HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1924-02-28, Page 4Ihe;. installation of radio in apart- f went houses has become very corn - ii but there is the drawback that Only one program may be heard and *o ,selections of concerts is available for the listener. In building an zpa.rtntent house in 'Boston a triple .circuit is being installed so that three receiver's may be used simultaneously cad the patron may, select the pro - that appeals to his fancy, Station WGY is celebrating a birth - y this week. Radio broadcasting is Practically only two years old and yet a 'immense strides have been made in this short time. One of the leading experts predicts that the receiver of the future will have a number of but- • tons up the panelwith a label over each button. When the receiver is installed the purchaser will select his favorite stations and the machine will then be adjusted so that pressure on any button will instantly bring in the station for which that button is .la- belled. This would certainly be very convenient for those fans who do not. Wish to bother with tuning. But to e average fan the fascination of -twisting the familiar dials, will never grow -:less,. There is a certain attrac- "tion in manipulating the receiver to ,see just what program can be picked 31p. The attraction for long distance :veceptiion, is always present. Using the language of Briggs, "It's a grand and glorious feeling" when you tune asp the old squeals -bol and hear the chap at the other end say "This is station KHJ, "The Times," Los An- geles, California." Many radio fans privi- lege ed the rivi- J Y lege of hearing grand opera at Detroit last week, when the Chicago Civic Opera Company, presented the play The Jewess at Orchestra Hall. Of course: the opera was sung in Italian but the explanations by the announcer between acts helped the listener to ap preciate the entertainment. The lead - rang role was sung by Rosa Raisa, who is one of the leading singers of the present time. Her singing was easily the best: we have ever heard. This treat was provided through cour- tesy of station "WCX", the Detroit Free Press. President Calvin Coolidge of the t --Ignited S ales spoke from the White /rouse Iast Friday evening for about ten minutes. His speech was broad- cast through stations "WCAP" and C'WEAF." His .voice camethrow h -very clearly and he spoke on "George Washington." The President is a aery steady, deliberate speaker and ]las an excellent "radio" voice. It is rather unfortunate` that we have very few high powered radio broadcast 'stations in Canada. ` It would be a good investment for the Federal gov- • 7.717"'"11.7";!".F77.7".: 777 " E WIlV'GnAM A' '6,.1'A iIC huxsdAy, I ebt'txar► Vis; 'Yg0 C'r MO`'i1-i f . DID r -r WU2"c E A LL,.L. u . l eminent if a strong station were lo- cated at Ottawa so that the leaders of the country could address the pub- lic :from time to time. For some rea- son the stations located in Toronto reach this district very weakly and it is very difficult to hear their concerts. If a number of the smaller broadcast- ers in Toronto were to unite and erect a "super" station no one of the down- town skyscrapers'Toronto would • cer- tainly be placed on" the map. Many of the small American cities would have remained practically unknown to the world only for their excellent ra- dio broadcasters. To -day every fan knows where Zion is located and there are numerous other cities which could be mentioned. All program corrected to Eastern Standard Time. Westinghouse Electric, Station KDKA-(3z6 Meters) East Pittsburgh, Pa. Thursday, February 28 6.15 p. m. -Dinner concert by the KDKA Little Symphony orchestra, Victor Saudek, conductor. 7.15 p. in. -"Europe Today, Civiliza- tion or Chaos," Stephen P. Duggan, Ph. D., the Institute of International Education, New York City. 7.30 p. m. -Farm program arranged by . the "National Stockman and Farmer," Frank E. Mullen, radio edi- tor. 7.45 p. m, -The children's period. 8P rr.Market reportsoils from "Na- tional a - atonal Stockman and Farmer" studio. 8.r5 p. in. -Farm program. 8.30 p. m. -Concert by KDKA Lit- tle Symphony orchestra, Victor Sau- dek, conductor; assisted by Mable Shoup King, soprano; Robert C. Johnston, tenor. Program: Selections by orchestra, "Gypsy Blood," Ancliff; "Three Little Oddities," Confray, "Impromptu"; "Novelette"; "Roman- za"; Intermezzo; "Fleurette D'Amour' ,. Fletcher; popular . numbers, "Mem- ories Garden," "Lonesome and Blue"; ".Eyes"; "Toreador," (Carmen), Bizet, o « Soprano solos,"Lola song" from Ca- vaileria Rusticana," Mascagni; group of songs by William Wenzel. Tenor solos, (a) "Where e'er you. Walk," Handel (b) "Ave Maria," Kahn; (a) "I Heard you go by," Wood; (b) "As You passed by," Russel. 9.55 p.• m. -Arlington time signals Weather forecast. 5x.3o p. m. -Concert. Friday, February 29 6.x5 -Organ Recital by Lucile Hale, from the Cameo . ` Motion Picture Theatre, Pittsburgh, Pa. 7.15 -Radio Boy Scout meeting.' 7.45 -The children's period. 8.00 -Special feature to be announ- ced. g,00 -Program arranged by the American Legion. 9.55 -Arlington Time signals and weather forecast. Saturday, March xst 6.15 p. m. -Dinner concert by the Westinghouse Band, T. J. Vastine, conductor. Program: March "Cyrus the Great," King;. Caprice "The Gar- den of Love,'-Sanglear; Spanish Ser- enade "Vision of Madrice, Holmes; selection "Martha, Flotow; Charac- teristic dances, Sarakowski No. x "Hungarian;" No. 2 "Polish; No. 3 Spanish; No. 4 Slavonic; No. 5 Ger- man; overture "Poet. and Peasant," Suppe; Waltz, "Queen of Flowers," Holmes; Intermezzo, "Hearts String, Oasto; cornet o a I s a :Flower so ,Ltke Fair," Watson; "Mexican a • Serenata Mi Rosirene," l3arnhouse. 7.30 p. m. -"Bringing the World to America," prepared by "Our World." 7.45 P. m. -The children's period. 8.15 p. m. -"The Golden Annivers- ary of the Women's Christian Tem- perance Union," Mrs. R. B. Robin- son;'secretary Pennsylvania State W. C.T.U. 8.3o p. in. -Concert ' by Westing- house band T. J. Vastine, conductor, and ,the Edgar Thomson male quartet. HEY like to go to the. DOMINION STORE. They know the man there pays special atten- tion to kiddies. Their mother likes to send them.. She knows they will come back with high-grade foods, at the money -saving prices of this largest grocery organization in Canada. Feed yozzr family f-or-1eSs-xerid the children'"to the man at the nearest red front DOMINION STORE, SPECIALS THAT TILLSON'S OATS (Aluminum : Premium) QUAKER OATS (Small), 2 pkts. for ROLiED OATS 10 lbs., - ROLLED OATS 90 -pound bag - WHITE BEANS 4 lbs. - LINA BEANS 3 lbs. CQE.]i` MEAL 6lbs. - • 291e• C c - 39c Ai VE • U MONEY "CREAM OF WHEAT • 23- pkt. - - - - SHREDDED WHEAT 25c 2 pkgs. for - - ROMAN MEAL pkg. - - AUNT � ®25 1 7cC -PURE CLOVER HONEY - c 5 -lb. pail - 7 (1st Prize, London, Eng., Dairy Show) BRIGGER'S ORANGE ejlta MARMALADE, 4r1b. tin •- DOMINION' CORN FLAKES, 3 pkts. OATMEAL 4 lbs. - - - GRAHAM FLOUR 6 lbs, , a TAPIOCA and SAGO 2" lbs, - RICE 3 lbs. - - oft -0 AM, 4 lbs, _ M - .L,BRAN' Pk PURE LARD .49c No. 3 Pail - - q 25c PLANTOL SOAP 3 cakes for c _25c SELECT BLEND COFFEE �" -25c 29c 25c ..: 23c OLD CITY CURRANTS 10 -oz. pkg. - MINCEMEAT » e lb. - - itIcHmiLLocogFEE rs, °°65c 1 ICIIMELLO COFFEE. ROLLED WHEAT 2..1130, 3 . 5c Program; Selection by band, "Fan tasia," from "Faust" Gounod cha acteristic piece, "Love's Secret," Lasey; duet for horn and baritone, "Our Greeting," Barnhouse; Inter- mezzo, "Arabian Nights,"Ring;. ex cerpts from "Rienzi," Wagner; Imo gene "Indian Wild Flower," Smit Overture "Cleopatra," Luseombi rev erie "Millennial," Barnhouse; seren ade "A Night in June," King. Selec tions by quartet will be announced b radio, 9.55p; `m. -Arlin ton time signals g s g als Weather forecast. • • Bob' Miller and his new Idle�rvld or- r- Chestra. • Saturday, arch = M ' . . . m, -A leeture� 9 p,�will. be broadcast a _ direct from the Goodwyn Institute by Dr. Earl Barnes, on "The. Place of - h. Women' in Modern Society;" Statio• n rWRC-. 46g: Meters: • 'Radio Corporation • y Washington ' D. C Thursday, Fetruaiy z8 8 p.• 115. -A talk on motoring by.the• secretary of the American .Automobile Association 8:7 p. m. -Violin . recital . b 5the leader. Y of Cran 1 dal s Metropolitan -:I'he- Station WGY-(38o Meters' General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y. Thursday, February 28 ' 6.3o p. in. -Dinner music by Ro piano's Orchestra, • New Kenmor Hotel, Albany, N. Y. 7,45 P. m. -Selections by WGY O chestra and concert by The Men- delssohn Club. Dr. Frank Sill, Rogers conductor. Address "A Few Moments with New Books," L. L. Hopkins, as- sistant librarian of the General •. Elec- tric Company. • Friday,Februaryzg 6 p. m. -Produce and stock market quotations; news Bulletins. 6.3o p. m. -Children's program. 7.35 p. in. -Health talk, N. Y. State Department of Health. r 7.45 P o aina- Sth), Comped rye, o A -Tail m.-RMadeadiMandrm' ( t- sented by WGY players. Instru- mental selection, "Intermezzo," WGY Orchestra. Comedy. "A Tailor Made Man," a. comedy in four acts pre- sented by special arrangement with the author, Harry James Smith. Saturday, March' xs't 9.30 p. in. -Dance music by Ro- mano's ` Orchestra, New Kenmore Hotel, Albany, N. Y. • 8.3o p. In. -Song 'recital,..to.be an-' - nounced. • e 9 p. m. -"Hidden Fortunes in Cain, celled Stamps," by E. B. Power. Or Station KYW-536 Meters Westinghouse Electric, Chicago, I11. Thursday, February zS 7.50 p. m. -Children's .bedtime story 8 to 8.30 p. im Dinner concert broadcast from the Congress Hotel. 9 to 9.20 p, m, -"Twenty Minutes of Good Reading," by Rev. C. J. Pernin S.J ., head of department of English, Loyola University, Chicago. 9.2o to 10.05 `p, m, -Musical pro- gram. 10.15 p. m. -National livestock and meat board program, Speaker will be, announced by radiophone. Friday, February 29 7.30 p. tn.-News, financial and final market- furnished by Union Trust Company, Chicago "Journal of Com- merce" and U. S. Department of Ag- riculture, Child.___'_ bedtime j:5v p.-�lu.-�,,n,urcr, � �eartme 5 -tory 8 to 8.3o p. m. -Dinner' concert from the Congress Hotel. 15 to 3 a. m. -Midnight revue. Artists and program will be an- nounced by radiophone. Saturday, March x 7.30 p. m. -News Financial and final market furnished by the Union Trust Company, Chicago "Journal of Com- merce" and U. S. Departnient of Ag- riculture. 7,50 p. m. -Children's bedtime story. 8 to 8.30 p. m, -Dinner concert fur- nished by the Congress Hotel. 9 to 9.58 p. m. -Musical program, courtesy of the Salvation Army Staff Band. Program will be announced by radiophone. l0.o5p. m. -"Safety First" talk fur- nished by the Chicago Motor Club. 9.15 p. in. -"Under the Evening Lamp" service including stories, ar- n to x a. m. -Late show -to be tides and humorous sketches fur- nished by the "Youth's Companion," broadcast from KYW's studio to the Congress Hotel. Artists will be an-, nounced by radiophone. Station WMC-goo Meters Commercial. Appeal, Memphis, Tenn. Thursday, February 28 9.30 p, m. -A program will be giv- en by the Chisca Hotel orchestra. Miss Clara Ahern, directing. Friday, February 29 9.30 p. m. -A musical program will be given by the Apollo Club of Mem- phis, in the studio of WMC. 52 p. m, -A frolic will be given" by FARM FOSALE iso acres, 6 male* from -Wing - ham, close to school and church. zro acres cleared and tillable, balance timbered, frame house 8.nd bank barn, well watered. A bargain for quick sale'. ,a -..aa ' A Abner COSe ns Insurance and Real EIt*t* Friday, February 29 gy 6Albionp. m:-Storie,s for children 'b peg- 6.20 - , • Yg 6.20 p.; in. -"The Question Box" Iti'y arrangement a gement with the Pathfinder Pub- lishing Conipany. • Station KSD-546 Meters St. Louis'Post-Disp atch' St. Louis, Mo. Thursday, February 28 9 p. m.-Broadcastingthe concert of the St. Louis Symphony orchestra . Saturday, March a 9 p. m. -Orchestra concert, organ recital, vocal and instrumental spec- ialties broadcast direct from the Miss- ouri Theatre. Discouraged Till Dreco Carne "Dreco does all and more than is claimed for it," declares Stratford man, after it rid him of sufferings of many years standing "When I started taking Dreco,"says Mr. L. R. Lawson, of 249 Biles St., Stratford, Ont. "I was discouraged. I :had taken several other so-called remedies without the least result. I had about given up hope' 'of getting any relief and was almost on the point of giving up my work. "To -day, thanks to Dreco, I feel like another man, Stomach•and liver trouble and constipation are leaving pie quickly. .I can now eat my food with relish andwhat is more, digest it. I sleep soundly after a hard day's work and get up in the morning feel- ing fit as a fiddle. My complexion is clearing of itssallowness and nay bowels are regular. "My liver, formerly sluggish, is ac- tive once more I no longer have dizzy .spells." Increase your appetite, improve your digestion, relieve constipation and arouse your liver to healthy ac- tivity by ctivity-by taking Dreco, the mostre- liable corrective and system builder. known. This pure herbal preparation cleanses and tones each of the vital organs and purifies the blood stream. Dreco contains no mercury, potash' or habit forming drugs. Dreco is being specially introduced in Winghain by J. Walton McKibbon, and is sold by a good druggist every- where. A LAUGH A DAY KEEPS THE WRINKLES AWAY You can't be hard and grasping and selfish and inconsiderate and conceit- ed, and not have it show in your face. You .:an't lose yourself in anger and bitterness, and not have them tell on you when you are not at your best behavior. You cannot tighten your lips in meanness, and not have more. than a hint of the devil within you. You cannot spend half your time frowning and not have a few perman- ent lines creep in. A laugh a day keeps the wrinkles away. Only multiply that by a hun- dred. Beauty goes deeper than the skin. You can prove that to :your self in five minutes in front of the rnjrror. Laughter, love, friendship and sym- pathy, that is what keeps away the wrinkles and make one beautiful, phy- sically as well as personally and mar - Good humor is highly reckoned a most valuable aid to happy home life. We all know how it brightens up things generally to have- a lively witty companion who sees the ridi- culous points of things and can turn an 'anaoyatice into an occasion for laughter. If you feel a little grouchy, And you're somewhat off your feed, You should heed my timely warning, And accept my simple creed; There's a balm for every heartache, There's a key for every lock, And a cure for your pet ailment Is to walla, walks walk. --Apologies to John. Hanna. 'BORN )3facWingham on Sunday, Feb. 24th„ to Mr, and Mrs, George 131ack a daughter,, Mrs. Blank' was fornt' erly, Miss' Bernice grawle; , hUIWN�-'94 iry 1NY 4 r6ATURf +r>ERvlcle,,'No. WI -IAT IS 1 WS .Somethingthat has happened centiy, re - Something 'that is:", being made. known for the first time. ,Interesting ;Instructive to oth'e-rs.; • .>:< Longed for by many: 'Received by all. News, has been from the bbeginning. It had its origin in''the garden of Ed- en. • It ;will :never""end until time shall be no more. • 'Proclaimed by 'men. (Magnified b ' women. Spreads like the lire, flies like the wind. 'Reinforced by conditions sus- tained by what happens.Never tires never 'slumbers,' never stale always , fresh and up to date, Modern. News ;may be. good, or it may be bad. It may be the truth or it may be a lie.' •It May be elevating or it may be degrading. It may be useful, or it may be unprofitable. Never confined to one place. In the home of the rich inthe home of the poor. In the palaceof the King, in the, hut of „the beggar. Wise ">ora otherwise, learned or illiterate black or white, in ;: every land ,on every tongue. Cosmopolitan. News is always in the present tense History is in the past prophecy is in the future. u e. Bute n ws ish w at .has happened now, not what will happen. News. is lasting never stops, like no limit, widening broadening length- ening, encircleing the globe. Never perpetual motion always going knows satisfied, always longing, watching, waiting, looking, expecting, always giving, always getting the main channel•_of all subjects. Educational political,' industrial and spiritual, News, cannot be quenched, cannot be caught or stopped never responsible, gives no, warrant for its ' sayings re - fleets not on the past, looks not into. the future, rejoices not at suecestli x e eels not defeat, defiant :o changes and conditions. While theworld wo d i asts •.'ti . an d Yaaer:- goes on, the cry will be, "What's tht7. News?"' DANGEROUS ..PRACTICE In denouncing the niodern dance, ai Ottawa preacher referred to some or: •,.'. the scantily clad lady dancer&'as not' wearing' enough enou clothes to m glee .atr` apronfor P a mosquito. Though iota favor of having the ladies cover up as little more, Editor Wm. McDonald,. of` the Chesley' Enterprise, cautions mitt- isters against resorting too freely to the use" of the hyperbole. Pointing to the danger ofthis practice, Editor. McDonald refers to Rev. Byrom'L Stauffer, who, in one of hisaddresses, told- the story of a man whose bootit,•, were so big that he had to go to the- forks heforks of the road t ' take them 0 off. 1':te old Pennsylvannia Dutchman, who - heard the• story, said he didn't think it was a joke at all, but a blamed big lie: RADIO Westinghouse Sets. $75.00, 150.00, 18 .00 Guaranteed range 1000, Miles t+ LANIGAN'S MUSIC STOR Notice o Farmers. Farmers! -This business is your own, lock, stock and barrel. Get behind and shove it. Highest market prices paid in cash for produce at all times. Every can of create and dozen of eggs helps to make the wheels' turn and .the faster we can keep them turning, the more money you will receive for your produce. Che United farmersCo-Op. Co. Ltd. Whighaura ranch 131 LY 111 EU MEQ Fri-1E`t t Z is Thur., Fri. and Sat., Feb. 28 and 29 and Mar. Wm. De Mille Special Cast May McAvoy, Lois Wilson, Elliott Vezter, Geo. Fawcett. and others A picture that carries a message to parents and children alike WA Does a mother lose her children's respect if she seeks youthful In pleasures at 38. If you're young and want to stay young. If you're old and want to be young. R• If you're young and don't feel young. You want to see this `refreshing •comedy that shows' the way and provides delicious entertainment. a ALSO MACK SENNETT COMEDY "FRIEND HUSBAND" Prices, x5c and 35e Man. and Tues., Mar: 3 and 4 JACK PICKFORD `‘ RISS .._ FINIL It is full of action from start to finish the racing scenes are photographs a the actual running of the Kentucky !herby. A ' story of speed, love with laughter, glories galore; darting tliat'0 dart;- 111 gero xs. a dashing steed a crashing speed, a clashing deed' MI ALSO MERMAID COMEDY "I11:OI-I LIVET. 711,