HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-01-12, Page 8uali�
reduction on at� ll
Jadi.es' Ready
11 Hats at $3,00
And Les�
.Big Stook Wolien Blan-
kets, Lathe's, Gent's and
dren's Sweater Coats.
Your Winter Underwear
be satisfactory if you buy it here, where all the
kinds are shown and a proper fit is assured.
ad to show what we have whether you choose
' not.
ales in Ladies' New Coats
ese elegant garments and you'll realize their uncommon
ess. The styles are shnply grand, you can't help liking
ie priees we ask do not begin to tell the true worth of the
e and see our new stock of FTs, Ruffs, Muffs,
Fur Coats and. Gent's Fur Lined. Coats, we have
lveteens, Wrapperettes and
are showing all colors in Velveteens, which are
hionable this fall,
allies' Neckwear and Belts
We have everything that is New in. Ladies
-ear and Belts. You will find everything
;` new and different displayed here. All the
;leverest idea are new,,srnart. tasty and up
best prices paid for all
kids of Farm Produce
"Celehoe 28
'A `rex'y aOleasent evening "Watt
bent at the home of Mr, Edward,
R.0 r �r tr>a to a� i Talbot when , • 4 grand : oyster
tipper and tshootitig rtiatoh Daae
y t, Yuen ander lite miitnagrtr,e#t' o!°
Gains Ns
„� 1 ,, ` ?ie young people Heart ,and . Heed
;,lidsooiation. This grand affair fiat
Remedy, !aeon gotten up in order to bring a
dumber of our marksmen back into,
T'MTslis$ roIl4T, N, S. July i; isle, ,:order onoe more. Any . person will
."Previous to talon$ your No. 11 Dye : lee by, the splendid .eobre„that' has
l,eesie.•Teelcts I had been undergoing Steen made that had Dur filen been
tr�e>:ment 'pn
rith my fanny physician for
three months, and at of','711 real action the enony would of
about yea. I was suffering so badly ; eortainly 'stiffer( d great • ClefeaG
teat 1 coma not sleep. Rortunakely ir.'E. B.'Eterner formerly of Drys
E ne• a, friend
or: recommended your ur No.
galebat now of Zurioti scored
11 flys}�epsia Tablets- I: tried them, and) ,
they acted like magic, After the first ;hig,,./;::. ,',?This speaks :•. well of Mr.
dose 1- 1,e -gas to feel 'better, and that : =13orner for the simple reason . that
trery, night I slept soundly, and' it was ;.;lie wasshooting against • some, of
the first tiro for weeks that I was able ,';the .finest markPin,en . in ,this
to sleep. I used altogetlher 3 boxes ,
of the remedy, and. am entirely cured. `, seotiori of the oountry, .Che writer
Neeaiees to say, 1 think No. ii join's in wishing Mr. E. N Talbot
Dyspepsia Tablets are great, and any nd F. Turner all the compliments.
one suffering from Dyspepsia or Is`
gestion shout$ try these Tablets by all :�f the season for the able manner
means. as x. consider them a magic e4a which they handled this affair
remedy.:' sand may they be spared so that in
Capt. Normals Devine. ; ,hears to come we may enjoy many.
The above prescription is nota 'Cure- snore each events
All” or so-called " patent medicine. Dr.
Morriscy prescribed it for 44 years, and Mr A. 1 Talbot of Calgary, who
it cured thousands after other doctors , ,o putting in his final year in
failed.Victoris. Hospital London,.spent
Price, 50e. per' box at your dealers,' fits Clirietnias holidays with Mr.
or Rather Morriscy Medicine ce., ..r
Limited;]lontrea sat „ end Mrs. R J . Talbot and other
Mr. W. W. Turner of Windsor.
Who is stationery engineer in that
wof.ovrn is visiting ander the parental
Mr. and Mrs. Cooney of London,
,re .also visiting at Mr. Robert
or rr Sr •
Miss Lula. Snider and Miss Sadie
"tbtson of the Public school staff
re visiting' at home during
'the holidays.
Mr. Garnet C. Murray left for
'pronto on Saturday, on business.
W. C. T. 0 .
Pledge Signing
A pledge is a, sacred obligation
and ougbt never to be entered int'•
without careful thought and
clear understanding of all that i,
involved in the words of the pledge)
But we need a revival of pledge
No one buys property without,
signing a contraot in other words;;
giving a promise or pledge to pay tt Mr and Mrs. R. E. Turner of
certain eum of money for the cera °'Boderich, have been visiting under
lied house or land. The handling he parental roof during the Xmas
of bank bills instead of gold and -•'glide's.
Mixer reminds us constantly of;
pledget made by the government'tp
Mr. Alexander Sparks one of the
oungest horse buyers in this
redeem these same in silver or gold action of the oountry has purehae-
The marriage pledge is the most 'red a number of horses and is
sacred of all pledges, because of shipping to the west shortly.
what is involved in it. Not elone The writer at the time of writing
for the two who are most nearly to sorry to state that Mr. John
ooncerned, but for the children and "'Johnrton who has been ill for some
children"s children that come from +time is not improving aswe would
the union. It were farbetter if`'
more thougbt, and caution, and
understanding, preceded the taking'
of this solemn pledge "to love and
to cherish till death do us part."
So, too, the Temperance pledge
is an anchor holding fast the tried hay in Hensall, on Friday of last
and tempted,' le airs
strain of life
There is no piece like home for
thispledge signing. There is .no
influence in all the wide, "wide
world like the influence of a good`
plastic, and;cepabie of great possi- wM.r. Samuel Merner is completing,
bilities as the heart of a child. his bean threshing in this section
The Sunday Sohool` is also a of the oountry.
good plane. If the pledge is taken
in the Snnday School, it i8 well to
give sufficient time to impress tip
on the children its sacredness and
its niedning, and then to refer to it
from tinio to time. It is a. good, Huron Ont.
thing to bring the pledge before Glood frame house, large bank
the classes on 'Temperance Snnday, barn, three driving sheds, plenty
E. M, Williams, Pros. Supt:: of•good water, good fences, partly
---e -- the drained, 35 acres good bush.
HAY COUNCIL. 4':Fhe soil is clay and sandy loam,
Council elected Louis Kalb$eise3 acre apple, pear, plum, black
Reeve. Wm, Consit, Ed Deters r cherry orchard, 1500 ,peach trees,
Conrad Sohilbe and Fred 'Gillet 200 bearing, 10 acres berries in
met in accordance with Municipal bearing. The farm is in good
Act, on Monday the 8th of Januar eenditlon. This farm lies on the
at 11 o'clock. After sutsoribintt;: +tents of Lake Huron near St
Joseph and is as nicely located as
the statutory declaration of aflio shy. in the County. mor . further
and the conned! became organized.
The following were appointedt znformatioii apply on premises,
officers tor the 1 ownship of 1912, tti: Daniels Smith;
the seleries mentioned. Clercs DI ' Joseph P. 0
To the Public
in General
like to hear.
Mr. Paul Cleave who has been
away on a pleasure trip returned
last week looking -splendid.
Mr. 11, J. Talbot loaded a oar of
, Mx and: Mrs. Dougal M tIsaae `of
letbiplxat, visited In our burg over
the holidays.
Samuel. Westlake of Moder
ieh', visited with Wm Slack, last.
mother There is no material so eek.
What those who know, have to say about the Model
Malleable Iron flange beught of C. °tartleib Zurich
Geo, Clausius
Sam Faust
John Campbell,
Jaeolt Weide*
Christian Meyers
John Lapor t
John icutltilioro.
• William Stell:
Solmon' Gingrich
Henry Valland
Sam Hewston
E.W. Brokenshire
Henry Walpole
Thomas Turnbull
Christian Badour :.
Wi Dena'
Jacob Hartieibi,.
Louis RinerC.:
Geo. Armtrong
We have great faith in the above stove and, are willi
to stake $100 that there is not t *zither stove` made in: Cana,
that will cook and bake with as little fuel las the Modern.
210 acres Township Hay, County
Hess Sr $150, Tress Thns .Toh'iatol
$115, A senor Oscar Klopp $85 00.:?„
Collector ,i H Schnell, Auditors .h
Hetberor and (.Ieorge Blaclrwell,
ouretaller of hall Mrs. B. Hewalcla
Board of Health Fred 'l3>iker
years, E, Spen+)er 2 Fears A Case.
one year sanitary inspectors foto:
eastern dit' , A. Munn for western
division 0. Eilber. The fnllowin.4
aieeonnts were passed Sick ohi1d
rran Hospital `Toronto, Bract $1.0.00a
Eltnore Thiel work 0 R. i9.00; A:•
Brisson nvercharee 'of taxes 75
rents, He Rupp hauling tel nvpplie;:,
$8.00 ; Jar Wurin beeline tel poles
12 50 ; Municipal. World supplie'a
;12.26 ; Ed Wurrn horse hire tele'.
phone $9 00; Noah Surerus hal for.
work (1 00 J Prenter ren) eto,
$7.45; .T Preeter t-up`)lios telephone
5 25 ; 13nuthrnn & Drysdale ac
1910 $5 t1; Gen Beaker rep 2 onl's
coin 12 13 $t; ('0 : Can Ind To Ori, p;srt
faytnent aeot x;175 00 ; ,T 1«;tportrr;:
wood for indigent $2 00 '1"li"k•
clerk was instructed to notify tin;
trrlepbnne enrnmitte that, a fair epi:
ing cii11 be hold on .Saturday
.I8tb of .Tannery in the Town Hal`i,
et 10 o'cloc1= a. tis, t,
Ceunoil acl;lt-itrrnrcl to mega tt�,
•ttt'the oak! "af 't11e ItentreY-' ,
.Constipation is life its uwci
type igt;,d des eeleea
n eke life intartl rt,le 'i uka (itat'r.
tam's ,=tonts tinrl, •Liyea
1etsa lteelr year l,,tt 1', retreat a
and our Customers in
Take notice, that we have disposed
of Ahe Implement Branch and our
good -will to Mr. Loris Prang of this
village. In connection herewith we
deg to express our bearded thanks to
all who have soenereusly supported
'mein this line of' business.
We wish. to inform the users of eutt.
ers, Sleighs, Buggies, Wagons etc,
that we still continue the manufacture.
elr,these sines and in baying home:
malufaetnrecd goods' yo a due support-
ing your home town andyour awn in-
Look at our Stock and get our
prices before ,you buy. Repairing dgne
in. Branches of oar business,
A full stock of all kinds of
to choose from at prices just a little cheaper than the ordinary, rn
Terms Cash or Trade"at Cash Price
pH' NE 3'
e. 14A TL I 7UIICI
Just to hand. Bring in
your orders. Close price
P >9 _ = ZURIC
n Men's and )130,ye atdies Coats; and nice*
Overcoats. About 50 men's Suits to clear Vat
ata very low price.
8:snits reg. price $11.!'-'i to $13 now for $9.50
4 suits reg. price 9 to 1.o now for 7.
9 suits reg. ;pries 7.50 to 8.5o now 5,75
5 suits reg. pric e 6.5o to 7 now for . 4.5o
Other suits for 1.5o to 3
Ladies Coats
2o per cent disc. on all Ladies .Overcoats
1. only Ladies Fur -Lined Overcoat reg. price
35 now for $28. ,
Mens Overcoats'
2o per cent disc. on all Mens Overcoats
ess o
. . (IIRL`l 4 I'7i I7 a it
per wee. tta start with for
girl; ci e -dc en .lend ace].+
'Apply at office, '1). S. Phi.113IN A
Prompt Service
Moderate charges
Zur cli: d ttta.r..-io'
I hereby re:pest that all accounts
owing at. Cabana's 133,:icit (Lill r3'ile'°
i ard;i, ha !paid on orybefore Oct `lst
(i-9 Wet. .Lire tint, •NI°i niteei
t dint etd1
++i,++: +l0g"it1 i+ g g 111!+1,+"i+++
Bought ou
iiraap'errnennts and Repair
moved th�elrrii to iny s
Pnlpsr'knives, straw knives ,e
sion ladders, step ladders, galvtt
trougrhs, cutters Melaughhns;..
'sake,, " buggies, T;eering' lnaebitl
pairs, blacksmith repairing, onion
ars and. garden, tools pipmg all
(;orn shelters, plo'tvs.l?'}oairy �lid
ival and all !sleds of plow repaid:
.Meese, ropes all sizes; wheel ba
warn scales,
`:e4el, eeelee lee+#++$�+i•+# +5�+ 4++'r+3++