear, 111-2 to 113.4o per lb., in case tote. Pork, short out, $22.50; do., mess,. $19.50 to $20.. Hams -Medium to light, 16 to 16 1.20; heavy, 14 to 141-2o; .rolls, 103.4 to lie; breakfast :bacon, 15 to 17c; backs, 19 to 20e. Lard -Tierces, 11 3-4o; tubs, 120; , p. '12 14e. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, an. 16. -- Cats •- Canadian Western, No. 2, 47 1-2o; do.. No. 3, 45o;: extra No. 1 feed, 46 to 4612c; No. 2 local white, 46c; No. 3 do., 45o; No. 4 do., 44e.. Barley -Malting, 95 to 960. Buckwheat No. 2, 68 to 70c. Flour -Manitoba Spring: wheat patents, firsts. $5.60; do., secoude. 5.10- strong ton g bakers', $4.90; Winter pat eats, choice, $4.75 to $5; straight rollere• $4.25 to 4$4.40; do:, bags, "$1.96 to $2,05• Rolled oats -Barrels, $4.65; bags, 90 lhs., $2.20. Bran -$23; shorts, $25; middltngo $28; mouiliie, 229 to $34. HayNo. 2,per ton, oar lots, $15 to $15,50. Cheese -Fin- est Westerns, 141.2 to 15e; do., Easterns, 141.4 to 14 5.80. Butter -Choicest 'cream- ery, 31 to 311-20;- seconds, 30 to 301.2c Egs-•Fresh, 45 to 50o; 'selected, 30 to 310; No. 1 stook, 26 to 27c, Potatoes -Por bag, car lots, $1.271.2 to $1.321.2. UNITED STATES Mb.RKETS. Minneapolis, Jan. 16. - Wheat -Mae-, $1.063.4; July, $1.07 5.8, earth. Closed -Nn 1 hard, $1.07 3-4; No. 1 Northern, , $1.063-4 to $1.07 1-4; No. 2 Northern, $1.04 3.4 to $1,- 051-4; No, 3 wheat, $1.02• 3-4 to 81.03 3.4; Corn -No. 3 yellow, 60o. Oats -No. 3 white, 46 to 46 1.2c. Rye -No. 2, 91o. Bran -100-pound sacks, $23.50 to $23,75. Flour Flour -First patents. 25.20 to $5,50; sec- ond patents, '$4.80 to $5.10; first clears, 83.60 to $3.95; second clears, $2.50 to $2,90, • Buffalo, Jan. 16. -Spring wheat -No. 1 Northern, carloads, store, 21.13 3.4; Win. ter, dull. Corti -No.' 3 yellow, 66 1.20; Ifo 4 yellow, 64 1.2e, oS track, through billed. Oats --No. 2 white, 521.40. 'Barley -Molt- ing, $1.26 to $1.35. Rye -No. 2,' track, LIVE STOCK MARKETS- ifontroal, ran, I6, -Butchers' cattle -- 'Choice, 'Choice, $6.76; do„ medium, $5.50 to $6.50; do.. common, $4.50 to $5; etinners. $2.50 to; $3.50; butchers' cattle, choice cows. $5.- -60 is $6; do„ medium, $4.76 to $5.25; do., .gulls, $4 to $5; Milkers, choice, eaeh, $75; _ eomuron and. medium, each, $50 to $60;-ppringers. • $30 ta.$4L.. .Sheep--Eleea Jambe. 27.10. Hogs -,F, o, b.,` $710 'to $7.. 25o C5lvee-$3 to $1.0. Toronto, an. 16, -The effect of the scar- city of live hoer is 'being felt in retail. ircles, for retail beef wag said to he ale eady about 2o a pound higher. There wore . no high prises paid for live cattle. our it was because the quality of the stoie on sale was very Door, most of it loftovt'lr cattle from . the week before. Quotations were quite Arm,however, for 'the gojod cattle, and exceedingly high `rids ` Tore, made by the abattoirs for . the t Rood ''cattle,' which the drovers refueed'to sell' to them. Sheen and Lambe were firm. 1' RISli FROM EXPUSuiu . ix Deaths In Saskatchewan From Intense Cold. A. despatch from Moose Jaw, Sask.. says: Word was received in the city on Saturday that two persons had perishe=d- from expo sure in the s uth country bringing the number up to six. On Decem- ber 30 a man named G. Isbester, the lived six miles south of Mey- ronne, which is 107 miles from Moose Jaw, was lost in the `oto Wel raged on that date. Re found next morning about 100 f from the'house for which he w making. The victim was 49 yea of age and unmarried, and wl found had in his possession ache for $375 and $75. in cash, and in pocket was' found a will leaving h 'property to a "sister: He war a n tive of Manitoba, and had: alnlo completed his duties on his ho stead. The `circumstances of t other case, is more pathetic, t victim being Mrs. Wilson, w lived with her husban=d., a hom steader, about eighteen miles ea of Wood Mountain. It seems th her husband was absent from ho and that the house took fire. S made her escape, and in an attem to reach a neighbor's house lo her way, and when found w frozen to death. le SOME CAN But Student Had to Quit. ran was. set as rs zea ck his ;8 a- st hom he ho e- st at me he pt st as. PU 9LE dLY:POEpAREO: Atli) e; UOftUJS BLACK,. MIXED Frets S .. amp/os ailed on en uir NATURAL: " � ddro3:a. s r+rt4ori Some people are apparently im- mune to tea and coffee poisoning -- if you are not, Nature will tell you so in the ailments she sends as warnings. And when you get a warning, heed it or you get hurt, sure. A young college student writes from Ne*w York; "I had been told frequently that offee, was injurious to me," (tea s just as bad) "and if I. had not sen told, the almost constant eadaches with which I began to �;dffer after using it for several' ears, h the of lethargic men "' hii~h' gra'dlln;ily oatiie ii• 562 to hinder•me in my studies, the eneral lassitude and indisposition any ,sort of effort which pos= essed ni , ought to have been sail - tient warning. But I ' disregarded them till my hysiaian •:told me a few months- gn that I must give• up coffee or gait college. I could hesitate no nger, and at once abandoned odes. "On the advice of a friend I be- an to drink Postum, and rejoice tell you that with the drug in offee" (the same drug -caffeine - found in tea) "removed and the ealthful properties of Postum in s place I was soon relieved of all y ailments. The headachesd andnr nervousness iisappeared entirely, strength acne back to me, and my oomplex- n which had been very, very bad, feared up beautifully. Better than all, my mental facul- es were toned up, and became more vigorous than ever, and I ow'feel 'that no course of study would be too difficult for me." area given.by Canadian Posture o., : Windsor, Ont. "There's a reason," and it is ex- ained in the little book, "The Road' to Weilville," in pkgs. ger read the above letter? A new one nears from . time to time. They are mine, true and full of human interest. 4k MINED OUT TN TFIE COLT,.. •re Breaks Out in Edmonton Hos- pital at Midnight. A despatch from Bd.monton, Al- rta. says : With the menial,' at venty below zero and a Imreicsne veeping over the north Saskateho- an valley, twenty-five •pati+its bre rushed out of a l,urnin; Ed- nton hospital at rnidnight on tnday. narrowly escaping• eroma- t. Half of the building was i`ircd. GAS EXPLOSION', 1se.'!Destroyed anti Owner badly 'Ii111'n,ed at .Welland. •de!Spateh from I� O)1antl sn.rr5 Iv , iTh air -t � r>1or•nin�' Osw,�,.d. n'as 1araly burned by a nvmnr:t,l textl040A, t.11tl t110 hem'u he. lirlir r%, , tnrixd by Cr)rv,- irTnl,nae, c1c117. and brarne'd.' . Loss $.1,000. ered lir insurance. t'a otic „ . t,,,A '$4:30 to SF: bucks and hulls, ¢4 to $1.56; w-wommer. THE LEST SECURITY FOR YOUR MONEY I BOND> Q There are, broadly speaking, two classes of investments; speculative invest- Jments, which may or may not payinterest and may;appreciate or depreciate in value, And there are Bonds -Bonds are .mortgages split up into denominations of $Iso or upwards. We continually have Boards, the security of which is beyond: question, which pay as high as 6 per cent. interest. They are the standard form of investment. They are purchased by Banks, Insurance Companies and chart- ered institutions, because the Government recognizes that they offer the maximum of safety with a profitable rate of interest. Send us your name and address and we will send you literature from time to time giving particulars of new andold issues. ;q SECURITIES OYAL CORF'ORA,TION BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING . YONGE LIMITED' rS AND QUEEN "STREETS R. M. WHITE - MONTREAL-QUENEC-HALIFAX-OTTAWA`; TORONTO Manager •LONeON.(ENE.). ' 'MANY TOOIi• UP'FARMS. Homestead :Entries i'or Fiscal Year Totalled 44,479. A despatch from Ottawa says: The total revenue of the Interior Department in the fiscal year. end- ing Mareh 31, 1911, was, accordin to the report presented in th House of Commons 'on Friday, $5, 093,140, an increase of $3S4,125 over the previous year and fourtee times as much as was collected in' •1901-2.. During the year there were 44,479 homestead entries, 3,000 more than in the previous year. These entries represented 7,166,6.40 acres and a population of 10;,88• settlers. One third.,of the newcom ers to the country last year en gaged in agricultural pursuits in the 11 est. The immigration from the British Isles reached 123,031, as compared with 59,700 in the previous year, that from Continent- al Europe 66,620,. `as compared with 34,175, and that • from the United State's, 121,451., The area of for- est reserves has been increased from 3,450,720 acres to 16,125,640 ;trier BIGK"SEIZUItB OFIFURS 0. Parent Arrested With the Skin in His Possession. A despatch from North Bay says An importa:lt capture • of eontr2 band fur was effected on Sunda. y afternoon at Temagami, when ski - e• to the value of over one thousar - doliars were. confiscated, and ti 'idealer caught red-handed with t] ' goods. The round -up was made 1 Chief Inspector •Cauldbeck of 0 bait and Provincial Constable Jen Lefebvre. 0. Parent, who lives ; Temagami, was the man undf suspicion, and a man was sent dow 1' to make a deal with him for fur, -1 if possible, under cover of beim -' in the contraband business himsel Parent fell into the trap. The skin captured included sixty-one be ver, forty-three mink, ninety -on muskrats, forty-six weasel, beave otter, fisher and skunk skins, CARRY HAY AT OLD RITES. R,ill}F,by Com iLisSron a'ioes I'rt • "-Posed Increase b3' SIGHTING WITHOUT RANGE. New Device Patented by Winner of King's Prize. A despatch from. Edinburgh says: Volunteer -Sergeant Omrnuldsen, the winner of the King's Prize for shooting at Birley, has invented a rifle -sighting device which the necessity of finding the range. Experts are enthusiastic over the invention, and military and naval authorities are testing it with a view of having it adopted in the arms of the service. It is based on the geometrical theory of angles, but is very simple in ac- tion. Ommundsen says that tests under skirmishing conditions have shown a percentage of hits of 95 as compared with 19 by ordinary sights. 3' MINER'S STRIKE CERT.i.IN. British Federation Determined to Fight the Affair. A despatch from London says: Experts in the -coal trade are cer- tain that a strike of the miners all over England and Wales will fol- low the declaration of the ballot figures. The men took a ballet on the advisability of a strike tnd the result is to be announced abont Jan. 18. The most -militant dis- tricts are in Wales, Scotland and Durham, while the Midlands and Yorkshire show a more moderate feeling. The men of 'he latter dis- tricts. however, are bound to .tantl by the rest of the men when a strike is declared. The Federa- tion of Coal Owners is equally re- solvednot to give in to the melt. Chas. Fenwick, a member of Parlia- ment, and who himself was origin- ally a coal miner, warns the men that he is afraid they are being car- ried away by mere phases ef the situation and are not ealmly sidering the resuIt of their action, The Govern7nent hes decided to aban .';:•.!-tbo Newmarket Canal, Hay sold st""5.-I?er ton in To- ronbp on .Saturday, '-.the highest pri"r for this "oron, "" TTnited States millers would rti4 duce grain rates horn the Canadian rnrtl1Weetfee •NiPleianolis and Du- ltttil. "I'1, . w rOpOlo . to mill our wheat in bond. A despatch from Ottawa say; The proposed increase in the rate on hay shipped from Ontario an Quebec to Unite"d States point over the G. T. R., C. P. R., C. N Q., or Ouebec, Montreal & South ern lines, has been disallowed b; order of the Railway Commission In his order Chief Commissirnie` Mabee states that it seems to hin the present rates are fairly remu• n•; rative, and all that the trafit can stand. r. The prospect of a settlement in the British cotton dispute is more hopeful. IJLE1 S0HEA FOR HOURS 1TH ECZEA Baby Dreadf .I Sufferer. Could Not Keep Him from Scratching; Every Joint Affected. Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment and He is Well, "Enclosed find my son's photo and 1 tet; by writing these few lines to you I am only doing my duty, as my son was a dreadful sufferer from eczema. At the age of two weeks he began to get covered with red spots on his legs and groins, which mother thought was red gum or thrush; but day by day it grew worse until every joint and crevice were abetted and baby started'. screaming for hours day and night, such a thing as sleep was out of the question. 1 took him to, two of :Sydney's leaoing doctors; one said it was one of the wont cases he had seen the other did not think it so serious; one ordered ointment for rubbing 10,the other a dusting powder. I followed thir prescriptions for over four months and still baby kept getting worse. S could not keep him from scratching 80 great wee his' agony. "When he was five months old 1 tried the Out; ura Retnedies and.I am very thankful to say my baby is tc-day free from all his suffer - .frig, His groats were bleeding when I started and other parts affected were the lower part of hie, body, under .the knees, arms, in arm' joints, eyebows and neck; but after twice Using Cuticura Ointment •7 bean to the 4 difference heel by the time I had used one tin, thong with the bathing with 'Cutict:ra Soap, :baby Wes nearly Coved. .I still kept on using. the'Cutr0era Soap and'Ointment, and now, thankgobdttess, to is •plate well•and although ho Is now ten months old, bas; Oct I.10 any further return of thc,_trouble.. '»-+ed) 'Itfra. ;;t4, • 113aatin. 2:-7'n ht i t'9 ij5j `lydney., . .;9 w., Var. 1, in 1'iltlBUttw c d (rintment are in tem /moat the world,titin .. `°"al sa rtpie of each, :wits a 32-ptsge book o; i5�'�, "n• trcatlnont of the akin and hair will es Itgtte free on application to Potter Drug & Cho 0 Corp., 00 Colutabtts Ave,13