HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-01-19, Page 1' 'he�Official -Organ of , Zua,icl FRIDAY MOR-'NIN ar ale Our annual stock taking sale is now on.' We aye decided to sacrifice all our winter goods and the values we now offer will appealto the shrewd- est buyers - Remember these are no old style,' shop worn. goods, 1'utthe best that money can buy,. Itis not aften thatyou get a chance to buy at these low prices anp we adxise you to call early. 25peroent, off All our Ladies' Mantles and Coats, and child- ieu's coats have been put on tb.e bargain. list. We M give you 25 per cent off any coat (luring this f1en's Overcoats.. We have few lines of, Men's. Overcoats that we want to 'sell before .steek taking connnen s T.o.seir them quickly we ii oys', Overcoats are.subiect to the same discount. - Men's Suits Genuine money saving values -in Men's Suits .during this Sale. All our finest and best Suits.have got to go if low prices will move them. During this sale we 'will give 25 per cent off any suit iu the store, We want yon to come in and compare prices, Furs Must Go Before stock taking we want to elean out all' our , Furs, Ruffs, Muffs, Caps, Stoles Etc. To do so, quickly we have de- cided to give the same by discount, as on other goods during this sale, 25 per cent off. • Clean up- on Sweater Coats A fety Sweater Cores left which will be sod at greatly re- duced ` prices to clear. A Big Sating.. , . , We :cvn guarantee you a lig saving in fall and winter Dress Goods and Wrapperettes during this sale. We have•put a clean. till Lirioo on all of them. and. it will an " a 'sari iong to you of dollars ro buy now. Blanket Bargains BuyHorse Blankets, etc, now and gels the benefit of our sale'prices. All' our B1anketk, Bells, hobos; etc, at greatly re sliced prices. This ,Sale:Euucls eTcc:JLi,acai'j. 1st, 191 : We are Agents for riess Wire and. Fencing, Sherwin Williams a:s:nts, Samson Harvest Tools, Peninsulas Ranges cIa: Furnaces, " Plymouth Ropes and Twines, nor washing. Machines, Brantford Roofing. afe-Loch Shingles. e 9 R C - 0 1 0 0 0 1 'ILOC A g'aea11ra'ati'aeC .>.. 4-11141145,.7ry Read 8, E. Fi„ust's .ad. Mr: Lloyd Steasy• has returned to the local branch of the • .Molsonl Bank.: Mr (eo;i•rae E Brock is getting his :blacksmith shop ready for business Th 'anntial meeting of:the Zurich Fair Was held in the Town Hall, on Tuesday afternoon - ." Mr Mrs. J.- Preeter visited, with friends and -relatives at Dashwood; on. Friday: Mr. Sol eepfer andfamilyhave moved to $..r'E; ; Appel's dwelling next. to.' 'VAI."'4 : Bess. S. E., Faust .has reduced the • prioe of all felt shoes for men and women for cash Mr Harry Weber formerly coat maker here is renewing acquaint lances in tovtn '*• i\- r. and M,rs J.•Preeter and iwir. and Mrs. Ed.'Wurin, spent Sunday with frii ads in Orediton. S, E. Faust has a supply of mens' three buckle oversh )es; the very ,best 'stack. Just whatyou want for deep snow. Miss Etta Hartleib, who has been ill for some time was taken to the hospital at London, on Monday, for treatment. much 'sympathy is expressed for Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stelek, owing to the loss of their only. child, a daughter'aged about five months. • Mr. and Mrs" :Michael Schwanz of Colborne visited with the form- er's sister Mrs. Abraham Geiger, last week. Darr.. and Mrs. Samuel ?Lerner of the 14th Con. are moving to town and will occupy Mr. John Decher's. dwelling recently vacated by," Mr. Leon Jeffrey The Hydro -electric vote nn Sat- urday at 1Centralia; Crediton and Dashwood resulted in a' big majori ty for the. by law -in all three. vil la es - g Mr and Mrs.. '.T Wi, iians,; 4 "fiE1ek *amu a v , he 1 t eras . . e ini' , t.dti. ter of Mr. and hits. Ed: Stelok, nti Tuesday. tir. and 'Mrs, Jacob Zimmerman,. who have been visiting here for the past two months returned to. 'their home in 'Davenport, N. D on Monday. The thermometer registered 32 below zero here, between Thuirs- day night 'and Friday morning:. F W. Hess says this is t-ho-.Iow mark for this country and it certainly was a ohilly morning. - Mr: and Mrs. ,Taeob Steinbach of Michigan, are visiting relatives here, This is Mr. Steinbach's first•visit to his native home since 1882, and he notices a great many changes in that time. . L1lthertiii .()hunch—Tlie evening service in St. Peter's Ev. Lutheran church, will he conducted in Eng• iislr The subject of meditation will be ,. The treasnres of snow"; accorc1ing to Job 3Sr; 22. All are cordially invited to attend. It. is Pxperted that the- trustees will shortly call It meeting to div' cuss the cinestien, of ren odeliiig. our •ehonl, or building a new One. No tune `should he lost to make some move as the present' build. ing is altogether' unsuitable for present needs. The committee in Yconnection with the Hay 'L"elephone System met here on Sa.turdity, and transac- ted considerabie business, awes and regulations were framed for. the eondnet of the system. ...ft is expected that the system • will be greatly extendedas soon as weath• er pertliits. - Constipation is the cerise, • at many ailments and disnrclee.4. the., • make life misertm•%le. Tit k ' Ili a berlain's 'Stomach and river' Ta, . i lets, keep your bowel I rrtrula:r and you. will avoid these diseases, • For sale by all dealers. - • The .electron of officers of the i-iens a,nd,Laclies' Adillt Bihie esr't-s- es,.last Sunday resulted as follows. Niers •clri•ss---Pres: �"'V''ti'' noLITc+in; '.Vice, Pres A1)..• Scliettler ,-See , Lee lioffrnel,nTress; Johntiageho, Tea cher D. S k'atist. • :Ladies Iliisa i' '.: Anna lde.isg, 'Vice Pres. beer] Wuitz • SecrerielY, Etiyiebetli' Rtiii e , ' 'r1rev Met,l Lieigr?1 ; Tonellei•, Lydia L+itzuut. jl^7 •• F'a��usyt. is gi�vjjt'r1i1i c. but M4 redaction t. %Yliii�G Lbi�j, oo 5 rial?Mbore for-oash - Age 41..tetidl ili the vi at two o' Bossenbt, Anyor last inoq content..: { 118 lots of°.. to compl€�' When-. for chit , Chain rest ei; whoo•jiu• tains req' by. all deg The R engaged; to be give Ladies cliilicli r thio wee• for distr - ialdellt$° All at e e i.i lstofll': Preeter Auctio' pl i1:11";):' iio s lr days if o'clock Bosse the re fir, sville, olbcials tepresfr •wreeket& last iryi Ms Fuss; , -t at the one of n iicgiltix'� ` Lown hip 1912. prang wishes to an.. is 'ready to do' all mita. repair work, ring machinery. Of holiseliolcl: effects Saturday, Jan. 27th Schilbe, prof„ E. rtioneer. '- . was wishing for snow, it now, to their heart's `•snowy man is giving• 'hint no one ,wi11 need g a' oouglr-tnedieine' 1•eor ',in mind that :36 Ooug i Remedy is 'Or bolds, croup and *' i and ;that it eon it!u1 drug. For sale s iidies Quartetteare dish. Music at a concert r.. the auspices of the Main St. Methodist oil Friday evening of 1911 .accounts ready and would like all to call and get same. - et ' called. for -by the. be sent by mail. J. e of farm, stock and Lot 188, Con. i1, Hay ,. .Jlc.vilinge, on Tiles- :. commencing at one bid Sararas, Prop., - E. tetioneer. hick . is investigating or explosion at'Thame- ai ulecl by the railway the solicitor who is srs, Cade,. 'inspected the 1e.- on Wednesday, of iridow of the late Henry the residence of her ati'Fuss on Wednesday, s..ei 85 ,years. She was [- settlers of this sect- ., 11 e y 1 �st'emc;d b lien b Phe funeral. win, be to. iwing as th.e report of . the eleletio ;: Officers of the Junior y. P. A Pear eat, Alma-Axt;* Vice Pres-. ,iclent, e, t a Prig, reoordi;ng Secret- , rh •. Fi tz; Got.. sec., Muriel Pieettr;': eas., :Olive `413rien; Org- linist, Wmn 1!' ether; astt. organist, t ' ,- 1J1��. -, 3 '" ,brarian, �enuis Gal- fitb, hale§ r.e€ter; Pago , loys, Le toyO,;ili'iein, G eaham Men r. Do nt`fotgtt-the banquet. of the ,S'hredded Wbrat Co. in the Town Hall, . `:tin. Wednesday evening, •J tnnary13rt,•under the auspices of tneLadi Aid_ of the Evangelical. church. Seemingly a false impres- sion hes' gone but among some, re the notice!1n the . HERALD of last week i' irdi g the supper and progran,zr - Let it hereby again be repeated ,in plain language that no one need:be needlessly alarmed, Adults; Stper including program 2.5 cents. Children. 10 cents. Any one desiring to attendthe pro. gT anint'Oniy, Will pay 10 cents. A splendid cnuisical and literary feast is .lioizi•g arranged for, the evening:: 'A cordial invitation is extended .:ta all.-_ Supper served froze. , 5. 80.0,, to 8:30 'o'clock. Pro- granmto at 11, o'clock iI Lillie,,• M. P. P.. retiirucd home oil 1'{'ritlay 1 rott Ottawa to which city he had acctiiupanied a delegation that waited on ilio government with Mr. t1'W J. Meaner, M. P. and a number of other' members ' of the Legislature, asking the ei ,hinet to appoint a Royal Col trnisi:on; ° to.. • investigate the • imaatter of gi,afting .the charter to the Farmers' 1Tiiak with the object: that if snificieiiit ;rounds were discovered to prova tis it the Charter had bean received bw,fralul and that the late Minster cif iiiance should not have granted t1��j'- certificate; then - some redress slsc lc inacle to the deposi- tors of111(1ii,ilnet balk. .We me;in- fiariued tha4 1Ile'rlcpnt•a_ tion was -60i - ally 100E180, by file Prcniiert• and other inui 4 iirs 'or the cabinet; " and. aftee hrrri-ri 4rr thin teldx'('ssi+e of th Bele •>+1It?Ff. 'W?!,',0,41).? tk , f 1lil heri'c'.Ll'iil4} eccitsio ed' eft the ftyiloite of this ilart h., k ,;ti >01.0.'f,1 a :h tv et 'Icoyal .,',!,en ntiaiceppi.ut.ed i , 1h{ very Yin t, .l0tio� tiv1i h ww�c'nld make i thorough,; °visti„atioii.> Ve trnilY the . sultt ill liv such that ti e de- positers'nii ue•rehlth l..rssd. -- Nt) 22 on's- and Eoy' ,Ilea Thibbo od oo _ to Oa These Rubbers are all the very best No. 1 stock and guaranteed .. We do not care to' carrythen'over till next winter for you are all awtre of a. Rubber being carried over will not ;keep good for next winter. )IZerz,s 6 inch Leather, Top Rubbers Mens i' LadeRuhbers' ,Afens 2 Buckle Rubbers Olen,. ' 1 Buckle Rubber Boys s 1 Buckle Rubber ''We'invite you to call and examine these Rubbers and 'get low cash Prices We do Repairing Butter. and eggs taken ii?exchange SAM, E. FAUST, ZURICH New dour; Feed and Grocery Store Corn! Corn! Corn! I have en' hand a quantity of Feed Corn, Buckwheat, Bran, Shorts and Peed Flour. All kinds of Grain and Produce bought. Terms, -80 days. Accounts rendered every month. LOUIS JEFFREY, ZURIog. The sleighing at present is fairly good, although or .some of the conntryroads the ..::drifts, are bad, vv ileinusome.ares the roads are almost ;pa.sstible • rule s3LEw, Good sawed pine frame, suitable for a barn or straw shed. The frame is 30x50 feet ; 18 foot posts, also a lot of -sheeting and siding Also about 30,000 good slop brick, stone in foundation etc. The build ing is known US the Zurich Tan- nery and will be sold reasonable for early removal. John Decker Sr, 20-4 t pd. Zurich NOTICE That the annual meeting of th e Zurich Agricultural Society twill be held on Tuesday, the 1Gth day of January, 1912, in the Town Hall, Zurich, at, • one o'clock p. m.Dated 30th Deo., '1.911, Zurich. D. S. FAusr, Secretary. Jon Pr.>•r, President. NOTIC E Dr. 3. L. Wilson's accounts are in the hands of The. Molsons Bank. All parties indebted to him will please call and arrange payment. .t• T wish to thank Tim for your Ltheral _Patron- age during the past year and mesh, you, aU a Happy and prosperous ,Yew Year How Alsont a Violin Everything Guarant.ied. F. W. IlEsS Jeweller, - ZURICH Our New Fall Shoes We cordially invite the ladies to our grand display of Fan, Shoes...7.4 WS are showing a large range in Gun Metal, Vici Kid and Patent Leather, „with Velvet Topsonade on the New York puff lasts, the very latest,. Gentlemen's Shoes We are onifitters for Men's Fine Shoes. Come in mia see the new lastS in Men's Fall Shoes. . Mr. Farmer ccime in and let us ta'k to you about Water Proof ShJes for the wet weather. Repairing aone Neatly' and Proinpidy. ; We are beadquarterS for .r11.1‘ ter and Egg$ Taken in 'Exchange, 10e Holy e of Goo noes